actually this is the first episode that PS3 got to release first.
1st time ps3/pc release then few days later xbox
2nd time Xbox release then few days later ps3/pc.
So who knows with ep 4. maybe pc first then few days later ps3/xbox and finally on ep 5 they will all release on the same day:p proly not but you never know.
You're right I'm just slightly addle-brained since I've been waiting for the whole game to be complete for so long.
You're right I'm just slightly addle-brained since I've been waiting for the whole game to be complete for so long.
You my friend are not alone but hey we were all thinking it was coming on the 31st so surprise it'll be two days early which IS a good surprise as waiting sucks (True Blood reference:p)
Also am I the only one wondering how big a file this newest episode is. The last one was nearly 1gb. but the first was around 500mb. so maybe something in-between or maybe getting bigger as we go. any developers wanna jump in now for a sarcastic quip or a hint at^^^
Someone on Facebook said that they called Sony and they said that it will be released at 5 PST (because that's when the store updates). I'm not sure if this information is accurate though.
Someone on Facebook said that they called Sony and they said that'll be released at 5 PST (because that's when the store updates). I'm not sure if this information is accurate though.
You my friend are not alone but hey we were all thinking it was coming on the 31st so surprise it'll be two days early which IS a good surprise as waiting sucks (True Blood reference:p)
Also am I the only one wondering how big a file this newest episode is. The last one was nearly 1gb. but the first was around 500mb. so maybe something in-between or maybe getting bigger as we go. any developers wanna jump in now for a sarcastic quip or a hint at^^^
Well, I'm going to hope for a 2+ gig patch that includes all sorts of awesome dilemmas and choices. It'll probably be about 800 megs though but should still have the awesome story elements..
Just got back from moviestop, picked up the special edition walking dead bluray. Also just checked my PS3. Nothing yet. Now I'm glad I purchased it on both systems. Best of both worlds. I could care less who gets it first. Well, as long as a platform gets it first before PC ;-)
5 PST?! That's 7pm here! lol. I sure hope it doesn't take them that long! Last episode came out pretty early... around like 1:30 my time (central), but that was on a Friday, not a Tuesday....
Date for PC release is tomorrow, but it does NOT have a time. We'll let you know ASAP, and your game *should* download the new content automagically when you log into Steam or boot up the Telltale copy.
Date for PC release is tomorrow, but it does NOT have a time. We'll let you know ASAP, and your game *should* download the new content automagically when you log into Steam or boot up the Telltale copy.
Well, since we all have to wait a day or two for the episode to arrive, why dont you watch this video i just recorded and get in the mood for another walking dead episode
On purpose. I play Glitch. and it's used instead of automatically; they have a sort of special lingo for a lot of words in that game to create an "otherworld" feel. I've used it enough that my text-to-speech RECOGNIZES it now.
Why is it released on the ps3 before the PC? Some sort of exclusivity deal?
Because other wise it makes no sense to delay the PC version.
Seriously. Why the hell do we have to pay more and not only deal with these absolutely unprofessional releases and constant lies, and we don't even get the god damn game on the same day as the shitty PS3 people who already get the game for absolutely no cost thus far.
Why is it released on the ps3 before the PC? Some sort of exclusivity deal?
Because other wise it makes no sense to delay the PC version.
PS3 Updates are on Tuesdays, maybe it has to do with Xbox360 or something not sure, why not ask TTG why it like that. I not going to be able to play this till Thursday anyways since I am busy today and tomorrow and I get the PS3 today.
PS3 Updates are on Tuesdays, maybe it has to do with Xbox360 or something not sure, why not ask TTG why it like that. I not going to be able to play this till Thursday anyways since I am busy today and tomorrow and I get the PS3 today.
You can't ask TellTale because their customer support does not respond to customers.
And I believe if you cancel that subscription you no longer have any of the content provided. In the long run wouldn't the PSN subscriber be paying more than the PC user?
You can't ask TellTale because their customer support does not respond to customers.
to be fair tho alot of customer service reps must have gotten a billion or two emails posts tweets and whatever else they might get, most of the reason for no answers is they themselves dont have them, if they are working with other people (certification and such) then it really is out of their hands. they have made great strides in communication and one can only hope they will continue to do so. I was a bit angry with them with episode 2 but I realized me being angry just ruined my experience. I myself had sent quite a few emails and never received a response, but even with no response it just got harder and harder for me to stay angry with them and have accepted this is how it works if I want my walking dead action adventure (movie) game. tho the wait for episode 3 has been much easier for me since we have updates now. we get information and a reason behind why most of the team wasn't on here for so long ( I think it had something to do with testing a new website but im not 100 percent for certain).
Anyways my whole point was you cant ask customer support what they dont know, and any information they do know they have shared in a SEMI timely matter. But I'm sure customer support would respond to question thats not where is my game, but you may be right and their customer service representative need a kick in the shorts lol;) just from time to time:p
erm if you're paying a subscription and you get content as part of that
While it is true you get the first two episodes you still have to pay for the other three episodes and 3 months for plus i think is 19.99 or something along that. So no it is not free, EVERYONE has to pay something and to be honest plus is not even worth it just for the first to episodes. Today i just went ahead and got the season pass for my ps3 and i also have points for it for the 360 and eventually I will get it for pc. Either way i know i will be shelling out dough for this game whether it has delays or not. So let's just all be happy we have a release date and will have the game in hands in either a couple hours or to a few days.
U mad ? because you don't have a social life to entertainm yourself for one day ?...Why do Pc gamers have to hate sooo much on the consoles.
I'm a new Pc owner but started my gamming days on PS1 and own a PS3...Pc platform its better than consoles no doubt, but the users (not all of them) are some nasty shitheads :mad:
U mad ? because you don't have a social life to entertainm yourself for one day ?...Why do Pc gamers have to hate sooo much on the consoles.
I'm a new Pc owner but started my gamming days on PS1 and own a PS3...Pc platform its better than consoles no doubt, but the users (not all of them) are some nasty shitheads :mad:
It's because its words on a screen. Bet half these people wouldn't say one word if faced with the person the have beef with online. Its easier to be evil online:p
You're right I'm just slightly addle-brained since I've been waiting for the whole game to be complete for so long.
you're right pc/ps3 24th of april xbox was 27th
i was also guessing..
You my friend are not alone but hey we were all thinking it was coming on the 31st so surprise it'll be two days early which IS a good surprise as waiting sucks (True Blood reference:p)
Also am I the only one wondering how big a file this newest episode is. The last one was nearly 1gb. but the first was around 500mb. so maybe something in-between or maybe getting bigger as we go. any developers wanna jump in now for a sarcastic quip or a hint at^^^
and then i'd say check every hour..
Damnit. I got soccer at 6. :mad:
I forgot, got no school yet :cool:
Well, I'm going to hope for a 2+ gig patch that includes all sorts of awesome dilemmas and choices. It'll probably be about 800 megs though but should still have the awesome story elements..
Season Pass :$19.99
Each Episode:$4.99
Was that a typo or on purpose? It fits so well.
No one yet, I'd assume.
yeah we did was checking to see if you remembered lol
i shall remember to not do it again for ep4/ep5
On purpose. I play Glitch. and it's used instead of automatically; they have a sort of special lingo for a lot of words in that game to create an "otherworld" feel. I've used it enough that my text-to-speech RECOGNIZES it now.
Because other wise it makes no sense to delay the PC version.
Seriously. Why the hell do we have to pay more and not only deal with these absolutely unprofessional releases and constant lies, and we don't even get the god damn game on the same day as the shitty PS3 people who already get the game for absolutely no cost thus far.
PS3 Updates are on Tuesdays, maybe it has to do with Xbox360 or something not sure, why not ask TTG why it like that. I not going to be able to play this till Thursday anyways since I am busy today and tomorrow
You can't ask TellTale because their customer support does not respond to customers.
fixed that for you.
Last I checked, I had to pay for it.
Besides, there are those not using playstation plus who still bought the game. O.o
to be fair tho alot of customer service reps must have gotten a billion or two emails posts tweets and whatever else they might get, most of the reason for no answers is they themselves dont have them, if they are working with other people (certification and such) then it really is out of their hands. they have made great strides in communication and one can only hope they will continue to do so. I was a bit angry with them with episode 2 but I realized me being angry just ruined my experience. I myself had sent quite a few emails and never received a response, but even with no response it just got harder and harder for me to stay angry with them and have accepted this is how it works if I want my walking dead action adventure (movie) game. tho the wait for episode 3 has been much easier for me since we have updates now. we get information and a reason behind why most of the team wasn't on here for so long ( I think it had something to do with testing a new website but im not 100 percent for certain).
Anyways my whole point was you cant ask customer support what they dont know, and any information they do know they have shared in a SEMI timely matter. But I'm sure customer support would respond to question thats not where is my game, but you may be right and their customer service representative need a kick in the shorts lol;) just from time to time:p
While it is true you get the first two episodes you still have to pay for the other three episodes and 3 months for plus i think is 19.99 or something along that. So no it is not free, EVERYONE has to pay something and to be honest plus is not even worth it just for the first to episodes. Today i just went ahead and got the season pass for my ps3 and i also have points for it for the 360 and eventually I will get it for pc. Either way i know i will be shelling out dough for this game whether it has delays or not. So let's just all be happy we have a release date and will have the game in hands in either a couple hours or to a few days.
U mad ? because you don't have a social life to entertainm yourself for one day ?...Why do Pc gamers have to hate sooo much on the consoles.
I'm a new Pc owner but started my gamming days on PS1 and own a PS3...Pc platform its better than consoles no doubt, but the users (not all of them) are some nasty shitheads :mad:
It's because its words on a screen. Bet half these people wouldn't say one word if faced with the person the have beef with online. Its easier to be evil online:p