I do not see how Shel's modal is the same as Lilly, modified maybe but the same, not really and that does not mean she is not coming back, as said above if they can show Carley's body and the cancer survivors and make it work, why not Lilly, and they have been known to give us what we want, with a twist but still we get what we want, we want Larry dead, there you go, most people said no but we could do it, and so on so forth so having the option to kill Lilly with consequences is fine by me, and Team Kenny Always, never stop hating Lilly, I might even mail you my Lilly punching bag.
If Lilly were to save Clem's life, taking a bullet for her level of saving her, proved to me that she genuinely felt bad about her actions and wanted redemption, and had shown that she had taken steps to get forgiveness, such as helping others and being less selfish and bitchlike, then yes, I would forgive her. I could still never be her friend, because Carley would still be dead, but I would be able to say that she became a better person for it and earned her forgiveness.
As I said the nicest thing I could do for Lilly is a quick painless death, which I won't give to her since she will never redeem herself, and I would not want to anyway after having a whole year of thinking of ways to kill her, and yes I might just be losing my mind.
She didn't do enough to try and calm him down, she basically stood there and let her dad run his mouth and afterwards, she gives you attitude as if it was your fault, why I say this, when you talk to her, she tells you she didn't appreciate the violence with that angry look of hers, she's asking a lot from strangers to stand there and say nothing while her dad threatens the life of a child. She does show appreciation when you save her dad but how does she repay you, by stabbing you in the back.
She comes across as a bitch if you don't agree with her. You don't give her dad food, she calls you cold, really, he constantly bullies people and tried to kill you and she gives you the option to give anybody of your own choice a piece of food and then acts like you owe her dad something. She doesn't care that he's a murderous prick, if she wanted to give him food, she should've did so herself instead of expecting someone else he treats like garbage to do so and getting mad later on.
I know she stabs your back, I was just pointing out that she wasn't a heartless monster who never appreciates what you do for her, as some people make her out to be. As for the food, it's understandable that she'd be pissed for not looking out for her family. Just like Kenny is if you don't feed Duck.
I'm aware she saves your life twice but that's depending on the choice, will she save your life no matter what? And the bandit shootout was reckless, if the Bandits were smart, they would've killed the whole group after the first shot. Besides, they were about to give in to the deal which would give you time to make a get away with the supplies if she hadn't took that shot.
I know the leader was about to make a deal, but the other bandits didn't seem all that eager about it. I'm glad Lilly took the shot before one of them could change their mind and put a bullet through Clem's head. Maybe I'm just overly paranoid. Plus, saving my life, choice-dependant or not, still counts for something.
And you're angry at Kenny for berating you in front of the group for mercy killing an innocent women. Lilly did the same, she berated Carley & Glenn for saving Lee's group and she also berated Lee for saving Ben. Where's the anger for her? Kenny was a dick for doing that but I can't rule out the fact that Lilly did the same thing also..
Sorry, I must've come across a Lilly supporter in my post, cause I was actually pissed at both of them:D. I was angry at Lilly when she berate Carley and Glenn. As for Ben, I couldn't give two shits about him
Her reaction to Doug was more like "Shit I shot the wrong person", I don't think she'll beat herself up over killing the wrong person, as I said before, she was probably faking it as her facial expressions changes to "I don't give a rats ass what I did" when she steals the RV. Ben in a way redeems himself, he gave Lee his permission to drop him so he can save himself, would Lilly do that? Judging by the way she stays behind so others do her work & stealing the RV shows she watches out for herself.
Considering she decides to save the whole group from bandits even though she hated Kenny, I'd say she would sacrifice herself for maybe Clem pre-insanity. Also, I'm sure she stole the RV because she thought the group was going to kill her. She was just acting on self preservation.
You don't consider him saving a woman he just met or helping put a scared teenager out of his misery which results in him being devoured in both cases a redeemable act?
I consider deciding to selfishly commit suicide when he could have easily escaped the alley, and ditching the quest to find Clem entirely to other people incredibly selfish. As for the Christa version of his death, I wasn't very impressed. He saved a pregnant woman. Who wouldn't have? Didn't redeem him for the other crap he pulled in my eyes.
No one to blame?
What about Ben, he made the deal and hid it from everybody that resulted in Duck & Katjaa's death, Kenny found out the same day it happened, he wanted to beat up Ben but doesn't kill him, he doesn't kill Lee or anybody else if they give him an attitude, he still doesn't kill Ben for his outbursts later on. BTW, Lilly is not the only character that lost someone, other characters have but if they can refrain themselves from killing people because they were talked down to then what was Lilly's excuse? Only Weak Cowards would do what she did.
As much as I despise Ben, even I have to admit he is responsible for Doug's death and Doug's alone(and to lesser extent, Carly's) He was nowhere near as directly responsible for Katjaa and Duck's death as Kenny was in Larry's head smash. And as I already said, in Lilly's situation, group members she trusted, disliked perhaps but still trusted, effectively betray her in her eyes to kill her father. I'm not excusing her behavior, just pointing out that it makes perfect sense she became a paranoid, insane wreck who mistrusted her group. Many players seem to ignore this fact and have no clue why she became so paranoid. Also, batshit insane people would do what she did, not weak and cowardly people.:)
He looked traumatized when he smashed his head in, he even said sorry, I'm not saying it makes it better and yes he did traumatize Lilly but the actions Lilly commits later is her own doing.
I'm sure his initial apology was just a knee-jerk reaction to what he just did. He never shows remorse beyond that half-hearted apology, even goading Lilly about Larry's death. "You didn't want to leave because of your dad's health, but he's gone now." Even a pro-Kenny Lee tells him to lay off.
Well gamers are going to need some closure on Lilly's treachery, more now after seeing Carley's corpse in 400 Days. If Telltale can fit in the Cancer Patients in 400 Days, I'm sure they'll come up with some idea of how to fit Lilly in Season 2.
But Shel and Lilly have the exact same face... I just hope they don't kill off Shel so they can shoehorn in Lilly later on. I really like Shel.:(
I'm not sure I agree about the immersion though. I mean, on one hand I did get attached to Shel and recognized her as an independent character even though she's basically Lilly with a mop-head and Katjaa without the accent. But still...that face.
Well I guess it was not a obvious as I took me sometime to notice that, can you pull of a comparison of Carley and Stef, I am sure they are the same I just want to be sure.
Don't have a picture, but you can just check on google images. They even have the exact same scar on their right cheeks, which was pretty lazy of Telltale.:D
Yes, I would forgive her I dislike Clem I tried to let her die throughout the whole game but it would not let me continue the game without her . No offense to the Clem fans.
You are lucky person, I just narrowly stopped myself from ranting about Lilly again, you might not want to say that again or someone else might get you.
Yes, I would forgive her I dislike Clem I tried to let her die throughout the whole game but it would not let me continue the game without her . No offense to the Clem fans.
Why would you say that, how could you do this? I understand why people hate Kenny and Lilly and other people but Clem, that's cold. Why?
Kids are annoying and they are useless in a zombie apocalypse i mean yes you can teach them like Carl in the TV series but he is about 13? Clem is only 8 (9 at end) and does nothing but run hide and cry and she always gets into trouble if it wasn't for her lee would still be alive.
Kids are annoying and they are useless in a zombie apocalypse i mean yes you can teach them like Carl in the TV series but he is about 13? Clem is only 8 (9 at end) and does nothing but run hide and cry and she always gets into trouble if it wasn't for her lee would still be alive.
NOTHING ?! Um who saved you from the babysitter ? Clem ! Who gave you the cane to block the doors ? Clem ! who opened the door so than everybody can escape from the meat locker ? Clem ! Who saves Molly ? Clem ! Who knocked Campman so than Lee can attack him ? Clem ! Who kills Campman if you fail to kill him ? CLEM ! Also remember Lee was going to jail in the beggining of the game and Clem was his redemption .
No need to get upset bro its just a game and just my opinion. And I was excited to hear about Crawford but i was disappointed we didn't get to see them. and i saved molly as i forced Clem to stay at the house. but we went back
Lee im hungry, Lee i cant find my hat, Lee i broke my walkie talkie, Lee i want to see my parents.
No need to get upset bro its just a game and just my opinion. And I was excited to hear about Crawford but i was disappointed we didn't get to see them. and i saved molly as i forced Clem to stay at the house. but we went back
Lee im hungry, Lee i cant find my hat, Lee i broke my walkie talkie, Lee i want to see my parents.
Wow ...... I just hope you never become a parent because it looks you wouldn't have what it takes .
Well the Crawford club and the Lilly the bitch club are open and want new members, all three members of both clubs really want you, PS the Kenny club with 30 members is more then likely not open, sorry.
Great, we got a bandit that does care about humanity, just to be sure I have six reasons to kill you if you get close to Clementine In game, you figure out what those six are.
Great, we got a bandit that does care about humanity, just to be sure I have six reasons to kill you if you get close to Clementine In game, you figure out what those six are.
I would never get close to clem i would make her stay at her house in season 1 episode 1 i knew it was going to be a long ride if i had to take care of a stupid kid the whole game sadly i had to
The entire forum will so kill you in a day, I am so sure of it, Kenny fans will kill you, Clementine fans will kill you, Carley and Doug fans will kill you, and I like Kenny, Clem and Carley so you are in for one hell of a day.
The entire forum will so kill you in a day, I am so sure of it, Kenny fans will kill you, Clementine fans will kill you, Carley and Doug fans will kill you, and I like Kenny, Clem and Carley so you are in for one hell of a day.
And Lee fans . They would not forgive anyone who dares to touch Clem , especially Cry .
The entire forum will so kill you in a day, I am so sure of it, Kenny fans will kill you, Clementine fans will kill you, Carley and Doug fans will kill you, and I like Kenny, Clem and Carley so you are in for one hell of a day.
But i have all of Lilly woodbury and Crawford with me.
It's the same face, only Shel's hair looks like someone attached a mop to the top of her head.
I'm not sure I agree about the immersion though. I mean, on one hand I did get attached to Shel and recognized her as an independent character even though she's basically Lilly with a mop-head and Katjaa without the accent. But still...that face.
Some men just want to watch the world burn...
And if Lee was a abusive drunk and pedophile would you still like him ?
And Nate was my favorite character in the dlc tyvm.
NOTHING ?! Um who saved you from the babysitter ? Clem ! Who gave you the cane to block the doors ? Clem ! who opened the door so than everybody can escape from the meat locker ? Clem ! Who saves Molly ? Clem ! Who knocked Campman so than Lee can attack him ? Clem ! Who kills Campman if you fail to kill him ? CLEM ! Also remember Lee was going to jail in the beggining of the game and Clem was his redemption .
Lee im hungry, Lee i cant find my hat, Lee i broke my walkie talkie, Lee i want to see my parents.
Wow ...... I just hope you never become a parent because it looks you wouldn't have what it takes .
And he apparently supports Crawford and wanted to join them .
I would never get close to clem i would make her stay at her house in season 1 episode 1 i knew it was going to be a long ride if i had to take care of a stupid kid the whole game sadly i had to
And Lee fans . They would not forgive anyone who dares to touch Clem , especially Cry .
But i have all of Lilly woodbury and Crawford with me.