New site coming soon! Here's what you need to know!
The new Telltale Games website is set to launch this Tuesday morning Pacific time! Since we're getting close, there are a few things you should know.
- Save your avatar - the new community hub uses a different avatar system to the one we have now, and existing avatars (the pic you see under your username) will not be imported. If that picture is precious to you, be sure to save a copy so you can upload it on the new site!
- Private messages - although a private messaging system is planned for the new forum, when it first goes live you will no longer be able to access your existing PMs. Save a local copy of anything you really want to keep and refer back to.
- Classic vs threaded discussions - the biggest change in the new forum is a move to threaded discussions. Everything in the current forum will be imported as a "classic" (i.e. linear) discussion, and replies in those threads will appear in chronological order as they do now. All discussions created AFTER the switch will be threaded, i.e. responses to individual comments appear directly below the post they refer to.
- Downtime - the whole site will be down for a few hours while we switch over to the new look, but the great news is that the new site removes the regular nightly forum downtime we have now.
- Feedback - once we've switched over, I'll create a discussion especially for feedback on the new site. The site is going to be under active development, so the web team is keen to hear your thoughts!
This discussion has been closed.
my main problem is the Private Messages.
I'm not to sure what to think about the thread things. it's odd how to know which comments refer to which post. though, then again. i'm not a IT guy
At least existing highly used threads like the Whatever's on your mind discussion won't be affected...
Not sure how I feel about this. An improvement on everything else is fine, but I like the way forums operate now. I don't want it to go from a forum to a Kotaku discussion section, it would just be a cluttered mess.
On a slightly related note... Will we be able to comment on the blogs again once this new update hits?
I won't go into my own personal feelings on the matter (yet), but I will say that the other mods and I are willing to give this whole thing a chance. We hope most, if not all of you join us in doing so.
And, as I think we've mentioned before, nothing's set in stone. If something proves to be particularly unpopular, it can always be tweaked and changed. So if the nesting comments don't work... well, we'll see.
I believe so. From what I heard during the new site's open beta, this version of the site had little/no blog comment moderation which is why they disabled comments after Walking Dead fans spammed blog posts about other games/events not related to the Walking Dead. I think the mods or staff said that the new site has better blog comment moderation which will allow users to post blog comments again.
Yes of course!!
In the rare posts the_Ketzer is serious, he reliably announces it with at least three animated gifs stating "I am really really serious".
Keep your epitaphs for the new forum. And if you post in there, there's no reason to write epitaphs. Deal?
As for albums... probably. But I'd back up the pictures anyway, since it's better to be safe than sorry.
With different forums come different functionalities. It certainly would be bad to lose those pictures and user groups, but to be absolutely honest, I'm concerned about other things.
For example, the thread tags! What would happen if Guru never gets another chance to tag-troll me for having deleted some of the most ridiculous tags in 2012?
What do you mean, could it be...? The community makes the forum?
Oh Darth, how wonderfully poetic of you!
Well, hopefully it'll actually let me post this time, then?
Oh crumbs.
I hope someone has a backup if it doesn't.
OK, secret: I am ready to start from scratch.
Fils-Aime meme posters will be banned.
Me too. At least on certain subforums.;)
The beta did not let you register (possibly because it didn't send emails to some providers). Neither could I.
The 'finished' new forum on the other hand will import your account right from the start. So even if for some devilish reason there still is a registration email problem, you will be able to post from this account.
So, yeah. See you on the other side.
One of the best gaming companies, Paradox Interactive have an very good
forum with over 500 000 members, and it works exellent!
I am concerned about the threaded format to the forum (very un-forum like in my view) but will at least give it ago.