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  • edited August 2007
    It's as though it tries to be rather scary, but to me it's only quite disturbing. :p
  • edited August 2007
    I think that very sentence embodies Max as a whole...
  • edited August 2007
    Haha I sooo bid on that sinistar painting... to bad they didnt make prints or buttons like planned.. to bad I didnt get the painting. Was odd.. kinda like lets make a deal.. I put in how much Id pay for it.. someone else did the same.. I lost. Felt like a house. But yea! .. I see alot of reference in one of telltales characters :P I HUNGER!!!! hehe
    never knew he did a max head one! I love it
  • edited August 2007
    I got two Effigy Mounds at the SDCC (one for me and one for a friend), and I just gave my friend his. As he was looking through it, I noticed that he has four more pages than mine. Mine ends on the page with the Brady Culture art, while his keeps on going. D'oh!

    What I'm wondering is if this was done intentionally (not just to me). There seems to be some Season Two concept art, including another character, so I can't help but wonder if you guys didn't want this to leak out early.
  • edited August 2007
    If that was the case, your friend and I have some extra content.:D

    I'm actually excited mine is an error copy. Some of the words in a lot of the textual parts and rough layout of the comics didn't print onto the pages. Most of the words are small words like "To" and the like.

    But knowing I have one that didn't make it through the printer 100% of the way puts a smile on my face. :D
  • edited August 2007
    Hmm id like to know officially whats up with that? extra pages? Jake.. tobacco eM know anything bout this? which will those that ordered on site get?
  • edited August 2007
    Sorry Zeek, but I think I have those missing words too. Must've been white-out or something on the rough drafts.
  • edited August 2007
    Why would Steve white out the word "The"?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    There are some missing words in this edition (accidental), but this is the first I've heard about missing pages...? (The concept art that Steve does for us is his to do what he wants with, and we were glad to have it included in the book!)

    All of these books -- the ones Steve was selling at Comic-Con and the ones we're selling in the store -- were printed at the same time by the same vendor. I can take a look at one of the copies we have in the office to see what page it ends on, but considering the two SloppyJimbo got at Comic-Con probably came out of the same box, looking at one of them won't really tell us if there are other ones out there that are messed up.
  • edited August 2007
    Well, I did buy my friend's a couple hours after I bought mine (I was out of cash), so it's possible that it was a different box. Either way, it's strange. Oh well. I'm happy I got to see the last few pages anyway.
  • edited August 2007
    words missing? Lol
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    I just checked a few copies here, and none were missing pages at the end. Which of course doesn't mean that there aren't ones out there that are missing pages.

    Also, I just got confirmation that the first batch of poster prints has arrived at our warehouse (along with case files and some backordered t-shirts), so if you've been waiting on those your order could ship as early as today.
  • edited August 2007
    Hoooray For L.a.!
  • edited August 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    I just checked a few copies here, and none were missing pages at the end. Which of course doesn't mean that there aren't ones out there that are missing pages.

    Also, I just got confirmation that the first batch of poster prints has arrived at our warehouse (along with case files and some backordered t-shirts), so if you've been waiting on those your order could ship as early as today.

    *crosses fingers*
  • edited August 2007
    Yep, they've started shipping. I just got confirmation for mine a few hours ago.
  • edited August 2007
    Yep, they've started shipping. I just got confirmation for mine a few hours ago.

    Ah damn, that means there isn't mine in that batch. :(
  • edited August 2007
    Hooray confirmation of 4 items shipping, now to figure out what they are :P

    samandmax-s1 Sam & Max Sea 1 1 1 4.86USD
    samandmax-s1 Sam & Max Sea 1 1 1 11.57USD
    samandmax-ef Sam & Max: Th 1 1 1 25.22USD
    snm-street-s Sam & Max Pos 1 1 1 27.50USD

    Which I'm guessing is case file, dvd (shipping cost? said $0 on basket), 2nd sketch book, signed poster :)

    Not very descriptive item names, but I can't wait to get them huzzah.
  • edited August 2007
    Damn you all and your order confirmations! :)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    The warehouse for some reason arbitrarily spreads total cost among your items in shipping confirmation, I guess.
  • edited August 2007
    Sorry to throw this in here but.. Ive seen two boxes on ebay one white one the official box. Was it made clear that the white flyswatter box never made it out or were those UK EUR editions. Also you should get the sales team to work out longer descriptions for items. I got three of my five things but dont know exactly which. But I dont really care something is on its way!

    Now if only I could get my hands on the new hat, shirt, and that sountrack print you spoke of in the blog.. grr :P bark bark!

    Ill chew on this old desk until you get back to me.

  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    It's not a matter of us needing to write longer descriptions. Digital River's emails truncate the product names (which sucks when all the products start with Sam & Max Season One...)

    Your soundtrack, case file, and DVD have shipped. The Effigy Mound, signed poster prints, and another case file have not. (Did you intend to get the case file in two different orders?)

    Also, there are NO boxes out there with the fly swatter. If someone on eBay has a picture of the box that has the fly swatter in it, then they have posted the temporary picture that was released before we finalized the art, not an actual picture of the box.

    EDIT: Anyone who's confused about what actually shipped (due to product names being cut off in the email), you can look up your order here to see what merchandise is on that order.
  • edited August 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    On a side note, I found this drawing online I've never seen before (except recenty in black and white in the effigy mound) and I thought I'd share. I'm assuming it's from plunge through space. It's nice to see some full colour stuff from this awesome-y-sounding game.

    It would make a great poster, in fact, it does.


    Though it is poorly done.
  • edited August 2007
    Hey, you have the same light switches I do!
  • edited August 2007
    You printed that off yourself?
  • edited August 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »
    You printed that off yourself?

    Yep, on 9 pieces of 8.5" x 11" paper.
  • edited August 2007
    TheAnimist wrote: »
    Yep, on 9 pieces of 8.5" x 11" paper.

    Oh yeah, I can see where you've pieced it together now. Shame you couldn't do it on one big pit of paper or something.
  • edited August 2007
    Oh yeah, I can see where you've pieced it together now. Shame you couldn't do it on one big pit of paper or something.

    Which I can do at school! Gotta love the Graphic Design department and the fact I know a few people in there that can get me a hi-res 15" x 10" print of anything I want.:D
  • edited August 2007
    If the prints are signed I will get one for my new room! I want all sorts of game stuff all over my room =D I also want to the casefile when I get some more money
  • edited August 2007
    Ok I have to say I am pretty unimpressed with the prints. One is framed the other I just tacked to my wall :P even signed! Seems like a mid quality laser print on pretty midrate paper. All and all .. still worth the money though! Just would have been nice to know its proper quality. Em hinted at it but I didnt think much of it.. saying something like "its something I would just put on the wall here"
    Anyway just a heads up.. this is NOT an offset poster but a flush print like off a printer from a pc.. sorta ..XD
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    ... did you buy some sort of bootleg print out of the back of a truck or something?

    All the prints were made on an offset press and were color and quality checked by Purcell (who also chose the paper)
  • edited August 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    ... did you buy some sort of bootleg print out of the back of a truck or something?

    All the prints were made on an offset press and were color and quality checked by Purcell (who also chose the paper)

    Were the ones going to England colour checked?
    Hehe, just teasing. :D
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    The extra "u" is added in customs.
  • edited August 2007
    urmm I got mine in the telltale store jake.. came on this horrid(horrid as in color but it goes well with the picture just dont like the color) orangish type paper and its not offset(and I collect concert posters),this is just a flush laser print on semi decent printer paper, signed by purcell.
    Now you have me really worrying.
    I still love em though just looks like someone printed it out at kinkos for 2$ and had purcell sign em.
    But hey to me his autograph alone is worth that and once I see the team oorahh get them to sign it. I dont think it will matter what it is...
    Though now my brain is half wondering...did I get a bootleg? (checks steves sig) ..everything is in order. XD

    Confusion sets in...

    Dont let this stop you from getting this awesome item guys! Its well worth what I paid just not what I expected is all!
  • edited August 2007
    Hmm, are you able to tell whether or not the autograph is in ink, or whether it's just printed. Not trying to cause any worry, but it's possible that someone along the line has taken the real print and replaced it with a scan.

    It's probably best letting Telltale look into it themselves though before jumping to any full-blown conclusions (Yeah, I'm a hypocrite, but I've just been playing Phoenix Wright, so that's the sort of thinking mode I'm in, given the evidence).
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    Kaldire wrote: »
    urmm I got mine in the telltale store jake.. came on this horrid(horrid as in color but it goes well with the picture just dont like the color) orangish type paper and its not offset(and I collect concert posters),this is just a flush laser print on semi decent printer paper, signed by purcell.
    Now you have me really worrying.
    I still love em though just looks like someone printed it out at kinkos for 2$ and had purcell sign em.
    But hey to me his autograph alone is worth that and once I see the team oorahh get them to sign it. I dont think it will matter what it is...
    Though now my brain is half wondering...did I get a bootleg? (checks steves sig) ..everything is in order. XD

    Confusion sets in...

    Dont let this stop you from getting this awesome item guys! Its well worth what I paid just not what I expected is all!

    You clearly didn't get a bootleg, I was just joking around. And yes, the poster comes on off-white matte paper. And no, it wasn't printed on a laser printer, it's just not printed on high-gloss or varnish stock. I watched the first few of them with my own eyes as they came off a massive proper offset press which was spewing out dozens of them a minute -- the same press Steve used for the Western and Street prints, in fact. It's not an archival inkjet or laser print or something, it's also just not on highly treated paper, which was a deliberate aesthetic choice by Steve (as you pointed out, it goes well with the artwork).

    If you're not satisfied with your print, write in to and we can work something out.
  • edited August 2007
    I think the print looks fantastic
  • edited August 2007
    Helll nooo! im more than pleased with it!! Again I didnt mean to confuse my comment for distaste.. just wasnt the way I pictured it. Thats all! again one is framed and the other is on its way to my brother. Hope I didnt make to much stink on this its coming out all wrong.
    Its a great print and no way would I want my money back.. its well worth it. In fact im thinking of ordering again but im hesitant as I want everyone to get at least one. Sam with the other merch. Soon as I get the go im ordering again XD

    Sorry again for the confusion.
  • edited August 2007
    What kind of frame did you use, Kaldire?
  • edited August 2007
    Kaldire should take a lesson from Thumper's mother. :p
  • edited August 2007
    just bought a generic 13x19... 1 inch larger on than the poster.. bought acid free matting and cut my own mat.. saved me a fortune. Trust me I know how much it can be to do posters.. I have estimated that it will cost 30,000$ or so to frame my Bad Religion posters alone... yeaaaa. So I do one poster here .. one there. One frame for big posters are custom frame custom glass.. 400-500$ for it being uv protective.

    Anyway If you dont want matting just find a standard frame and put it in! if the frame fits.. wear it .. if not try just a little matting!
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