Yes people say I am heartless but the fact of the matter is this I could care less what the majority think I have all I need in Lilly! And when she comes home my quest will be complete, neighbors say I am crazy yes but they are smart enough to stay away from me!
And I have never heard of Campman but he sounds like an interesting ladd indeed.
Ahh yes the name does ring a bell personally I would have just left Clementine as she would be in the hands of someone who would bribe care and protect her and I could go live out the rest of my days in peace from the infection that has been bestowed upon me.
Ahh yes the name does ring a bell personally I would have just left Clementine as she would be in the hands of someone who would bribe care and protect her and I could go live out the rest of my days in peace from the infection that has been bestowed upon me.
If I were you, I would reach out to TellTale and tell them to completely rewrite the story where Lee's ultimate goal is to bang Lilly
Lee is gettin that ass tonight...
Lee is gettin that ass tonight...
This creep me out as much as Nate did the first time I met him, you are one crazy person, threw and threw, and I am speechless when it comes to what you say, speechless.
This creep me out as much as Nate did the first time I met him, you are one crazy person, threw and threw, and I am speechless when it comes to what you say, speechless.
Me or him? I'm confused cuz u didn't quote anything
I am writing to you all to say that my task for the day has been complete as my quest continues I will be back but until then I say to you all good day and good night ( i'm watching you). Lilly see you later my love.
Be gone, please just go away back into whatever part of space or universe you came from, this what ever this was has to end NOW!!! And do not mess up anyone elses threads, OP I am sorry this happened.
I don't think it's real, but after so many hours of this I am inclined to believe he really thinks like that, I really, really hope he is a troll and not someone the believes that stuff. And that whole argument now feels like something from the game.
I would have said this was a happy day, with the chance of Kenny being alive higher then it was before, but I now think this day was destroyed by that guy, good god I dread tomorrow when he comes back.
Ok analysis done . Ehkay supports child murderers , psychopaths , bandits , criminals , horrible monsters , rapists and wants to join them and hates good people and wants the villains to win .
So Ehkay do you also support the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting ?
Oh and Ehkay is a example of how bad society has fallen .
I know she stabs your back, I was just pointing out that she wasn't a heartless monster who never appreciates what you do for her, as some people make her out to be. As for the food, it's understandable that she'd be pissed for not looking out for her family. Just like Kenny is if you don't feed Duck.
As I said, her ratting you out as a killer to cause a problem for you shows she never appreciated the help you provided her. I thought she appreciated what I did for her until that moment that shows what an ungrateful bitch she was, it's bad enough how she performed an evil act but she selfishly tried to drag you down also. Just makes you wonder, did she really appreciate the things you did for her or was she pretending? I'm more convinced she was pretending due to her ungratefully revealing about your past and comparing her cold blooded murder for no reason to Lee's accidental killing with reason.
Duck was a harmless child of the guy that saved you, Larry was a grown man that tried to kill you. It was insensitive of her to call you cold considering you went out of your way to help him and all you get is a punch in the face and left to be eaten alive and she's like "So my dad tried to kill you after you save his life and he constantly bullies & berates you but WHY DIDN'T YOU GIVE HIM FOOD YOU PRICK", she gives you the option of giving four people of your own choice something to eat and yet she's surprised you don't give him any and she expects you to bend over backwards and be his personal litter.
I know the leader was about to make a deal, but the other bandits didn't seem all that eager about it. I'm glad Lilly took the shot before one of them could change their mind and put a bullet through Clem's head. Maybe I'm just overly paranoid. Plus, saving my life, choice-dependant or not, still counts for something.
She took the shot too soon, just as I said before, she was lucky the bandits were stupid otherwise that one shot on the leader would've been a definite bullet in Clem's head. Besides, the bandit attack would've been avoided if she just left the motel before that, she knew about the bandits in the area and their connections to the St Johns due to the recordings found by Carley/Doug & Lee at the end of Episode 2, Duck & Katjaa would've been alive and they'd have their supplies intact but she was stubborn enough to stay no matter what and complains about the loss of supplies later on.
Sorry, I must've come across a Lilly supporter in my post, cause I was actually pissed at both of them. I was angry at Lilly when she berate Carley and Glenn. As for Ben, I couldn't give two shits about him
Aren't you a Lilly supporter?
Considering she decides to save the whole group from bandits even though she hated Kenny, I'd say she would sacrifice herself for maybe Clem pre-insanity. Also, I'm sure she stole the RV because she thought the group was going to kill her. She was just acting on self preservation.
She was willing to let Clementine die at one point in Episode 1 and left her to die in Episode 3 so her sacrificing herself for Clem seems unlikely and as stated above, the bandit attack could've been avoided if she left.
And who would kill her?
Kenny? Ben? Clementine? Katjaa? Duck? No option presented to kill her Lee?
This is the group that were horrified when Lee killed Andy St John.
If they wanted to kill her, they would've done so after her cold blooded murder on a valuable innocent group member. She knew that and she didn't look scared after stealing the RV.
I consider deciding to selfishly commit suicide when he could have easily escaped the alley, and ditching the quest to find Clem entirely to other people incredibly selfish. As for the Christa version of his death, I wasn't very impressed. He saved a pregnant woman. Who wouldn't have? Didn't redeem him for the other crap he pulled in my eyes.
I admit, I was pissed at that but the man lost his family, not saying it's a good reason but you understand Lilly's murder of another person but you don't understand Kenny's self-sacrifice?
And you asked who wouldn't save a pregnant woman?
You and I both know the answer to that is Lilly. This is the woman that would've let a group consisting of two kids to die, that would abandon a group she is leading to die and would kill someone for nothing so I doubt she'd help Christa. And Kenny didn't know she was pregnant, none of the characters did.
As much as I despise Ben, even I have to admit he is responsible for Doug's death and Doug's alone(and to lesser extent, Carly's) He was nowhere near as directly responsible for Katjaa and Duck's death as Kenny was in Larry's head smash. And as I already said, in Lilly's situation, group members she trusted, disliked perhaps but still trusted, effectively betray her in her eyes to kill her father. I'm not excusing her behavior, just pointing out that it makes perfect sense she became a paranoid, insane wreck who mistrusted her group. Many players seem to ignore this fact and have no clue why she became so paranoid. Also, batshit insane people would do what she did, not weak and cowardly people.
Ben is responsible for Duck's death, he made the deal with the bandits and concealed it from everybody else which led to the attack and Duck getting bitten. I'm not saying it's not his fault for what happened to Doug/Carley & Katjaa, he played a minor part but one thing is, it's not his fault for unleashing Lilly's murderous tendency but I do blame him for the fact that he should've had the balls to admit doing it instead of cowardly letting Carley take the fall. Lilly would've found another reason to do what she did. Maybe if she wasn't such a shitty leader, all that could've been avoided considering an idiot like Ben managed to outsmart her and steal supplies in which she was guarding.
You keep mentioning her situation, one(or two) people kill her dad, what reason did she have to mistrust the whole group?
Me(and surely other players) and even Kenny fans understand her paranoia but what we can't understand is that she kills someone who didn't do anything to her while the 1 person/2 people that caused her tragedy are right there? I doubt Lilly lost the will to know what's right and wrong.
You don't consider what she did was cowardly?
Let's look at her scenarios:
Two Cannibal that are responsible for her dad's death = Spared(I know they die but she doesn't kill them)
One or Two guys that help kill her dad and undermine her authority = Spared
A woman that did nothing to her and doesn't like to be harassed = Shot in the back
How can anyone understand that?
Would you still understand if she had killed Clem instead?
I'm sure his initial apology was just a knee-jerk reaction to what he just did. He never shows remorse beyond that half-hearted apology, even goading Lilly about Larry's death. "You didn't want to leave because of your dad's health, but he's gone now." Even a pro-Kenny Lee tells him to lay off.
I agree with you here, but the guy looked traumatized due to his half-hearted apology while Lilly felt nothing.
But Shel and Lilly have the exact same face... I just hope they don't kill off Shel so they can shoehorn in Lilly later on. I really like Shel.
I'm sure this wont stop Telltale. Nothing in the rule books that says two characters with the same design can't be in the same season.
Actually, wasn't Lilly was the one who trained all the adults to use firearms? It's been a while so I'm not sure. Also, she was the lookout during ep 2, I think.
I mentioned this before but maybe you didn't read it.
Lee states Lilly keeps them on a training schedule, that's all he says. Doesn't specify whether Lilly taught him how to use the rifle or whether she's an expert at using these weapons, who knows, maybe the training schedule was for her also to practice her shooting. Maybe Mark probably taught them, the rifles do show up in Episode 2 where he first appears, unless they found it somewhere, it's safe to assume they belong to him and he must know how to use them and Carley may have taught the others how to use the gun because she seems to be an expert at it. There's nothing to suggest Lilly knew how to shoot before the apocalypse.
Anything happen to Clementine I'll Alt+F4 out of the game, book a flight to America and bitchslap everyone involved in the making of the game. And that's a promise!
Yes i would forgive her, not only that i would engage in sexual combat with her so we can make our own baby so she can kill that fucking kid too....dude what kind of question is that? NO ONE would forgive her......
Once Lilly got better she could fit through then we would not have to spell out get the door open to her I mean come on when you get to the other side we want you to go Rambo on the St.John brothers? Clem is stupid.
Wow Ehkay . That's some logic that would make Miles Edgeworth facepalm .
* Facepalm * .
And how could Lilly get the blowtorch may i ask ? Let me guess , you are going to tell me that Lilly is the She-Hulk and all you need to do is call Kenny and he will insult her by calling her a bitch , slut , whore etc and he will call her dad a homo which will cause Lilly to get angry and transform into She-Hulk and she will bend the bars and get the blowtorch right ?
Wow Ehkay . That's some logic that would make Miles Edgeworth facepalm .
* Facepalm * .
And how could Lilly get the blowtorch may i ask ? Let me guess , you are going to tell me that Lilly is the She-Hulk and all you need to do is call Kenny and he will insult her by calling her a bitch , slut , whore etc and he will call her dad a homo which will cause Lilly to get angry and transform into She-Hulk and she will bend the bars and get the blowtorch right ?
That sounds pretty realistic I can see it now *drifts off into crazy thought land*
I can imagine the dialogue :
And Kenny's response:
Kenny: Cool story bro .
Carley: I lift more than your dad .
And Lee's response:
1) Hmm .
2) Pointy .
3) I need a new pair of pants .
4) Shit .
5) ......
All to true, me Lee always did well under pressure.
And Ben's response :
He would run into the woods like the little bitch he is .
And these are our choices : Stop She-Hulk Lilly or just stand aside and watch her break Carley's back Bane Style and trying to rip Kenny's moustache of his face but would fail because his moustache is invincible and cannot be ripped from his powerful face .
And I have never heard of Campman but he sounds like an interesting ladd indeed.
I AM NOT CRAZY!!!!!!!!
Sadly I will never get to meet him unless he gets to me before Lilly returns because when Lilly returns my quest is completed!
If I were you, I would reach out to TellTale and tell them to completely rewrite the story where Lee's ultimate goal is to bang Lilly
Lee is gettin that ass tonight...
Lee is gettin that ass tonight...
Me or him? I'm confused cuz u didn't quote anything
I'M NOT CRAZY!!!!!!!!
Hahah, okay. Thanks Bio
(I stole your nickname TeamKennyAlways
So Ehkay do you also support the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting ?
Oh and Ehkay is a example of how bad society has fallen .
As I said, her ratting you out as a killer to cause a problem for you shows she never appreciated the help you provided her. I thought she appreciated what I did for her until that moment that shows what an ungrateful bitch she was, it's bad enough how she performed an evil act but she selfishly tried to drag you down also. Just makes you wonder, did she really appreciate the things you did for her or was she pretending? I'm more convinced she was pretending due to her ungratefully revealing about your past and comparing her cold blooded murder for no reason to Lee's accidental killing with reason.
Duck was a harmless child of the guy that saved you, Larry was a grown man that tried to kill you. It was insensitive of her to call you cold considering you went out of your way to help him and all you get is a punch in the face and left to be eaten alive and she's like "So my dad tried to kill you after you save his life and he constantly bullies & berates you but WHY DIDN'T YOU GIVE HIM FOOD YOU PRICK", she gives you the option of giving four people of your own choice something to eat and yet she's surprised you don't give him any and she expects you to bend over backwards and be his personal litter.
She took the shot too soon, just as I said before, she was lucky the bandits were stupid otherwise that one shot on the leader would've been a definite bullet in Clem's head. Besides, the bandit attack would've been avoided if she just left the motel before that, she knew about the bandits in the area and their connections to the St Johns due to the recordings found by Carley/Doug & Lee at the end of Episode 2, Duck & Katjaa would've been alive and they'd have their supplies intact but she was stubborn enough to stay no matter what and complains about the loss of supplies later on.
Aren't you a Lilly supporter?
She was willing to let Clementine die at one point in Episode 1 and left her to die in Episode 3 so her sacrificing herself for Clem seems unlikely and as stated above, the bandit attack could've been avoided if she left.
And who would kill her?
Kenny? Ben? Clementine? Katjaa? Duck? No option presented to kill her Lee?
This is the group that were horrified when Lee killed Andy St John.
If they wanted to kill her, they would've done so after her cold blooded murder on a valuable innocent group member. She knew that and she didn't look scared after stealing the RV.
I admit, I was pissed at that but the man lost his family, not saying it's a good reason but you understand Lilly's murder of another person but you don't understand Kenny's self-sacrifice?
And you asked who wouldn't save a pregnant woman?
You and I both know the answer to that is Lilly. This is the woman that would've let a group consisting of two kids to die, that would abandon a group she is leading to die and would kill someone for nothing so I doubt she'd help Christa. And Kenny didn't know she was pregnant, none of the characters did.
Ben is responsible for Duck's death, he made the deal with the bandits and concealed it from everybody else which led to the attack and Duck getting bitten. I'm not saying it's not his fault for what happened to Doug/Carley & Katjaa, he played a minor part but one thing is, it's not his fault for unleashing Lilly's murderous tendency but I do blame him for the fact that he should've had the balls to admit doing it instead of cowardly letting Carley take the fall. Lilly would've found another reason to do what she did. Maybe if she wasn't such a shitty leader, all that could've been avoided considering an idiot like Ben managed to outsmart her and steal supplies in which she was guarding.
You keep mentioning her situation, one(or two) people kill her dad, what reason did she have to mistrust the whole group?
Me(and surely other players) and even Kenny fans understand her paranoia but what we can't understand is that she kills someone who didn't do anything to her while the 1 person/2 people that caused her tragedy are right there? I doubt Lilly lost the will to know what's right and wrong.
You don't consider what she did was cowardly?
Let's look at her scenarios:
Two Cannibal that are responsible for her dad's death = Spared(I know they die but she doesn't kill them)
One or Two guys that help kill her dad and undermine her authority = Spared
A woman that did nothing to her and doesn't like to be harassed = Shot in the back
How can anyone understand that?
Would you still understand if she had killed Clem instead?
I agree with you here, but the guy looked traumatized due to his half-hearted apology while Lilly felt nothing.
I'm sure this wont stop Telltale. Nothing in the rule books that says two characters with the same design can't be in the same season.
I mentioned this before but maybe you didn't read it.
Lee states Lilly keeps them on a training schedule, that's all he says. Doesn't specify whether Lilly taught him how to use the rifle or whether she's an expert at using these weapons, who knows, maybe the training schedule was for her also to practice her shooting. Maybe Mark probably taught them, the rifles do show up in Episode 2 where he first appears, unless they found it somewhere, it's safe to assume they belong to him and he must know how to use them and Carley may have taught the others how to use the gun because she seems to be an expert at it. There's nothing to suggest Lilly knew how to shoot before the apocalypse.
lol i dont......David letterman?
I dont lol link me his profile or his name?
Wow Ehkay . That's some logic that would make Miles Edgeworth facepalm .
* Facepalm * .
And how could Lilly get the blowtorch may i ask ? Let me guess , you are going to tell me that Lilly is the She-Hulk and all you need to do is call Kenny and he will insult her by calling her a bitch , slut , whore etc and he will call her dad a homo which will cause Lilly to get angry and transform into She-Hulk and she will bend the bars and get the blowtorch right ?
That sounds pretty realistic I can see it now *drifts off into crazy thought land*
^ This.
Honestly , if Lilly really turned into the She-Hulk on the road after Carley's famous speech , she would be much bigger and greener than the Hulk .
I can imagine the dialogue :
And Kenny's response:
Kenny: Cool story bro .
Carley: I lift more than your dad .
And Lee's response:
1) Hmm .
2) Pointy .
3) I need a new pair of pants .
4) Shit .
5) ......
That , and because he would be the only who would keep his cool when the leader turns into a giant green monster .
And Ben's response :
He would run into the woods like the little bitch he is .
And these are our choices : Stop She-Hulk Lilly or just stand aside and watch her break Carley's back Bane Style and trying to rip Kenny's moustache of his face but would fail because his moustache is invincible and cannot be ripped from his powerful face .