"The Key Party" - New teaser by Telltale - it's Poker Night 2!



  • edited March 2013
    Just another heads up - the story about the leaked images has spread to most major gaming news websites, including Kotaku (which I've pretty much abandoned since they switched to that awful Kinja system).

    Most of them have been nice enough to place the actual images 'after the jump' or as tiny thumbnails that you can't make out unless you click them, but just be aware that this is making headlines.

    Kotaku's never been one for journalistic integrity.

    Although considering no news sites said anything when the TF2 items leaked out, I assumed there was some sort of press embargo. Oh well. On the bright side, this is definitely helping to raise interest in the game.
  • edited March 2013
    mosfet wrote: »
    complaining that the game isn't "Telltaley" enough? If you want that, go play the first game again. I want something new.

    I've had this conversation in another thread recently. Different, or "innovative" doesn't necessarily mean "good."
  • edited March 2013
    You're not alone, Chyron. Two of my friends are ready to avoid the game in every way and most of NeoGAF refuse to play the game if one of the unannounced characters I can't name stays in it.
  • edited March 2013
    "Most of" NeoGAF? I'm not seeing any sort of hatred that would constitute "most of" NeoGAF from the one thread I find off Google about that there key party thingy.

    Obviously that character is going to be staying in it, it's far too late in development to change it - but honestly given the apparent composition of the rest of them, I think they'll be a fine fit. (Hopefully this vague wording is enough to pass spoiler muster.)

    This really sounds like a gross overreaction.
  • edited March 2013
    Very gross

    I'm happy it is poker, my worry is if it will have multiplayer. I want to play multiplayer poker with my steam pals, take em to the cleaners ^vv^

    Though it probably will what with xbox live and all.
  • edited March 2013
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    I've had this conversation in another thread recently. Different, or "innovative" doesn't necessarily mean "good."

    I agree, but setting arbitrary rules about which characters should and should not be included makes no sense to me. Why does it make a difference whether a character comes from a Telltale game or not? I had no idea who Tycho was before Poker Night 1, and I still found him funny.
  • edited March 2013
    The next key has arrived! The
    robot's eye.
  • edited March 2013
    Ah, but which one?
  • edited March 2013
    Well I don't want to ruin it, but spoiler, it belongs to:

  • edited March 2013
    Ptthpt. Buzzkill. I was gonna say it was ED-209s.
  • edited March 2013
    I actually have no idea who either of those robots are, having, again, not played Borderlands 1 or 2

    Edit: Also I never watched Robo-cop
  • edited March 2013
    Am I the only person who is hoping, probably in vain, for some element beyond just
    ? Any chance?
  • edited March 2013
    Probably not 0vv0
  • edited March 2013
    You know, I wish this game was an expansion to Poker Night 1, so that the original characters could interact with the new ones and vice versa.
  • edited March 2013
    Probably not :(

    But who knows, that may be what they are doing
  • edited March 2013
    I doubt it. But I would buy it day one if they did.
  • edited March 2013
    Pak-Man wrote: »
    Bigger Picture: Does this mean Bruce Campbell will be lending his voice? Because that rocks. :^)

    If he does, I will buy this game day one. (Although, even if he isn't I'm still buying this game day one.)
  • edited March 2013
    spd12 wrote: »
    "Most of" NeoGAF? I'm not seeing any sort of hatred that would constitute "most of" NeoGAF from the one thread I find off Google about that there key party thingy.

    Obviously that character is going to be staying in it, it's far too late in development to change it - but honestly given the apparent composition of the rest of them, I think they'll be a fine fit. (Hopefully this vague wording is enough to pass spoiler muster.)

    This really sounds like a gross overreaction.

    Then you and I are looking at two different threads because most of the posts I saw were Ewww screw Claptrap in the clanker.
  • edited March 2013
    we have another key : clap trap :D
  • edited March 2013
    So...what do you think
    keychain will be?
    The Weighted Companion Cube? The Aperture Science logo? A personality core? A cake?
  • edited March 2013
    So...what do you think
    keychain will be?
    The Weighted Companion Cube? The Aperture Science logo? A personality core? A cake?

    The host doesn't need a keychain, as their belongings are already inside.
  • edited March 2013
    Well we already have the key for
    Brock Samson, Claptrap, Ash, and Sam. So the key for Glados has to be the last key, then we wait til monday for the announcment on April Fools day

    Edit: Cause they said they'll update on business days if I recall right
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2013
    I can't see ANY connection to "keys" at all right now. :confused:
  • edited March 2013
    First: It can just be a gag, a gimick, to leave people guessing, even if the game is obvious by this point
    Two: It could be a play on words, and there could be something to do with activation keys and the like
    Three: Maybe there will be a contest or something?
  • edited March 2013
    Just guessing, but it's a type of group activity which allows for hints as to who the owners of each key are. It's just a fun guessing game, basically. Very much in keeping with Telltale's style of humour.
  • edited March 2013
    I can't see ANY connection to "keys" at all right now. :confused:

    My guess it has something to do with why
    is the host, assuming she is. I'm still confused of how that will work out, and more importantly why she's the host... Will the game be called
    "The Poker Initiative?"
  • edited March 2013
    My primary concern, again, is multiplayer. That and good writing. Possibly laughs. Ooo, and music, if they somehow got Glados to do a musical number or brought in the
    Sentry Opera like Portal 2
    I will love it XD
  • edited March 2013
    My primary concern, again, is multiplayer

    Depends where they decide to go with it. If they allow players to versus each other and bet items from their inventory, that would be pretty sweet, but they would also be going into some risky territory.
  • edited March 2013
    True, and technically that would count as gambling, because some items people could potentially bet are considered worth hundreds of dollars, which in certain states could get people in trouble. So if they have multiplayer there likely won't be betting.
  • edited March 2013
    GlaDOS is definitely the host then
    ? Does that mean there are only four players again? I thought they were hinting at five.

    Personally, I was hoping for Wheatley, but maybe Stephen Merchant would have been too hard to get.
  • edited March 2013
    GlaDOS is definitely the host then
    ? Does that mean there are only four players again? I thought they were hinting at five.

    Personally, I was hoping for Wheatley, but maybe Stephen Merchant would have been too hard to get.
    The leaked screenshots only show four players, but there could be a fifth that's not in them. Or it could be referring to GLaDOS. We'll just have to wait and see.
  • edited March 2013
    As I see it, there are three options concerning

    GLaDOS is the host, just like Winslow was in the first game (though hopefully with more colorful commentary).

    GLaDOS is a player, but only four players (and yourself) can play at once, with you selecting who to play with before the match. Maybe the odd one out serves as the host then?

    GLaDOS is a "boss," of sorts, who you have to defeat after knocking out the other four opponents. My guess for this is how one of the screenshots shows the room getting flooded with turrets (and everyone else being eliminated, at that). It'd also explain why one of the TF2 items is Portal-themed.
  • edited March 2013
    The leaked screenshots only show four players, but there could be a fifth that's not in them. Or it could be referring to GLaDOS. We'll just have to wait and see.

    Bah you're right. That's a shame, the more characters the better! Maybe someday we'll get a Poker Night where we can unlock and switch out characters like card decks and tables.
  • edited March 2013
    RAnthony, I like your idea number 3, that would be epic actually.
  • edited March 2013
    I kind of hope for
    rotating hosts, simply because that means more dialog. However, Poker? Again? I guess if it is the same price as last time I'll buy, but I really hope things get mixed up considering I barely know of most of the people this time around.
  • edited March 2013
    Well what with xbox live being where it was leaked from, it seems that multiplayer should be expected(hopefully), so there is that Gman, there is that
  • edited March 2013
    Also this might be very trivial information, re-looking at the leaked pictures; I found that buy-in now seems to be
    $20,000 instead of $10,000
    Just found it interesting, mainly because why would you change something like that; other then to make the rounds longer...
  • edited March 2013
    Huh, good catch. If the game has no multiplayer then that has to be something to add more playing hours to get out of the game. If there is multiplayer, that should make rounds either more interesting cause they'll take longer, or more bothersome because PvP Poker could take 'hours' with that amount of coin.

    *then again, if you are playing with friends, that wouldn't matter
  • edited March 2013
    You're not alone, Chyron. Two of my friends are ready to avoid the game in every way and most of NeoGAF refuse to play the game if one of the unannounced characters I can't name stays in it.

    I'm still going to play it. I'm still going to play the shit out of it. I just don't care about 3/4ths of the players.
  • edited March 2013
    Eww, Claptrap. :)

    It is like Jar Jar Binks expect more annoying. Not that it stops me from getting the game.
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