Seriously? This again? Kenny's gone. He had a hero's death, which most characters didn't have. I don't want my memory of him to be changed by having him back. About Lee, well, he got bit, he's gone.
Seriously? This again? Kenny's gone. He had a hero's death, which most characters didn't have. I don't want my memory of him to be changed by having him back. About Lee, well, he got bit, he's gone.
OK that is a very fair opinion and that is what most people would think. I am just opening doors to new ideas. Sorry if this annoyed you in any way. Thanks for contributing and STAY AWESOME BRO!
Seriously? This again? Kenny's gone. He had a hero's death, which most characters didn't have. I don't want my memory of him to be changed by having him back. About Lee, well, he got bit, he's gone.
His death seems very likely, however there is no evidence whatsoever that directly confirms it. Your refusal to accept this does not change the fact that he might be alive.
Not to mention the fact that a scenario in which someone who was thought to have sacrificed themselves valiantly fighting off hordes of walkers and then later survived with nary a scratch has, in fact, happened in the Walking Dead universe before.
For Lee, however, well... when the developer's themselves confirm a characters death, there is little room for doubt. It's their story and what they say does indeed go...
His death seems very likely, however there is no evidence whatsoever that directly confirms it. Your refusal to accept this does not change the fact that he might be alive.
Not to mention the fact that a scenario in which someone who was thought to have sacrificed themselves valiantly fighting off hordes of walkers and then later survived with nary a scratch has, in fact, happened in the Walking Dead universe before.
For Lee, however, well... when the developer's themselves confirm a characters death, there is little room for doubt. It's their story and what they say does indeed go...
Thanks for the information bro I really appreciate it. It has helped me and I'm sure a lot of people out now knowing that Lee is dead. Shame. Hope you at least found my theory interesting. STAY AWESOME DUDE!
Well thought out theories which are possible! Kenny had a knack for getting out of tight spots,what if he did get away and was all to hell with them im finding a boat on my own,there was also that bridge to the right when Lee walks across it that joins up with the building,so it could off been the escape route,think about this,there are also options in other games like Metal Gear if you don't pass a test Meryl dies,but i recall seeing her in MGS4;) i think Lee is alive,and it could be one hell of a surprise!
Well thought out theories which are possible! Kenny had a knack for getting out of tight spots,what if he did get away and was all to hell with them im finding a boat on my own,there was also that bridge to the right when Lee walks across it that joins up with the building,so it could off been the escape route,think about this,there are also options in other games like Metal Gear if you don't pass a test Meryl dies,but i recall seeing her in MGS4;) i think Lee is alive,and it could be one hell of a surprise!
Thanks for joining in and I totally agree with you. A game wouldn't be popular if there wasn't surprises that the viewer or gamer in this case wouldn't expect. It makes the gaming experience exciting and unique. So nice bro STAY AWESOME
- People who havent finished the game. ( This isnt on the spoiler part )
Sorry bro and no offence but you should really finish the game before checking out any forum on the subject. There is high risk of spoilers on any thread even if it isn't in the spoilers section. And my theory proves that they might NOT be Anyway apologies bro STAY AWESOME!
Ok, I would hate to ruin the ending of this game for anyone, so I had to add the spoiler notice at the top of my post. Although, judging by the rest of this thread and the title alone, it's probably already too late for that, heh.
Anyway, my opinion regarding Lee has nothing to do with any sort of logic about whether or not he could potentially be alive. Rationalizing that maybe he passed out due to blood loss or Clem missed the shot, etc etc...none of that matters to me. The reason that Lee is dead and must remain dead is that if they brought him back it would ruin what is, in my opinion, the greatest ending to a video game that I have ever played (shoot me ending). It was one of the most dramatic scenes I have witnessed in any medium and to see it watered down by allowing Lee to live would sicken me.
On the other hand, I am unsure about Kenny. I can see it go either way, but it wouldn't bother me if we never saw him again even though I enjoyed his character. They could leave it open to your imagination about whether he lived or died. Although, even if he did survive, it would be kind of far fetched that he would meet up with Clem again in the middle of nowhere, but you never know. I have seen crazier things happen, lol.
When i hear the "Breathing" after clems shoots at lee. I immediatly thought thats lee waking up from a nightmare. Maybe im in denial but im just guessing that sort of breathing or breath isnt associated with getting shot in the face/head. Possibly some of his biggest fears are him dying and clem left all alone with evil shadows lurking everywhere. Clem turning on the RV and attacking lee shows he has nightmares about clem and himself. If everything after lee getting bitten isnt like a nightmare....Im just sayin.
When i hear the "Breathing" after clems shoots at lee. I immediatly thought thats lee waking up from a nightmare. Maybe im in denial but im just guessing that sort of breathing or breath isnt associated with getting shot in the face/head. Possibly some of his biggest fears are him dying and clem left all alone with evil shadows lurking everywhere. Clem turning on the RV and attacking lee shows he has nightmares about clem and himself. If everything after lee getting bitten isnt like a nightmare....Im just sayin.
Read the above post, it is confirmed...
Not to mention that bringing him back would be very much against the themes of the franchise.
Está vivo los cobardes siempre se salvan, aun en la vida real fue cobarde en el episodio 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, y en todas salió vivo la verdad no me importa no tiene carácter para buscar y pelear, sabía que tenía que pelear, sabía que debería cuidar a su familia, sabía que debería apoyar a un amigo en desgracia, prefirió culpar, pelear con todos, se enfrasco en el alcohol, no tiene los bigotes para pelear por alguien.
Maybe the breath is from Clementine? And it just sounds different because she's sobbing with tears. Who knows...
Definitely sounds like a man's breath with my Denons. When Lee died, he was probably holding back a sob, and upon being shot, his lungs deflated a bit.
Well, just a theory, but it sure as hell isn't Clementine that made that noise
Telltale and/or the Walking Dead franchise is all about surprises, jump scares, and the like. Telling everyone Lee would survive would seriously ruin the game, right? And telling everyone he was 100% dead would scare people the hell out to see him reunite with the group. Throughout the entire game I figured something bad would happen to Lee, and the more I played after his bite part, I realized something: Everyone in the game basically mentions about not giving up, that life can go back to normal, and that giving up is not the way to go. It is first mentioned with Katjaa at the farm that everyone needs to have hope that life can go back to normal. Then at the motel, when contemplating whether to let Irene kill herself. Then with Glenn and Carley. Clementine mentions several times about the world going back to the way it was, and you could agree with her. Kenny speaks of it at the house with the dead couple, and you speak with Christa and Omid on it many times. Clementine even tells you not to give up, and to escape with her at the very end.
Does all this not seem like a hint? The first couple times I was like "yeah, don't give up." Then it was "Okay...?" and then "This is kind of repetitive...". I think it means something. That Lee could survive the store. His passing outs could have been bleeding out, not the bite. He was dripping on the roof of the hospital, even after patching it up. He starts to get a fever, but who knows for sure where it came from? He wasn't looking to good when he first left the house looking for her. And besides, for who knows if any sand or dust or anything got in there from all those walkers walking around. When he first gets bitten to when they get to the morgue is maybe 30 minutes at the most. Most bite victims last less than 24 hours, but Jim in the comics lasted longer. And Lee was bitten in the arm, nowhere near anything important. This would mean the infection would spread slower than if bitten in the stomach like Duck. Duck passed away a lot faster because he was so little and young, and his immune system probably not top notch. Anyway, Lee's first faint could have been sickness (not related to bite), exhaustion, dehydration, starvation, etc. You just don't know. Lee in the store can be kept from having the handcuffs, could have lost his arm and not been bitten, and then left at the store with the door unlocked. He was covered in muck so even if walkers were smart enough to get in, they shouldn't go after him. Lee's fainting in the store could have been like all the symptoms of the first fainting, or simply from the great blood loss. It doesn't mean he was dead.
I know I sound stubborn, but I won't give up hope until I see Lee myself, and even then, I will still see him somewhat(as a walker). I'll let zombie Lee and Clem have a family again O_O
Telltale and/or the Walking Dead franchise is all about surprises, jump scares, and the like. Telling everyone Lee would survive would seriously ruin the game, right? And telling everyone he was 100% dead would scare people the hell out to see him reunite with the group. Throughout the entire game I figured something bad would happen to Lee, and the more I played after his bite part, I realized something: Everyone in the game basically mentions about not giving up, that life can go back to normal, and that giving up is not the way to go. It is first mentioned with Katjaa at the farm that everyone needs to have hope that life can go back to normal. Then at the motel, when contemplating whether to let Irene kill herself. Then with Glenn and Carley. Clementine mentions several times about the world going back to the way it was, and you could agree with her. Kenny speaks of it at the house with the dead couple, and you speak with Christa and Omid on it many times. Clementine even tells you not to give up, and to escape with her at the very end.
Does all this not seem like a hint? The first couple times I was like "yeah, don't give up." Then it was "Okay...?" and then "This is kind of repetitive...". I think it means something. That Lee could survive the store. His passing outs could have been bleeding out, not the bite. He was dripping on the roof of the hospital, even after patching it up. He starts to get a fever, but who knows for sure where it came from? He wasn't looking to good when he first left the house looking for her. And besides, for who knows if any sand or dust or anything got in there from all those walkers walking around. When he first gets bitten to when they get to the morgue is maybe 30 minutes at the most. Most bite victims last less than 24 hours, but Jim in the comics lasted longer. And Lee was bitten in the arm, nowhere near anything important. This would mean the infection would spread slower than if bitten in the stomach like Duck. Duck passed away a lot faster because he was so little and young, and his immune system probably not top notch. Anyway, Lee's first faint could have been sickness (not related to bite), exhaustion, dehydration, starvation, etc. You just don't know. Lee in the store can be kept from having the handcuffs, could have lost his arm and not been bitten, and then left at the store with the door unlocked. He was covered in muck so even if walkers were smart enough to get in, they shouldn't go after him. Lee's fainting in the store could have been like all the symptoms of the first fainting, or simply from the great blood loss. It doesn't mean he was dead.
I know I sound stubborn, but I won't give up hope until I see Lee myself, and even then, I will still see him somewhat(as a walker). I'll let zombie Lee and Clem have a family again O_O
Okay. But how is Lee going to get enough blood to keep on moving? If he's losing blood, someone would have to find him, and then stop the bleeding, and then take him to a hospital- oh wait. There are no hospitals.
And, oh the arm has nothing important? Except the fucking major veins that travels through your entire body. And what do veins do? They take blood to the heart, which circulates it through the body using arteries. Now, how fast does this process take? In a normal human male, it takes about one minute for that whole process. So, if somehow Lee got his arm cut off in the first minute of the infection, he'd still be have one arm missing and losing lots of blood.
Okay. But how is Lee going to get enough blood to keep on moving? If he's losing blood, someone would have to find him, and then stop the bleeding, and then take him to a hospital- oh wait. There are no hospitals.
And, oh the arm has nothing important? Except the fucking major veins that travels through your entire body. And what do veins do? They take blood to the heart, which circulates it through the body using arteries. Now, how fast does this process take? In a normal human male, it takes about one minute for that whole process. So, if somehow Lee got his arm cut off in the first minute of the infection, he'd still be have one arm missing and losing lots of blood.
Minute sounds a bit fast doc :P. Gotta think this is a game though. But yeah, I see your point. The chances are slim. What I mean't by important was he was bitten at the wrist, not at the veins, and that losing his arm wouldn't be too bad. At least it wasn't somewhere he was a garunteed goner. t'd take time. But not long, that is true. The idea is luck-based. Lee feeling lucky? :P
It's not that someone can't find him. I still am at the doubt that Clem was able to drag him into the store and close the door on her own.
That and tat she was then able to make ith through the horde of walkers, for even though she had muck on, the one walker still attacked her, so she probably didn't have enough on. Someone could have been watching them. Maybe it was Vernon. If you treated Vernon right, maybe he helps you out. He's a doctor, and get get you patched up. He has a group, the odds someone has his blood type are high. It's all up to what you choose to believe ya know?
Minute sounds a bit fast doc :P. Gotta think this is a game though. But yeah, I see your point. The chances are slim. What I mean't by important was he was bitten at the wrist, not at the veins, and that losing his arm wouldn't be too bad. At least it wasn't somewhere he was a garunteed goner. t'd take time. But not long, that is true. The idea is luck-based. Lee feeling lucky? :P
Incidentally, as the article mentions, the one-minute average is actually conservative. That's for a person at rest. It takes even less time for a person that's active (say, someone moving about looking for a little girl).
And there's actually atleast two major blood vessels near the wrist, just from memory there's the radial artery and the ulnar artery. So yeah.
Incidentally, as the article mentions, the one-minute average is actually conservative. That's for a person at rest. It takes even less time for a person that's active (say, someone moving about looking for a little girl).
And there's actually atleast two major blood vessels near the wrist, just from memory there's the radial artery and the ulnar artery. So yeah.
Well, then Hershel was one lucky mo-fo, lol. It was at least several minutes for him xD.
But yeah, I agree, highly unlikely. I'm still going to be stubborn on the situation. Rub it in my face when we see his walker face
Well, then Hershel was one lucky mo-fo, lol. It was at least several minutes for him xD.
But yeah, I agree, highly unlikely. I'm still going to be stubborn on the situation. Rub it in my face when we see his walker face
There was someone on this forum who said to tell him "i told you so" if Lee didn't up immune to the infection or something like that(before ep 5), and now i totally want to find him and say i told ya so.
There was someone on this forum who said to tell him "i told you so" if Lee didn't up immune to the infection or something like that(before ep 5), and now i totally want to find him and say i told ya so.
Hahahahaha, touche Mornai, I knew he wasn't though. And okay, it's okay Mornai In 6 months, I'll still be here :P. I might not be in the waiting time, but once season 2 comes, just try to keep me away -_-
What they should do is make it at the end kenny had to shoot ben and run and christa and omid found him but he was lagging behind (that could help later in the story and keep the story going longer) cause if you do it where ben fell off the balcony there were almost no zombies behind where kenny was so he had a chance of escaping.
How woud he get away? The walkers were coming from both sides, one of them grabs Kenny. I'm pretty sure he got completely overwhelmed.
GUY I QUOTED IS WRONG- If u would have paid attention u would have seen at start and maybe end zombies only came from the front not from behind so at end kenny seemed strong so if 1 grabbed him he could overpower it and then shoot ben and run or shoot zombie off and ben died or passed out from pain and kenny ran for his life
How woud he get away? The walkers were coming from both sides, one of them grabs Kenny. I'm pretty u:cool:sure he got completely overwhelmed.
GUY I QUOTED IS WRONG- If u would have paid attention u would have seen at start and maybe end zombies only came from the front not from behind so at end kenny seemed strong so if 1 grabbed him he could overpower it and then shoot ben and run or shoot zombie off and ben died or passed out from pain and kenny ran for his life
Telltale and/or the Walking Dead franchise is all about surprises, jump scares, and the like. Telling everyone Lee would survive would seriously ruin the game, right? And telling everyone he was 100% dead would scare people the hell out to see him reunite with the group. Throughout the entire game I figured something bad would happen to Lee, and the more I played after his bite part, I realized something: Everyone in the game basically mentions about not giving up, that life can go back to normal, and that giving up is not the way to go. It is first mentioned with Katjaa at the farm that everyone needs to have hope that life can go back to normal. Then at the motel, when contemplating whether to let Irene kill herself. Then with Glenn and Carley. Clementine mentions several times about the world going back to the way it was, and you could agree with her. Kenny speaks of it at the house with the dead couple, and you speak with Christa and Omid on it many times. Clementine even tells you not to give up, and to escape with her at the very end.
Does all this not seem like a hint? The first couple times I was like "yeah, don't give up." Then it was "Okay...?" and then "This is kind of repetitive...". I think it means something. That Lee could survive the store. His passing outs could have been bleeding out, not the bite. He was dripping on the roof of the hospital, even after patching it up. He starts to get a fever, but who knows for sure where it came from? He wasn't looking to good when he first left the house looking for her. And besides, for who knows if any sand or dust or anything got in there from all those walkers walking around. When he first gets bitten to when they get to the morgue is maybe 30 minutes at the most. Most bite victims last less than 24 hours, but Jim in the comics lasted longer. And Lee was bitten in the arm, nowhere near anything important. This would mean the infection would spread slower than if bitten in the stomach like Duck. Duck passed away a lot faster because he was so little and young, and his immune system probably not top notch. Anyway, Lee's first faint could have been sickness (not related to bite), exhaustion, dehydration, starvation, etc. You just don't know. Lee in the store can be kept from having the handcuffs, could have lost his arm and not been bitten, and then left at the store with the door unlocked. He was covered in muck so even if walkers were smart enough to get in, they shouldn't go after him. Lee's fainting in the store could have been like all the symptoms of the first fainting, or simply from the great blood loss. It doesn't mean he was dead.
I know I sound stubborn, but I won't give up hope until I see Lee myself, and even then, I will still see him somewhat(as a walker). I'll let zombie Lee and Clem have a family again O_O
Also had theory that when the walker breaks free in the jewel store and goes after Clem. Lee gets hit with the statue. Could be minor concussion as well. Im stubborn too. So do not feel alone.
Also had theory that when the walker breaks free in the jewel store and goes after Clem. Lee gets hit with the statue. Could be minor concussion as well. Im stubborn too. So do not feel alone.
I didn't even think about the glass :O and okay, that makes me not feel too badly
I think that he is alive. Who knows, maybe sometime later in season 2 we will find out that in either scenario (the alleyway or the hole in the roof of that building) maybe molly ended up saving him. But like I said, who knows?
OK that is a very fair opinion and that is what most people would think. I am just opening doors to new ideas. Sorry if this annoyed you in any way. Thanks for contributing and STAY AWESOME BRO!
His death seems very likely, however there is no evidence whatsoever that directly confirms it. Your refusal to accept this does not change the fact that he might be alive.
Not to mention the fact that a scenario in which someone who was thought to have sacrificed themselves valiantly fighting off hordes of walkers and then later survived with nary a scratch has, in fact, happened in the Walking Dead universe before.
For Lee, however, well... when the developer's themselves confirm a characters death, there is little room for doubt. It's their story and what they say does indeed go...
Thanks for the information bro I really appreciate it. It has helped me and I'm sure a lot of people out now knowing that Lee is dead. Shame. Hope you at least found my theory interesting. STAY AWESOME DUDE!
Thanks for joining in and I totally agree with you. A game wouldn't be popular if there wasn't surprises that the viewer or gamer in this case wouldn't expect. It makes the gaming experience exciting and unique. So nice bro
- People who havent finished the game. ( This isnt on the spoiler part )
Sorry bro and no offence but you should really finish the game before checking out any forum on the subject. There is high risk of spoilers on any thread even if it isn't in the spoilers section. And my theory proves that they might NOT be
Ok, I would hate to ruin the ending of this game for anyone, so I had to add the spoiler notice at the top of my post. Although, judging by the rest of this thread and the title alone, it's probably already too late for that, heh.
Anyway, my opinion regarding Lee has nothing to do with any sort of logic about whether or not he could potentially be alive. Rationalizing that maybe he passed out due to blood loss or Clem missed the shot, etc etc...none of that matters to me. The reason that Lee is dead and must remain dead is that if they brought him back it would ruin what is, in my opinion, the greatest ending to a video game that I have ever played (shoot me ending). It was one of the most dramatic scenes I have witnessed in any medium and to see it watered down by allowing Lee to live would sicken me.
On the other hand, I am unsure about Kenny. I can see it go either way, but it wouldn't bother me if we never saw him again even though I enjoyed his character. They could leave it open to your imagination about whether he lived or died. Although, even if he did survive, it would be kind of far fetched that he would meet up with Clem again in the middle of nowhere, but you never know. I have seen crazier things happen, lol.
Lee is confirmed dead. Kenny, however, may be alive.
Read the above post, it is confirmed...
Not to mention that bringing him back would be very much against the themes of the franchise.
Definitely sounds like a man's breath with my Denons. When Lee died, he was probably holding back a sob, and upon being shot, his lungs deflated a bit.
Well, just a theory, but it sure as hell isn't Clementine that made that noise
...OR IS HE?
Does all this not seem like a hint? The first couple times I was like "yeah, don't give up." Then it was "Okay...?" and then "This is kind of repetitive...". I think it means something. That Lee could survive the store. His passing outs could have been bleeding out, not the bite. He was dripping on the roof of the hospital, even after patching it up. He starts to get a fever, but who knows for sure where it came from? He wasn't looking to good when he first left the house looking for her. And besides, for who knows if any sand or dust or anything got in there from all those walkers walking around. When he first gets bitten to when they get to the morgue is maybe 30 minutes at the most. Most bite victims last less than 24 hours, but Jim in the comics lasted longer. And Lee was bitten in the arm, nowhere near anything important. This would mean the infection would spread slower than if bitten in the stomach like Duck. Duck passed away a lot faster because he was so little and young, and his immune system probably not top notch. Anyway, Lee's first faint could have been sickness (not related to bite), exhaustion, dehydration, starvation, etc. You just don't know. Lee in the store can be kept from having the handcuffs, could have lost his arm and not been bitten, and then left at the store with the door unlocked. He was covered in muck so even if walkers were smart enough to get in, they shouldn't go after him. Lee's fainting in the store could have been like all the symptoms of the first fainting, or simply from the great blood loss. It doesn't mean he was dead.
I know I sound stubborn, but I won't give up hope until I see Lee myself, and even then, I will still see him somewhat(as a walker). I'll let zombie Lee and Clem have a family again O_O
Okay. But how is Lee going to get enough blood to keep on moving? If he's losing blood, someone would have to find him, and then stop the bleeding, and then take him to a hospital- oh wait. There are no hospitals.
And, oh the arm has nothing important? Except the fucking major veins that travels through your entire body. And what do veins do? They take blood to the heart, which circulates it through the body using arteries. Now, how fast does this process take? In a normal human male, it takes about one minute for that whole process. So, if somehow Lee got his arm cut off in the first minute of the infection, he'd still be have one arm missing and losing lots of blood.
Minute sounds a bit fast doc :P. Gotta think this is a game though. But yeah, I see your point. The chances are slim. What I mean't by important was he was bitten at the wrist, not at the veins, and that losing his arm wouldn't be too bad. At least it wasn't somewhere he was a garunteed goner. t'd take time. But not long, that is true. The idea is luck-based. Lee feeling lucky? :P
It's not that someone can't find him. I still am at the doubt that Clem was able to drag him into the store and close the door on her own.
That and tat she was then able to make ith through the horde of walkers, for even though she had muck on, the one walker still attacked her, so she probably didn't have enough on. Someone could have been watching them. Maybe it was Vernon. If you treated Vernon right, maybe he helps you out. He's a doctor, and get get you patched up. He has a group, the odds someone has his blood type are high. It's all up to what you choose to believe ya know?
On the one minute timeframe for blood to circulate through the body:
Incidentally, as the article mentions, the one-minute average is actually conservative. That's for a person at rest. It takes even less time for a person that's active (say, someone moving about looking for a little girl).
And there's actually atleast two major blood vessels near the wrist, just from memory there's the radial artery and the ulnar artery. So yeah.
Well, then Hershel was one lucky mo-fo, lol. It was at least several minutes for him xD.
But yeah, I agree, highly unlikely. I'm still going to be stubborn on the situation. Rub it in my face when we see his walker face
There was someone on this forum who said to tell him "i told you so" if Lee didn't up immune to the infection or something like that(before ep 5), and now i totally want to find him and say i told ya so.
Hahahahaha, touche Mornai, I knew he wasn't though. And okay, it's okay Mornai
Yes it will. Yes it will. But isn't that nice that we can be friendly about it as a community? Zombie survival family? No? ... "Okay then" >:(
GUY I QUOTED IS WRONG- If u would have paid attention u would have seen at start and maybe end zombies only came from the front not from behind so at end kenny seemed strong so if 1 grabbed him he could overpower it and then shoot ben and run or shoot zombie off and ben died or passed out from pain and kenny ran for his life
GUY I QUOTED IS WRONG- If u would have paid attention u would have seen at start and maybe end zombies only came from the front not from behind so at end kenny seemed strong so if 1 grabbed him he could overpower it and then shoot ben and run or shoot zombie off and ben died or passed out from pain and kenny ran for his life
I didn't even think about the glass :O and okay, that makes me not feel too badly
Hole Room:
He ran down a staircase and lived
Other thing:
He shot ben and the zombies ate Ben dead.