I will not play season 2 if there is a new main character
That is not Clem. You showed Clem how to survive on her own and when you died she needs to go her own way not find another random man. Those two people on the hill better be walkers. Omid and Christa are most likely dead. Dont you think Clem has seen enough to run away and you can tell Clem to not trust.
Lastly After all you have done as lee to make clem who you want why would you put in a new character to develop.
Lastly After all you have done as lee to make clem who you want why would you put in a new character to develop.
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I don't think there would be 2 walkers out in the open, walking so close to each other, it's most likely of human nature... well I guess that would include walkers, I mean their probably humans.
How do you think Omid and Christa are most likely dead? They were on a rooftop last time we checked upon them, seems rather safe. They're smart, they didn't jump into some herd trying to fight their way outta Savannah.
However the last thing I want to happen is: That some random dude appears and takes her, it will be weird, Lee is her real second father, and Omid and Christa are her big brother 'n sister, now that dad's gone, bro 'n sis gotta take care.
Anyways - that's my opinion on that.
If we are thrown into a role of an already existing character it would not make sense. I used to be like you, thinking it will be stupid to start with a new guy, but after further thought and debate I have changed my mind.
for example, if we become Kenny, we would change his personality. He has his flaws, weakness, strengths, opinions and if we were switched to him our personality, flaws, weakness, strengths and opinions would all change who he already is. which would not make sense at all.
Same goes for any other character that already has an existing personality.
Originally, I wanted to play as Christa, but now I've seen a different side of things. We should have a new "blank slate" character in season 2, just like Lee in season 1.
It would be awkward to have such a sudden shift in personality, and interacting with pre-existing characters would feel forced.. Perhaps he could (and should) return as a group member, and his personality development could be somewhat guided by your choices and dialog toward him in season 1, as well as season 2.
He would be the most suitable preexisting character, but it would be best if Telltale simply created a new character without a predefined personality.
Te apoyo en un nuevo personaje le daría más vida.
"It could be, it has discussed the use of Clementine, many possibilities that even the game could be a little disappointing.
We support a new character would give more life"
This is what he said according to Google Translate.
so.. what is he trying to say?
And this.
Even if Kenny did live, it would just feel odd suddenly being able to mold his morality after playing the whole first season being at odds with him.
As for me I hoping that we don't get another 'Lee' main character, because it would only be the same-old-same-old with Season 1 and Clementine should be seasoned enough to make her own choices. The new main character should be different from Lee enough to make the Season 2 protagonist and his/her journey different from Lee.
Anyway, that's my two cents.
The only thing i don't want is a scenario where none of the previous characters ever appear at all. I'd probably still play, but i would deeply saddened.
Agree with this (no need for me, to write another comment, if yours says it all)
I'd prefer clem to be an NPC. Problem with playing as her is her established character and i actually think the legacy of what you can tell clem in season 1 like "do not trust" would be better observed if she is making her own choices, not you controlling her.
Only thing they could do to shake my 100% surefire purchase would be to make Lilly the main character, even then i'd probably relent and get it eventually.
All though I agree I'd like a new protagonist over a previous character, if they were to go with an existing character I think Kenny is actually the best choice. As some people have pointed out, by the end of episode five, if he survived, he's in a somewhat similar position as Lee at the beginning of the series from an emotional standpoint. Alone, family's gone, has some deep regrets and is probably unsure how to proceed in life.
His character, regardless of your choices or behavior to him, also probably has the most moral variance of any of the cast other than Lee. He's starts as a fairly noble guy in the first episode. Agrees to help Larry, comes back for Lee, shows major remorse over not saving Shawn. He goes through a darker period in the next three episodes, becoming increasingly selfish and uncaring. Then in the finale he has a pretty big change of heart in the attic and effectively sacrifices himself to either save Christa or keep Ben from getting eaten alive.
We basically see two sides to Kenny already so it wouldn't be much of a stretch if players were given the option to nudge him morally in the direction they desire. It's true that he has a personality and history but so does Lee. Even though we control him in the first season there's certain things you can't change about Lee (His past, him wanting to protect Clementine) and even when you make decisions you don't always control his reactions. Like if you help kill Larry he's genuinely apologetic to Lilly, there's no "Larry was asshole. Get over it." option.
Gameplay wise it'd also be the most realistic way to carry over decisions from the first season since Kenny was present for almost all of Lee's biggest choices. So if Kenny ran into say Lilly or Vernon, you'd have a character who knows those characters from the first season, knows what they did, and could realistically react maybe how the player reacts to seeing them again.
Like I said, I would actually like a new character, but if they were to go with someone from the first season I think Kenny would actually be a really good fit.
I know I've already talked about this before, but I still think having Kenny as the PC would allow for a wicked opening for season 2. Imagine the player taking control of Kenny only a few seconds after parting ways with Lee, and helping him to evade the walkers. The saved import would determine whether you rejoin Kenny in the alley with Ben, or inside the building just after saving Christa, but it doesn't really matter since you ultimately end up in the same pre-set story location the moment you start moving.
If Clem's the main of season 2 that would suck the epic suck of suckdom.
Well the odds seem against you here, i recall reading something about Telltale some time ago saying they've been thinking up ideas but none of them have involved an entirely new cast.
As long as Clem isn't the main, I don't really give a shit.
It's such a tiny thing, but for me and my instinct to go back and explore dialog options, it means having to rewatch scenes 3 or 4 times. I played the first two episodes at a friend's house, and that was enough to be a deal-breaker for me.
I think that was intentional. After all, difficult decisions lose their effect if you can simply go back and change it easily. This way, it discourages people from going back to retry, and having decisions stick with you, even if you regret them later.
Agreed. Kenny is my choice.
Then again, Telltale's been talking about releasing something that's supposed tides us over before season 2. Maybe it could involve playing a returning character like Kenny before switching to a brand new protagonist next season?
What I have heard about this 'mystery thing' that Telltale have been teasing about doesn't seem ot have much to do with the Walking Dead, and I think it might be the release of one of their other games, like Fables or something. They do keep repeating the word "Howl" whenever they talk about it, so who knows.
May have been the Walking Dead on Vita they just announced.
INB4 you buy it and type your opinion on here anyway.
Saving this for future reference.
Idc if its not clem i will watch on youtube not gonna waste $25 of my hard earned cash for the same shit babysitting clem she needs to be on her own
Hahahahaha Clem's protector is now a defector xD. All hail Queen Clem! Oh wait, we have to protect her? *Drops Clem* Didn't happen >.>
Lol I'd rather Clem be a NPC, and the PC be either Kenny, Christa or Omid, Lee
What do you think about Molly? She is tough, smart and could be a perfect partner to show Clem how to survive. Like a big sister.
The idea of playing an older Clem has already been shot down on this forum. That would mean moving a little further ahead of whatever's going on with Rick's group in the WD comic book timeline, and most fans don't want to see that, although I think playing a teenage Clementine would solve a lot of the obstacles that Lee's death created for season 2.
Molly only appeared in the last two episodes, and her character is admittedly less sketched out than Kenny's, but I was never too fond of her. I thought her snarky attitude and superhuman survival skills were annoying, and seemed to clash against the tone of the story up to that point.