Yeah I don't think Clementine should be the playable character but an active member of the new group, who doesn't need looking after but just guidance by the playable character.
If Telltale choose to have the playable character as someone who has already appeared and we know really well will most likely backfire.
Not necessarily. In Kenny's case, many people who have gone through a near-death experience are rarely the same afterwards. (Watch Jeff Bridges in FEARLESS if you want an example.)
Likewise, Kenny's more "PC-friendly" personality could be chalked up to his encounter with the walkers in the alley/inside the building. Some of his in-game dialogue might hint at his new state of mind, such as "I haven't felt like the same man since I got out of that alley/building", or "I keep getting this creepy feeling like I was supposed to die in that alley/building...almost as if something (i.e. the player) saved me".
As for Clementine, I could definitely see the advantages of playing a teenage version of the character, but that idea's already been shot down because it would leap too far ahead in Kirkman's established timeline. Having to play as a little girl would be a daring decision on Telltale's part, but as someone else pointed out, both her actions and dialogue would be severely limited, and the WALKING DEAD game is defined by character action and dialogue.
I do agree, I think listing the search for Spock, was a bad choice, but I do see a large difference between Carley and Kenny, with Carley she gets shot in the head, done. With Kenny there is no death sound, you never see him die, no one sees him die at all, the credits only say lost, which could mean dead or not, while all the others say they are dead. That and Gavin Hammon once said not to give up hope for Kenny and even said that Telltale took out the sounds of him dying to make it ambiguous, all this comes together to make it seem there is a small chance he is alive, if he is dead then I won't stop playing, I will be depressed but I would keep going.
That's even worst then. If Hammon confirmed that they originally planned to confirm Kenny's death then they changed their minds and removed audio so they could potentially bring him back, that points to fan service and cheapens the experience. I could excuse Clementine being kept unscathed during a zombie apocalypse in spite of all of the danger she's faced, to appease fans but bringing back Kenny would take the piss.
The back to the future game they made started out really well then by episode 3/4 it lost that back to future feel and went off into it's own thing. Season 1 generally kept to the tone and mood of the walking dead, bringing back Kenny just because he is loved is not the walking dead way. As much as I dislike Kenny he is immortalised in death like a martyr and his death makes episode 5 that much more powerful.
Kirkman talked about regretting killing of certain characters early like Allan but at the end of the day he lived with his decision, he didn't back out part way through the story line, he made the point early on that no one is safe. I would like to see the same “ballsiness” in Telltale and I would feel the same way even if the character was Carly or Lilly, so my feelings of the increased possibility of Kenny returning aren’t based on my dislike for him, they are based on my love for the walking dead.
I do agree, I think listing the search for Spock, was a bad choice
Not at all. The only real difference is the genre. Prior to SEARCH FOR SPOCK, when a character died, they basically stayed dead. In that sense, STAR TREK wasn't all that dissimilar from WALKING DEAD, at least before SEARCH FOR SPOCK. I'm sure if the internet had been available in 1984, many fans would have bemoaned how Spock's resurrection was a cheap bit of fanservice that annihilated the franchise's credibility and ruined the dramatic weight of Spock's death in WRATH OF KHAN. I'm sure online comments would have been along the lines of, "When a redshirt dies he continues to rot, but when a major player like Spock dies, they dig him up and dust him off before the next movie's even over?! Weak, dude!"
Keep in mind this is also a character who died on-screen. Kenny's death remains implied, not guaranteed, even if the odds aren't in his favour.
That's even worst then. If Hammon confirmed that they originally planned to confirm Kenny's death then they changed their minds and removed audio so they could potentially bring him back, that points to fan service and cheapens the experience. I could excuse Clementine being kept unscathed during a zombie apocalypse in spite of all of the danger she's faced, to appease fans but bringing back Kenny would take the piss.
Hey. I'm sure they could easily find a...
( •_•)
( •_•)>⌐■-■
I think/hope we'll end up playing as someone that is part of Tavia's group. Whether we start our there or get picked up in the first episode. And we can meet people throughout. Season can end with the 400 Days survivors coming in to that group and set up season 3....
Probably not, but I do think we'll be playing in that community at some point. I do believe Clem and Christa will be there. Hopefully Omid but jury is out!
I wish that no one from Lee's old group will die this season, I know it will happen, but a man can dream can't he? But even if no one from Lee's group dies that means most of the 400 Day's survivors would be dead, and I like them to, I am so stuck between a rock and a zombie place.
I want everyone back to, I feel a tad bit more confident if everyone I know that is still alive is there in the same group, except Lilly for obvious reasons.
Okay guys, here's a video of some "highlights" of the panel. Hardly anything new is explained in it, and the teaser image is not in the video. Nevertheless, I'm pretty sure it's something for all the people who wanted to see something out of the panel.
Okay guys, here's a video of some "highlights" of the panel. Hardly anything new is explained in it, and the teaser image is not in the video. Nevertheless, I'm pretty sure it's something for all the people who wanted to see something out of the panel.
I attended the panel earlier today. I'll try to post as much information about the game as I can remember.
-Season 2 has once again been said to be coming this fall, with the first episode "shaping up nicely".
-When asked about Kenny, his death has not been confirmed nor denied.
-PS Vita bundle with TWD+400 days coming soon, presumably August. The touch screen can be used to choose dialogue choices.
-The identity of the two figures on the hill will be revealed in season 2.
-Clementine will play a part in the second season.
-Props to Dave Fennoy coming up and asking about any concrete information about season two. We were teased with a image apparently showing two hooded figures sitting beside each other in the rainfall, with one appearing to have long hair. This image plays with Clementine's theme from episode 1 in the background, lasting for about 5-7 seconds.
That's lee theme. also this sound like they are going to milk alot what happen in season 1 and not write clem right because lee and her mom and dad are dead what are they going to do about all that tell us how she feels about all that
I feel like you might just be saying these things because you think they make you seem cooler, to be honest. Even I don't like kids, but that's not really justification for ... feeding them human meat? Uh...
I don't like kids and I liked Clementine - because she wasn't really much of a child, not after episode 2 at least. She matured a lot and was, in the end, a very significant asset to the group (not that that was what determined her worth - Clem always was the 'moral compass' and I loved her for her strength of character.)
Clementine is a child she was not great just good people only like her because she cute, if she was not cute, all the hype ends because she was not great, just good
I'm confused as to why people are labeling Clem as one of the figures. Even though's theme was playing during the image, I saw no relation that she was one of the figures. The figures looked more grown up to me.
I'm confused as to why people are labeling Clem as one of the figures. Even though Clem's theme was playing during the image, I saw no relation that she was one of the figures. The figures looked more grown up to me.
And they should not use season 1 songs in season 2. its takes from the power of season 1
the way i see the 'clem must be older theory' is cos some people want to play as clem in the game but they don't like the idea of her being a kid cos in their view a kid can't survive alone or be a good protagonist.
i actually want to be clem in the game as she is from season 1 cos i think it would give us more reasons to emotionally invest in clem's story and experience it differently cos 95% of games use adults/teens and that comes with an automatic sense of strength and bravery.. but a survival horror game like with sherry from resident evil 2 (she's all grown up in resi 6) was kinda scary cos she had no weapons. true clem will have a gun and can use it to some degree but she imo would make a great game protagonist.
People on like her because she a little girl thats cute.
First of all, please don't post 5 TIMES in a row. Even double posting is looked down in this forum.
Second, it's already been established that Clementine has a theme. Okay, we get it that you like Lee. He doesn't have a specific theme to his own character.
First of all, please don't post 5 TIMES in a row. Even double posting is looked down in this forum.
Second, it's already been established that Clementine has a theme. Okay, we get it that you like Lee. He doesn't have a specific theme to his own character.
It can be argued that the guitar in A New Day could be his theme.
But of course, the chord progression in the game has become stapled to Clementine.
It plays when we talk with her, it plays in quieter tone when Lee's dying, and it plays heavily when Clementine sees her parents' fate.
Even if it wasn't meant to be, it is easily now Clementine's theme.
Every Youtube site that has Walking Dead music calls that song you mentions Higgsboson Clementine theme, so it's a safe bet that it's her theme, and by the way the music in this game is a masterpiece of it's own, nothing beats a cello if you want to make sad music.
Why did Lee I mean Dave Fennoy only make a small appearance at the end he should have been apart of the panel in my opinion *whispers quietly* "So should Kenny's voice actor"
Yeah I do that a lot Bio (Just to let everyone know, I'm going on holiday for 9 days where there is no Wi-Fi meaning no forums me for 9 days so just wanted to say goodbye now even though I'll probably make more posts, I bet not many people are gonna miss me, there certainly not gonna miss my rambling about Kenny that's for sure)
Yeah I do that a lot Bio (Just to let everyone know, I'm going on holiday for 9 days where there is no Wi-Fi meaning no forums me for 9 days so just wanted to say goodbye now even though I'll probably make more posts, I bet not many people are gonna miss me, there certainly not gonna miss my rambling about Kenny that's for sure)
Enjoy your holidays,i'll miss your contributions on my Kenny Related Threads!
Or, at least, he should make a cameo.
Not necessarily. In Kenny's case, many people who have gone through a near-death experience are rarely the same afterwards. (Watch Jeff Bridges in FEARLESS if you want an example.)
Likewise, Kenny's more "PC-friendly" personality could be chalked up to his encounter with the walkers in the alley/inside the building. Some of his in-game dialogue might hint at his new state of mind, such as "I haven't felt like the same man since I got out of that alley/building", or "I keep getting this creepy feeling like I was supposed to die in that alley/building...almost as if something (i.e. the player) saved me".
As for Clementine, I could definitely see the advantages of playing a teenage version of the character, but that idea's already been shot down because it would leap too far ahead in Kirkman's established timeline. Having to play as a little girl would be a daring decision on Telltale's part, but as someone else pointed out, both her actions and dialogue would be severely limited, and the WALKING DEAD game is defined by character action and dialogue.
The back to the future game they made started out really well then by episode 3/4 it lost that back to future feel and went off into it's own thing. Season 1 generally kept to the tone and mood of the walking dead, bringing back Kenny just because he is loved is not the walking dead way. As much as I dislike Kenny he is immortalised in death like a martyr and his death makes episode 5 that much more powerful.
Kirkman talked about regretting killing of certain characters early like Allan but at the end of the day he lived with his decision, he didn't back out part way through the story line, he made the point early on that no one is safe. I would like to see the same “ballsiness” in Telltale and I would feel the same way even if the character was Carly or Lilly, so my feelings of the increased possibility of Kenny returning aren’t based on my dislike for him, they are based on my love for the walking dead.
Not at all. The only real difference is the genre. Prior to SEARCH FOR SPOCK, when a character died, they basically stayed dead. In that sense, STAR TREK wasn't all that dissimilar from WALKING DEAD, at least before SEARCH FOR SPOCK. I'm sure if the internet had been available in 1984, many fans would have bemoaned how Spock's resurrection was a cheap bit of fanservice that annihilated the franchise's credibility and ruined the dramatic weight of Spock's death in WRATH OF KHAN. I'm sure online comments would have been along the lines of, "When a redshirt dies he continues to rot, but when a major player like Spock dies, they dig him up and dust him off before the next movie's even over?! Weak, dude!"
Keep in mind this is also a character who died on-screen. Kenny's death remains implied, not guaranteed, even if the odds aren't in his favour.
Hey. I'm sure they could easily find a...
( •_•)
( •_•)>⌐■-■
Loop Hole.
Probably not, but I do think we'll be playing in that community at some point. I do believe Clem and Christa will be there. Hopefully Omid but jury is out!
I want everyone back
Now, I kinda have my doubts we'll get a full video version of the panel.
Thanks Dude.
it was like ' wtf is this doing, crap we can't answer it either, oh well lets just looks slightly amused and move on..' lol
Sneaky bastards...
That's lee theme. also this sound like they are going to milk alot what happen in season 1 and not write clem right because lee and her mom and dad are dead what are they going to do about all that tell us how she feels about all that
Clementine is a child she was not great just good people only like her because she cute, if she was not cute, all the hype ends because she was not great, just good
And they should not use season 1 songs in season 2. its takes from the power of season 1
People on like her because she a little girl thats cute.
First of all, please don't post 5 TIMES in a row. Even double posting is looked down in this forum.
Second, it's already been established that Clementine has a theme. Okay, we get it that you like Lee. He doesn't have a specific theme to his own character.
It can be argued that the guitar in A New Day could be his theme.
But of course, the chord progression in the game has become stapled to Clementine.
It plays when we talk with her, it plays in quieter tone when Lee's dying, and it plays heavily when Clementine sees her parents' fate.
Even if it wasn't meant to be, it is easily now Clementine's theme.
Enjoy your holidays,i'll miss your contributions on my Kenny Related Threads!