Sam & Max 204: Chariots of the Dogs - Now available!



  • edited March 2008
    Wooooh! Dowloading see yuz! :D
  • edited March 2008
    now i can play the game with no lag :D
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    the last episodes were usually put up around your lunch break..if i'm not mistaken

    You're mistaken. We have never just sat around waiting for lunchtime to get started on a launch. :p

    Last season we had to go through a very laborious process that required in taking the site down at 7:00 or so and keeping it down until noonish, but we were working hard the whole time! (And it was definitely not fun.)

    Now thanks to the magic of technology and forward thinking, it only takes us about an hour to prepare and the site only needs to be down for fifteen minutes or so. It makes our lives a lot more sane. :D

    Regarding bugs - there was a small bug in the 201 launcher that we fixed within an hour or two of launch and reuploaded, but it wasn't a huge deal. I think that's the only time we've had to scramble to release a new version on launch day this season. It is absolutely safe to download RIGHT NOW (and traffic should be fine thanks to our lightning fast bandwidth provider).

    All this boring stuff is by way of saying... IT'S HERE! Don't wait one minute longer! Bosco's counting on you!
  • edited March 2008

    Downloading as I type. Only 5 minutes to go! :D :D :D
  • edited March 2008
    wow. i just beat it last night (and morning) on gametap and i gotta say this one is so freakin amazing
  • edited March 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    You're mistaken. We have never just sat around waiting for lunchtime to get started on a launch. :p
    i didn't write that...i meant you usually had the games up around noon and that's approximately when i get home from work. i don't know what you have to do in advance, but since doug is up at 05:30 you may be quite busy..
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    Ahh, you're right then. The site used to come back up around noon. Not since Season Two launched, though.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    wisp wrote: »
    i didn't write that...i meant you usually had the games up around noon and that's approximately when i get home from work. i don't know what you have to do in advance, but since doug is up at 05:30 you may be quite busy..

    He's fighting his fear of the morning commute.
  • edited March 2008
    and setting up a new computer for dave grossman (hard drive death :()
  • edited March 2008
    Downloading now. :D
  • edited March 2008
    Wayhay! A lovely treat for when I get home. :) Downloading.
  • edited March 2008
    a little break for dinner and I'll go back to playing the game...

    For the moment, I thought it's the weirdest Sam&Max episode ! Really fun !
  • MelMel
    edited March 2008
    tabacco wrote: »
    and setting up a new computer for dave grossman (hard drive death :()

    Did it go up in flames like the other ones?
  • edited March 2008
    Nice work on the episode. I noticed that, and all of you guys deserve some cookies.
  • edited March 2008
    Damn! My dad has taken the laptop to his 12 hour work shift! How will I cope with only this useless Mac. But so far, so outrageously good!
    I'm currently at the double Sam & Max bit.
  • edited March 2008
    Oh and that prez is one thorough licker! :D
  • edited March 2008
    Mel wrote: »
    Did it go up in flames like the other ones?

    No, although it's actually the same computer :)
  • edited March 2008
    Finished! :D

    I really really liked this episode! The puzzles were especially good. I loved having to think about how changing something in one time period would alter something in another.
  • edited March 2008
    i won..good stuff. nice writing, characters and locations...i was a bit dissapointed that you found a ñ for piñata, but didn't have the ü for jürgen in the last episode..:D
  • edited March 2008
    That episode was trully amazing. It will be hard to top.
  • edited March 2008
    Finished! :D

    I really really liked this episode! The puzzles were especially good. I loved having to think about how changing something in one time period would alter something in another.

    Finished too ! I think It's my second favorite episode (my first one is Night of the Raving Dead), and the script is really good (The continuity of the entire season is revealed in this one... until the final explanation in the unknown title season final ?) and really weird !!! I like this...

    For the
    time interaction, i found that it's like Day of the Tentacle and the fact that Bosco could not born like Back to the Future.
  • edited March 2008
    tabacco wrote: »
    We don't have to wait for a keynote to end to bring the site back up ;)

    Sometimes there are no keynotes associated with store downtime...:D
  • FloFlo
    edited March 2008
    The only problem I had with this one was technical in nature.
    I got no music when the mariachis started singing.
    Had to reload and play that bit again.
  • edited March 2008
    I haven't laughed so much since Situation: Comedy, I'd reckon this episode alone would be worth the amount paid for the whole season, good job!
  • edited March 2008
    Just got past the opening credits, so far it's shaping up to be the best one yet. I absolutely loved the "Bad Dudes" reference. Also, I swear Max would have replied to Sam's "...but it's too dark to make out" line at the beginning.
  • edited March 2008
    McGoiter wrote: »
    I absolutely loved the "Bad Dudes" reference.

    What he said. :D
  • edited March 2008
    That is actually freaky my friend always shouts out PURPLE MONKEY MEGAPHONE!!! Usually for suggestions for names as well.... Oh my GOD!!!
    ARE YOU JACK!!!! :D

    Purple Monkey Dishwasher is a joke on the chinese whispers game, the phrase was made famous in the Simpsons
  • edited March 2008
    good so far. im lucky we finished work early today so i can come home and play it
  • edited March 2008
    Banang's joke had me. I'll never forget that... very nice episode indeed, just as long as it must be, very fun, I love it ^^
  • edited March 2008
    What a terrible ending. Just as I hit the credits sequence, the SamMax204.exe process topped 1.45GB, eating up the last of my memory and page file, and crashed, bringing down 2 other apps with it.

    Technical complaints aside, this game is awesome!
    IMHO, this and Abe Lincoln Must Die tie for best S&M games ever, with Night of the Raving Dead taking 3rd place.
    My favorite scene was
    Ms. Bosco's. The thick air of romantic frustration and playing with Bosco's heritage lead the way to some incredibly fun dialogue.
    The only non-technical problem I had was the
    not being at all obvious. The lack of interesting stuff near it or any mention of it from Max meant that I didn't even notice the click-zone until after I checked the walkthrough.

    I can't wait to see the rest of the series. I'm recommending this episode to every gamer I know :)

    Also, does this mean that you're bringing back
    in future episodes? That guy makes every depressing situation funny...
  • edited March 2008
    WoW telltale I really enjoyed this episode its definatly the best episode of season 2. The Banang bit still has me smiling, there were no annoying characters (the soda poppers were there for like 10 secs), and the puzzles were just the right balance.

    I don't normally post about the series but I have to say well done on the episode :D

    I'm looking forward to the next one hopefully its the same caliber as this one
  • edited March 2008
    The only non-technical problem I had was the
    not being at all obvious. The lack of interesting stuff near it or any mention of it from Max meant that I didn't even notice the click-zone until after I checked the walkthrough.
    I like the character dialouge, so I got the hint by talking to one of the members of T-H-E-M. The camera even shifted to show it in frame during that line.
  • edited March 2008
    I really enjoyed this episode, great puzzles and far more complex than say the original Situation Comedy, also very tight and funny script. Keep up the good work Telltale! BAAAAAAAAANNNNNAAAAAAAG!
  • edited March 2008
    Fantastic episode. At last we can explore
    Bosco's toilets

    Only 1 episode left... almost finished... :'(
  • edited March 2008
    So what's up with the flash animation on the front page of the site? Is that going to be updated? ;)
  • edited March 2008
    This episode blew 201 and 202 out of the water for me, it's easily in the same league as 104 and 203.

    <3 for Telltale.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    dg10050 wrote: »
    So what's up with the flash animation on the front page of the site? Is that going to be updated? ;)

    workin on it
  • edited March 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    workin on it

    Heh, don't worry. Even Leonardo da Vinci was a chronic procrastinator. :rolleyes:
  • edited March 2008
    I'd just like to say that the episode was amazing. My only complaint is that it didn't really 'end,' it really just stopped. Of course, it worked for Halo 2, so...
  • edited March 2008
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    I'd just like to say that the episode was amazing. My only complaint is that it didn't really 'end,' it really just stopped. Of course, it worked for Halo 2, so...

    I don't mind a cliffhanger if the ending is only a month away (and not a couple of years like halo 2)
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