Well, these early PC supporters certainly didn't get the long end of the stick this time. Which bothers me, because I love the Telltale store, and I'm just not a Steam guy! I hope that they'll at least return to the Season DVD as a USP for their store before Steam grabs those sales as well. Also, the pre-order forum had far more contests and exclusive stuff in previous games which made up for a lot. Something has to happen.
But "last" they are not. The PC release was steadily in the middle of the dates for Xbox/PS3/PC in these last episodes, PSN Europe has its very own lag (and I really hope they're served Friday latest) and we're not even talking iOS. I'm a PC player exclusively, but still I think I'd ignore a lot of platforms and gamers if I said "PC is coming last" for The Walking Dead.
If you pre-ordered, you did not pay "in full", but 10% off; and that "free" content for console users... well, I don't see it.
Read my post above. It IS accurate. There is no way this episode releases before 10 AM PST. That's at least six hours and fifteen minutes. If you can, go to bed.
yeah yeah, I will have to wait until tomorrow. Whatever ... it won't kill me. It's just rude because I also pre-ordered it and support TTG since nealry the beginning and it's obviously not worth much to them.
Then open the game and look at episode status.
You will see installed next to episode 3 =D
(but if you will try to launch it, it will just show a black screen)
Then open the game and look at episode status.
You will see installed next to episode 3 =D
(but if you will try to launch it, it will just show a black screen)
rofl how is this supposed to make anyone feel better?! D:D:D:D
I also pre-ordered it and support TTG since nealry the beginning and it's obviously not worth much to them.
See a similarity between our join dates?
...it's obvious what we both came here for. TWD means a lot of rearrangement for Telltale, a lot of new developments. I can hardly judge who is worth how much to them at this time of relative chaos. We'll both have to see what kind of company comes out at the end. And maybe, who knows, we might one day do 2009 again. Hope to see you there.
IGN posted it like 2 seconds before telltale AND telltale told us that IGN will be the first who post the release date AND stop complaining about bullshit! Be happy! Episode 3 is coming today/tomorrow!
Yeah... I don't actually consider it to be bullshit that the news of a release date might come through Telltale on their own site rather than IGN.
As I said, given the battering Telltale have taken over the last few months, I would have thought they would have that kind of news first here.
got a text from my bud showing it was... he musta hit the jack pot
Did he go to the marketplace or try it from inside the game? I went to the marketplace and thry charged me 400 points, which i had been saving forever.
No prizes this time, unless someone steps in to provide any. Virtual crown to the winners instead and the undying respect of the community (AND the developers of course). We're still voting for the PC/Mac version here primarily... but we could well call the console date guessers winners just like last time.
And who knows, it COULD be a simultaneous release after all! :eek:
Good luck everyone.
does the release for pc/mac release in EU to or do we have to wait, i read that EU psn players have to wait til next week?
Wait a minute, is the 29th only the US release? ;-; Oh god don't tell me it is so.
Hey Jonttu, this PC episode will be downloadable for everyone at the same time (if Telltale and Steam update simultaneously, that is).
If my espionage is accurate, it's 3:55 PM in your country right now. In California, it's 5:55 AM and we HOPE that they'll release between 10 and 12 AM Pacific Standard Time. That means between 8 and 10 PM where you live.
Good luck!
/edit: Norway hopefully between 7 and 9 PM local time respectively, if I didn't f* up my calculations just now.
Does the Steam going to download the EP3 for me automatically? Or i have to press download it , I just want to go to sleep ,wake up ,and see its in my libraly downloaded
Hey Jonttu, this PC episode will be downloadable for everyone at the same time (if Telltale and Steam update simultaneously, that is).
If my espionage is accurate, it's 3:55 PM in your country right now. In California, it's 5:55 AM and we HOPE that they'll release between 10 and 12 AM. That means between 8 and 10 PM where you live.
Good luck!
/edit: Norway hopefully between 7 and 9 PM local time respectively, if I didn't f* up my calculations just now.
Woot that's good news! Now I should use this time that I have on something productive... But I'll probably just end up playing through episode 2 again and jumping up and down with excitement :P
yeah yeah, I will have to wait until tomorrow. Whatever ... it won't kill me. It's just rude because I also pre-ordered it and support TTG since nealry the beginning and it's obviously not worth much to them.
Create a folder called: "WalkingDead103" in your game folder: Then open the game and look at episode status.
You will see installed next to episode 3 =D
(but if you will try to launch it, it will just show a black screen)
rofl how is this supposed to make anyone feel better?!
See a similarity between our join dates?
...it's obvious what we both came here for. TWD means a lot of rearrangement for Telltale, a lot of new developments. I can hardly judge who is worth how much to them at this time of relative chaos. We'll both have to see what kind of company comes out at the end. And maybe, who knows, we might one day do 2009 again. Hope to see you there.
*No such folder error*
Oh great, now only the Steam people can fuck with their TWD installation.
Not yet out. I suspect it would be up in half an hour or so.
Yeah... I don't actually consider it to be bullshit that the news of a release date might come through Telltale on their own site rather than IGN.
As I said, given the battering Telltale have taken over the last few months, I would have thought they would have that kind of news first here.
You mad, darling?
This is the only thread I can comment on without bumping into spoilers
got a text from my bud showing it was... he musta hit the jack pot
Did he go to the marketplace or try it from inside the game? I went to the marketplace and thry charged me 400 points, which i had been saving forever.
does the release for pc/mac release in EU to or do we have to wait, i read that EU psn players have to wait til next week?
not yet ?
Don't believe any other hype!
Not even MY hype? Cause I'm super excited too! It is only 5am in CA though.
Hair splitter.
in my country time is 5:10 pm
It was the same before too, I believe. Dammit...
No. It's Xbox and pc Mac worldwide. It's just not out yet!!!
Maybe it seems so because the US folks are ~12 hours behind us?
EDIT: At least, telltalegames is exactly 12 hours behind from where I live.
Hey Jonttu, this PC episode will be downloadable for everyone at the same time (if Telltale and Steam update simultaneously, that is).
If my espionage is accurate, it's 3:55 PM in your country right now. In California, it's 5:55 AM and we HOPE that they'll release between 10 and 12 AM Pacific Standard Time. That means between 8 and 10 PM where you live.
Good luck!
/edit: Norway hopefully between 7 and 9 PM local time respectively, if I didn't f* up my calculations just now.
just tell them release the game earlier for whom that live on the other side of the planet
reminds me of Dead Island!
No, no, please don't. Don't bring names of other games into this thread. These are Walking Dead forums, and let's leave it at that.
Woot that's good news!