Ill try to make this really concise, but first things first I really do love this game. I have always loved point and click / sort-of-free realm games and TWD is the best game Ive ever played in that aspect (so dont reply saying "im complaining"). I honestly think its brilliant and top 10 games ive played all time (even though I dont play that many video games)...
Anyways on to the point, I have never seen such a train wreck as TT is doing with this game developing. Look its my opinion, and I know posting on a forum of TWD fanboys (I consider myself a step below fanboy-dome, whatever that is...) I will most likely receive negative replies but c'mon tt. The whole release dates are a mess. You are only kidding yourself, if you dont believe they have a 99.9% sure date for the release of epi 4. Why cant they just tell us? I dont understand. It is very frustrating, and in addition they dont even admit to it. Now I dont need an apology, personally I dont care at all but I dont understand how a company with a decent-size and following of tt just cant admit and say we are wrong. I think for me that would atleast take a little of my anger away.
Even watching the playing dead epi7, just infuriated me with how they beat around the bush. Now obviously as members of tt they arent going to come out and say we are terrible, but they could have been honest and just said we were wrong. Specifically with the carly/doug question (I give them a little respect for putting that question in) they make a bs excuse other than: we didnt want to make and develop 2 story lines. I mean its common logic to me, just say it.
Overall, I just have no respect for TT as a company with regards to the developmentalization (yep made that up) of this game. And like I said if your gonna argue for the game make a good case besides: its an amazing game, your complaining, etc etc etc. I told you i LOVE this game, but I feel its a shame that TT produces it. Doesnt it bother anyone else that they never are true to their word, never offer a 100% release date, and dont outright say "we were wrong"? keep in mind that im talking about telltale not the actual game ppl.
I can see how the "very soon" and "very very soon" estimates on when the next episode will be released may not be sufficient when it comes to exact release dates. But isn't this all just water under the bridge now? Let's just say it takes about 60-70 days between episodes and move on. You said you don't need an apology and I don't need an apology so let's let it go.
You could focus on the positive aspects of TTG to help take some of the edge off the TBA release dates. For example, I could be wrong, but I think TTG is the only game that has a show that goes along with it like Playing Dead. Who does that?
Gary Whitta is also active in the forums. He's the guy that wrote the Book of Eli and e4. Jake from TTG is answering questions from players. Do other games do this?
How about putting together the stats trailers. They don't have to do that you know.
I thought Harrison Pink gave a good answer to the question from a fan regarding Carley's death that was answered on Playing Dead #7. If you were not happy with his answer, Jake gave a better answer, IMO, to the same question in the Questions for the TTG team thread.
TTG knows by now where they need to make some improvements. Things like release dates and Duck missing from Kat's arms are not deal breakers...just things to work on.:)
In the past with earlier episodes, were we given a day or two notice before it came out? Or am I gonna wake up one morning, come on here, and see that the game is already out?
With earlier releases, release dates were given - IIRC, I have absolutely no statistics ready - up to one week before the episode's release. That, however, was at a time before Telltale sold big in consoles. The console certification process is what makes the release date extremely hard to determine for TTG, so you should rather expect this to be a short notice again.
Overall, I just have no respect for TT as a company with regards to the developmentalization (yep made that up) of this game. And like I said if your gonna argue for the game make a good case besides: its an amazing game, your complaining, etc etc etc. I told you i LOVE this game, but I feel its a shame that TT produces it. Doesnt it bother anyone else that they never are true to their word, never offer a 100% release date, and dont outright say "we were wrong"? keep in mind that im talking about telltale not the actual game ppl.
It's a pain for sure. As you said, the game itself is fantastic and I personally think Telltale are the right developers for this game. Story driven games are their forte and they have done an outstanding job on this game.
The lack of communication is a bother for sure. Having worked in software development before (not games tho) my only thought on the lack of communication is that there is an agreement with Microsoft, Sony, Valve, etc to await comfirmation from them before anything official is released. Unofficially certain members of Telltale have hinted that the game has already been completed and is just awaiting certification. This is something they have no control over.
There is obviously something going on behind the scenes that we mere plebs just are not privliged to know. We just have to keep the faith and know it will be released eventually.
I know this is not much of an answer, but it makes more sense then Telltale just being a bunch of ignorant so-and-so's who don't care about keeping their fans informed. Having seen interviews with the staff I get the impression they are quite down-to-earth gamers like the majority of us on here and are most definatly not pricks.
The whole release dates are a mess. You are only kidding yourself, if you dont believe they have a 99.9% sure date for the release of epi 4. Why cant they just tell us?
Name one other company with near monthly episodic releases across four different gaming platforms which does offer precise release dates (and in this case, regardless of size or influence of the company).
Anyone? Anyone?
Huh, didn't think so.
I imagine that Telltale runs on the tightest schedule known to man. In PC-only times, Telltale was able to announce a date relatively early... but still worked on those episodes until the release day. That's just not what other companies do (for retail releases, they have to have a final gold master ready weeks before the street date). If I have a development time of two years, I can project a release date without a problem, because I essentially always have more than a month of wiggle room (and still those projected dates mostly only are concrete one or two months before release). This doesn't work for episodic gaming, where the largest deal of work on the episode is done the month immediately before release.
I would never place a percentage stamp on said "largest deal", but it's true that a lot of arc planning/hiring and work on the engine are done before the Season starts, and it is also true that work on the episodes runs in parallel shifts (i.e. while episode one of any Season is just about to be released, voiceover work for number 2 could be about to be concluded and the script for episode 3 could be almost ready).
By the way, really appreciate Gary Whitta posting here, means they care about us, I think the release dates messing up wasn't their fault, probably TWD became much "bigger" than they thought causing a little delay.
What is fun about clementine getting eaten?!? You monster! :mad:
No it was fun, that I never knew that it excisted:) I think it is funny, that TTG have made a hidden scenario, that takes place, if we cannot get Kenny to stop the train. It is always fun to look for small "eastern eggs" in games.
Most of the time in this game, when we make to grave mistakes, someone gets eaten, and then you get a game over.
TTG have said that episodes 1-5 will be availible for a retail purchase on December 4th so the dim light at the end of the tunnel is that all this season will be out by then. Logically, I would think episode 4 would be out around October 15th-20th then episode 5 near to the end of November if they are going to reach the Dec 4th date
We need to remember, however that Telltale is not committed to any date they set. As long as the episodes require more production time, the release dates will always change to compliment that requirement. The release date of episode 4 will really determine if there is any truth to the release date for the retail version. I'm not saying the entire season will not be released on December 4th, but we shouldn't put too much faith in the release date for the entire season, at least not until Episode 4 is out and we have a better idea of how much time will be left in the intervening period to produce one more episode and them compile them all onto one disc with all the extras and additional content.
Why has it been so long? Im sure episode 2 and 3 was close, maybe even less than a month, whats this been now, 5-6 weeks?
Actually, both episodes took at least two months to be released. If this episode comes out within the next two weeks, it will be the shortest wait thus far.
Actually, both episodes took at least two months to be released. If this episode comes out within the next two weeks, it will be the shortest wait thus far.
It may be that it went quick, but i remember 3 being about a month, yeah almost definite , not 100% on the first 2 as i only got into the series just before the release of 2.
Nevermind i just checked, june 28th - august thats a shocker seemed way faster than that.
Edit: Well now youve made it worse for me man, me thinking it was a month somehow inadvertedly made it faster. Damnyou.
It may be that it went quick, but i remember 3 being about a month, yeah almost definite , not 100% on the first 2 as i only got into the series just before the release of 2.
Nevermind i just checked, june 28th - august thats a shocker seemed way faster than that.
Edit: Well now youve made it worse for me man, me thinking it was a month somehow inadvertedly made it faster. Damnyou.
It may be that it went quick, but i remember 3 being about a month, yeah almost definite , not 100% on the first 2 as i only got into the series just before the release of 2.
Nevermind i just checked, june 28th - august thats a shocker seemed way faster than that.
Edit: Well now youve made it worse for me man, me thinking it was a month somehow inadvertedly made it faster. Damnyou.
Name one other company with near monthly episodic releases across four different gaming platforms which does offer precise release dates (and in this case, regardless of size or influence of the company).
Anyone? Anyone?
Huh, didn't think so.
Actually, I can't think of another company that has adopted this stupid monthly episodic release BS. Every other developer I can think of just puts a full game together and releases it at once.
Every other developer I can think of just puts a full game together and releases it at once.
Errrr... no, they don't. BioWare sure as hell doesn't. And among all the companies jumping the DLC train, I think Telltale had the best idea. Faulty without doubt, but still the best.
Errrr... no, they don't. BioWare sure as hell doesn't. And among all the companies jumping the DLC train, I think Telltale had the best idea. Faulty without doubt, but still the best.
Bioware does a trilogy or something but there games are usually full 40 hour gaming experiences. There not like going to release all 3 games of mass effect as one full game when they are done are they?
I have reservations about what TTG did with TWD, i mean it really sucks waiting every 2 months true, but they can generate money inbetween releases to make the game better so i agree that this is a good way. But in all honesty i wish i waited for all 5 episodes. I have a bad time remembering important plot details, especially after 2 months - so before releases i always have to replay the series again. Kinda sucks
Errrr... no, they don't. BioWare sure as hell doesn't. And among all the companies jumping the DLC train, I think Telltale had the best idea. Faulty without doubt, but still the best.
i think telltale have actually done the episodes thing well, it's a bit like a miniseries on TV, as in each episode is good on its own but is definitely part of a set.
and don't even get me started on DLC, most DLC would have been patches in the past and you would only pay for expansions, and they would be as close to a sequel as they could be without actually being a different game, but now it's like they just take things out then sell them to you separately, it would be like DLC for TWD where in episode 1 there wouldnt have been a choice to save Carley unless you bought the Chivalry DLC
and don't even get me started on DLC, most DLC would have been patches in the past and you would only pay for expansions, and they would be as close to a sequel as they could be without actually being a different game, but now it's like they just take things out then sell them to you separately, it would be like DLC for TWD where in episode 1 there wouldnt have been a choice to save Carley unless you bought the Chivalry DLC
You reap what you sow, not you in general, but gamers everywhere. You think the companies would continue this practice if people didnt cough up the dough? I stated this in the piracy thread, but i only pay for products that in general are only worth it, say a company that doesnt rip me off with dlc or paid for patches (looking at you paradox). You encourage with your money. I really only support CDprojekt, bethesda and many indie developers, not until recently TTG.
CDproj for example, did a multi GB update to witcher 2 for free to the people who bought it, i mean thats amazing it was many hours worth of content, you dont even get that in paid for DLC.
You reap what you sow, not you in general, but gamers everywhere. You think the companies would continue this practice if people didnt cough up the dough? I stated this in the piracy thread, but i only pay for products that in general are only worth it, say a company that doesnt rip me off with dlc or paid for patches (looking at you paradox). You encourage with your money. I really only support CDprojekt, bethesda and many indie developers, not until recently TTG.
CDproj for example, did a multi GB update to witcher 2 for free to the people who bought it, i mean thats amazing it was many hours worth of content, you dont even get that in paid for DLC.
i have never bought any paid for DLC(unless it came with whatever deal i bought the game with), i would rather buy an indie game for £5-10 than buy shit i should already have or don't need.
CDproj for example, did a multi GB update to witcher 2 for free to the people who bought it, i mean thats amazing it was many hours worth of content, you dont even get that in paid for DLC.
CD Project has reached such an implausible level of customer satisfaction that it can not earnestly be serving as an example for anything, not even as the single exception! As soon as they learn how to tell a good story and invent a single honestly rewarding level up system for their RPGs, these guys will be completely UNSTOPPABLE.
I brought DLC into play because Telltale promises to bring completion and closure to their stories within a reasonable amount of time and at a rather low price the full amount of which is clear to every gamer when he picks up the game. Customers are not getting milked here. As a concept, I find episodic gaming to be far, far more fair than anything DLC up to now.
Errrr... no, they don't. BioWare sure as hell doesn't. And among all the companies jumping the DLC train, I think Telltale had the best idea. Faulty without doubt, but still the best.
The hell are you even talking about? You mean Bioware released 3 Mass Effect in 3 'Episodes'? Nothing semi-monthly about those games. Damn George Lucas spreading out his movies to six episodes just to sell more tickets.
I wasn't talking specifically about episodic releases any more in my post because your argumentation purposefully generalized the topic to include "every other developer [you] could think of". And indeed the art to make a complete game before release seems to get lost in the video game world.
Damn George Lucas spreading out his movies to six episodes just to sell more tickets.
And George Lucas could be considered a damn saint compared to Peter Jackson's take on "The Hobbit", because at least Georgie keeps fucking his own source material. But this kind of continued franchise rape explicitly doesn't happen with Telltale games.
The thing about DLC for me and I'm sure others, is the sense of not fully completing the game without it. With Mass Effect, Fallout, Oblivion, Dragon Age, etc, I always get the feeling I'm not experiencing the full story if I'm missing DLC quests/missions despite how irrelevant or pointless it may be. I hate myself for buying them and supporting it but as a completionist who has to get all achievements, it leaves me with a sour feeling...
CD Project has reached such an implausible level of customer satisfaction that it can not earnestly be serving as an example for anything, not even as the single exception! As soon as they learn how to tell a good story and invent a single honestly rewarding level up system for their RPGs, these guys will be completely UNSTOPPABLE.
Actually enjoyed the story of witcher 2, well atleast the extended version, definitely shallow originally.
Just hope a bloodsucking corporation like Ubisoft doesnt buy them out and destroy the customer relationship, the hate that exists between PC users and Ubisoft is palpable They would totally screw us over with DRM, make the games CDproj produce full of shite, then whine when people pirate it.
Think its a testament to the PC gaming crowd when a game that is well made actually sells well.
I wasn't talking specifically about episodic releases any more in my post because your argumentation purposefully generalized the topic to include "every other developer [you] could think of". And indeed the art to make a complete game before release seems to get lost in the video game world.
Name one other company with near monthly episodic releases across four different gaming platforms which does offer precise release dates (and in this case, regardless of size or influence of the company).
YOU brought it up, and TT is still the only company that's the been mentioned that doesn't complete a game before releasing it.
And George Lucas could be considered a damn saint compared to Peter Jackson's take on "The Hobbit", because at least Georgie keeps fucking his own source material. But this kind of continued franchise rape explicitly doesn't happen with Telltale games.
And now you're just changing the subject. Nobody can name a company that gives solid release dates with their MONTHLY EPISODIC releases because nobody can name another company that does MONTHLY EPISODIC releases. I'm not saying this a third time, so if you're gonna keep trying to argue this point I'm done here.
you think it's a reflection of the poster, i see it as a reflection of the company. they've run the unprofessional campaign a lot of us have ever witnessed.
Well, these polls are really just for fun anyways. I'm sure if you posted what day you think e4 will be released that Divisionten would still count it.:D
At least they keep in contact with us and realize how we feel, other companies don't give a rat's ass about what we think as long as we give them money. Also Telltale isn't money hungry like most game companies, they charge $25 for a game that is better then most $60 retail games.
Anyways on to the point, I have never seen such a train wreck as TT is doing with this game developing. Look its my opinion, and I know posting on a forum of TWD fanboys (I consider myself a step below fanboy-dome, whatever that is...) I will most likely receive negative replies but c'mon tt. The whole release dates are a mess. You are only kidding yourself, if you dont believe they have a 99.9% sure date for the release of epi 4. Why cant they just tell us? I dont understand. It is very frustrating, and in addition they dont even admit to it. Now I dont need an apology, personally I dont care at all but I dont understand how a company with a decent-size and following of tt just cant admit and say we are wrong. I think for me that would atleast take a little of my anger away.
Even watching the playing dead epi7, just infuriated me with how they beat around the bush. Now obviously as members of tt they arent going to come out and say we are terrible, but they could have been honest and just said we were wrong. Specifically with the carly/doug question (I give them a little respect for putting that question in) they make a bs excuse other than: we didnt want to make and develop 2 story lines. I mean its common logic to me, just say it.
Overall, I just have no respect for TT as a company with regards to the developmentalization (yep made that up) of this game. And like I said if your gonna argue for the game make a good case besides: its an amazing game, your complaining, etc etc etc. I told you i LOVE this game, but I feel its a shame that TT produces it. Doesnt it bother anyone else that they never are true to their word, never offer a 100% release date, and dont outright say "we were wrong"? keep in mind that im talking about telltale not the actual game ppl.
You could focus on the positive aspects of TTG to help take some of the edge off the TBA release dates. For example, I could be wrong, but I think TTG is the only game that has a show that goes along with it like Playing Dead. Who does that?
Gary Whitta is also active in the forums. He's the guy that wrote the Book of Eli and e4. Jake from TTG is answering questions from players. Do other games do this?
How about putting together the stats trailers. They don't have to do that you know.
I thought Harrison Pink gave a good answer to the question from a fan regarding Carley's death that was answered on Playing Dead #7. If you were not happy with his answer, Jake gave a better answer, IMO, to the same question in the Questions for the TTG team thread.
TTG knows by now where they need to make some improvements. Things like release dates and Duck missing from Kat's arms are not deal breakers...just things to work on.:)
You can but you might end up looking very silly.
It's a pain for sure. As you said, the game itself is fantastic and I personally think Telltale are the right developers for this game. Story driven games are their forte and they have done an outstanding job on this game.
The lack of communication is a bother for sure. Having worked in software development before (not games tho) my only thought on the lack of communication is that there is an agreement with Microsoft, Sony, Valve, etc to await comfirmation from them before anything official is released. Unofficially certain members of Telltale have hinted that the game has already been completed and is just awaiting certification. This is something they have no control over.
There is obviously something going on behind the scenes that we mere plebs just are not privliged to know. We just have to keep the faith and know it will be released eventually.
I know this is not much of an answer, but it makes more sense then Telltale just being a bunch of ignorant so-and-so's who don't care about keeping their fans informed. Having seen interviews with the staff I get the impression they are quite down-to-earth gamers like the majority of us on here and are most definatly not pricks.
Name one other company with near monthly episodic releases across four different gaming platforms which does offer precise release dates (and in this case, regardless of size or influence of the company).
Anyone? Anyone?
Huh, didn't think so.
I imagine that Telltale runs on the tightest schedule known to man. In PC-only times, Telltale was able to announce a date relatively early... but still worked on those episodes until the release day. That's just not what other companies do (for retail releases, they have to have a final gold master ready weeks before the street date). If I have a development time of two years, I can project a release date without a problem, because I essentially always have more than a month of wiggle room (and still those projected dates mostly only are concrete one or two months before release). This doesn't work for episodic gaming, where the largest deal of work on the episode is done the month immediately before release.
I would never place a percentage stamp on said "largest deal", but it's true that a lot of arc planning/hiring and work on the engine are done before the Season starts, and it is also true that work on the episodes runs in parallel shifts (i.e. while episode one of any Season is just about to be released, voiceover work for number 2 could be about to be concluded and the script for episode 3 could be almost ready).
It is kind of fun:)
What is fun about clementine getting eaten?!? You monster! :mad:
No it was fun, that I never knew that it excisted:) I think it is funny, that TTG have made a hidden scenario, that takes place, if we cannot get Kenny to stop the train. It is always fun to look for small "eastern eggs" in games.
Most of the time in this game, when we make to grave mistakes, someone gets eaten, and then you get a game over.
Actually, both episodes took at least two months to be released. If this episode comes out within the next two weeks, it will be the shortest wait thus far.
It may be that it went quick, but i remember 3 being about a month, yeah almost definite , not 100% on the first 2 as i only got into the series just before the release of 2.
Nevermind i just checked, june 28th - august thats a shocker seemed way faster than that.
Edit: Well now youve made it worse for me man, me thinking it was a month somehow inadvertedly made it faster. Damnyou.
Telltale said it would release this month
Lol, sorry man, but it won't be much longer.
Actually, I can't think of another company that has adopted this stupid monthly episodic release BS. Every other developer I can think of just puts a full game together and releases it at once.
Errrr... no, they don't. BioWare sure as hell doesn't. And among all the companies jumping the DLC train, I think Telltale had the best idea. Faulty without doubt, but still the best.
Bioware does a trilogy or something but there games are usually full 40 hour gaming experiences. There not like going to release all 3 games of mass effect as one full game when they are done are they?
I have reservations about what TTG did with TWD, i mean it really sucks waiting every 2 months true, but they can generate money inbetween releases to make the game better so i agree that this is a good way. But in all honesty i wish i waited for all 5 episodes. I have a bad time remembering important plot details, especially after 2 months - so before releases i always have to replay the series again. Kinda sucks
i think telltale have actually done the episodes thing well, it's a bit like a miniseries on TV, as in each episode is good on its own but is definitely part of a set.
and don't even get me started on DLC, most DLC would have been patches in the past and you would only pay for expansions, and they would be as close to a sequel as they could be without actually being a different game, but now it's like they just take things out then sell them to you separately, it would be like DLC for TWD where in episode 1 there wouldnt have been a choice to save Carley unless you bought the Chivalry DLC
You reap what you sow, not you in general, but gamers everywhere. You think the companies would continue this practice if people didnt cough up the dough? I stated this in the piracy thread, but i only pay for products that in general are only worth it, say a company that doesnt rip me off with dlc or paid for patches (looking at you paradox). You encourage with your money. I really only support CDprojekt, bethesda and many indie developers, not until recently TTG.
CDproj for example, did a multi GB update to witcher 2 for free to the people who bought it, i mean thats amazing it was many hours worth of content, you dont even get that in paid for DLC.
i have never bought any paid for DLC(unless it came with whatever deal i bought the game with), i would rather buy an indie game for £5-10 than buy shit i should already have or don't need.
who needs DLC when you have stuff like this everywhere
CD Project has reached such an implausible level of customer satisfaction that it can not earnestly be serving as an example for anything, not even as the single exception! As soon as they learn how to tell a good story and invent a single honestly rewarding level up system for their RPGs, these guys will be completely UNSTOPPABLE.
I brought DLC into play because Telltale promises to bring completion and closure to their stories within a reasonable amount of time and at a rather low price the full amount of which is clear to every gamer when he picks up the game. Customers are not getting milked here. As a concept, I find episodic gaming to be far, far more fair than anything DLC up to now.
The hell are you even talking about? You mean Bioware released 3 Mass Effect in 3 'Episodes'? Nothing semi-monthly about those games. Damn George Lucas spreading out his movies to six episodes just to sell more tickets.
And George Lucas could be considered a damn saint compared to Peter Jackson's take on "The Hobbit", because at least Georgie keeps fucking his own source material. But this kind of continued franchise rape explicitly doesn't happen with Telltale games.
Actually enjoyed the story of witcher 2, well atleast the extended version, definitely shallow originally.
Just hope a bloodsucking corporation like Ubisoft doesnt buy them out and destroy the customer relationship, the hate that exists between PC users and Ubisoft is palpable
Think its a testament to the PC gaming crowd when a game that is well made actually sells well.
YOU brought it up, and TT is still the only company that's the been mentioned that doesn't complete a game before releasing it.
And now you're just changing the subject. Nobody can name a company that gives solid release dates with their MONTHLY EPISODIC releases because nobody can name another company that does MONTHLY EPISODIC releases. I'm not saying this a third time, so if you're gonna keep trying to argue this point I'm done here.
you think it's a reflection of the poster, i see it as a reflection of the company. they've run the unprofessional campaign a lot of us have ever witnessed.
Well, these polls are really just for fun anyways. I'm sure if you posted what day you think e4 will be released that Divisionten would still count it.:D