Maybe those screams you heard are from Ben, not Kenny.
Not! Scream becomes after shoot. I heard exactly this scream what author of this topic show us from his video! That was Kenny's voice. If you not believe me you can test it by yourself, try to off the music and sounds, turn on the volume of voices to a maximum. I'm swear that I heard his scream (even in first time when I played ep5) .
I believe i hear Kenny shouting but i do not believe it is screams of pain more shouts/grunts because he is struggling with walkers,holding them off and pushing them back and hitting them with his gun.
I believe i hear Kenny shouting but i do not believe it is screams of pain more shouts/grunts because he is struggling with walkers,holding them off and pushing them back and hitting them with his gun.
Exactly it was looks like this!
But in this video ^ we can hear the same scream with out noice of walkers and with out music, When I watched this video I clearly heard gurgling sounds as if Kenny was drowning in blood...
Exactly it was looks like this!
But in this video ^ we can hear the same scream with out noice of walkers and with out music, When I watched this video I clearly heard gurgling sounds as if Kenny was drowning in blood...
I suppose it's objective aswell, to some it might sound like screams of pain,other screams of struggle. Only time will tell what truly happened,i am 50/50 on it to be honest.
We get a close up of fan favorite Carley catching a bullet to her skull, as her lifeless corpse falls to the cold hard ground where it will stay forever. I doubt they would avoid showing Kenny's death or his body so as to not sadden the fans.
His death is ambiguous because they have yet to decide whether they want to use him in season 2 or not.
We get a close up of fan favorite Carley catching a bullet to her skull, as her lifeless corpse falls to the cold hard ground where it will stay forever. I doubt they would avoid showing Kenny's death or his body so as to not sadden the fans.
His death is ambiguous because they have yet to decide whether they want to use him in season 2 or not.
The cold hard ground being almost as cold as that description, ouch
As why we didn't see a corpse well if Kenny did indeed die it was likely a pretty gruesome end, with Carley we saw a flash of blood and her falling, if we were to have seen Kenny's he would have been horrifically mutilated and then probably completely devoured, like the video said im not sure the engine could even do that if they wanted to.
They could well have shown him being bitten then dragged out of view, but they'd done that a few times already in the game, and being the games most important character past the main two they probably though he deserved a more somber, resigned death.
The option is open to bring him back if telltale really want to, but to me either scene is very much a case of presume dead unless found alive rather than the other way around.
Most likely dead. Due to the number of zombies in the alley or building, it's quite possible that they did not leave enough for Kenny's body to reanimate.
Most likely dead. Due to the number of zombies in the alley or building, it's quite possible that they did not leave enough for Kenny's body to reanimate.
Tell that to Brie, she should have been completely consumed as well.
Tell that to Brie, she should have been completely consumed as well.
I think the zombies just eat your internal organs then leave, honestly. Or maybe they stop eating them once they start smelling like a walker...
As for Kenny, I chose "alive" but my real choice is "unknown". There is not enough evidence to support or disprove either side, and thus i have no idea. So i went with my hopes.
I think the poor guy is a walker by now. Tyresse may have survived a similar situation, but Kenny is no linebacker, and didn't even have a functional weapon with him (Tyresse had his hammer he used since the outbreak).
Maybe he shot himself if you save some bullets for him when he tries to save Ben. Christa does mention "I heard a couple shots" if you do that. I still say he's a walker. Most likely one of the pitiful ones that has almost nothing left on it because so many walkers ate it all. Just a head, organless torso and an arm or something like that.
He's alive damnit! Or I'm in denial, who knows. I just don't think they would have made his death so ambiguous if they didn't at least want to leave his character open for something in the future. For me, he's not dead until I see a body.
He's alive damnit! Or I'm in denial, who knows. I just don't think they would have made his death so ambiguous if they didn't at least want to leave his character open for something in the future. For me, he's not dead until I see a body.
Totally agree, I don't think TT would make both his 'death' scenes so open if they wanted to simply kill him. I really hope we'll see Kenny in Season 2.
They wouldn't cut out his death just to spare the pain of seeing it or watching something that gruesome. That would just be unfair to his character and not like TWD. So...he's alive
Hey, i was nearly tempted to beat Kenny with a saltlick after he killed Larry in cold blood, but i think he's alive. Only one thing matters in a court of law....evidence. And there is none proving his death.
Yeah maybe Kenny's not the strongest guy in the world and sure he may have spaghetti arms but he had a melee weapon(the pistol) and in the Christa scenario it's very likely he escaped because it's an indoor room(most of which have...doors!:eek:)
No one can say he is alive, and no one can say he is dead(except Telltale). Both of the above are outright lies until further information surfaces. Until then, there exists only one answer: fate unknown.
Kenny is the kind of guy that doesn't give up, he'd fight till the end. Don't confuse the scene as him committing suicide, he was actually trying to save Ben despite the odds.
"You don't just give up, you stick it out and help the people you care about."
"I either save the kid or I get to see them again..."
I don't think he wanted to die. If he wanted to die, I don't think he would have been the kind of guy to force himself on living. I'm sure he would have thought that Lee would have been fine, along with the group, without him.
So that's why he fought.
Maybe he wanted to help Ben after being such a jerk to him. Ben's biggest fear is getting eaten alive by walkers, so Kenny wanted to prevent that at all costs. Even if it ended up costing him his life, he'd get to see his family again.
No idea on the exact reasons, but i know it wasn't suicide.
As I said in another post. Seeing Ben stuck there probably made Kenny think back to Shawn. It's pretty clear from talking him down in the train he's never forgave himself for what happened to Shawn. So after Ben reminded Kenny he has family too, he probably saw this.
And thought back to this.
And figured this was a chance to set things right. If he really thought Duck being bitten was punishment for not saving Shawn, he probably saw this as an opportunity to make amends for what he did in the past.
I think the scene would have been more effective if the initial odds weren't so overwhelming though. Like there's only a small group of walkers at first and Kenny holds them back for a while before several dozen more flood in and overwhelm him. As it currently stands it kinda makes it looks like Kenny just wanted to kill himself when really I think he couldn't stand the idea of leaving Ben if there was even the slightest chance of saving him.
I agree that Kenny didn't want to kill himself. I think he knew there was a chance of him dying if he went to help Ben, and that's why he wouldn't let Lee help, but I don't think he was hoping for death.
I think it was the very last chance for him to be a father. I don't know if there's a choice for him to kill the kid in the attic (me and hubby both had him kill it), and we both shot Duck for him. In our play through, we both had Ben go off on Kenny, and they had that talk about being eaten being Ben's worst fear.
If there are options for Kenny not to shoot Duck (which I know there are) and Kenny not to shoot the attic kid (which I think there are?) then being able to make sure Ben didn't die a horrific, terrifying death would be Kenny's last chance to be a father. To grant some kindness to a kid. I think that's why Kenny puts Ben down at the end and is willing to risk his life to do it. I get the impression that Kenny was the kind of guy who wanted to be a father his whole life.
Kenny isn't the kind of guy to give up and let things happen, for no reason. Not even having the daughter of the man who's head you are about to smash in being present is reason for him to not do what has to be done. He is a fighter in every aspect, especially fighting to defend the 'pack' he became a part of.
So this is not suicide, this is Kenny's last stand. And he knows going in he either survives or dies, but he will have done that fighting for the people he defends.
Well I'm bout 50/50 that Kenny is alive, but I'm also that person that is in denial over Lee. I think Kenny did make it. Reason 1: I heard no screams, but I heard fighting from a distance.
The grunts and the gurggling and rip/tears from Ben's body being eaten by walkers. Reason 2: I only saw one pile of zombies; the ones eating Ben. I didn't see anything else below from the arial view. Reason 3: Kenny didn't want to die. Reason 4: Lost in herd, not said dead. Reason 5: As stated above, made to be ambiguous just in case they need another character for season 2. I think they definitely will, considering the lack of veteran/known/liked characters.
But that's just my opinion. It's good to hope for the best
Fun fact: if you dont shoot zombies in the attic and you saved ben in the allyway kenny will have 2-3 bullets. 1 for ben 1 for himself
I tested this a while ago, not firing a single shot in the mansion(thus retaining all five bullets) and although Lee gave Kenny all of them i still only heard one shot.
Oddly he fires multiple shots in the Christa scenario, where you can't give him bullets because Ben doesn't pick up your gun.
I tested this a while ago, not firing a single shot in the mansion(thus retaining all five bullets) and although Lee gave Kenny all of them i still only heard one shot.
Oddly he fires multiple shots in the Christa scenario, where you can't give him bullets because Ben doesn't pick up your gun.
Don't believe all you see I only heard one shot and I saved one just for Kenny Only in Christa's scene does he shoot more than once, no matter what, because somehow he gets an extra bullet xD and it wasn't on himself. Anyway, Kenny wouldn't kill himself. He calls himself a Christian man right? Well isn't it not right to commit suicide? He wanted to live, but also wanted to save Ben, or help him at least. He knew he might die, so he said no matter what he'd be happy, cuz if he died he got to see his family. I just gotta dream that he was strong enough to make it. If Tyresse can do it, and Lee can, then so can Kenny
Not! Scream becomes after shoot. I heard exactly this scream what author of this topic show us from his video! That was Kenny's voice. If you not believe me you can test it by yourself, try to off the music and sounds, turn on the volume of voices to a maximum. I'm swear that I heard his scream (even in first time when I played ep5) .
Exactly it was looks like this!
But in this video ^ we can hear the same scream with out noice of walkers and with out music, When I watched this video I clearly heard gurgling sounds as if Kenny was drowning in blood...
I suppose it's objective aswell, to some it might sound like screams of pain,other screams of struggle. Only time will tell what truly happened,i am 50/50 on it to be honest.
His death is ambiguous because they have yet to decide whether they want to use him in season 2 or not.
I'd like to see him alive, but he is probably dead.
The cold hard ground being almost as cold as that description, ouch
As why we didn't see a corpse well if Kenny did indeed die it was likely a pretty gruesome end, with Carley we saw a flash of blood and her falling, if we were to have seen Kenny's he would have been horrifically mutilated and then probably completely devoured, like the video said im not sure the engine could even do that if they wanted to.
They could well have shown him being bitten then dragged out of view, but they'd done that a few times already in the game, and being the games most important character past the main two they probably though he deserved a more somber, resigned death.
The option is open to bring him back if telltale really want to, but to me either scene is very much a case of presume dead unless found alive rather than the other way around.
I think the zombies just eat your internal organs then leave, honestly. Or maybe they stop eating them once they start smelling like a walker...
As for Kenny, I chose "alive" but my real choice is "unknown". There is not enough evidence to support or disprove either side, and thus i have no idea. So i went with my hopes.
Maybe he shot himself if you save some bullets for him when he tries to save Ben. Christa does mention "I heard a couple shots" if you do that. I still say he's a walker. Most likely one of the pitiful ones that has almost nothing left on it because so many walkers ate it all. Just a head, organless torso and an arm or something like that.
Totally agree, I don't think TT would make both his 'death' scenes so open if they wanted to simply kill him. I really hope we'll see Kenny in Season 2.
He's alive is winning?
Fanboys and girls ... you sicken me.
Hey, i was nearly tempted to beat Kenny with a saltlick after he killed Larry in cold blood, but i think he's alive. Only one thing matters in a court of law....evidence. And there is none proving his death.
Yeah maybe Kenny's not the strongest guy in the world and sure he may have spaghetti arms but he had a melee weapon(the pistol) and in the Christa scenario it's very likely he escaped because it's an indoor room(most of which have...doors!:eek:)
No one can say he is alive, and no one can say he is dead(except Telltale). Both of the above are outright lies until further information surfaces. Until then, there exists only one answer: fate unknown.
"You don't just give up, you stick it out and help the people you care about."
"I either save the kid or I get to see them again..."
So that's why he fought.
No idea on the exact reasons, but i know it wasn't suicide.
And thought back to this.
And figured this was a chance to set things right. If he really thought Duck being bitten was punishment for not saving Shawn, he probably saw this as an opportunity to make amends for what he did in the past.
I think the scene would have been more effective if the initial odds weren't so overwhelming though. Like there's only a small group of walkers at first and Kenny holds them back for a while before several dozen more flood in and overwhelm him. As it currently stands it kinda makes it looks like Kenny just wanted to kill himself when really I think he couldn't stand the idea of leaving Ben if there was even the slightest chance of saving him.
I think it was the very last chance for him to be a father. I don't know if there's a choice for him to kill the kid in the attic (me and hubby both had him kill it), and we both shot Duck for him. In our play through, we both had Ben go off on Kenny, and they had that talk about being eaten being Ben's worst fear.
If there are options for Kenny not to shoot Duck (which I know there are) and Kenny not to shoot the attic kid (which I think there are?) then being able to make sure Ben didn't die a horrific, terrifying death would be Kenny's last chance to be a father. To grant some kindness to a kid. I think that's why Kenny puts Ben down at the end and is willing to risk his life to do it. I get the impression that Kenny was the kind of guy who wanted to be a father his whole life.
So this is not suicide, this is Kenny's last stand. And he knows going in he either survives or dies, but he will have done that fighting for the people he defends.
The grunts and the gurggling and rip/tears from Ben's body being eaten by walkers. Reason 2: I only saw one pile of zombies; the ones eating Ben. I didn't see anything else below from the arial view. Reason 3: Kenny didn't want to die. Reason 4: Lost in herd, not said dead. Reason 5: As stated above, made to be ambiguous just in case they need another character for season 2. I think they definitely will, considering the lack of veteran/known/liked characters.
But that's just my opinion. It's good to hope for the best
I tested this a while ago, not firing a single shot in the mansion(thus retaining all five bullets) and although Lee gave Kenny all of them i still only heard one shot.
Oddly he fires multiple shots in the Christa scenario, where you can't give him bullets because Ben doesn't pick up your gun.
i got that off the walking dead wiki
Don't believe all you see
So we can kill him.
This is probably proof or whatever.
During both Kenny "death" scenes, Kenny alway move offscreen.
In neither does he get explicitly bit or make any pained noises.
During the "Ben" death scene, you can ear the walkers eating Ben, so do not worry.
At the end of the series, Kenny is listed as "Lost" instead of died/dead.
Does that means he will apparear during Season 2? :eek:
Post what do you think!