Season Two news!



  • edited July 2007
    Better than annoying a caffeine-enhanced lagomorph...
  • edited July 2007
    Head back a few posts - Emily clued us in to the fact that the image is a render, not an in-game shot.

    Almost, if not all announcement pics are mock ups and not actual gameplay. I think several months later, game companies actually show in game graphics, but they only after some cut scene image/pics.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    If all the in-game lighting was final at this point, we would have just put out some high res in-game shots, but the environments are all still a tad too early along for that. You'll start seeing in-game stuff soon enough, though. Well, if by "soon enough," I mean "a month or two or three from now, or something, I don't know for sure, it's 1 am and I'm in a hotel room in San Diego, posting on the forums" then yeah, soon enough.
  • edited July 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    You'll start seeing in-game stuff soon enough, though. Well, if by "soon enough," I mean "a month or two or three from now, or something, I don't know for sure, it's 1 am and I'm in a hotel room in San Diego, posting on the forums" then yeah, soon enough.

    Take your time. We're not going anywhere :P
    And by the way... : "Holy Jackson Five impersonator licking the footplant of Donald Trump's twin sister in the Tuvalu islands with a Pina Colada, Sam and Max Season 2 is in the works !"
  • edited July 2007
    I'm so excited! and that waitress is kinda hawt.. lol
  • edited July 2007
    So, any insight on how the tech is going to be improved for S2? Although the lighting on the rendered shot doesn't look too thrilling (there's better real-time lighting in S1), it makes me think about two new features: real-time shadows and real-time mesh-subdivision (or MeshSmooth as we 3DSMAXers call it) for those with a strong CPU/GPU.
  • edited July 2007
    I really hope season 2 will support 1280x1024 resolution :)
  • edited July 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    To be honest, I was hoping Stinky’s would be more, um, what’s the word… Seedy? Rundown? Grimy? I can understand the desire to make the enviroment pleasant and appealing, but it seems a little too… clean… for Sam & Max.

    I second that. Can't really say anything more, so this sentence is just filler. As is this one.
    Nemisi wrote: »
    I really hope season 2 will support 1280x1024 resolution :)

    1280x1024? Ha! After that screenshot, I'll be demanding 4500x3375 in-game resolution!
  • edited July 2007
    OMFG, sexy and slick :D
  • edited July 2007
    My computer may not be able to handle the intance graphics of season 2. So is there any was to lower the graphics?
  • edited July 2007
    My computer may not be able to handle the intance graphics of season 2. So is there any was to lower the graphics?
    If so - I'd heard a rumor that there will be a button to turn off the models for Sam and Max to save processing power, and if that's not enough they're purportedly going to extend the
    "Text Adventure"
    mode from Episode 6.

    If not - I'd wager that the scalable resolution settings will remain in place.
  • edited July 2007
    woo hoo! im rather excited, something else to look foward to!

    i wonder if this time around it has one big progressing story broken up into episodes... or if you'll be able to travel to more than one other location in each episode, even if its a used location from a previous episode.
  • edited July 2007
    I like how the diner looks. What it's missing in grittiness it more than makes up for in tackiness.

    Also, for some reason, I like the idea of being able to go into the diner and sit at a booth for no particular reason. I hope we can do that in the game. I guess it just seems like a sitcommish thing to do.
  • jmmjmm
    edited July 2007
    Oh... and order stuff and/or annoy the waitress
  • edited July 2007
    have a heart for 16:10 LCD owners as well:
    16:10 1680x1050 puh-lease
  • edited July 2007
    Unrelated to the diner issue, but I hope we get a little bit more of the Soda Poppers now and then. I know a lot of other people thought they were annoying, but I loved those guys!
  • edited July 2007
    I second that. Can't really say anything more, so this sentence is just filler. As is this one.

    I think that it's ok that it's clean. This is LucasArts-like, not Invader Zim-like.
  • edited July 2007
    I don't think constructive critisism/ideas are signs of aggression.
  • edited July 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    I don't think constructive critisism/ideas are signs of aggression.

    Right. Ok, sorry. This community is so much calmer than the Myst's a bit hard to adjust. I edited the post.
  • edited July 2007
    Pretty much the only person who ever gets aggressive here is me. :)
  • edited July 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    Pretty much the only person who ever gets aggressive here is me. :)

    SHUT UP AND DIE :mad:

    Erm. Sorry.
  • edited July 2007
    I retract my previous statement. ;)
  • edited July 2007
    Right, then. Thanks. Now I'm gonna go resume anticipating season 2. :D
  • edited July 2007
    How much will it cost?
  • edited July 2007
    I am amazed! I knew it would come one day but this soon. WOW
  • edited July 2007
    I love the look of the two new characters we see in the latest blog..
  • edited July 2007
    I just love the fact that Sam & Max went back to the casino and brought back a destroyed singing bear head and the wack-a-rat machine for their office!:D
  • edited July 2007
    I wonder if the Tiny Tiki will have any reference to the tiki logue or whatever it was called in hit the road.
  • edited July 2007
    The concept art is very interesting, hmmmmm. I won't start guessing what they mean yet, though. :)
  • edited July 2007
    an underwater episode?
  • edited July 2007
    Oh my God... The stuff they've got in their office in that new render looks like its going to be very interesting...
  • jmmjmm
    edited July 2007
    Unlimited wack-a-ratz!
    I wonder if Leonard will still be there...
  • edited July 2007
    In Season Two, only one rat will pop out of the machine at a time.

    And it won't be a rat, but rather, Leonard's head.
  • jmmjmm
    edited July 2007
    In Season Two, only one rat will pop out of the machine at a time.

    Poor Jimmy
  • edited July 2007
    jmm wrote: »
    Unlimited wack-a-ratz!
    I wonder if Leonard will still be there...

    It'd be hilarious if he's just a skeleton.
  • edited July 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    It'd be hilarious if he's just a skeleton.

    *Opens closet, bones fells out*
    - Max?
    - What? It was your week to feed him!
  • edited July 2007
    LOL! Talk about having skeletons in your closet...
  • MelMel
    edited July 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    It'd be hilarious if he's just a skeleton.

    There'd be a bit of a smell though.

    Autolysis ftw!
  • edited July 2007
    I dunno. I'd assume that the smell of their office might be plenty strong enough where they would have never noticed.

    I mean they did have a dead plant AND really really really old donuts just sitting around.
  • edited July 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    It'd be hilarious if he's just a skeleton.
    He'll probably just have a beard.
    ...which would likely be just another re-purposed ropesack.
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