Sam & Max 204: Chariots of the Dogs - Now available!

JakeJake Telltale Alumni
edited April 2008 in Sam & Max

Bosco's vanished from the face of the Earth—literally! When Sam & Max manage to track him down, what they find is so mind boggling, you'll have to see it to believe it. Can the Freelance Police set things right, or will life as they know it fall victim to the capricious whims of T-H-E-M?

The trailer for 204 is here! (Screenshots, too!)


Update: We've posted a gameplay video at the above link. Check it out for... intrigue!


  • edited February 2008
    Nick has really outdone himself on the trailer this time round.
    And a whole episode based around Bosco? Epic!
  • edited February 2008
    i think the trailer is the best ever
  • edited February 2008
    Hmm... mysterious... great trailer!
  • edited February 2008
    SUPERBALL IS BACK! im so happy, but i wonder what he's guarding behind the door.
    And the trailer was great too, best one yet.
  • edited February 2008
    this episode must really have some crazy stuff if they cant show us anything about it in the trailer (but the screenshots have some insights... looks like
    boscos bathroom, and some sort of space station
  • edited February 2008
    what is the souviner from 203? Superball tell us!
  • edited February 2008
    That was an amazing trailer. Can't wait for the game. :D
  • edited February 2008
    and the neighborhood at night!!!!! and why is Superball guarding there own office?
  • edited February 2008
    Why is Superball guarding the closet in the Office???
  • edited February 2008
    the one shot looks like
    they cut a hole in boscos front door and max is climbing through

    and am i the only one who has noticed the office banner gag... the banner over the closed office window has changed every episode this season so far...
  • edited February 2008
    That was spooky and all kinds of awesome. I'm really excited for this one! :D
  • edited February 2008
    i'm excited about all of them....but this one..... i can't wait!!!!!!!!!
    and yes they did cut a hole in Bosco's door and MAx is climbing through it...
  • edited February 2008
    why is Superball guarding there own office? - splash1
    Today 01:21 pm

    Considering in the past Sam and Max always need to get past Superball, he is probably guarding something important and/or useful.
  • edited February 2008
    well... who though T-H-E-M was a real threat?
    Good to know that not too long past a Vampire episode that you have an alien episode! I would guess what it is but i'm not a man that knows his Sam and max history. Good trailer too, Whoever made it, they need a huge hug!
  • edited February 2008
    Okay, so we had demons, exorcisms, bermuda triangles, ghosts, vampires, zombies, and now what appear to be aliens? WTF is going on here???

    So I wonder, who could T-H-E-M really be? :O
  • edited February 2008
    And a whole episode based around Bosco? Epic!

    I'm sorry, but it's not the fact that it's an episode about Bosco that's epic. It's the fact that it's an episode about Bosco's freaky insane paranoia being actually grounded in reality that's epic.
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Nick has really outdone himself on the trailer this time round.
    And a whole episode based around Bosco? Epic!

    Thanks Guybrush. But i definitely can't take all the credit here. Jake put in a huge chunk of time he didn't have into this and his input was invaluable. Also, some folks around the office helped us fill the missing gaps, and we couldn't have done it without them. And Jared did an amazing job, and seeing as his schedule is already bursting at the seams, he was a great sport every time we needed a new revision.

    But I'm glad you guys like it. I know its less of a trailer and more of a machinama, but I think it helps fill the gaps nicely.
  • edited February 2008
    Looking very good indeed!
    Will this scene be included in the game or is it (next to a kickass trailer) an 'extra scene'?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    It's an extra scene -- think of it as a webisode or machinima short -- filling in the gaps in Bosco's timeline between 202 and 204.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    NickTTG wrote: »
    Thanks Guybrush. But i definitely can't take all the credit here. Jake put in a huge chunk of time he didn't have into this and his input was invaluable. Also, some folks around the office helped us fill the missing gaps, and we couldn't have done it without them. And Jared did an amazing job, and seeing as his schedule is already bursting at the seams, he was a great sport every time we needed a new revision.

    (Also the trailer was my idea.)
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Also the trailer was Emily's idea :)
  • edited February 2008
    Was the trailer Emily's idea?
    Jake wrote: »
    It's an extra scene -- think of it as a webisode or machinima short -- filling in the gaps in Bosco's timeline between 202 and 204.

    Was it made using the normal engine? The graphics look slightly better than they do in-game.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    The animation was done in the game engine, but many of the effects were done in After Effects (which is true of most of our trailers).
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    Was the trailer Emily's idea?

    Yes, it was. The idea of doing a trailer which fills in the gaps between the episodes, starting with the radio transmission from 202 and ending with... well... with the crazy ending, was Emily's.
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    the trailer was a shot in the engine. you're probably noticing the different camera FOV. i brought it down a bit to give it more of a compressed movie feel. also, it makes it scarier haha
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    wow... massive marketing reply...
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2008
    You've been brainwashed. :D
  • edited February 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    The animation was done in the game engine, but many of the effects were done in After Effects (which is true of most of our trailers).

    I must have just noticed in more in this trailer for whatever reason. In a kinda unrelated way, I think Bosco's face looks a bit weird when he is backing away from the door.
    Jake wrote: »
    Yes, it was. The idea of doing a trailer which fills in the gaps between the episodes, starting with the radio transmission from 202 and ending with... well... with the crazy ending, was Emily's.

    Who's going to tell him it was sarcasm? :D
    NickTTG wrote: »
    the trailer was a shot in the engine. you're probably noticing the different camera FOV. i brought it down a bit to give it more of a compressed movie feel. also, it makes it scarier haha

    I started noticing 'better' graphics around half way, when you started doing different camera angles like you said. Yeah, works really well.
    Emily wrote: »
    You've been brainwashed. :D

  • edited February 2008
    That shot of Max with his head poking through the door and his gun in hand seems like the perfect cue for a Mission Impossible spoof! :)

    Also, I've been sick all week and only really felt like getting up and checking the internet today and I have to say that trailer just brightened up my day!
  • edited February 2008
    Well made, and nice use of camera angles. I was hoping something would be revealed about the actual episode although it looks like IGN's preview and the screenshots tell us something. This episode looks exciting! It involves a lot of our favorite characters in the main storyline so it should be a nice payoff for those who have played the last 9 episodes.
  • edited February 2008
    Nice website banners by the way! :D
  • edited February 2008
    Amazing trailer, the best one yet. I'm really looking forward to this episode now.
  • edited February 2008
    Episode 204 looks really good, I wasn't expecting it to be aliens! Now March 13th looks far away!
  • booboo
    edited February 2008
    Best trailer yet? No way. 203 still has that distinction. The Nosferatu look was genius. 204 is... intriguing.

    Since it's only two weeks away, I don't feel cheated by a lack of revelations.
  • edited February 2008
    My assorted questions for this episode:

    1) What is that bizarre device on Max's desk?
    2) What in the world does their calendar say? That word is huge!

  • edited February 2008
    Mafioso wrote: »
    My assorted questions for this episode:

    1) What is that bizarre device on Max's desk?
    2) What in the world does their calendar say? That word is huge!


    1) It loooooked like the Boxing Betty controller. Could be wrong though.
    2) Brilliantember?
  • edited February 2008
    It's Smiletember. has some slightly higher res shots.
  • edited February 2008
    I'm glad they didnt reveal too much in the trailer, it was perfect. kudos to you, Emily.
    Even in the screenshots, we see partial hints of an alien plot but not the aliens themselves.
  • edited February 2008
    jaden551 wrote: »
    what is the souviner from 203? Superball tell us!
    Superball is the souviner!
  • edited February 2008
    204 trailer was pretty cool for fans :) Very X-Filesy! But too much mystery! Who are the dogs? Why do they have a chariot?
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