204 Spoiler thread!



  • edited March 2008
    Zodiac wrote: »
    Here are my thoughts on this episode:

    -i really liked the creativity that was put into all the time traveling areas....especially the beginning of the universe and some of the lines were great, like Sam making Bluster Blaster.
    -i thought the intro was great....but i thought it would have been funny if Telltale had made a previously on Sam and Max type thing, but totally made up everything that happened.
    -the time line now becomes pretty confusing...but it's best not to think about it too hard cuz according to the ending of the last episode Max should still be a zombie.
    -my only real problem with the game was the icon for the game itself... it looks alright, but not really anything like the others and i think the splash1's avatar would have made a better icon.

    All in all its a good episode and i cant wait for the season finale!
    If you talk to Max in Bosco's at the very beginning of the game, there's a dialog option where Sam says that he's happy they drove all the way back to Stuttgart to give Max his soul back.
  • RazRaz
    edited March 2008
    Zeek wrote: »
    Sixth time through, and while talking to Max, I finally found out what T-H-E-M means! :D Thanks guys! That acronym was bugging me since 201.

    I must be dumb, I never encountered what it actually is short for? Mariachis?

    Time H? Exploring? Mariachis? i have no clue...

    where should I talk to max to get this?
  • edited March 2008
    Zodiac wrote: »
    -the time line now becomes pretty confusing...but it's best not to think about it too hard cuz according to the ending of the last episode Max should still be a zombie.

    If you talk to Max in the present Inconvenience Store, Sam says that they went back to Stuttgart to get his soul. ;)
  • edited March 2008
    Raz wrote: »
    I must be dumb, I never encountered what it actually is short for? Mariachis?

    Time H? Exploring? Mariachis? i have no clue...

    where should I talk to max to get this?
    In the
    soul crushing room
    the old Mariachi leaves
  • edited March 2008
    Zodiac wrote: »
    -my only real problem with the game was the icon for the game itself... it looks alright, but not really anything like the others and i think the splash1's avatar would have made a better icon.

    On the subject on icons, it's a pet peeve of mine when applications place icons on the desktop without asking. Please don't do it, ask first!
    I am a desktop neat freak and I only keep three icons on my desktop.
  • edited March 2008
    Future Sam being so old and reciting old adventure game sayings provided me with probably the most laugh out loud moment of the series.. That was just hilarious.. look what we did to Sam manipulating him like that :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  • edited March 2008
    They might use the "previously on..." gag in the next episode. It's the finale so it would make sense to summarize the whole season (incorrectly) when it starts.

    Like the one on the first episode of the animated series? That was hilarious!
  • edited March 2008
    Man, that was a good episode, so many things to mention!
    - Loved the time travel, though it did get a bit confusing once past Sam and Max showed up. Reminded a bit of Space Quest 4, but mostly of DoTT.
    - I reckon the whole 'Sam made Buster Blaster' thing was a dig at Star Wars 'Anakin made C-3PO then never mentioned it'.
    They might use the "previously on..." gag in the next episode. It's the finale so it would make sense to summarize the whole season (incorrectly) when it starts.
    Anyone else remember the last episode of Farscape ;)
    Future Sam being so old and reciting old adventure game sayings provided me with probably the most laugh out loud moment of the series..
    I thought that was really sad, kept wanting him to snap out of it!
  • edited March 2008
    Ohh man there was even some line about lint being useful, poor Sam haha!
  • edited March 2008
    You mean lint ISNT! any way i thought this was probably the best episode yet. But could someone please tell me what the devil is saying at the end? I'm too stupid to know how to reverse what he's saying. Also in 205 the devil should look like moo hoo man.
  • edited March 2008
    This episode demonstrates the true strength of the episodic format. They do stand-alone stories most of the time, but then once in a while they do a story that builds on all of the existing continuity in a cool way. It's nothing new, really, because some of the best TV series have done the same thing. But it's the first time a video game series has done it. And I think this is the point where they've proven that an episodic game series can actually be better than a full-length game, for the same reason a TV show can be better than a movie.

    As for length and difficulty: I beat it in 4 or 4.5 hours. I went through most of the game in one long sitting last night, but I got stuck and tired. Tonight I still couldn't figure out what to do, so I actually used the hint system for the first time ever.
    (I hadn't quite caught on to the fact that September 2008 is the future, so the "talk to Superball in the future" dialog option didn't completely click with me.)
    I think this episode is really gripping and really makes you want to play through it in one sitting more than any previous episode. So I wouldn't ask for it to be longer. The difficulty was just about right, I think; if I hadn't been lucky enough to figure out a few of the puzzles briefly, I could've seen myself spending as long as I did on Night of the Raving Dead. Then again, I was so eager to discuss this one on the message board that I wanted to beat it as quickly as possible.
    splash1 wrote: »
    the banang joke is the best joke in the entire Sam & Max series
    I'm inclined to agree. (Well, THIS series, anyway.) The timing and facial expressions were perfect. Bizarre yet hilarious.

    The episode was full of hilarious moments and was probably the funniest yet. I was actually, in the back of my mind, getting a little bit worried about season 2's humor for a while. I just wasn't sure if the "magic" was still there, even though I thought 203 was way funnier than 202. But this episode definitely nails it. I look forward to a list of quotes from this episode; right now, there are too many to remember.

    I particularly liked future Sam, though. Past Sam was great for a laugh as well, with his random game-narrating comments.

    Oh, and I loved the "Are you a bad enough president to rescue the dude?" Just when you thought that line had been mined dry of all its comedic potential, they found a new spin on it.
  • edited March 2008
    Yeah, episode 204 is just too fun. But what the hell does the devil says in the end? I'm curious!!! And I have no idea how to rewind it, or rec it in first place...

    And I really liked the part where Sam & Max needed to upset agent Superball.
    "Here, read this letter."
    "(Throws envelope and almost kills Sam) *Mumble mumble* And where are they meeting, sir?"
    "At Stinky's"
  • edited March 2008
    wjousts wrote: »
    On the subject on icons, it's a pet peeve of mine when applications place icons on the desktop without asking. Please don't do it, ask first!
    I am a desktop neat freak and I only keep three icons on my desktop.

    Really? It bothers me more when they're not automatically put there. It's easier to delete a desktop shortcut than to create one (by a few clicks, but still).

    I liked the game very much, but am I the only one who found it kinda anti climactic that the whole episode was advertised as being a great search for Bosco and yet we find him within the first 15 minutes of the game? I love how the game turned out, but it was very, very different from what I was expecting (luckily, in a good way).
  • edited March 2008
    Does anyone else was more Superball PSA to be written and released over the summer/on the season DVD?

    I want to hear his 1960s PSA on how to be a good American to immagrents, personal hygine and its importance in everyday social life, and the usual masturbation propaganda. :D

    "Now you know, for a better America."
  • edited March 2008
    Teeth wrote: »
    -Day of the Tentacle-like time travel puzzles (did the volcano/cork thing remind anyone else of putting the hamster in the freezer?)

    Hmm... was there any reason for putting the cork in the volcano? I mean, I did it, and it was still there 100 years in the future, but I don't think it was relevant to the puzzles at all, was it? Oh well :)

    I was misled at one point thinking that we needed to do some sort of puzzle with the toilet water at Bosco's... considering there's that view of Sam's face through the water when you click on it. Yet
    another misleading red herring :)

    EDIT: Hmm looks like both these points are addressed earlier in the thread. Serves me right for posting before finishing reading all the posts
  • edited March 2008
    By the way, I get the feeling that the whole sleigh stuff from 201 is going to happen at the very start of the episode. That'd be kind of anti-climactic to go through all the game only to be saved by something you did in an earlier episode.

    However, flying away in the sled would be a PERFECT way for the opening credits to kick off.
  • edited March 2008
    Did anyone notice the skull with a melting candle on its forehead in the September 2008 office? A hint of things to come and a neat throwback to CMI. ("You know, you'd look great with a melting candle on your forehead.")
  • mremre
    edited March 2008
    Truly one of the best episodes so far!

    Did anyone else notice that it was possible to set the oval office date to friday the 13th, but I don't think this did anything at all?

    Also, here's the likely inspiration for the Banang joke, if anyone's missed that one. He just keeps going on and on. :)
  • edited March 2008
    anyone notice
    when going into Ms. Bosco's time period, the shop is apparently a reference to Bosco's Guns, Liquor, Baby Needs?
  • edited March 2008
    I love this episode.
  • edited March 2008
    Can someone tell me where this banang joke is? I obviously missed it.
  • edited March 2008
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Can someone tell me where this banang joke is? I obviously missed it.

    2008 Sam & Max office. Next to the desk lamp.
  • edited March 2008
    Make sure you click on the Banang more than once.
    ATMachine wrote: »
    Did anyone notice the skull with a melting candle on its forehead in the September 2008 office? A hint of things to come and a neat throwback to CMI. ("You know, you'd look great with a melting candle on your forehead.")

    I was under the impression that it came from Stuttgart.
  • edited March 2008
    Make sure you click on the Banang more than once.

    I was under the impression that it came from Stuttgart.
    Really? I thought it was an MI reference, and I never even PLAYED MI(Yes, I know, I know, I'm a heretic. What can I say? By the time I developed an interest in the genre, I couldn't find the games anywhere.).
  • edited March 2008
    Zeek wrote: »
    2008 Sam & Max office. Next to the desk lamp.

    Is that the one where Sam says "BANAAAAANG" and Max starts giggling? (I have a hell of a time trying to remember where a lot of the jokes are)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    ShaggE wrote: »
    Is that the one where Sam says "BANAAAAANG" and Max starts giggling? (I have a hell of a time trying to remember where a lot of the jokes are)

    That's the one. There is more, though.
  • edited March 2008
    Not much to add to the above comments...!

    Oh well, maybe there is:
    I found it very DOTT-like, which is of course a good thing (it's still the #1 adventure according to http://www.adventuregamers.com/display.php?id=186 ). I bought the original talky CD of DOTT back then - and last week I found the triangular box again! Weeh!

    I'm actually not a very good adventurer, but I like a good laugh, so I'm playing S&M. Thus I set the hint system to 5 which helped me somewhat (it was more like Max confrimed what I was thinking already), though I had to use the Walkthrough about 2 times (sending past Sam to Superball to solve the contract puzzle and printing a blank time travel card). So I'm quite happy I got so far :)

    Yep, like I said: not much more to add to the above comments!
  • edited March 2008
    Lucky you, i still have my original talky DOTT but in France is was a standard rectangular shaped box. The instructions booklet was in black and white. lucasarts were cheap bastards in here :(
  • edited March 2008
    Oh, now that I mention DOTT - I thougth the voice of last episodes Jurgen's Monster was very much like this guy (forgot his name) in DOTT who's collecting post stamps!

    And now that I mention voices, Max = Jurgen = Ships computer! Wow!
  • edited March 2008
    By the way, did we ever find out who Superball was working for (T-H-E-M?) or why he was even guarding Sam & Max's door?
  • edited March 2008
    I'm not even sure it matters I was just glad to see Superball hehe
  • edited March 2008
    I still prefere 203 because Jurgen was an awesome character but this episode was really awesome. I can tell whats gonna happen 205 8D I can't wait, and I loved the joke about the ink going through the time vortex to germany. Nice to see everything is adding up now, I was trying to see a theme like season 1, im guessing its time now XDDD
  • edited March 2008
    Kitmit13 wrote: »
    Nice to see everything is adding up now, I was trying to see a theme like season 1, im guessing its time now XDDD

    On more levels than the obvious as compared to season 1.

    201 - Christmas Past, Present, and Future = Time Traveling
    202 - Fountain of Youth = Manipulating Time
    203 - The Living Dead = Time Suspension
    204 - Temporal Paradoxes a-plenty!
  • DjNDBDjNDB Moderator
    edited March 2008
    I just played it the second time (rushing through in 30 minutes) and found some strange things.

    - I removed the ink ribbon and yet the embarrassing idol time card was printed after leaving the room.

    - After sending past Sam&Max to Superball in order to forget about needing the recording contract, they seem to always get the screwdriver in return, no matter what i offer them. I found that because i wanted to see the reaction to the things i don't have.
  • edited March 2008
    Zeek wrote: »
    On more levels than the obvious as compared to season 1.

    201 - Christmas Past, Present, and Future = Time Traveling
    202 - Fountain of Youth = Manipulating Time
    203 - The Living Dead = Time Suspension
    204 - Temporal Paradoxes a-plenty!

    yeah but im stupid D8
  • edited March 2008
    I didn't even know that the Devil said something at the end. What did he say?
  • edited March 2008
    well, I really liked the game, though I finished it too fast. XD

    there are 3 things I didn't understand though:
    1. why is it called "Chariots of the Dogs"? ~,^
    what did the printer do? I just threw the ink inside the vortex.
    what about sam trading the egg with his future self? though I guess that will be in the next episode...
  • edited March 2008
    I liked the Talking Heads joke.
  • edited March 2008
    1."Chariots of the Dogs" is a reference to "Chariots of the Gods" ("Erinnerungen an die Zukunft", in original german version, which can be translate by "Memories of the Future") by swiss man Erich von Däniken. It's about UFO and stuff like that (like Moai Head are artifact left behind by/for aliens...) See here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chariots_of_the_Gods%3F

    The printer create the time card for the time elevator. Without ink, the printer create blank card which can be use to go to the beginning of the universe

    I hope : Maybe for 301 !
  • edited March 2008
    EMAN528 wrote: »
    Really? It bothers me more when they're not automatically put there. It's easier to delete a desktop shortcut than to create one (by a few clicks, but still).

    That's why I said ask first. It's a simple check box in the installer (checked by default). I'm not saying don't do it at all ever.
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