I really hope that the 4th screenshot shows that Kenny is about to shoot Lee in the back...
then my Lee can put him down for good:D
they also seemed to have improved the graphics:)
Looks great!
I really hope that the 4th screenshot shows that Kenny is about to shoot Lee in the back...
then my Lee can put him down for good:D
they also seemed to have improved the graphics:)
Looks great!
Wonder if we can get another creepy Lee stare off?
Just saw the trailer and DAMN those graphics got better. Also thanks for the screenshots Alan! The pic with Clementine in the hoodie looks mad cute with her new hairstyle lol.
It probably got all ruined in the rainstorm from Episode 2. Who wants to wear a rain-stained leather jacket? Not Lee!
You know it is the appocalyps and everything, but it is still kind of gross to waer the same jacket for 3 months. Lee is the kind of guy who cares about things like that. Sure he can wear the same jeans, but with the jacket we draw the line:)
You know it is the appocalyps and everything, but it is still kind of gross to waer the same jacket for 3 months. Lee is the kind of guy who cares about things like that. Sure he can wear the same jeans, but with the jacket we draw the line:)
i would wear the leather jacket to bed (bite protection)
You are proberly right, but I believe that one can argue, that safety comes before comfort..?
Besides wouden't the zombie just go for the trought? Then I can't see any safety in wearing the jacket.
but in a waking panic you could shove your elbow in their mouth, just generally do the natural thing of protecting yourself with your arms, if you were asleep while being attacked it wouldn't be much good
but in a waking panic you could shove your elbow in their mouth, just generally do the natural thing of protecting yourself with your arms, if you were asleep while being attacked it wouldn't be much good
The trailer made me orgasm, no joke. Who is betting Lilly was the one that was the traitor?
Actually considering her role in the comics, possibly. But I think her and Kenny are the obvious choice, and would make the player a bit pissed if they side with one of those back in Episode 2. I think it is either Carley/Doug or Duck.
I'm surprised I didn't see anybody speculate about the person that died at around 45 seconds in.
i thought that was ben at first, but we see him later, so its probably a bandit, they have a blue bandanna on their head, similar face to andrew, not beaten and he looks more skinny
Lee's got new pants in 3! Jeans no more. Also he's got a COOL LONG SLEEVE UNDERSHIRT. It's dirty, though.
Wow, they must be about to release episode 3 finally, the telltale people are actually on the boards again. What a shock, two employees actually posting in thecsame thread on the same day. Any bets how long before they pull another disappearing act?
Wow, they must be about to release episode 3 finally, the telltale people are actually on the boards again. What a shock, two employees actually posting in thecsame thread on the same day. Any bets how long before they pull another disappearing act?
I doubt a huge disappearing act will happen again. As I said in the "ask the team" thread, our internal servers were pointing to a development version of the website for about a month as they wanted the team to test the new site. We're back on the trunk, now, though.
Wow, they must be about to release episode 3 finally, the telltale people are actually on the boards again. What a shock, two employees actually posting in thecsame thread on the same day. Any bets how long before they pull another disappearing act?
then my Lee can put him down for good:D
they also seemed to have improved the graphics:)
Looks great!
Wonder if we can get another creepy Lee stare off?
hehe "Guys...there's something coming...",man,Microsoft,you BETTER hurry.
It probably got all ruined in the rainstorm from Episode 2. Who wants to wear a rain-stained leather jacket? Not Lee!
I agree with you. However it is Microsoft and Sony, there need to hurry up;)
You know it is the appocalyps and everything, but it is still kind of gross to waer the same jacket for 3 months. Lee is the kind of guy who cares about things like that. Sure he can wear the same jeans, but with the jacket we draw the line:)
i would wear the leather jacket to bed (bite protection)
Yep,you're right.
In that case, I rather wear a snowsuit.
are snow suits generally as tough as leather?, and even though a jacket may be warm i'm sure a snow suit would go past the point of uncomfortable
You are proberly right, but I believe that one can argue, that safety comes before comfort..?
Besides wouden't the zombie just go for the trought? Then I can't see any safety in wearing the jacket.
but in a waking panic you could shove your elbow in their mouth, just generally do the natural thing of protecting yourself with your arms, if you were asleep while being attacked it wouldn't be much good
and what specifically do you mean by trought?
Think he mean't "throat".
i thought he may have meant that by the context, but i just widened it to any exposed piece of flesh in my answer
Actually considering her role in the comics, possibly. But I think her and Kenny are the obvious choice, and would make the player a bit pissed if they side with one of those back in Episode 2. I think it is either Carley/Doug or Duck.
Ofcause it is throat:) I appolegize for my bad spelling. It is very late in Denmark right now.
I agree with Lilly in this episode so far,but seeing her pointing a gun at Clem...I wonder what will Clementine's role be in all this...
Lee's got new pants in 3! Jeans no more. Also he's got a COOL LONG SLEEVE UNDERSHIRT. It's dirty, though.
i thought that was ben at first, but we see him later, so its probably a bandit, they have a blue bandanna on their head, similar face to andrew, not beaten and he looks more skinny
Wow, they must be about to release episode 3 finally, the telltale people are actually on the boards again. What a shock, two employees actually posting in thecsame thread on the same day. Any bets how long before they pull another disappearing act?
I doubt a huge disappearing act will happen again. As I said in the "ask the team" thread, our internal servers were pointing to a development version of the website for about a month as they wanted the team to test the new site. We're back on the trunk, now, though.
Once they continue working on ep 4..
Comon now,episode 3 isn't even out yet. :P
I hope!
Everyone's working on it... except for the people who are already on 5. That's not an answer, I know!
At least it's being worked on.
yeah but isn't it obvious ttg are working on the other episodes since they 'finished' ep3 and testing/tweaks ??