204 Spoiler thread!

JakeJake Telltale Alumni
edited April 2008 in Sam & Max
If you haven't played 204 yet, you probably want to stay out of here, since people will be discussing things you don't yet know about!

You will probably be sad if you read this before playing the game!

Okay now that those guys are gone... For those of you who already have your hands on 204, this is your place to discuss away, without worry of spoiling anyone who hasn't played the game yet!


If you still feel antsy and want to wrap your post in a spoiler tag, just format it like this: [ spoiler ]your text here[ /spoiler ] (but without the spaces next to the brackets), and it will look like this:
your text here


  • edited March 2008
    wow, this feels epic
  • edited March 2008
    Is this just a new thing for the episodes or is it because there is a huge plot twist in this one?
  • edited March 2008
    i think thatsbecause the plot is twisting like myentrails me thinks
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    Just moved a bunch of posts back to the general thread. I won't do that anymore, but it would make me sad to see people who were joking around in here earlier come back to find genuine chat from people who were playing the games.
  • edited March 2008
    Looks like I was right (or so I assume) about 205 being in Hell. Excellent.

    I'm curious about the contract Grandpa Stinky had in the display case. I bet we'll be seeing him again.
  • edited March 2008
    I guess I spoke too soon about 203 being my favorite. This one just had me in tears of laughter from beginning to end. "Are you a bad enough president to save the dude?" Epic win. Nice to see the formula and methods of transportation changed a little too.
  • edited March 2008
    i was a bit dispointed that we couldn't see the neighborhood at night...
    well it was at night but still...i wanted to drive at night :( other then that
    it was so awesome :D great job Telltale
  • edited March 2008
    I dont know what it is with Telltale Games and episodes with the number four, but as episode 4 of season 1 was the best by far, so is episode 4 of season 2 imo. Keep up the work and make more like those.

    This episode was really nice, deep and different, with a good and fun story and moments :) cant wait to see if its hell or heaven on the other side of that portal :)

    It was also nice with the jokes, humor and max was alot more active in this episode, really hope this is something you will keep on working with, instead of just having max run around like in the other episodes :)
  • edited March 2008
    Dude, this raises all kinds of questions.

    1. When we get to Season 3, will it be released on September 6 so that we can see ourselves trade the boxing betty for the egg from the other direction, or will that just sortof vanish into the depths of time?

    2. Will we get to see ourselves take that sleigh from 201 in the next episode?

    3. What exactly did we do to the continuity here? As far as I can tell, we essentially split Sam & Max's timeline in half: the first instances of themselves were born sometime in the 70s and went up to about half-way through 102, at which point they got jumped through the future to the spaceship and blown up when the ship caused the Big Bang.
    The second were born in an alternate causalty, and entered this timestream on the spaceship, sent themselves back to 102 and lived through the rest of season 1 and the first half of season 2.
  • edited March 2008
    Building on Maratanos' observations:

    Wasn't it stated that Max had a short lifespan? And yet, 100 years into the future, he's still young and frisky. (although apparently blind, judging by the Geordi glasses)

    And in issue #105 of The Unremarkable Adventures of Swede-Man, wasn't The Crimson Flallop killed by Dr. Limpet in the Peruvian Antechambers? Continuity, man! :p
  • edited March 2008
    Wow, that was...AWESOME! I didn't expect the Mariachi Men to be a huge part of the plot. Just thought they were in there to be random. The writers must have a really complex story, and as it goes on I'm amazed at how everything ties together!

    Now, I wish I could get in a time machine to go to the future and see 205! Even better, go to the Intergalactic Freelance Police and see all the episodes released until then!

    It's hard to say any episode is a favorite---they are all good!
  • edited March 2008
    I saw all sorts of missed opportunities to parody Crash Bandicoot Warped.
  • edited March 2008
    was i the only one who was kinda bummed out at the lack of a time wasting mini game in this episode...

    oh and it looks like i was right that we would not be seeing the cops for a car upgrade in this episode as well, but i am not complaining... the change of how we got around in this episode was a welcome diversion from the usual

    i like how most of the re-occuring locations had some new things and atmosphere to them, such as the new inverted color scheme for the oval office... i wonder how many people noticed it, and the 80's version of stinkys really brought back nightmar, erm... memories for me :rolleyes:
    only thing i am sad that so much of the office was blocked off in the episode (the closet, the items by the phone table, etc.) i can only hope we get to click everything again in episode 5 (if the office is in the episode at all)
    i also liked how there was always a change of scenery for each puzzle, and overall this episode had the most locations of any episode so far i believe, and even though each location was small, and did not have much to them... they add up, and overall it is a unique experience that we have not seen in a while

    i am glad we saw just enough of the old characters to get a few laughs but not too much that they get old and we never want to see them again (viva la soda poppers), and the few new characters were ok as well, (but i was tired of them by the time i was done) but it does seem that the grandpa stinky character was kinda thrown together (he has flint papers jeans and arms (simply retextured with tattoos), and a head that closely resembles Lucius from the bone games (so all thats new is his torso, because i am sure i saw his sailor hat somewhere as well)

    sadly i found the humor somewhat lacking in the episode, i was smiling the whole way though with all the goofy plot twists and odd occurances, but i rarely found myself laughing on the floor like i did with 203, it seems they were trying to tell a compelling story, more than making people laugh

    the difficulty curve is even higher than in previous episodes, and aside from episode 2... the season is making a nice progression from hard to difficult... and the length of the game is perfect as well, it could have done with a time wasting mini-game to give it some more length and replay value...

    overall this is a very strong episode, but sadly i cannot say it is one of my favorites, i like how it explained a lot (even some things that we did not care about, or expect to have explained) and this was the first episode to leave us with a true "cliffhanger" where the story will have to be directly continued from the point it left off in the next episode
  • edited March 2008
    Grandpa Stinky's all-new, I'm afraid. He was originally a piece of season one concept art for Bosco, back in the day. I'm pretty sure he's in the concept art reel on the DVD, even :)
  • edited March 2008
    Ah ha, I thought he looked familiar.
  • edited March 2008
    You broke Max! FIX HIM NOW D:

    Now that that's out of the way, the only thing that really disappointed me was no driving minigame. Everything else was hilarious :D. I particularly liked turning Bosco into a paradox. And now I have to wonder if Superball is THE DEVIL >_>
  • edited March 2008
    well we know hes working for him. or somthing.
  • edited March 2008
    maxman12 wrote: »
    well we know hes working for him. or somthing.

    Do you?
  • edited March 2008
    The Agent Boss was cool foool :D
  • edited March 2008
    You know, I was really disappointed we never needed to use the emergency time shuttle recall button.
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    AussieEvil wrote: »
    I saw all sorts of missed opportunities to parody Crash Bandicoot Warped.

    YES! FINALLY! I was waiting for someone to relate to. All those sweet Crash Bandicoot jokes they could have made. And who wouldn't have got them? Crashs following is as large as Master Chiefs! Right?!?!?!
  • edited March 2008
    I'm just not sure it overlaps a huge amount with the Sam & Max base...
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    you don't even know man... you don't even know :(
  • edited March 2008
  • edited March 2008
    My mind is all jumbled with awesomeness. I don't think this was as long as 201 or 203, but it was funnier and had such a cool plot, so I'll let that pass.
    One of my favourite lines had to be past bango-playing Sam shouting out "I can't shoot future me!".
    Best episode this season (possibly of all time - possibly) without doubt.
  • edited March 2008
    I am terribly amused by the revelation that Bosco's fear of elaborate conspiracies stems from the fact that his father was JFK. I guess Momma Bosco is the reason Kennedy started to talk about civil rights before he was shot.
  • edited March 2008
    I liked the Banang joke.

    By the way, was Future Sam's wheelchair a homage to Davros?

  • FloFlo
    edited March 2008
    My favorite little detail...
    the different reactions to the Banang in the 2008 office
  • edited March 2008
    Oh my GOD. I'm not done yet so I haven't read the rest of the thread yet, but I just have to post to say that Telltale is full of MAD GENIUSES. MAD GENIUSES, I say!
    "You made us go through the last year and a half all over again!" oh god *dies laughing*
  • edited March 2008
    Huh, that is a close match for the chair. I thought the chair was a homage to Captain Pike and the Daleks.

    Anyway, this episode has to be my favorite EVER...so far. And I don't think it has anything to do with my hispanic heritage. :p Mariachi consultant *snicker*

    (goes to crack up about Banang some more) :D
  • edited March 2008
    I've never benn that excited to play the next episode after I just finished one.
    great cliffhanger
  • edited March 2008
    All i want to say it: What happened with the second version of sam and max (the same and max we play) wouldn't of got the contract if the first couple had it when they when in the machine. Time to bring the nerds in this thread, how did the time pattens work IF the contract was never given to myra?
  • edited March 2008
    Too many questions!
  • RazRaz
    edited March 2008
    ARGH! Cliffhanger'd!

    Just finished this episode, I'm kinda proud of myself, because I did it in record time! I bought 204 at around 4:30 or so, and it's 8:19 now, just played it straight thru - didn't even pause to go to the bathroom :D

    Good episode, very funny, and I tried as many things as I could for the "did you try?" stuff, haven't read the "did you try?" thing thoe, so I dunno how much I missed - heh.

    I liked sending past max and past sam back to 2008 to ask superball about the time traveling phonebooth, until I realized I actually NEEDED to do it! lol

    On the difficulty scale, I actually thought this one was too easy, too straight forward :-/ Nothing was like "off the scale?" sort of, does that make sense?

    - R
  • edited March 2008
    Trixie wrote: »
    All i want to say it: What happened with the second version of sam and max (the same and max we play) wouldn't of got the contract if the first couple had it when they when in the machine. Time to bring the nerds in this thread, how did the time pattens work IF the contract was never given to myra?
    Did you look at everything behind Bosco's counter at the beginning?
  • edited March 2008
    messing with the fabric of time and space can put people in a state of confusion... some of the things that have happened in the universe were Sam and Max's doing... also, I find that "Embarrassing Idol" bit entertaining...
  • edited March 2008
    Chuck wrote: »
    Did you look at everything behind Bosco's counter at the beginning?

    Yeah, but he only had the video tape of a chicken eating manure, and not a recording contract. :p
  • edited March 2008
    Definitely worth the wait. Hoping that
    The egg transfer and the santa sleigh rescue happen eventually in the series, maybe in episode 5. And I loved looking into the future closet absolutely packed to capacity with trophies from cases that haven't been done yet.

    Now we just have to wait for the episode 5 to see where this all goes.
  • edited March 2008
    Zeek wrote: »
    Yeah, but he only had the video tape of a chicken eating manure, and not a recording contract. :p
    Obviously you didn't see all the cool stuff stuffed away behind the "Don't Vote for Me" sign. Or hear Sam's line "It's everything we needed to solve last year's case!"
  • edited March 2008
    Wait, there was more behind the sign?
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