Well for one, because Brock Samson and Ash could both compete for baddest man alive.
Ash would win but still.
How does that add to the comedic element of their banter while sitting around a table playing cards? And why should I care when I don't even know who they are really anyway?
Okay, so I don't care about Army of Darkness, or Venture Bros.
It occurs to me that Max, Strong Bad and Tycho all have their own adventure games. Sure, The Heavy doesn't, but TF2 is fricken free-to-play. Everyone who has Steam (see: every modern PC gamer) should have a copy of it.
I don't see how these characters (besides Sam) are interesting choices at all.
Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness is really more of an RPG with adventure elements, if you ask me. And TF2 wasn't free-to-play at the time of the first game.
I agree that the casting choice is really...random, though. Let's look at the first game. Max and Strong Bad both had Telltale games. TF2 had Sam and Max items, so the Heavy was sort of connected to Telltale already. Tycho was out of the blue, but three out of four's not bad.
Now let's look at this cast. Sam gets a pass for obvious reasons. I'll even let
slide since we've had a Valve character already (wish it was another TF2 merc, though). And, uh...I guess
makes sense because, uh...Telltale's offices are really close to 2K's? Yeah, that doesn't count, never mind. And as much as I love both of them, Ash and Brock really don't have an excuse at all. (Especially since, despite the Inventory being a club for video games, there's never been a Venture Bros. game.)
I'm sure the game will still be great, but it might not be as...Telltaley.
I find this a little ridiculous that the characters in the OP have to be spoiler tagged when I made the educated guess from the TF2 items 2 weeks ago before Key Party Started. Note this thread was called Poker Night 2 before being Called The Key Party
I merged the two threads together. In retrospect that might not have been such a wise idea.
I find this a little ridiculous that the characters in the OP have to be spoiler tagged when I made the educated guess from the TF2 items 2 weeks ago before Key Party Started. Note this thread was called Poker Night 2 before being Called The Key Party
Allow me to explain why this is (hopefully I won't get in trouble or saying this!).
I've actually been in touch with someone from Telltale (puzzlebox, to be exact), and they asked me to ensure that the thread in General Chat remains (relatively) spoiler-free for the benefit of people who haven't seen the images and don't want to have the surprise ruined.
Even then, it took a while for me to actually get in touch with her, since she's been busy with other Fable-related matters, so really, the leak couldn't have come at a worse time for her.
Up until I could get in touch with her, I was acting in what I believed to be the best course of action by removing the images from here, and while it turns out I may have been a little overzealous, I still stand by what I did.
If you'd like to post the images in the Poker Night section, then go for it. Just make sure you put a Spoiler warning in the thread title. But as for this thread, we'd like to keep it spoiler-free.
Hopefully this explains a few things and you can understand why I've been cracking down so hard.
This is something I hate about modern gaming culture. It's almost impossible to keep things like this secret until the actual reveal dates as people just like finding stuff they're not really supposed to find and then sharing the fact that they've found something they really shouldn't have.
There's little suspense any more, rarely any true surprises.
There's little suspense any more, rarely any true surprises.
Well they could have kept this a secret if it wasn't for the TF2 items. And then this topic here would look completely different.
But well the TF2 hat-police is mad and searches through the game files for new items whenever a patch is out. And since VALVe adds items quite early to TF2 this ruined a ton of surprises already.
This is something I hate about modern gaming culture. It's almost impossible to keep things like this secret until the actual reveal dates as people just like finding stuff they're not really supposed to find and then sharing the fact that they've found something they really shouldn't have.
There's little suspense any more, rarely any true surprises.
In this case, Telltale really did their best to have some surprise left for what still is a rather sudden announcement (as compared to, say, TWD or Fables). Valve and Microsoft have dropped the ball big time. :mad:
How does that add to the comedic element of their banter while sitting around a table playing cards? And why should I care when I don't even know who they are really anyway?
Because both guys are hilarious as hell in their respective media. And just because you don't like them doesn't mean millions of others don't. Ash has multiple comics and movies. Samson is from one of the funniest shows on tv and among the most popular on Adult Swim, maybe the most popular.
Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness is really more of an RPG with adventure elements, if you ask me. And TF2 wasn't free-to-play at the time of the first game.
I agree that the casting choice is really...random, though. Let's look at the first game. Max and Strong Bad both had Telltale games. TF2 had Sam and Max items, so the Heavy was sort of connected to Telltale already. Tycho was out of the blue, but three out of four's not bad.
Now let's look at this cast. Sam gets a pass for obvious reasons. I'll even let
slide since we've had a Valve character already (wish it was another TF2 merc, though). And, uh...I guess
makes sense because, uh...Telltale's offices are really close to 2K's? Yeah, that doesn't count, never mind. And as much as I love both of them, Ash and Brock really don't have an excuse at all. (Especially since, despite the Inventory being a club for video games, there's never been a Venture Bros. game.)
I'm sure the game will still be great, but it might not be as...Telltaley.
I never perceived Gabe as being Telltaley. We're talking about a guy who likes getting off to giraffe necks.
Because both guys are hilarious as hell in their respective media. And just because you don't like them doesn't mean millions of others don't. Ash has multiple comics and movies. Samson is from one of the funniest shows on tv and among the most popular on Adult Swim, maybe the most popular.
is funny? Maybe comedic in a groteque way, but not Sam & Max or Penny Arcade-style funny.
Also, according to Wikipedia,
Venture Bros
has had a grand total of only 55 episodes each only ~20 minutes long, off and on over a period of the last 10 years. That's only slightly more noteworthy than maybe Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Come to think of it, I'd probably enjoy Meatwad or Master Shake being in the game. But these characters are all pretty much uninteresting to me.
is funny? Maybe comedic in a groteque way, but not Sam & Max or Penny Arcade-style funny.
The series got progressively sillier as it went on. The first Evil Dead movie was a straightforward (and very disturbing) horror movie. Evil Dead 2 was more comedic, though still very much a horror movie. Army of Darkness abandoned horror almost entirely in favor of comedy.
It's not too huge a stretch to have Ash in a game like this. He's a pretty silly character. Not silly in the same way Sam and Max is, but still very silly.
Ya know, in the future, perhaps even in an alternate universe, I dunno, Telltale would contact random people on this board to allow them to use characters from the stories they've written, because fuck it, why not?
Ya know, in the future, perhaps even in an alternate universe, I dunno, Telltale would contact random people on this board to allow them to use characters from the stories they've written, because fuck it, why not?
Well, they can ask around but I can imagine that there is a lot of interesting characters which would be really hard to license for even a single game. Not to mention how they would even fit to the theme.
Pikachu? Sure many Pokemon fans would buy the game but it would not make a much if any sense. Just an example.
I find some of the complaints about the characters really odd. I can understand the complaints about not liking a certain character or a character being too obscure, but complaining that the game isn't "Telltaley" enough? If you want that, go play the first game again. I want something new.
And I couldn't give a crap if a character has anything to do with video games or adventure games. If there is funny/interesting dialogue, that's all that matters.
Ya know, in the future, perhaps even in an alternate universe, I dunno, Telltale would contact random people on this board to allow them to use characters from the stories they've written, because fuck it, why not?
That would be really cool. I'd love to see some of my webcomic characters hanging around the Inventory.
@Chyron: Is Monkey Island funny? Because at times Evil Dead can jump right into the same category of humor. It has it's scary moments in 2 and 3, but it's not any less comedic than Beetlejuice.
That would be really cool. I'd love to see some of my webcomic characters hanging around the Inventory.
And I would honestly be happy if one of the characters of my novel would appear at the Inventory.
I'm already calling it, if Telltale wants to add Diana Pierson as a playable character, I want Caxx to voice her.
Especially since nobody wants to play against Edgar Howard. He's got special pokerface reading skills that can totes be learned in real life by the way, no superpower. He's just exceptionally good at it.
Might be worth keeping the surprise if it was a good surprise to have.
But it wouldn't be possible to know if a surprise is good or not until after the reveal. And the perception of it's perceived 'goodness' is just down to individual tastes anyway.
Anyway, it's harsh to say that it won't be good without on so little information such as seeing it all in action, never mind playing it.
It's always pays to go into anything with an open mind 'cos you might surprise yourself. If you go in with the preconceived notion that it sucks then that's probably the reaction you'll be stuck with for the most part.
From what has been touted about possible characters in this thing I have to say that I know very little about most of them but that doesn't stop me from entertaining the possibility that something fun can come out of it all.
Keep in mind that the first Poker Night was a pretty decent piece of work. We didn't have that much dialogue, but what was there was superbly animated. I expect that same level of quality - and maybe even more! - for this second go around.
I can't wait to hear the breakdown on the character skill and aggression levels either like what was shared for the first game. That was some really fun information.
So... mods... what are and aren't we allowed to talk about? Cuz I'd like to speculate about the cameo appearances.
We're restricting talk about the two unannounced characters just in case there are people in this thread who are still playing the key party guessing game and don't want to be spoiled.
If you're one of those people, feel free to guess. But if you already know the remaining characters, don't post about it here without spoiler tags.
And since they've already been revealed, feel free to discuss Sam, Brock Samson, and Ash Williams completely spoiler free.
Just another heads up - the story about the leaked images has spread to most major gaming news websites, including Kotaku (which I've pretty much abandoned since they switched to that awful Kinja system).
Most of them have been nice enough to place the actual images 'after the jump' or as tiny thumbnails that you can't make out unless you click them, but just be aware that this is making headlines.
yeah, I think I'll skip that one.
Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness is really more of an RPG with adventure elements, if you ask me. And TF2 wasn't free-to-play at the time of the first game.
I agree that the casting choice is really...random, though. Let's look at the first game. Max and Strong Bad both had Telltale games. TF2 had Sam and Max items, so the Heavy was sort of connected to Telltale already. Tycho was out of the blue, but three out of four's not bad.
Now let's look at this cast. Sam gets a pass for obvious reasons. I'll even let
I'm sure the game will still be great, but it might not be as...Telltaley.
I'll be playing this.
I've actually been in touch with someone from Telltale (puzzlebox, to be exact), and they asked me to ensure that the thread in General Chat remains (relatively) spoiler-free for the benefit of people who haven't seen the images and don't want to have the surprise ruined.
Even then, it took a while for me to actually get in touch with her, since she's been busy with other Fable-related matters, so really, the leak couldn't have come at a worse time for her.
Up until I could get in touch with her, I was acting in what I believed to be the best course of action by removing the images from here, and while it turns out I may have been a little overzealous, I still stand by what I did.
If you'd like to post the images in the Poker Night section, then go for it. Just make sure you put a Spoiler warning in the thread title. But as for this thread, we'd like to keep it spoiler-free.
Hopefully this explains a few things and you can understand why I've been cracking down so hard.
There's little suspense any more, rarely any true surprises.
you have to spoiler-tag recent posts then.
Well they could have kept this a secret if it wasn't for the TF2 items. And then this topic here would look completely different.
But well the TF2 hat-police is mad and searches through the game files for new items whenever a patch is out. And since VALVe adds items quite early to TF2 this ruined a ton of surprises already.
In this case, Telltale really did their best to have some surprise left for what still is a rather sudden announcement (as compared to, say, TWD or Fables). Valve and Microsoft have dropped the ball big time. :mad:
So... basically you went mod with power. Okay. XD
Because both guys are hilarious as hell in their respective media. And just because you don't like them doesn't mean millions of others don't. Ash has multiple comics and movies. Samson is from one of the funniest shows on tv and among the most popular on Adult Swim, maybe the most popular.
Fuck yes.
I never perceived Gabe as being Telltaley. We're talking about a guy who likes getting off to giraffe necks.
Seriously, I don't see how these choices in any way target Telltale's current fanbase (barring weirdos in the WD forum).
Also, according to Wikipedia,
Come to think of it, I'd probably enjoy Meatwad or Master Shake being in the game. But these characters are all pretty much uninteresting to me.
No, but his comics are decidedly comedic in nature.
Good. GOOD.
The series got progressively sillier as it went on. The first Evil Dead movie was a straightforward (and very disturbing) horror movie. Evil Dead 2 was more comedic, though still very much a horror movie. Army of Darkness abandoned horror almost entirely in favor of comedy.
It's not too huge a stretch to have Ash in a game like this. He's a pretty silly character. Not silly in the same way Sam and Max is, but still very silly.
Ah, sorry, just playing it safe.
Well, they can ask around but I can imagine that there is a lot of interesting characters which would be really hard to license for even a single game. Not to mention how they would even fit to the theme.
Pikachu? Sure many Pokemon fans would buy the game but it would not make a much if any sense. Just an example.
And I couldn't give a crap if a character has anything to do with video games or adventure games. If there is funny/interesting dialogue, that's all that matters.
The only question in existence that matters.
And I would honestly be happy if one of the characters of my novel would appear at the Inventory.
I'm already calling it, if Telltale wants to add Diana Pierson as a playable character, I want Caxx to voice her.
Especially since nobody wants to play against Edgar Howard. He's got special pokerface reading skills that can totes be learned in real life by the way, no superpower. He's just exceptionally good at it.
But it wouldn't be possible to know if a surprise is good or not until after the reveal. And the perception of it's perceived 'goodness' is just down to individual tastes anyway.
Anyway, it's harsh to say that it won't be good without on so little information such as seeing it all in action, never mind playing it.
It's always pays to go into anything with an open mind 'cos you might surprise yourself. If you go in with the preconceived notion that it sucks then that's probably the reaction you'll be stuck with for the most part.
From what has been touted about possible characters in this thing I have to say that I know very little about most of them but that doesn't stop me from entertaining the possibility that something fun can come out of it all.
I can't wait to hear the breakdown on the character skill and aggression levels either like what was shared for the first game. That was some really fun information.
Well, at least it isn't an orgy game like this whole thing implies.
If you're one of those people, feel free to guess.
And since they've already been revealed, feel free to discuss Sam, Brock Samson, and Ash Williams completely spoiler free.
Most of them have been nice enough to place the actual images 'after the jump' or as tiny thumbnails that you can't make out unless you click them, but just be aware that this is making headlines.