What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • too soon?

    Twistee posted: »

    Theodore Whatever Aaron, I survived Months taking care of a Dog and a teenage girl. You can't last a minute by yourself, you always seem to Need A Hand. Motherfucker.

  • AWESOMEO where is Hunter at the moment? I would like to meet him :).

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    too soon?

  • Kieran

    "I'll go, I get enough gear and I'm tired of sitting around all day" I say.

    I grab my backpack, got all my supplies, food, water bottles, a lighter, medical supplies and more. I nod to myself as I follow Aaron & co.

  • Aaron

    Aaron stops walking at the last minute, and turns around. "Well where the fuck is that teenage girl now, Theo? Dead. Did you save her? No. Where's Boateng's tail? Gone. You're not fit to take care of anyone. Not anymore, the world just gets worse, and worse. I don't like you, and I know you don't like me. I just... I don't want anyone else to die. And we both know you will die if you leave alone."

    Aaron sighed coughed. He was getting weaker. "I'm going. When I get back, you'll either still be here, or you'll have sentenced Boateng to death. Think about it." Aaron turned around to leave.

  • yes too soon

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    too soon?

  • Can you make me a character??

  • No... you have to do what everyone else has done and make your own character.

    InHarmsWay posted: »

    Can you make me a character??

  • The struggle,lol. Atleast they finally did.

    Lol, nobody notices you.

  • I have a pretty good idea for a new character. He'll be kinda major, so I need someone to take him over for me. I wont say anything about him until he's introduced, but once he is, i'll explain it to you. Who wants to take the character?

  • Theodore

    "That stupid little Motherfucker. I hope he does, I hope he fucking does." "Hey Aaron!" Theo shouts, "I'm sure little Ivy would love for you to kill her favorite Dog! You think about it, Mother. Fucker.

  • Phoenix

    He, and Lauren found a place to stay for the night, taking shifts every couple hours.

    Once the night had gone by, they were on the road again. "Look, Look over there!" Phoenix yells, more excitedly then he has in a long time. He sees 7 cabins.

    Lauren instantly got excited too. "Maybe there's people in there!" She says.

  • Oh Hal.. are you in here??

    Phoenix He, and Lauren found a place to stay for the night, taking shifts every couple hours. Once the night had gone by, they were on

  • Aaron

    Aaron yells back. "The fuck are you implying? You know what I mean. If you leave, you're going to die. And so is Boateng. I wont be the one to kill him. Strength in numbers, man. Oh, and FUCK you too!"


    Ivy continues to pet Boateng, and their happiness is disturbed by Theo and Aaron arguing. "Shush. Both of you. You're upsetting Boateng." Ivy says, trying to pretend everything is back to normal.

  • I will.

    I have a pretty good idea for a new character. He'll be kinda major, so I need someone to take him over for me. I wont say anything about him until he's introduced, but once he is, i'll explain it to you. Who wants to take the character?

  • Han

    Han, interupts. "Quiet. Both of you. This language is un acceptable. Especially around the little girl. If my parents heard me say that, they would break my nose." He than wispers..."your lucky you didnt have abusive parents.."

  • Hal

    Hal hears the voices of two people. He quickly panicks. He makes sure 3 matresses are stack behind the door. He than grabs a stuffed animal from his bag and closes his eyes. He thinks to himself, please be Han, please!

  • Aaron

    "Shut up, new guy. Don't talk to me about lucky. Last time I checked, you have BOTH OF YOUR ARMS!"

  • Theodore

    "That's it. I'm done. I'M FUCKING DONE." Theo then pulls out his Pistol, but doesn't aim it. He realizes that Aaron is just a kid, so Theo holsters it, and lets Aaron walk off. "Can't believe I saved that little dipshit..." Theo whispers to himself, he then just sits down with the rest who didn't go.

  • Will

    He had been trekking through the woods and he heard two voices. He came to a clearing where there were seven cabins. He saw two people a man and a woman and one cabin was all boarded up with matresses. Will was excited. He finally found people! He walked towards them "Hey I'm friendly don't shoot okay."

  • Han

    He thinks to himself Last time I checked, Im the one trying to save your ass by treating your damn arm!. He keeps quiet because he doesnt want to start anything and lose the groups trust. "be greatful for the things you have. My brother is 19. But will never expierence life like how me and you do. His brain catches on way slower, so just please be patient with him. he is a human like one of us, he is just different."

  • edited February 2014


    "Let's check them out, I'll check these, ones" Phoenix says pointing at some cabins. "You get those." He says pointing to others.

    Phoenix try's opening up the door to the fist cabin. "What the... what the hell?!" He says, trying to push it open. "It won't budge.." He then begins to think. I wonder if there's a back door.. Phoenix makes his way to the back of the cabin and sees a back door, and this time opens easily.

    It brings him into what used to be a kitchen. He finds another door which leads him to the living room. He finds a young adult, crying with his hands gripped around a stuffed animal. I wonder if he's Autistic.. "Are you.. are you alright?" Phoenix says to the man.

  • I didn't know he was 19, I thought he was a young boy... I need to edit my post.

    Han He thinks to himself Last time I checked, Im the one trying to save your ass by treating your damn arm!. He keeps quiet because he do

  • note: Hal is not "little". He is 19, but autistic, so Han treats him like he is little.

    Phoenix "Let's check them out, I'll check these, ones" Phoenix says pointing at some cabins. "You get those." He says pointing to others.

  • Yeah I just noticed that in your post above, I already edited it.

    note: Hal is not "little". He is 19, but autistic, so Han treats him like he is little.

  • edited February 2014


    Hal starts to craddle him self into a ball thinking that the guy doesnt notice him. The man says "Are you all right?". Hal panics even more as he is not use to new voices. He begins to break out in a scream. "Ah! S-t-Stand back...dont hurt me!".

  • Aaron

    The group was still finishing up, and waiting for anyone else who wanted to come to get ready.

    Aaron saw what Theo did. That was it. He still had one good arm. He walked up to Theo, and put the fighting lessons he had with Molly to use. He smashed his fist into Theo's mouth, knocking him backwards.

    "Don't fucking pull a gun on me. I never threatened your dog, I said the truth. I'm not putting up with your bullshit. If you want to leave, then fine, but you're not taking Boateng with you, because Ivy loves him and I'm not letting you lead him to his death!"

    Theo tries to get back up, but Aaron pulls his gun on him.

    Then he realises what is happening. For a coward, this pretty brave. He feels weaker. He knows this won't end well, and he's just wasting energy...
    Aaron then holsters his gun and looks regretful. "I- I'm sorry."

  • Somewhere on the road, the road where the group is

    yes too soon

  • Han

    Han looks at what Aaron does. He than looks over at molly thinking that was his mother(they never did do introductions). "Ma'am, I hope you dont mind, but I want your son to stay back. I dont have a problem with him. But my brother, he doesnt react nicely to new people and he might say something harmful and I dont want a fight to occur because my brother doesnt know any better. I hope that its fine with you to tell him to just calm down and stay back.."

  • Theodore

    "Damn." Theo says while standing up. Boateng then charges out and tackles Aaron, Theo grabs his Collar holding him back with the help of one the group Members. "It's alright Boateng! It's fine!" Theo said, Aaron is on the ground watching as the Dog is craving to kill him for attacking his Master, Theo.

  • Phoenix

    The man begins screaming. "Ah! S-t-Stand back...don't hurt me!". I think he's got a medical condition...

    "I'm not going to hurt you..." Phoenix says, trying to sooth the man. He puts his hand on the man's back, trying to give him a pat on the back, when all of a sudden the man....

  • im not sure if you are waiting on me to finish what Hal does. But since he is a minor character, you could choose what he does so if you want to plan out what he does to phoenix, thats fine with me.

    Phoenix The man begins screaming. "Ah! S-t-Stand back...don't hurt me!". I think he's got a medical condition... "I'm not going to hur

  • Aaron

    Aaron is under Boateng. Everyone is distracted. People are talking, Theo is controlling Boateng, Molly is with the new guy.

    I can do it. Aaron thinks to himself, as he unholsters his gun as raises it to his head.

    Its not like I'm useful, anyway. All I do is hold the group back.

    "Like you said, Theo. I can't even take care of myself anymore." Click. And the safety is off.

    Aaron moves his finger towards the trigger.

  • Nah, you do it. You know what he would do. The reason I wrote that, is because I thought, he would do something.

    im not sure if you are waiting on me to finish what Hal does. But since he is a minor character, you could choose what he does so if you want to plan out what he does to phoenix, thats fine with me.

  • Hal

    Hal grabs his stuff animal slamming it on Phoenix's finger thinking it would hurt him. "die!,.Die!"

  • Theodore

    Anton pulls Boateng back while Theo struggles to grab the pistol out of Aaron's hand, a few Gunshots go off and one of them grazes Theo's right arm, but manages to rip the Gun out of Aaron's hand. "The fuck you thinking man!?" Theo shouts. Theo then realizes that he isn't the only one who wants to Die. Then Ivy sees Theo on top of Aaron holding a Gun...

  • I just laughed harder at that post then I should have...

    Hal Hal grabs his stuff animal slamming it on Phoenix's finger thinking it would hurt him. "die!,.Die!"

  • Ivy

    Ivy saw everything. The punch. Boatengs reaction. The gun. Theo attacking Aaron.

    Now Theo has the gun.

    She aims the gun at Theo's face, thinking that he was going to hurt him.

    She pulls the trigger.


    The safety was still on.

    "Don't hurt Aaron!" she screams.

  • Anton

    "Damn you, kid!", Anton thought, watching what Aaron almost did. "You'll get us all killed that way, kid! You forgot about goddamn zombies walking around?". At the same time Boateng struggled to get out of Anton's grip, so he could help Theo. "Easy there, boy, easy", Anton said trying to hold him back.

    edited February 2014


    Lauren hears a shout in one of the cabins and runs in, thinking that Phoenix is in danger. "The fuck?" Lauren says as she sees a teenage boy hitting Phoenix with a.. stuffed animal? "What's going on?" She asks.

  • Will

    Before the people could hear him they were already in the cabins. He saw the woman go into the one that the man was in. The boarded up one. Will walked over to the door and looked inside. Seeing a boy there. Hitting the man with a... stuffed animal?

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