Thanks for your feedback on the Wii box. It's done now! :)

EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
edited July 2008 in Sam & Max
The poll's closed and the box is done. Thanks for your feedback and opinions everyone!


Please make your voice heard!


  • edited June 2008
    I like the YELLOW one better because the spiral in the white one kind of "interrupts" Sam & Max.
  • edited June 2008
    Yellow; the white one seems too plain, and I can barely make out the spiral in the background.
  • edited June 2008
    Yellow. The minimalism of the white is nice, but minimalism doesn't really go along with Sam and Max. ;)
  • edited June 2008
    I had to go with the white, but really any cover in which the characters' firearms are so predominantly showcased can do no wrong.
  • edited June 2008
    I'd like the white better if the gray spiral were more noticeable... but otherwise I chose yellow.
    Edit: After coming back a second time to look at it, I find myself preferring the white one. It just looks more like a Wii game case.
  • edited June 2008
    The white one. That image of Max has sort of a yellow tint, so he blends in and becomes kind of lost in all that yellow. He "pops out" a lot more on the white box.
  • edited June 2008
    I picked the yellow one, but I can think of this: The darker back round color is light blue, and the lighter backround color is a darker but still somewhat light blue, and the logo is written in red.:cool::p:cool:

    Woohoo first page!
  • edited June 2008
    I picked white. It screams "Wii", whereas the yellow one yells "Wee".
  • edited June 2008
    I have to say the white. The pair (and the red logo) pop out much better than they do on the yellow version.
  • edited June 2008
    Wait... would this be actually what the game would look like?:eek:
  • edited June 2008
    I don't like either one. The yellow is a bit of an eye sore, especially with it's massive lensflare. The white is too plain, and very underwhelming.

    Actually, the yellow is sort of better because atleast it suggests action (as in, they are running away from an explosion) whereas the white version just looks like the characters were clear-cut from some render and pasted onto a white background with a white spiral thrown in.

    The design for the PC version of season 1 were much better. It had stronger colours and stood out more. It also depicted the characters properly as you had a baseball bat, an oversized gun, and a police badge.

    The typography for the title was a lot better. Here it's very plain looking, relying on the font to make it stand out, whereas the PC version cover had an interesting composition.

    I suggest you take the yellow cover as base and try changing the yellow colour to perhaps a dark red as well as making the flare bigger but toning it's intensity down greatly.
  • edited June 2008
    hard. No offense, but white looks too generic even though I like that cover. I think you guys should do a blue cover. Yellow looks cool but it is too yellowish since max is yellow in that image
  • edited June 2008
    I have to go with the white one, it seems so much cleaner and slicker. The yellow one looks kind of aged and the glow is too distracting. Plus, the red text is cooler. A Steve Purcell illustration, however, would look so much nicer. It just needs more texture ... These two options are really kind of bland.
  • edited June 2008
    I don't think they're taking suggestions for a redesign...
  • edited June 2008
    I'd go with the white version, but you should make the spiral more evident.
  • edited June 2008
    I'd vote for the yellow one if it was tweaked so Max stood out a bit more from the background, agree the white one has too generic a look.
  • edited June 2008
    i'd go for yellow, but make the words red and not
    then it'll be fine :)

    i love you telltale
  • edited June 2008
    I like the yellow one. I actually think the lensflare is kind of cool, so I guess mileage varies here.
  • edited June 2008
    Mellow yellow! It looks a bit more exciting and Max doesn't blend too much into it!
  • edited June 2008
    Yellow, it's a bit more eye catching.
  • edited June 2008
    Yellow. It makes the cover have more action, compared to the bland and nonexciting white one. For me minimalism doesn't work well on white backgrounds for some reason (games, magazines, whatever).
  • edited June 2008
    If I have to choose between just those two, it's the yellow. It least it has some variance in it, while white makes it look like you couldn't be bothered to put in a background.
  • edited June 2008
    I think the white one would stand out more on a shelf
  • edited June 2008
    Hero1 wrote: »
    I think the white one would stand out more on a shelf

    Really? You have to remember that the Wii boxes themself are white too.
  • edited June 2008
    The yellow design is lovely :)
  • edited June 2008
    I prefer the yellow. It stands out more and looks a lot more action-packed. The white however, looks very bland and lazy. I also like how the blue text goes so well with Sam and the background with Max. It's like Max is the cause of the explosion and Sam keeps their name, reputation, and professionalism together........ The colo(u)r scheme describes the characters well!:)
  • edited June 2008
    Apparently, The Adventure Company feels that the two covers should be mixed!

    I like yellow better, as it stands out more...especially from the other Wii boxes.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2008
    Apparently, The Adventure Company feels that the two covers should be mixed!

    That is a temporary box from long before we even got to this point.

    Also, yeah, we're not really looking to do a major redesign (but thanks everyone for the suggestions :D). Just curious to get people's gut reactions about the yellow vs. the white.
  • edited June 2008
    I wouldn't choose any of the two. To be frank, both look quite boring. If this is supposed to be the Wii version of Season One, why not re-use the original artwork from the PC edition? It's much better than CG on a plain background.

    The thing that bothers me the most on these covers is the light source from behind the characters. I know it's there to make everything look better so that characters don't look like they're simply copied and pasted, but without any real background it looks like some cheap photoshopping.

    I always loved how Steve Purcell stuffs so many things into his covers. Take the original "Hit the Road" cover, or comic book covers. You see this cover and you know that there's alot of crazy stuff going down in this game.

    If you've decided you will go with this particular artwork, I suggest you work on the background. Maybe the DeSoto parked in the background just behind the characters with the headlights on [for the light flare]? Isometrically positioned, parked in front of Sam & Max office? Maybe some bugs and rats stuck in the grill and some other details like that?

    What you have at the moment doesn't work as a good cover, at least not for me. It's a bit like "So ... I've pasted the characters, pasted the logo, added the flare ... so now what? Do you want the background to be yellow or white?"

    P.S. - While I was writing this, Emily posted a few words. With no major redesign in mind, you could still do a nicer background under the layer with characters. I vote DeSoto + street.
  • edited June 2008
    Yellow one but I think it'd look better with the red text from the white one.


    My attempt at it wasn't very good but the Blue looks better with the White background and the Red with the yellow background. Just my opinion thought.
  • edited June 2008
    NeedlesD wrote: »
    Yellow one but I think it'd look better with the red text from the white one.


    My attempt at it wasn't very good but the Blue looks better with the White background and the Red with the yellow background. Just my opinion thought.

    he is right you know
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2008
    That swap makes the characters pop less, to my eyes, but it's an interesting proposition.
  • edited June 2008
    The white one with the blue Sam & Max looks great! Anyway white gets my vote, max just blends in too much on the yellow box. The white could use a bit darker spiral though *though it's kinda hard to see it on the yellow version too*.
  • edited June 2008
    Will it have a simultaneous release date worldwide?
  • KevinKevin Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2008
    For reference, here's a good compilation of the other games competing for it's attention on the shelf.
  • edited June 2008
    White, because Max pops out better on that one. Probably because his fur is a bit yellow-ish, making him disappear in the first box.

  • edited June 2008
    The yellow one. As it has already been said, it gives the idea of Sam & Max running away from an explosion, so it fits their destructive nature better than both of them jolly jumping around in a peaceful white background.

    edit: Oh! and I like NeedlesD's version better too.
  • edited June 2008
    The white background with the blue text looks really good.
  • edited June 2008
    Yellow one, on the condition that the typo is fixed ;)
  • edited June 2008
    Can you guys get rid of the crotch lens flare? That's the first thing I noticed when I saw the images, which really distracted me from which color would work better for the Wii Box.
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