I think a lot of the people here are displeased because they have never really experienced episodic gaming until this game. Some of them say it's a stupid trend, which I think in itself is not a compelling argument. If you don't enjoy episodic gaming, simply wait for the entire season to be out just like you would with other games.
For everyone else who has been purchasing TT games for a while, episodic gaming gives a unique experience of being able to speculate what is going to happen and allows the community to really exchange ideas and so forth. It's a really neat experience to see if your predications are true each and every step of the way and for $30 less than the average price for games; that's a pretty good bargain.
I won't deny that Telltale isn't the best when it comes to release dates, but with that being said, they are fully committed to making the best gaming experiences they can in their products and really have a great relationship with their customers. They take all feedback into consideration and make great efforts to answer all questions and concerns.
I think it's unfair to judge a company solely on one particular aspect and use that to determine their entire image while they soar in so many more areas. Again, I'm not defending their lack of setting more grounded release dates, but we should demonstrate some more civility and understand that Telltale does great work and establishes great relationships with their community. If you hate episodic gaming then, with all due respect, you should not be following Telltale at all because they are known for it and have been regarded as the few companies that do it right.
I understand people get frustrated at the release dates, but please do not believe that determines the entire professional image of Telltale because they are so much better than various, other companies at handling such problems and forming productive relationships with their fans. They work hard to bring us immersive, final products (there wouldn't be such a level of anger if they did not) and I believe that makes it worth the wait.
yea i like the episodic releases. Its kinda like a TV show where you can speculate whats gonna happen next plus they have it where it says "Previously on the Walking Dead" and shows you what happened in the previous episode which is cool
To those of you complaining about Telltale's episodic model, the solution is to simply wait until the game is finished to purchase it. You get the same effect as if they had gone the traditional route. If Telltale hadn't gone the episodic route, we wouldn't have seen any playable content until December.
And those complaining about no release dates is silly, they can't give one when they don't know when it will be ready. Even if it was completely finished there's still the process of getting it released on Xbox Live/PSN/Steam which is not up to them how long it takes, at best they can give their best guess but all that will do is cause more aggressive reactions if they aren't 100% correct. I personally love Episodic releases because like the poster above said, it gives a chance to speculate and talk about what's going on and to make theories and such, which is honestly what I miss most about when I was watching Lost and would be on the forums talking about it between every episode. The fans can make just as great experience for the product as the creators and that's why I love this forum.
I try trial game of The walking dead and immediately fall in love with the art style, choice -system and especially storytelling of the game. A relationship with the Lee and Clementine feel already such a classic thing!
I rarely buy MS Points, but with this game i made an exception. I bought over 2000 MS points just to get every episode. Already completed 1 & 2 episode, Today i will play the third episode.
I have no problem with a episodic structure as long it's high quality product. Of course i don't want to wait too long. Is'n there about a month space apart from each episode release, am i right? That's luckily not too long to wait. Various gaming sites suggest that Episode 4 coming this month, i hope it is true...?
I try trial game of The walking dead and immediately fall in love with the art style, choice -system and especially storytelling of the game. A relationship with the Lee and Clementine feel already such a classic thing!
I ralely buy MS Points, but with this game i made an exception. I bought over 2000 MS points to just to get every episode. Already completed 1 & 2 episode, Today i will play the third episode.
I have no problem with a episodic structure as long it's high quality product. Of course i don't want to wait too long. Is'n there about a month space apart from each episode release, am i right? That's luckily not too long to wait. Various gaming sites suggest that Episode 4 coming this month, i hope it is true...?
Yeah. Episode 4 is scheduled to release this month. Welcome to the forums!
Hey, guys! First time poster here, as well.
I've been playing TWD since it came out and I feel that, while the wait can be very excrutiating at times, it is totally worth the wait every single time we get a new one. I like to play a level first, then my girlfriend will play. That way we can discuss how each person's storyline is unfolding differently and then talk about what we might see in the next chapter.
It's like the previous poster(s) mentioned: it's like a TV show, but an interactive one. We can't wait until the next episode to see what will happen!
Great job, TTG, keep it up!
YOU brought it up, and TT is still the only company that's the been mentioned that doesn't complete a game before releasing it.
And now you're just changing the subject. Nobody can name a company that gives solid release dates with their MONTHLY EPISODIC releases because nobody can name another company that does MONTHLY EPISODIC releases. I'm not saying this a third time, so if you're gonna keep trying to argue this point I'm done here.
I neither brought up George Lucas first nor did I start the idea that every other developer finished their games before releasing them (and which developers could you have meant if every other dev did not do monthly relases?). If a simple theme-rheme structure, and especially thematic progression, is out of your argumentative scope, we're definitely done here.
The poll should only ever stay open two weeks... and developers should only vote on the very last possible day of the open poll. Because any other way, they would influence the community too much in their votes AND wouldn't really guess to boot.
developers should only vote on the very last possible day of the open poll. Because any other way, they would influence the community too much in their votes AND wouldn't really guess to boot.
The polls are anonymous as far as I can tell. How would anybody know what a developer voted for?
They're quoting Gary Whitta, which is rather specific.
But they don't name a platform, which is oddly unspecific.
Still, Telltale's in total zugzwang this week. At least a blog entry today is what I find most likely. As for a release tomorrow - it IS a possibility.
I wasn't talking specifically about episodic releases any more in my post because your argumentation purposefully generalized the topic to include "every other developer [you] could think of". And indeed the art to make a complete game before release seems to get lost in the video game world.
And George Lucas could be considered a damn saint compared to Peter Jackson's take on "The Hobbit", because at least Georgie keeps fucking his own source material. But this kind of continued franchise rape explicitly doesn't happen with Telltale games.
Wow, imho Sir Peter Jackson did an excellent job portraying LOTR on film. I have no doubts he'll represent The Hobbit just as well. Franchise rape> 9 years post Return of the king = franchise rape? no sir it is not. Making the same thing year after year is franchise rape, yeah call of fucking duty. You assume The Hobbit is 'fucked' already but how can you know, you haven't seen it yet.
On topic: Hey, hey, hey, looks like it's close to release, yeah yeah.
You assume The Hobbit is 'fucked' already but how can you know, you haven't seen it yet.
Peter Jackson has offered ample evidence of the philosophy with which he intends to make the Hobbit into a movie (a misplaced 2001 class reunion, stretching the concise narrative to absurd length by drawing on six lines from Tolkien's LotR annex). There is, quite unfortunately, not much more to know.
I still don't see how he's fucked the source by making the film... lengthy. Even If the films each end up as long as the ones from the previous trilogy, isn't a longer film more value for your money.
I still don't see how he's fucked the source by making the film... lengthy. Even If the films each end up as long as the ones from the previous trilogy, isn't a longer film more value for your money.
the hobbit is shorter than/similar length to the separate lord of the rings books, clearly the thinking is 3* the money for one book, but what they forgot is 1/3 the fun for each film
At this very moment, he in fact IS reading this. (Only the forum savvy know how I know )
If he's allowed to confirm ANYTHING is a completely different matter.
Heh, I noticed he was browsing the thread as well. I'm sorta thinking that AV Club jumped the gun on printing the release date. It's unusual that a news outlet would publish that info before the company actually released something official.
We shall see...
I bet that EU PSN users has to wait a week again before it gets released for it. Me? I won't be mad anymore, I have learned that TTG is one of those weaker game companies.
And if they are going to release it, then they should release it to EU PSN! Because I am going to Lapland in next week.
This will be another week of waiting, gettin' spoiled and being pissed at TTG (Yup. I am a EU PSN dude)! I haven't missed this.. neeh.. I'll just play FIFA13 and forget about their shitty service. I hope! :cool:
Well hot damn. I was going to come on today and post my thoughts. I thought it was going to be announced today, released PSN Wednesday, and XBL, PC, and Mac Thursday. Glad to be proven wrong. Though my anatomy exam score won't be happy :P
For everyone else who has been purchasing TT games for a while, episodic gaming gives a unique experience of being able to speculate what is going to happen and allows the community to really exchange ideas and so forth. It's a really neat experience to see if your predications are true each and every step of the way and for $30 less than the average price for games; that's a pretty good bargain.
I won't deny that Telltale isn't the best when it comes to release dates, but with that being said, they are fully committed to making the best gaming experiences they can in their products and really have a great relationship with their customers. They take all feedback into consideration and make great efforts to answer all questions and concerns.
I think it's unfair to judge a company solely on one particular aspect and use that to determine their entire image while they soar in so many more areas. Again, I'm not defending their lack of setting more grounded release dates, but we should demonstrate some more civility and understand that Telltale does great work and establishes great relationships with their community. If you hate episodic gaming then, with all due respect, you should not be following Telltale at all because they are known for it and have been regarded as the few companies that do it right.
I understand people get frustrated at the release dates, but please do not believe that determines the entire professional image of Telltale because they are so much better than various, other companies at handling such problems and forming productive relationships with their fans. They work hard to bring us immersive, final products (there wouldn't be such a level of anger if they did not) and I believe that makes it worth the wait.
I try trial game of The walking dead and immediately fall in love with the art style, choice -system and especially storytelling of the game. A relationship with the Lee and Clementine feel already such a classic thing!
I rarely buy MS Points, but with this game i made an exception. I bought over 2000 MS points just to get every episode. Already completed 1 & 2 episode, Today i will play the third episode.
I have no problem with a episodic structure as long it's high quality product. Of course i don't want to wait too long. Is'n there about a month space apart from each episode release, am i right? That's luckily not too long to wait. Various gaming sites suggest that Episode 4 coming this month, i hope it is true...?
Yeah. Episode 4 is scheduled to release this month. Welcome to the forums!
Thanks! So not too long to wait anymore.
I've been playing TWD since it came out and I feel that, while the wait can be very excrutiating at times, it is totally worth the wait every single time we get a new one. I like to play a level first, then my girlfriend will play. That way we can discuss how each person's storyline is unfolding differently and then talk about what we might see in the next chapter.
It's like the previous poster(s) mentioned: it's like a TV show, but an interactive one. We can't wait until the next episode to see what will happen!
Great job, TTG, keep it up!
I neither brought up George Lucas first nor did I start the idea that every other developer finished their games before releasing them (and which developers could you have meant if every other dev did not do monthly relases?). If a simple theme-rheme structure, and especially thematic progression, is out of your argumentative scope, we're definitely done here.
The poll should only ever stay open two weeks... and developers should only vote on the very last possible day of the open poll. Because any other way, they would influence the community too much in their votes AND wouldn't really guess to boot.
The polls are anonymous as far as I can tell. How would anybody know what a developer voted for?
Klick on the poll's numbers. You're in for a surprise.
I just have a funny feeling, that TTG will give us some news today:) So i cross my fingers for it.
What do vain think is this week a likely possibility?
But they don't name a platform, which is oddly unspecific.
Still, Telltale's in total zugzwang this week. At least a blog entry today is what I find most likely. As for a release tomorrow - it IS a possibility.
Wow, imho Sir Peter Jackson did an excellent job portraying LOTR on film. I have no doubts he'll represent The Hobbit just as well. Franchise rape> 9 years post Return of the king = franchise rape? no sir it is not. Making the same thing year after year is franchise rape, yeah call of fucking duty. You assume The Hobbit is 'fucked' already but how can you know, you haven't seen it yet.
On topic: Hey, hey, hey, looks like it's close to release, yeah yeah.
Peter Jackson has offered ample evidence of the philosophy with which he intends to make the Hobbit into a movie (a misplaced 2001 class reunion, stretching the concise narrative to absurd length by drawing on six lines from Tolkien's LotR annex). There is, quite unfortunately, not much more to know.
I seriously hope you are joking here..
the hobbit is shorter than/similar length to the separate lord of the rings books, clearly the thinking is 3* the money for one book, but what they forgot is 1/3 the fun for each film
Yea, I noticed that also after I looked at the poll.
OH MY GOD NO. :eek:
The eighties and nineties with their rigorous 99 minute 'ideal length' cuts had the far superior storytelling.
At this very moment, he in fact IS reading this. (Only the forum savvy know how I know
If he's allowed to confirm ANYTHING is a completely different matter.
Heh, I noticed he was browsing the thread as well. I'm sorta thinking that AV Club jumped the gun on printing the release date. It's unusual that a news outlet would publish that info before the company actually released something official.
But I am so not complaining.
We shall see...
I bet that EU PSN users has to wait a week again before it gets released for it. Me? I won't be mad anymore, I have learned that TTG is one of those weaker game companies.
And if they are going to release it, then they should release it to EU PSN! Because I am going to Lapland in next week.
Looks like tomorrow for PSN, Wednesday for all other US platforms. International dates have not been finalized yet.
well looks like i will have to avoid the forums from tomorrow untill i have completed it a few times
Yeah... probably we'll have to wait another week...
But this was my reaction... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFWI2sDZMJ4 :mad:
In all seriousness, holy shit I'm excited.
I just saw the announcement on Twitter. I was really hoping it would be this week. Now I'll have time to play it before I start my new job.
Also because I totally called it for Oct. 9th.