204 Spoiler thread!



  • edited March 2008
    Great episode! It took ages to
    find the evidence, how Pedro died (or will die)
    . The very last actions were hard.
    Actually I didn't realize to simply click Bosco at the end.

    I didn't understand the logic, how
    past Sam & Max give the recording contract
    . Haven't thought it too much though.
  • edited March 2008
    Concept Art!
  • edited March 2008
    One other thing that was neat that I don't recall anyone mentioning. I loved the little nod to the "Bill and Ted" movies in the way the time machine appeared and disappeared.
  • edited March 2008
    I am curious if this was a glitch or if it was a reference to Sam's future self being a little confused. About three times while I was playing Sam said some very random things that made no sense to the actions I was performing. I didn't pay it much mind the first time it happened. The last time it happened I recall him saying something like "I don't think that needs to be irradiated". He said that when I first went through the door in the spaceship. I could have misheard it since I really wasn't expecting it, but it definitely was the type of dialogue associated with using an item (which I wasn't). Did anybody else experience anything similar to that or am I going insane here?
  • edited March 2008
    I am curious if this was a glitch or if it was a reference to Sam's future self being a little confused. About three times while I was playing Sam said some very random things that made no sense to the actions I was performing. I didn't pay it much mind the first time it happened. The last time it happened I recall him saying something like "I don't think that needs to be irradiated". He said that when I first went through the door in the spaceship. I could have misheard it since I really wasn't expecting it, but it definitely was the type of dialogue associated with using an item (which I wasn't). Did anybody else experience anything similar to that or am I going insane here?

    Was this while Past Sam was on the ship? If so, then you're hearing him comment on what he's seeing. (as if an invisible player were controlling him)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2008
    Yeah it looks like you weren't looking at which Sam was speaking!
  • edited March 2008
    Ahhh, thank you. Its nice to know I am not hearing things.
  • edited March 2008
    I laughed so hard when he said: "I can't shoot future me"

    And Past Max wandering around and stuff =)
  • edited March 2008
    Why did they need to go to the moon when they just came back from epsiode 102?
  • edited April 2008
    sam&maxfan wrote: »
    Why did they need to go to the moon when they just came back from epsiode 102?

    So that you can swap them for a recording contract. :p
    It's a game, doesn't always HAVE to make sense.
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