Disappointments in Gaming

edited October 2012 in General Chat
At the risk of creating a rant thread... What games have you purchased which you heard good things about but when you played the game it turns out to be a disappointment;

or else you bought one game instead of another, but when you played the one you picked you wished you had made the other choice?

And why?


  • edited October 2012
    Three words.

    Sonic. The. Hedgehog.

    (Do I really need to specify that I mean the 2006 version? Or why?)
  • edited October 2012
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    At the risk of creating a rant thread... What games have you purchased which you heard good things about but when you played the game it turns out to be a disappointment

    "Grim Fandango". Sorry.
  • edited October 2012
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    At the risk of creating a rant thread... What games have you purchased which you heard good things about but when you played the game it turns out to be a disappointment;
    Portal 2.
    /me goes into hiding

    I gave my reasons in the rate the last game.... thread.

    And as soon as I finish it "Quantum Conundrum" will have disappointed me too.

    Oh and StarCraft 2.
  • edited October 2012
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    And why?

    Little Big Planet is on several "Top 10 PS3 games" lists... but it's really kinda boring. Dying has no real consequence, you have no power-ups to kill monsters with, there are very few monsters (as opposed to animated obstacles) to threaten you, and there is little to no story. Seriously--"defeat Bowser and save the princess" is more story than LBP has.

    Maybe I need to play it in multiplayer to feel better about it.
  • edited October 2012
    Diablo III

    I never even bought it. Just played the demo and I was disappointed. No synergy, no fiddling with your stats, no choosing skills... they took all the fun parts out and replaced them with more complicated ways of not making the equipment you'd like.
  • edited October 2012
    Diablo III

    Yes. Most disappointing game this year BUT I knew that before I even bought it so it didn't hit me as hard as Portal 2 did.
  • edited October 2012
    Mass Effect.

    For someone who likes western RPGs and space/science fiction stuff as well as enjoying playing other BioWare titles I just can't get into Mass Effect. I've tried many times, I play for a bit then I get bored and just stop until I try again a few months or a year later or so. Now I've pretty much given up on the idea of finishing it, yet I won't uninstall it just in case I want to try it again.
  • edited October 2012
    Mass Effect.

    For someone who likes western RPGs and space/science fiction stuff as well as enjoying playing other BioWare titles I just can't get into Mass Effect. I've tried many times, I play for a bit then I get bored and just stop until I try again a few months or a year later or so. Now I've pretty much given up on the idea of finishing it, yet I won't uninstall it just in case I want to try it again.
    Have you considered watching a Let's Play?

    I got Super Mario Sunshine a while back, and was getting irritated that Mario didn't control at all like in Super Mario 64 so I returned it. But then I watched NintendoCapriSun's Let's play of Super Mario Sunshine and it really did seem like it could be fun, so I might consider getting it again.
  • edited October 2012
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    Dying has no real consequence

    Blatant lies. In most LBP levels, you have a maximum of four times dying (on some checkpoints eight) before reaching the next checkpoint, otherwise you would need to start over again.

    For me, it was Conquest of the New World. Both when I bought it back during the CD-ROM days (which I bought because I thought the demo was quite cool), and when I bought it on GOG (after which I found out why I stopped playing the game). It really was boring, you technically could just play the demo of the game and you have seen mostly everything.

    Borderlands, although it might help that I just can't stand FPS games or games in first person, due to the fact that I get disoriented fast.
  • edited October 2012
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    I just can't stand FPS games or games in first person

    Quote of the year.
  • edited October 2012
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    Have you considered watching a Let's Play?

    I'm generally not a fan of let's plays as I prefer to play a game rather than just watch it, and I would probably get annoyed when watching someone playing in a way I wouldn't which, I guess, is more relevant with RPGs or just games with moral like choices (even if it's just the illusion of choice).
  • edited October 2012
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    Borderlands, although it might help that I just can't stand FPS games or games in first person, due to the fact that I get disoriented fast.

    Borderlands is a game that really doesn't work as a single player game. I played it with some friends and it was fun to shoot their car until it exploded or find really creative ways of parking.

    What I didn't like was the fact that every single mission was "Go here and kill this thing/five of this thing. Why? Because we told you to, that's why!". By the end of my second session playing, I no longer cared about anything that was going on and proceeded to make my own fun via aforementioned car stunts.
  • edited October 2012
    Sonic Unleashed. Both the PS3/360 version and the Wii version. I read(or watched) a review for the Wii version, the review was very positive. I started the game and things started out good. Then Chip spoke and made my ears bleed. The daytime stages were great, I felt it was definitely better than the crap I had to put up with in Secret Rings. Then came the first were-hog stages. My God is that crap boring and tedious. Absolutely sucked the enjoyment out of the entire game. Crappy platforming, annoying attacks, and overall just terrible. Then I played the PS3 version. A bit better, yes, but then came the stage where you had to attack Eggman's fleet, and the entire thing was set-up with Quick-Time events. Terrible. Just bloody terrible. Again, the daytime stages where you're playing as Sonic are just fine. But the were-hog stuff is crap. Plain and simple.
  • edited October 2012
    Duke Nukem Forever. Yes, I was a disillusioned fan and I expected great things against all odds. I dared to believe and I had no expectations. I was not rewarded. At least the DLC campaign was a little better. But Gearbox ruined him.
  • edited October 2012
    Gearbox just put all the loose bits together. 3D Realms ruined Duke. I think Gearbox just wanted to be rid of the damn thing. Can't say I blame them, to be honest.

    On the same sort of topic - I really regret paying £60 online for the Balls of Steel version of Duke Forever, when I saw the same thing a week later in an actual store for less than HALF that. GRR.
  • edited October 2012
    Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time

    Might have to revisit it again, though. Maybe it holds up better a second playthrough.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited October 2012
    The Fall - Last Days of Gaya.

    Oh how active I was in the community. How much I anticipated this game. How long I stumbled through town getting this game on release day. And how bugged, shitty, completely naive and fucking racist it was.

    That was eight years ago. I don't think any game can EVER be more of a disappointment. I know that there probably are worse games out there. But thanks to The Fall, I know how to avoid them.
  • edited October 2012
    Duke Nukem Forever. Yes, I was a disillusioned fan and I expected great things against all odds. I dared to believe and I had no expectations. I was not rewarded. At least the DLC campaign was a little better. But Gearbox ruined him.

    I remember several "fans" of this game on this forum when it was released that wouldn't let any criticism against the game pass. Even though we all could see it's as crappy as the piece of shit you can fling at the start of the game.
  • edited October 2012
    im going old school and saying the old superman game that came out on the 64. worst game iv ever played. #1!!!!! #2 is MW3 and thats for the horrible spawn system that they made for it. completely dwarfed everything good about the game.#3 was the new resedent evil game that just came out. action buttons? realy? lame...
  • edited October 2012
    Sonic Adventure 2:

    Or more I played it, thought it was terrible, and now I don't stop hearing about how awesome it was. And even better than Sonic Adventure 1. Listen. I like most Sonic games, even the 3D recent "Crappy" ones. I like Sonic Labyrinth for gods sake because I actually know how to play it. Nothing is better than Sonic Adventure 1 in the 3d Sonics. In the main series of Sonic Game, Sonic Adventure 2 was a sing step above Sonic 06 for me. A Single Step.

    I can't say Sonic and the Secret Rings disappointed me because I wasn't expecting anything there.

    Also, Sly Cooper. I can't play Sly Cooper. I try to play it and I can't get anywhere. I don't not like games that require me to be stealthy, but Sly made it feel all wrong. I'm still hearing so much about people loving it, so I'm seeing about revisiting it to see if anything has changed.
  • edited October 2012
    Sonic Adventure was absolutely terrible and I have no idea why people defend it.

    Sonic Adventure 2 was better, but still flawed.

    Sonic Heroes was a return to pure shit.

    Shadow the Hedgehog continued the trend.

    Sonic '06 was a step BACK from shit. How such a thing is possible, I don't know.

    Sonic & the Secret Rings was... an experiment. That failed. HARD.

    Sonic Unleashed was half decent. And half shit. Guess which bits were which.

    Sonic Generations was mostly decent (and a little bit shit).

    And next... I dunno. More mostly decent? Here's hoping.
  • edited October 2012
    Sonic and the Secret Rings was awesome, as was Sonic Colors.
  • edited October 2012
    Secret Rings was an interesting game that took ages to get good - from what I hear, anyway. I never got that far.
  • edited October 2012
    Ahhhh well then you never reached the epic last battle ;)
  • edited October 2012
    DAISHI wrote: »
    Sonic and the Secret Rings was awesome, as was Sonic Colors.

    I agree on Colors, but Secret Rings was terrible, absolutely terrible. Putting Sonic on a rail and NOT LETTING HIM TURN AT ALL was stupid. Oops, I missed something, guess I better back up, whoops, I hit something, there went my rings. Black Knight was hardly any better. The only things those games had going for them was that they were very damn pretty. Some of the prettiest visuals on the Wii.
  • edited October 2012
    Remolay wrote: »
    Sonic Adventure 2:

    Or more I played it, thought it was terrible, and now I don't stop hearing about how awesome it was. And even better than Sonic Adventure 1. Listen. I like most Sonic games, even the 3D recent "Crappy" ones. I like Sonic Labyrinth for gods sake because I actually know how to play it. Nothing is better than Sonic Adventure 1 in the 3d Sonics. In the main series of Sonic Game, Sonic Adventure 2 was a sing step above Sonic 06 for me. A Single Step.

    Main reason it is popular is the chao garden :P I remember the gardens, stats of a chao, the races, the karate matches, etc... For the actual game... there was a scene were a car chases you...
  • edited October 2012
    Sonic the Hedgehog 4. After the release of Mega Man 9, I wished that Sega would follow suit and do a Sonic 4. I got my wish in name only, because while I wanted a retro-style Sonic in the 16-bit style of Sonic 3 & Knuckles, with a similar graphics style and physics engine, I got...well, Sonic the Hedgehog 4.
  • edited October 2012
    I agree on Colors, but Secret Rings was terrible, absolutely terrible. Putting Sonic on a rail and NOT LETTING HIM TURN AT ALL was stupid. Oops, I missed something, guess I better back up, whoops, I hit something, there went my rings. Black Knight was hardly any better. The only things those games had going for them was that they were very damn pretty. Some of the prettiest visuals on the Wii.

    That's what made it good, you were constantly moving forward!
  • edited October 2012
    DAISHI wrote: »
    That's what made it good, you were constantly moving forward!

    To me, that's what made it bad.

    EDIT: In fact, my test to see whether I'll like a Sonic game or not now is, as soon as the level starts, I drop the controller.
  • edited October 2012
    I'm not sure what games disappointed me but i would say The Sims 3. I got the PS3 version of Sims 3 but i feel Sims 2 is far better.
  • edited October 2012






    These are games I hate.

    Games I don't hate, whose wasted potential weights heavily on my soul:





    ...'s single-player campaign. Which is awful.
  • edited October 2012
    Curse is one of my favorite games. And one of the first adventure games I played and constantly makes me laugh.
  • edited October 2012
    Mass Effect.

    For someone who likes western RPGs and space/science fiction stuff as well as enjoying playing other BioWare titles I just can't get into Mass Effect. I've tried many times, I play for a bit then I get bored and just stop until I try again a few months or a year later or so. Now I've pretty much given up on the idea of finishing it, yet I won't uninstall it just in case I want to try it again.

    To be fair, you really gotta get through the first few hours of Mass Effect before it starts getting good (every time I replay it, I wish I could skip the whole Citadel sequence).

    My biggest gaming disappointments have been nearly all James Bond games. I don't know why it's so hard for developers to make good James Bond games. It should be so easy, it's a franchise that seems tailor-made for good videogames.
  • edited October 2012
  • edited October 2012
    I'm clicking everywhere but THE GAME WON'T START!!!!!!

    BIG disappointment.
  • edited October 2012
    I'm clicking everywhere but THE GAME WON'T START!!!!!!

    BIG disappointment.

    You have to hit the any key.
  • edited October 2012
    To be fair, you really gotta get through the first few hours of Mass Effect before it starts getting good (every time I replay it, I wish I could skip the whole Citadel sequence).

    Weirdly that's probably the bit I like the most. The furthest I got was getting Liara, during my first play through on the 360. Never played that version again and eventually sold/traded it. Got it again on the PC during a Steam sale but I've yet to get that far again. I do all the start and Citadel bit then just stop after doing a couple of side missions. That may be part of the problem. I'm a completionist when it comes to side quests, I have to do all that I can and I usually try to do as many as I can before I get into a main questline.
  • edited October 2012
  • edited October 2012
    I got bored trying to play and ordered a Tab.
  • edited October 2012
    Ah good ole Coolsome is back. Had us worried.
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