well apparently i have read reports of users trying to run TWD on Windows 8 beta, and they say without the dinput.dll file being in the gamedata folder the game is never going to work on win 8. 1 user tryed adding it, and BAM TWD started working on windows 8 beta...
Oh BTW: Ep 3 on x-box live is roughly a 545mb dl...ahhhh finished download bye bye PC version for a few hours...
I was playing TWD through Steam on Windows 8 just fine. I say was because Windows 8 made other things I frequently used buggy, and I decided to reformat and re-install Win7.
Coming to these forums was the first time I heard about this issue.
Is it me or can i not see any Walking Dead Ep3 Release on PSN Update? Once again EU PS3 have been left out. This is stupid. Once again Late despite giving themselves a month and a half release date on a "monthly" episode. Everytime i come on here its never good news I was really excited that it FINALLY came out, after another two months of waiting. But nope... not for us EU PS3 players I dont know why not. Seeing as its "released" for everyone before the PSN update is...
I dont know why i bothered getting this game The game is "Decent" but the timing on the episodes brings the whole thing down to a "Poor"
I'm no longer angry just very disappointed at the constant let down as i believe most people are
Since were waiting even longer now I have an issue to attend to!
I never had a problem playing the game till this morning when I got the walkingdead101.exe error. Maybe it will be fixed when ep3 is released but if not anyone have any ideas?
I did the compatibility mode windows 98/me trick and it works but my saves don't show up.
What makes you 2 so special that you're the only ones who can crack a joke? haha dude we all are waiting just like everyone else who has it on PC, relax
it's been almost 2 months since I had a proper meal... The others from my group are out there again, searching for food. Since we couldn't find anything in Macon during our last search, the situation got worse. Most of us can't even walk anymore, but at least the people don't argue as much as they used to. They probably lack the strength to do so. I just hope the others come back safely. Can only be hours from now on...
You're right. Why the heck was there such a large number of people exactly 1 week after launch?
I can´t wait for the release.
But i am wondering if it is going to be released before midnight (living in Austria, its 7PM) ?
I was playing TWD through Steam on Windows 8 just fine. I say was because Windows 8 made other things I frequently used buggy, and I decided to reformat and re-install Win7.
Coming to these forums was the first time I heard about this issue.
its the only fun fact i know. dont blame me.
Das klappt ziemlich sicher. Aber nimm mich nicht beim Wort.
das fände münchen auch gut, falls das klappen würde.
OMG It's not out..
I dont know why i bothered getting this game
I'm no longer angry just very disappointed at the constant let down as i believe most people are
If it will be released betwenn 11-12pm, i will be soooo tiered tomorrow at work
Wenn es zwischen 11 und 12 erscheint werde ich morgen so müde sein beim Arbeiten
Div and I were trying to entertain you with some fun statistics, but nooooo...
Did you know that giraffes can clean their ears with their own tongues?
Again, as long as you guys maintain the quality of the series, I really don't mind too much for the wait.
Also, ew.
I never had a problem playing the game till this morning when I got the walkingdead101.exe error. Maybe it will be fixed when ep3 is released but if not anyone have any ideas?
I did the compatibility mode windows 98/me trick and it works but my saves don't show up.
Thanks in advance!
THESE guys.
Voluntary moderator here. No business ties to Telltale at all.
You have to discount the coffee time they take at the beginning of the day.
Did you know that a shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes?
I hope it is gonna be out at least before midnight =D
*sad face*
Man they're probably playing the game themselves whilst drinking their morning coffee...
FOURTH? What about a third?
it's been almost 2 months since I had a proper meal... The others from my group are out there again, searching for food. Since we couldn't find anything in Macon during our last search, the situation got worse. Most of us can't even walk anymore, but at least the people don't argue as much as they used to. They probably lack the strength to do so. I just hope the others come back safely. Can only be hours from now on...
Oh, wenn Du Deutsch bist, war das mit den 150km von deiner Türe vielleicht gar nicht so falsch!
Vee hav vays of checking your IP.