I don't know if someone's posted this yet or not, but they said this on twitter earlier today.. "Episode Three of The Walking Dead is upon us VERY soon! Care for a twitter exclusive screenshot? pic.twitter.com/DN2SBkAc "
The zombie has a familiar facial structure from one of the zombies trying to get through the hotel door that the suicidal female is occupying at episode 1.
The person being tortured is tied to a chair and has to play The walking dead episode 1. And when this person has completed episode 1 and gets totally hooked, the torturerer will say that the next episode is due next month. And from there on continues to push the release for the next episode.
For the record I satnd for equality of all gamers, my pooor little children should not be judged on the console/PC they play but on the merit of their actions in the Walking Dead game regardless of their method of playing it.
apparently a release date is to be announced soon. This is from the twitter of editor in chief of IGN, who is probably reliable, since they got the trailer first.
quote: "Watch the launch trailer of The Walking Dead: The Game - Episode 3, launch dates to follow shortly, only on @IGNhttp://go.ign.com/TkCkQJ"
Woop woop. Excited like a duck billed platypus who has just laid a bar of chocolate rather than an egg.
And here are links to six BRAND-NEW screenshots from The Walking Dead: Episode Three - Long Road Ahead! We're expect to have a release date to announce very soon, so stay tuned.
apparently a release date is to be announced soon. This is from the twitter of editor in chief of IGN, who is probably reliable, since they got the trailer first.
quote: "Watch the launch trailer of The Walking Dead: The Game - Episode 3, launch dates to follow shortly, only on @IGNhttp://go.ign.com/TkCkQJ"
Woop woop. Excited like a duck billed platypus who has just laid a bar of chocolate rather than an egg.
From Telltale twitter:
Watch the launch trailer of The Walking Dead: The Game - Episode 3, launch dates to follow shortly, only on @IGNhttp://go.ign.com/TkCkQJ
launch trailer is out on ign, looks like there's a traitor in the group and clem ends up killing him/her
I think she just killed a zombie or a bandit. I think it would kind of be psychotic of her to kill an unarmed survivor in her group. Unless they turn on the group and try to kill someone. I have a feeling it's either going to be Kenny, or Carley/Doug.
At this point I just want my money Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate being lied to..Makes you feel like all the episodes are finished and there just holding out on releasing the rest of them trying to get a bigger following to cash in!!! Mid aug and the end of aug are not the same! they are liars!! and i want my refund!! madden and the new black ops about to come out anyway fuck telltale and all there other weak ass games...Finally made a good one and dont know how to act..Im about to tweet this!!
This is what they just said on facebook, lol "Check out the new trailer for Episode 3. You'll be able to download and play VERY, VERY soon...more info incoming...stay tuned!"
At this point I just want my money Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate being lied to..Makes you feel like all the episodes are finished and there just holding out on releasing the rest of them trying to get a bigger following to cash in!!! Mid aug and the end of aug are not the same! they are liars!! and i want my refund!! madden and the new black ops about to come out anyway fuck telltale and all there other weak ass games...Finally made a good one and dont know how to act..Im about to tweet this!!
And here are links to six BRAND-NEW screenshots from The Walking Dead: Episode Three - Long Road Ahead! We're expect to have a release date to announce very soon, so stay tuned.
At this point I just want my money Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate being lied to..Makes you feel like all the episodes are finished and there just holding out on releasing the rest of them trying to get a bigger following to cash in!!! Mid aug and the end of aug are not the same! they are liars!! and i want my refund!! madden and the new black ops about to come out anyway fuck telltale and all there other weak ass games...Finally made a good one and dont know how to act..Im about to tweet this!!
The game is good (great even) but the release schedule sucks. Time to make a change, and if it's being held up by Microsoft, then let them suffer for it, not the people on different platforms. How will Microsoft learn, if there are no consequences.
i brought ms points about a month after episode 2 starved for help and now in getting pissed off with waiting i just might spend the ms points i been saveing for episode 3 the long road ahead
Who cares if they released a statement saying "soon"? Who cares if they released a trailer? Who cares if they released screenshots? We can't play what they promised. We had another month delay on a product that's supposed to be monthly, and not so much as a, "hey guys we understand your feelings".
Not sure where you get that idea from, but i am far from snobby or arrogant. Even if my PC can blow away your PS3/Xbox.
Now, if you are 12, you shouldnt be playing rated M games anyway, so your post is moot.
N-no, not my beautiful PS3 or my awesome Xbox360..;~; Kidding. xD I'm looking to get an Alienware Aurora set of parts, build it, and start PC gaming like I was when I was younger.
maybe a helicopter pilot in that picture
Totally i agree, maybe some military grade weapons ?hmmmmm Nice !!!!
The person being tortured is tied to a chair and has to play The walking dead episode 1. And when this person has completed episode 1 and gets totally hooked, the torturerer will say that the next episode is due next month. And from there on continues to push the release for the next episode.
...It has been found SUPER EFFECTIVE!
*Arnold Voice* Get away from the Choppa
i have an xbox 360 and a pc
shhhhh... don't tell xbox but i love PC more
quote: "Watch the launch trailer of The Walking Dead: The Game - Episode 3, launch dates to follow shortly, only on @IGN http://go.ign.com/TkCkQJ"
Woop woop. Excited like a duck billed platypus who has just laid a bar of chocolate rather than an egg.
link please?
And here are links to six BRAND-NEW screenshots from The Walking Dead: Episode Three - Long Road Ahead! We're expect to have a release date to announce very soon, so stay tuned.
Click the images for larger versions.
i can tell why i'm team kenny
Bring on the release date!
Watch the launch trailer of The Walking Dead: The Game - Episode 3, launch dates to follow shortly, only on @IGN http://go.ign.com/TkCkQJ
I think she just killed a zombie or a bandit. I think it would kind of be psychotic of her to kill an unarmed survivor in her group. Unless they turn on the group and try to kill someone. I have a feeling it's either going to be Kenny, or Carley/Doug.
I noticed that too. In the splash screen preview pictures of each episode, it shows him wearing the jacket from episode 2 though.
and now the awesomeness is spoiled..
says it all...
This is what they just said on facebook, lol "Check out the new trailer for Episode 3. You'll be able to download and play VERY, VERY soon...more info incoming...stay tuned!"
Two capitallized VERY's now!
Don't be such a Robert Downy, Milo!
Go get'em keyboard warrior !!!!!
Quick someone stop him before he tweets it!
Oh wait, never mind.
The game is good (great even) but the release schedule sucks. Time to make a change, and if it's being held up by Microsoft, then let them suffer for it, not the people on different platforms. How will Microsoft learn, if there are no consequences.
N-no, not my beautiful PS3 or my awesome Xbox360..;~; Kidding. xD I'm looking to get an Alienware Aurora set of parts, build it, and start PC gaming like I was when I was younger.
Can't wait for this new episode!