search: The Walking Dead - Episode 3...that should be enough
I GOT IT!!!! 636MB, 14% 4 minutes left already!!!!!! Thank you Comcast blast extreme 50 high speed Internet!!!!!!
HUGE THANKS TO TF, I never thought to search, I was just going to the store/all titles/W/Walking dead game, and all I kept getting was ep 1&2. 100 seconds left!!!!!! 78%
It's now installed, going to play. I'll still be on though. Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!
yes, the new episode is up, as others have probably stated - as it stands now, it still says "coming soon" if you try to look for it to download from in-game, but if you search the playstation store, it is indeed up.
(this is not a spam post, i really just dont remember)
Does anyone remember what time the last episode was released to pc subscribers? Was it a midnight release? I only ask because i got a new computer and have to play through both episodes again (which really jerks me off especially after i had to do it over again because of the steam fiasco from episode 1 so this will be my 8th playthrough or something)
I GOT IT!!!! 636MB, 14% 4 minutes left already!!!!!! Thank you Comcast blast extreme 50 high speed Internet!!!!!!
HUGE THANKS TO TF, I never thought to search, I was just going to the store/all titles/W/Walking dead game, and all I kept getting was ep 1&2. 100 seconds left!!!!!! 78%
You're welcome ! i'm going to see yu later today when i'm fiished with the episode 3 !!!!!!
(this is not a spam post, i really just dont remember)
Does anyone remember what time the last episode was released to pc subscribers? Was it a midnight release? I only ask because i got a new computer and have to play through both episodes again (which really jerks me off especially after i had to do it over again because of the steam fiasco from episode 1 so this will be my 8th playthrough or something)
It was released around 4 or 5 in the evening PST if I remember correctly (which may be really, really off). But they DO NOT have set rerelease times. It could be anytime PST tomorrow.
I was about to hit play for episode 3, and my wife comes in the living room, and announces that dinner will be ready in 10 minutes, and she wants to watch 21 Jump St, on bluray...together......Now pretend I am lee, what do I do? A. "lose the bluray DVD" B. bludgeon her to death with my RV Zombie head, C. Explain to her how long I have waited for this episode to release and see if she says ok, D. Just watch the damn movie, I waited 2 months for the episode, I can wait 2 more hours.
I was about to hit play for episode 3, and my wife comes in the living room, and announces that dinner will be ready in 10 minutes, and she wants to watch 21 Jump St, on bluray...together......Now pretend I am lee, what do I do? A. "lose the bluray DVD" B. bludgeon her to death with my RV Zombie head, C. Explain to her how long I have waited for this episode to release and see if she says ok, D. Just watch the damn movie, I waited 2 months for the episode, I can wait 2 more hours.
Unlike the choices in TWD, there is definitely a Correct Choice here.
On average, dear Candle, it seems the PC players get their episodes in the middle.
just riled me up that we get a delayed release, and now you can get a season pass for 14.99 on steam and the game isnt even fully released yet. Telltale that is a major fail in my opinion and a smack in the face of the people that bought the season pass at 25 bucks. It isn't the money it's the principal. I wouldn't have cared that the price was lowered if all the episode's were out. really makes me think twice about your company or I guess a third time becuase of the sloppy handling of the release's. The game is good but telltale is just damn fustrating. Plus would like to see a PS3 and Xbox right code for games. Dont hate I own the consoles as well.
I am really not happy about this whole release date stuff. When i bought the game they said an episode released each month so by now we should be nearing the last episode coming out and we are still waiting on episode three. The episodes are so short and so far and few between I almost forget what I did the last episode when i play the next one. They let you spend your money all based on a lie. I bought the whole package at once. Now not happy.
why does it tale tt longer to put it up on their site youd figure they would get it up first considering they made the game and are pretty much in charge of it im not complainin just curious happens every time lol.
I was about to hit play for episode 3, and my wife comes in the living room, and announces that dinner will be ready in 10 minutes, and she wants to watch 21 Jump St, on bluray...together......Now pretend I am lee, what do I do? A. "lose the bluray DVD" B. bludgeon her to death with my RV Zombie head, C. Explain to her how long I have waited for this episode to release and see if she says ok, D. Just watch the damn movie, I waited 2 months for the episode, I can wait 2 more hours.
lmao i choose D! im in the same boat... This game, (also the walking dead season 2 on dvd/blu ray), and Madden all came out on the same day...yet i cant touch any of it til the wknd bc my fiance lives with me and i dont game while she's there. I will be locked in my mancave all wknd tho!
E) Tell her how Peter DeLuise, Dustin Nguyen, Steven Williams and Holly Robinson Peete are crying into their pillows at night over the travesty the "remake" was and talk_her_out_of_it.
actually for steam the release for episode 2 was between 1-3pm last time. I wanna say 2 but wasn't sure
Sorry Milo^^^Didn't see a response but it'll definitely be available before night time (tho I guess that depends on where you live as Milo pointed out above
I am really not happy about this whole release date stuff. When i bought the game they said an episode released each month so by now we should be nearing the last episode coming out and we are still waiting on episode three. The episodes are so short and so far and few between I almost forget what I did the last episode when i play the next one. They let you spend your money all based on a lie. I bought the whole package at once. Now not happy.
Wait.. Whaaa?? Monthly episodes? They were supposed to release monthly and you're upset that they aren't? I haven't heard that anywhere before. Crazy.
E) Tell her how Peter DeLuise, Dustin Nguyen, Steven Williams and Holly Robinson Peete are crying into their pillows at night over the travesty the "remake" was and talk_her_out_of_it.
She loved it. She has a crush on channing tatum, so no chance.
one thing i hate about living in europe there one of the last places to get a release date damm you tell tale games why can't the release dates be the same
one thing i hate about living in europe there one of the last places to get a release date damm you tell tale games why can't the release dates be the same
any europe probs are with sony as telltale certifies the eps thru them much for this episode being released without any bugs...there's a major one in episode 3 that renders the game can't continue past a certain point, I've made a post about it in the game support section of the forums...hopefully they release a fix for it soon. **grumble grumble** So yeah, if you haven't played the episode yet, don't go check out my thread in the other section because it does contain spoilers. much for this episode being released without any bugs...there's a major one in episode 3 that renders the game can't continue past a certain point, I've made a post about it in the game support section of the forums...hopefully they release a fix for it soon. **grumble grumble** So yeah, if you haven't played the episode yet, don't go check out my thread in the other section because it does contain spoilers.
yeah, me too. Another user who is experiencing a similar problem has contacted one of the TellTale team members and he has said that they are investigating the bug to get it hopefully there will be a patch coming soon.
There have been 3 people (myself included) who have posted about similar things so it doesn't seem to be an isolated incident
blah ok where the hell is it why ttg says monthly we get every 2-3 months they tell us mid august we get end of august we get told release will be the 28th we prolly wont get it till late as hell what the crap tt get ya crap together quit droppin the damn ball all the time gets annoyin really really does.
search: The Walking Dead - Episode 3...that should be enough
i am now signing off till the pc version is out !
I GOT IT!!!! 636MB, 14% 4 minutes left already!!!!!! Thank you Comcast blast extreme 50 high speed Internet!!!!!!
HUGE THANKS TO TF, I never thought to search, I was just going to the store/all titles/W/Walking dead game, and all I kept getting was ep 1&2. 100 seconds left!!!!!! 78%
It's now installed, going to play. I'll still be on though. Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!
i already hooked wowmut up with a link dude check the forum posts
Does anyone remember what time the last episode was released to pc subscribers? Was it a midnight release? I only ask because i got a new computer and have to play through both episodes again (which really jerks me off especially after i had to do it over again because of the steam fiasco from episode 1 so this will be my 8th playthrough or something)
You're welcome
Bye guys y'all have a good one !!!!
It was released around 4 or 5 in the evening PST if I remember correctly (which may be really, really off). But they DO NOT have set rerelease times. It could be anytime PST tomorrow.
They don't do midnight releases, though.
See you in two to three hours.
Post safe - use spoiler tags!
Unlike the choices in TWD, there is definitely a Correct Choice here.
yes there is....lose that damned dvd
Ah, yes. I knew why I liked these forums.
I think you'll get an Achivement for that too!
Yeah its called "Wife beater goes to Oz"(the hbo version:p). but seriously i laughed out loud at your post for a minute at least
No glove no love!
lmao i choose D! im in the same boat... This game, (also the walking dead season 2 on dvd/blu ray), and Madden all came out on the same day...yet i cant touch any of it til the wknd bc my fiance lives with me and i dont game while she's there. I will be locked in my mancave all wknd tho!
Wondering the same.. I live in Europe and I wonder if I'm even going to be able to play it during the day?
hmm highlander reference from mario van peebles ?
also i guess steam will be around 4pm gmt - 7pm gmt 11am est to 2pm/1400 est ?
Sorry Milo^^^Didn't see a response but it'll definitely be available before night time (tho I guess that depends on where you live as Milo pointed out above
Wait.. Whaaa?? Monthly episodes? They were supposed to release monthly and you're upset that they aren't? I haven't heard that anywhere before. Crazy.
She loved it. She has a crush on channing tatum, so no chance.
any europe probs are with sony as telltale certifies the eps thru them
ouch that sucks, hope they fix it soon!
There have been 3 people (myself included) who have posted about similar things so it doesn't seem to be an isolated incident
*looks up where I got the quote from and what I'm actually referencing*
Oh. Yeah. Highlander. Totally. A real manly thing to watch and reference. That's what it's from.