So homosexual marriage finally seems like it's getting approval from the American public, to which I say Kudos! I'm firmly attracted to the female form myself, but I'd never want to keep someone from marrying someone else.
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I'm not bothered unless you try to sink my battleship. (Or try to get in the way of my navigation. I spent ages trying to plan that all out you know. -_-)
But we are human! Even animals never do such a thing like that
Even shouldn't talk about this
Where are we going?
God help us!
It depends on how N7 (or anyone behaving the same way) proceeds, basically. He's made his views known, which is fine, and if he wants to explain the logic behind it and engage in a healthy debate, fair enough. If he wants to just say "being gay is wrong!" and ramble on without saying anything, I suspect I'll just give him a warning.
Slightly touchy subject, homosexuality. I don't want to just slap people's wrists for having opinions that differ from everyone else's. That's not what should happen in an open forum.
We are more than this
Humanity is more than this
I feel sorry for you
This reminds me of something.
(I personally am straight with a slight feminine twist and damn proud of it!
Sorry... this is my last post in this thread
Are you obey?
Obey means gay in our country! Who get fu**ed
You shall obey!
*Cracks whip*
You want kiss?
or am I counting down to the closure of this thread?
You can stop the youtube links anyway... youtube is blocked in Iran. Thank you.
...The general acceptance of homosexual marriage of course.
What I'd like to discuss, concerning sexuality, is rampant extra-marital sexual promiscuity.
As you may or may not know, General Petraeus, former director of the CIA, resigned from his position after it became known that he was having an affair with his biographer. A while back, John Edwards was found out as having an affair; so was Arnold Schwarzenegger; so was Bill Clinton. The list goes on.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!? Does no one have loyalty to their spouse? Seriously.
As someone who was once the third wheel, as you might put it, unless it's generally agreed upon that it's just sex, in the end, it just sucks for everyone involved.
I learned my lesson. I was a lot younger by the way, I'm not talking about a couple years ago here. I've personally grown into a very devoted(in the sense of love and not stringing people along) person and wont stay in a relationship with someone that I do not feel the utmost love and passion for. So yes, I believe in divorce and not staying together "for the kids"...because yanno, kids just love seeing bickering and fighting every day of their lives.
I have a whole host of things I feel like saying in a big, long rant on about this, but they are obvious and I'm sure everyone agrees anyway.
I love my wife. I love her. We might have heated arguments now and then, but it's not fighting, and we always make up. And I certainly wouldn't yell and scream around kids.
I wouldn't say I'm a proponent of divorce. My faith does tell me that it's wrong except for in cases of marital unfaithfulness. However, I can certainly see the reasons why it is a necessary step in certain cases such as abuse.
I also feel that too many people get divorced too easily--like they're not having fun anymore so they get bored and quit. Same with having affairs. When I got married to my wife, I said "for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part." This should mean something to people. They're not agreeing to be married until it's not a party anymore. They're making a commitment to spend their life with someone who should be their best friend.
*sigh* I just don't understand people.
But getting all those chilli peppers can be pretty expensive though, so I can see why not many people would do it.
Actually, in my experience the argument usually goes like this:
"It's unnatural."
"It's found throughout nature."
"It's just a new liberal trend."
"It's been part of society, with varying degrees of acceptance, since the beginning of recorded history."
"It will take away my rights."
"It has nothing to do with your rights, your rights will stay the same."
"It will destroy the sanctity of marriage."
"A divorce rate of over 50% has already done that."
"It won't work because marriage is about procreation and gay couples can't have kids."
"Neither can many straight couples but we still let them marry."
"The kids that they do have will be messed up for life without a mother and father."
"Not according to every study ever done on the subject."
"It violates the holy book that I subscribe to."
"That book contains numerous inconsistencies and a wide variety of other rules that are considered outdated."
"It makes me feel icky."
"Aaaaand there it is."
No. I like being able to jump between light hearted and serious. When you have a subforum for all serious it just gets depressing, argumentative and eventually shut down.
I don't think I've really known what love is since my first love. I think I've loved other people, but I've also gotten bored with them after a few months, so probably not.
Also, I will point out that just because I disapprove of homosexuality, it doesn't mean I hate gays, and it doesn't mean they're going to hell simply because they're gay. I will also add that abusing people because they're gay period solves nothing.
Gotten bored with them? Like, you go to clubs and parties and that sort of stuff when you're single, but when you're in a relationship you get bored with not having that to do all the time? Or do you mean that you get tired of when you want to do something, you have to run it by her first?
Loving someone doesn't mean there's hot, infatuous fawning over each other all the time. So just because the infatuation wears off after a time, it doesn't mean you don't love each other after that.