I felt betrayed myself. I didn't think Bonnie would turn out to be with Carver.
Granted the next episode teaser trailer shows Bonnie and Clementine smiling with each other, this seems to hint that Bonnie isn't happy with she she does. Though on the other hand Clementine could be playing along just to be sure that Bonnie doesn't turn on her.
I loved it when Kenny practically broke the 4th wall with the Christa said you're dead 'I am and this is all just a dream' while looking at the camera.
I really enjoyed the episode! I wasn't really surprised it was Kenny, since I believe it was the most logical choice. I am however a little disappointed that Clem and Kens reunion wasn't really something big, since they just talked rather formally for about 2 minutes. I had hoped for a bit more ghosts from the past to be discussed between them. I will not put a spoiler tag on this comment, since there's obviously going to be spoilers in this thread.
The episode was a MASTER PIECE better then Season 1 episodes (not including 4 and 5 obviously)
It had alot of dialog
It had alot of cutscene's
It had alot of interactable moments
Choices did seem to matter (like the watch thingie)
Seeing Bonnie (favorite char from 400 days)
And ofcourse seeing how badass Clem became.
As soon as I saw her alone at the lodge, before the attack, I knew she was scouting for Carver. That... ugh, I can't even say. I hate her now. She was my least favorite 400 Days character before this, and now she's stuck firmly in that spot.
I saw Bonnie, and I was like, "OMG!!!! Bonnie! " because she was one of my favorite 400 Days characters. She's evil. Why is every redheaded character evil???
Holy shit this episode. When I saw Kenny I just went crazy with excitement, seriously. Only thing I'm a bit upset about is - no explanation
"I was lucky". Whaaaaaat? C'mon, you gotta give me more than that. He also seems kinda...off. The ZA is getting to him and he's losing it.
I still sided with him most of the time though. When I was in the lodge I said "this has got to be a dream sequence" then of course Kenny says "This is all a dream" then laughs... oddly. But man... never been that emotional since S1 E5. Great episode. 9.5/10 The length was kindaaaa short but it was so worth the wait.
This episode was great! Loved seeing Kenny again but felt really betrayed at how Bonnie acted, I really liked her in 400 days. I'm curious as to what happened to the rest of the 400 days group though they didn't seem like the kind of people that would stay with someone like Carver.
Too short, and, like Slicer said, I have no idea why we weren't able to even mention the people obviously pursuing us like 2-3 miles away... It is talked about as if they are a day's journey away. "We will leave at dawn", but it obviously isn't going to take until dawn, considering how close they were. Also, why was Bonnie allowed to leave? Why would Kenny allow that when it obviously goes against his established personality? At the very least, she could have been detained for questioning.
Also, why was there a giant standoff against the walkers... For all the group knew, shooting at the walkers would only draw more walkers... and then there would be an even bigger standoff. Why do they act as though they can't run from the walkers? When Clem runs out of bullets, instead of running like anyone else with even the slightest amount of sanity would do, she waits to be eaten until she is rescued.... It's not like she was surrounded, the walkers were coming from one direction. If one of the characters had died for doing something as stupid and illogical as that, how ridiculous would it have been?
Why were we not given the option to at least attempt an amputation on Pete's leg? Pete said it himself that he still wanted to live... so why did he not even try to do something about the bite? For all he knew, he would have bled out, but it's better to have a small chance of surviving than no chance of surviving. Even if his refusal can be justified in some way, I don't see how anyone could deny that this was a cop out from Telltale because they didn't want to do any major story branching.
I question why I do not just wait for the rest of the episodes to release before playing, since waiting 2-3 months for a 1.5 hour episode is totally not worth it, regardless of the quality. Still, I don't possess even a fraction of the patience required to do something like that, so I am screwed either way. I can only hope that the following episodes release quicker and manage to at least break the 2 hour mark.
Don't take this to mean that the episode was bad, because it definitely wasn't, I'm mainly disappointed by the length.
I didn't even think. I just laughed, said out loud "Is this even a real choice?" laughed some more, then sat with Kenny. I was just so happy to see him.
Good episode and a great end part, the first stages were a bit slow but the last part was great! I was surprised that Bonnie is now a baddy, what the hell happened with her? She was so happy and convinced to go with Tavia up North and now she's with Carver?? Maybe Tavia found out about her drug addiction and didn't let her come?
Well as for Kenny I knew it was really always going to be him and he's still like he was only acting a bit weird at times, the only disappointment for me was that Nate didn't appear but that's only because he's my favourite character! Hope he comes into it eventually.
Tavia's group probably IS Carvers. I'd be stunned if we don't some much more grey morality next episode. After all, it sounds like Luke's band fought their way out pretty messily and we still don't know their exact reasons for leaving.
Don't forget she's the only member of the 400 Days band who will always go with Tavia no matter what. Given her seeming importance to the story this and next episode I doubt it's a coincidence.
Good episode and a great end part, the first stages were a bit slow but the last part was great! I was surprised that Bonnie is now a baddy,… more what the hell happened with her? She was so happy and convinced to go with Tavia up North and now she's with Carver?? Maybe Tavia found out about her drug addiction and didn't let her come?
Well as for Kenny I knew it was really always going to be him and he's still like he was only acting a bit weird at times, the only disappointment for me was that Nate didn't appear but that's only because he's my favourite character! Hope he comes into it eventually.
God, I was so happy to see Kenny! I squealed with joy, and I chose to hug him. He seems a little different though... And I'm feeling really uncomfortable with the tension that seems to rise and fall between him and Luke because I like them both. I think we might have to choose between them indefinitely soon... Fuck, this has reduced me to swearing. I never swear, haha. And I'm glad I chose not to blackmail Rebecca and save Nick in the first episode; I get along with them well now.
That was freaking intense. I'm hungry now that my adrenaline has calmed down. I'm filled with the anticipation for episode 3!
Dear Telltalegames,
You tore my heart away, chew it, then restored it to its original place... and then you tore it out again!!! That was one crazy-freaky-emotional roller-coaster!!! I think I am still in shock!!! GREAT JOB!! Good thing I kept an apple juice box with me while playing.
Also, WTF BONNIE!?! (that witch! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!). Man, I really hope Luke doesn't ditch us (really liked his character). I feel pretty bad about Matthew (poor dude).
I thought the Episode was GREAT! Easily better than Episode 1 was. I give it a 9/10. It's missing 1 because there weren't enough options to talk to everyone. The only two times you were able to roam around freely and just do stuff, half the characters were off doing something else. There wasn't enough interaction with the ski lodge group OR the cabin group, in my opinion. At least during the hubs.
Also, Kenny's explanation he gives for surviving was terrible. Just "I got lucky"? A handwave if I've ever seen one. I'm glad to have him back, but unless his escape is elaborated on in later Episodes I'm disappointed with it.
Kenny just walks over later and they get into an argument, then he asks Clem to pass the salt but refers to her as Duck, you then have the option of telling Nick and Luke who Duck was.
I thought the Episode was GREAT! Easily better than Episode 1 was. I give it a 9/10. It's missing 1 because there weren't enough options to … moretalk to everyone. The only two times you were able to roam around freely and just do stuff, half the characters were off doing something else. There wasn't enough interaction with the ski lodge group OR the cabin group, in my opinion. At least during the hubs.
Also, Kenny's explanation he gives for surviving was terrible. Just "I got lucky"? A handwave if I've ever seen one. I'm glad to have him back, but unless his escape is elaborated on in later Episodes I'm disappointed with it.
I didn't feel like it was too short at all, about two hours is what I expect and am fine with, but that's incredibly subjective. In my play through I told Walter about the people, and unless i'm going insane Kenny also knew, so I don't know what you mean by the fact we cant mention it... Also, you expect any of the people in that group to actually detain a woman who could just be looking for food for her family? I don't know if we've been playing the same game....but none of them seem like the type to capture what could have been a woman scavenging to feed a family.
Why a big stand off? Did you think that through at all? Where the fuck would they go in the middle of the night? Back into the lodge to get surrounded? The wind mill already made a huge amount of noise, any walkers not drawn in by that wouldn't be drawn in by the guns. Even if they were, they had to deal with the walkers charging their only safe haven. As for clementine, it seems she was trying to help and didn't want to just abandon the people that just saved her life. Even if she wasn't thinking that she was surrounded by flesh eating monsters....you can't blame her for not thinking 100% clearly.
You have a point there, but I didn't save pete in E1. Was there anything to stop the bleeding? I assume they were surrounded by zombies, so why make more noise rile the zombies up? There might be very logical reasons, but I do agree they could have tried, and it was likely so they didn't need to work him into the rest of the story.
If you don't have the patience why play en episodic game as it comes out? Either wait for them all to be out, stop playing, or stop bitching. Games take a long time to make, even short games like this. Tell Tale isn't a huge company, and they have several games being made right now. You knew what you were signing up for from the beginning, and you cant expect Tell Tale to drop everything to focus on one game. To ask them to speed up is simply ridiculous. It is best to let game developers take their time and make the call so that they make the best game they can.
And please don't get me wrong, i'm not fanboying, I have some gripes with the episode too. Even though i'm happier than I expected I would be, i'm mad they brought back Kenny of all people. I liked him for most of season 1, and the fact he survived doesn't surprise me, but I just feel like anyone from season 1(who survived) would be better. The navigation inside the lodge was annoying as all hell. I also don't understand why everyone walked on the wood part of the bridge even though Luke fell through and barely survived it.
Too short, and, like Slicer said, I have no idea why we weren't able to even mention the people obviously pursuing us like 2-3 miles away...… more It is talked about as if they are a day's journey away. "We will leave at dawn", but it obviously isn't going to take until dawn, considering how close they were. Also, why was Bonnie allowed to leave? Why would Kenny allow that when it obviously goes against his established personality? At the very least, she could have been detained for questioning.
Also, why was there a giant standoff against the walkers... For all the group knew, shooting at the walkers would only draw more walkers... and then there would be an even bigger standoff. Why do they act as though they can't run from the walkers? When Clem runs out of bullets, instead of running like anyone else with even the slightest amount of sanity would do, she waits to be eaten until she is rescued.... It's not like she was surrounded, the… [view original content]
Okay, I didn't mean to scream like a bish, well, it was a very masculine scream, but TYSMFM for bringing him back!!!! this dude was my favorite from the ENTIRE series, VERY well written!
Those were literally the ONLY things I didn't like, and the second one is really minor.
But hell, I loved a ton of stuff about the Episode, so here goes. even though I saved Pete and wanted him to live, I thought his final moments were really well done. I felt genuinely bad for him, and even when it was obvious he was going to die I still wanted him to come along. The fight on the bridge was great. Speaking of the bridge, HOLY SHIT, Matthew! And Nick's reaction to it throughout the Episode was realistic and emotional. He got some good character development. Carlos and Rebecca have also, amazingly, become human. Of course, one last thing, the scene where Kenny reappears. It was placed perfectly within the Episode. We had enough time to catch up with him before the shit hit the fan, instead of only meeting him at the VERY end for a cheap cliffhanger leading into Episode 3. There's more, but these are the bigger things I loved.
Those were literally the ONLY things I didn't like, and the second one is really minor.
But hell, I loved a ton of stuff about the Episod… moree, so here goes. even though I saved Pete and wanted him to live, I thought his final moments were really well done. I felt genuinely bad for him, and even when it was obvious he was going to die I still wanted him to come along. The fight on the bridge was great. Speaking of the bridge, HOLY SHIT, Matthew! And Nick's reaction to it throughout the Episode was realistic and emotional. He got some good character development. Carlos and Rebecca have also, amazingly, become human. Of course, one last thing, the scene where Kenny reappears. It was placed perfectly within the Episode. We had enough time to catch up with him before the shit hit the fan, instead of only meeting him at the VERY end for a cheap cliffhanger leading into Episode 3. There's more, but these are the bigger things I loved.
Wait... So Carlos, Nick, and Alvin could have died? OH JESUS. I'm so damn lucky I saved them all..... But Walter.... Walter was my new Chuck and then they kill him 5 minutes later. Kenny so weird now though... I feel bad for him but he still has anger issues... Glad to see him but I saw with Luke then when he said pass that can Duck I felt like an idiot. I really hated Nick for Matthew but Pete's dying wish was to keep him safe. So I saved him! Hoorah!
I never said that you couldn't tell them about the pursuers at all, even though you only have the option just before the standoff. She only neglected to mention the most important fact... that they were 2-3 miles away. The only reason the people she "told" shrugged it off so casually is because they didn't know this "little detail". Also, what makes your think that Kenny would allow her to leave with no hesitation? He's never shown himself to be anything less than pragmatic (other than in matters concerning his family). I didn't suggest that they kill her, but why would he buy her BS story without even stopping to think that she could be lying? Even more, why would he allow her to make off with so much food?
The standoff, in any realistic situation, would just be a giant waste of ammunition. The windmill didn't make anywhere near as much noise as a group of people spraying bullets everywhere. It was dark, but not pitch black. They could have retreated (not necessarily abandoning the lodge), or at least gone inside the lodge before making an ungodly amount of noise. Of course, it worked out "fine" because the walkers just randomly disappeared to make way for the next plot device.
I don't know what you are talking about abandoning the people... I didn't suggest that she run into the woods the moment she ran out of ammo, but how the hell can you justify her just standing there and waiting to be eaten? Could she have not have moved to the side or something? I already said that she wasn't surrounded, they were only directly in front of her... hardly an inescapable situation. It was just an incredibly contrived moment probably meant to give Carlos a chance to show his worth before his life was put in the player's hands.
I had no problem with the waiting for season 1, because the episodes didn't take 3 months to release... and, other than episode 5, they were at least 2.5 hours long if you didn't rush. I'm not complaining about the episodic format in general, just about the wait required to play an incredibly short episode. Season 1 didn't have the problem to anywhere near this extent. I don't know why you are bashing me for "bitching". I bought the season pass (the only option on PC) with the expectation that the release schedule and episode length would be at least somewhat similar to season 1. Nothing suggested otherwise at my time of purchase. Since this is not the case, am I not allowed to say something about it?
I didn't feel like it was too short at all, about two hours is what I expect and am fine with, but that's incredibly subjective. In my play … morethrough I told Walter about the people, and unless i'm going insane Kenny also knew, so I don't know what you mean by the fact we cant mention it... Also, you expect any of the people in that group to actually detain a woman who could just be looking for food for her family? I don't know if we've been playing the same game....but none of them seem like the type to capture what could have been a woman scavenging to feed a family.
Why a big stand off? Did you think that through at all? Where the fuck would they go in the middle of the night? Back into the lodge to get surrounded? The wind mill already made a huge amount of noise, any walkers not drawn in by that wouldn't be drawn in by the guns. Even if they were, they had to deal with the walkers charging their only safe haven. As for clementine, it see… [view original content]
Goddamnit, I chose the line "Nick is... just like the others." I really, REALLY wish I hadn't. I might go back and say he's a good guy, but then I will hate myself for "cheating".
I did kinda expect Kenny to be the ITYWD person though part of me hoped he wouldn't be because I couldn't see anyway of him getting out alive and all the hype about him over the forums was so annoying that I wanted him to stay dead! (I neither like nor dislike Kenny so..) However... it's nice for Clem to come across a familiar face and he seems alot nicer than he was in season 1 so it seems Sarita has been good to him and he may have actually grown on me somewhat!
Bonnie... I was happy to see her. I knew she'd most likely be first of the 400 day characters to show up considering she goes with Tavia regardless... When she said she had a family I was thinking "Since when?" XD DID NOT expect her to be part of Carvers group though! Seems so out of character for her as I played her kind, honest and trustworthy. I'm hoping the preview of her and Clem is genuine though and Bonnie opens up about being tricked/not wanting to work for Carver.
This makes me even more curious to know what happened to the other 400 day characters though xD
I forgave Rebecca too. She seemed alot nicer in this episode. You have to remember she is pregnant so she's going to be hormonal and overly cautious of strangers.
I also sat with Luke because although Clem knows Kenny longer, I feel there's a better connection between her (probably because Kenny was selfish and then so depressed after loosing his wife and son) and Luke. Not only that but I know plenty of people will choose Kenny and I like Luke more anyway so.. :P
Goddamnit, I chose the line "Nick is... just like the others." I really, REALLY wish I hadn't. I might go back and say he's a good guy, but then I will hate myself for "cheating".
I have to agree that the stand off with the walkers was probably the stupidest most illogical thing I have ever seen in The Walking Dead, the episode was still really good. Was confused why clem was just hiding behind a rock shooting walkers when there was tons of places to run, it was just bizarre frankly. Do all of these people hate having ammunition/guns? I can kinda sort of get the justification for not leaving because there was a storm and they had been on the run for a week, I get that.
Seeing Kenny again was insane, I know most people jumped around and stuff but I just sat there slack jawed in awed silence and then of course the hug option because come on what else you going to do. When it came to who to sit with I took a second and realized I really wanted to see what Kenny had become and frankly he might be dead again soon so i wanted to get as much as I could out of him. I always think back to the first season in the motel when everyones sitting around having a nice time. never know when you'll get that chance again. Kenny was always hot tempered but that has clearly gotten way worse since the first season. Also Kenny saying "It was all a dream" cracked me up. Also Kenny needs to shave his beard.
I managed to save everyone except for Walter. In the preview Kenny was pretty pissed off at Clem for giving up but I felt pretty confident a lot of people were about to die if I didn't surrender, glad to see my instincts were correct if everyone elses experiences are evidence of that. That really was going to only end one way really. I just kept thinking eventually they wont have guns pointed at us and the more people we have to attack with, the better.
I'm wondering when the rest of the 400 days cast will show up. Bonnie always goes to the camp no matter what so I wonder how they will work in the other characters that may or may not have gone.
Really? I thought the episode was noticeably longer than All That Remains.
I was happy to see Kenny again. Hugged it out.
And Bonnie an antagonist? Didn't see that one coming to be honest. I always thought she was always the most good-hearted protagonist from 400 Days. Well, in my experience anyway.
Was a great episode. Wondering how it's going to go from here on out. Seems we'll be in captivity.
-I was hoping Pete would make it, since TellTale teased us with the saw. Poor Nick.
-I'm glad Rebecca has softened up. The part where she allows you to feel her stomach is really sweet.
-I almost cried when Kenny was shown. God, I'm so happy he's back. It's good that he has Sarita, but I still can't help being worried about him, y'know?
-The option for who to sit with was honestly the hardest one for me, and even though I felt really bad for Nick, I chose Kenny.
-Bonnie completely took me by surprise. She was one of my favorite 400 Days characters, so I'm pretty disappointed in her.
-My heart wouldn't stop pounding during the hostage scene at the end. Hell, the tension was high for practically the whole episode.
And damn, how many deaths are possible? The only one I got was Walter.
Oh. Yeah, Kenny kinda pulled a wild-card and shot him when I said we should look for Luke.
I finished it in about 1 hour and 45 minutes.
I literally yelled YES!!! KENNY!!! ran downstairs and back upsatirs for no apparent reason
I felt betrayed myself. I didn't think Bonnie would turn out to be with Carver.
Granted the next episode teaser trailer shows Bonnie and Clementine smiling with each other, this seems to hint that Bonnie isn't happy with she she does. Though on the other hand Clementine could be playing along just to be sure that Bonnie doesn't turn on her.
3 smoke breaks for me too. When it was a choice of sitting with Kenny of Luke...needed a smoke break to think about that.
I loved it when Kenny practically broke the 4th wall with the Christa said you're dead 'I am and this is all just a dream' while looking at the camera.
I really enjoyed the episode! I wasn't really surprised it was Kenny, since I believe it was the most logical choice. I am however a little disappointed that Clem and Kens reunion wasn't really something big, since they just talked rather formally for about 2 minutes. I had hoped for a bit more ghosts from the past to be discussed between them. I will not put a spoiler tag on this comment, since there's obviously going to be spoilers in this thread.
You too? I thought I was the only one who did that. After Clem hugged him, I paused the game and LEAPED out of my chair and danced for a few seconds.
I screamed really loud.
Holy shit! [hug Kenny] my exact response. Shame he started laying into Luke and Nick though.
The episode was a MASTER PIECE better then Season 1 episodes (not including 4 and 5 obviously)
It had alot of dialog
It had alot of cutscene's
It had alot of interactable moments
Choices did seem to matter (like the watch thingie)
Seeing Bonnie (favorite char from 400 days)
And ofcourse seeing how badass Clem became.
Also the action scene at the end was fantastic!
As soon as I saw her alone at the lodge, before the attack, I knew she was scouting for Carver. That... ugh, I can't even say. I hate her now. She was my least favorite 400 Days character before this, and now she's stuck firmly in that spot.
I think I need a smoke or something.
Holy shit this episode. When I saw Kenny I just went crazy with excitement, seriously. Only thing I'm a bit upset about is - no explanation
"I was lucky". Whaaaaaat? C'mon, you gotta give me more than that. He also seems kinda...off. The ZA is getting to him and he's losing it.
I still sided with him most of the time though. When I was in the lodge I said "this has got to be a dream sequence" then of course Kenny says "This is all a dream" then laughs... oddly. But man... never been that emotional since S1 E5. Great episode. 9.5/10 The length was kindaaaa short but it was so worth the wait.
This episode was great! Loved seeing Kenny again but felt really betrayed at how Bonnie acted, I really liked her in 400 days. I'm curious as to what happened to the rest of the 400 days group though they didn't seem like the kind of people that would stay with someone like Carver.
Too short, and, like Slicer said, I have no idea why we weren't able to even mention the people obviously pursuing us like 2-3 miles away... It is talked about as if they are a day's journey away. "We will leave at dawn", but it obviously isn't going to take until dawn, considering how close they were. Also, why was Bonnie allowed to leave? Why would Kenny allow that when it obviously goes against his established personality? At the very least, she could have been detained for questioning.
Also, why was there a giant standoff against the walkers... For all the group knew, shooting at the walkers would only draw more walkers... and then there would be an even bigger standoff. Why do they act as though they can't run from the walkers? When Clem runs out of bullets, instead of running like anyone else with even the slightest amount of sanity would do, she waits to be eaten until she is rescued.... It's not like she was surrounded, the walkers were coming from one direction. If one of the characters had died for doing something as stupid and illogical as that, how ridiculous would it have been?
Why were we not given the option to at least attempt an amputation on Pete's leg? Pete said it himself that he still wanted to live... so why did he not even try to do something about the bite? For all he knew, he would have bled out, but it's better to have a small chance of surviving than no chance of surviving. Even if his refusal can be justified in some way, I don't see how anyone could deny that this was a cop out from Telltale because they didn't want to do any major story branching.
I question why I do not just wait for the rest of the episodes to release before playing, since waiting 2-3 months for a 1.5 hour episode is totally not worth it, regardless of the quality. Still, I don't possess even a fraction of the patience required to do something like that, so I am screwed either way. I can only hope that the following episodes release quicker and manage to at least break the 2 hour mark.
Don't take this to mean that the episode was bad, because it definitely wasn't, I'm mainly disappointed by the length.
I didn't even think. I just laughed, said out loud "Is this even a real choice?" laughed some more, then sat with Kenny. I was just so happy to see him.
Good episode and a great end part, the first stages were a bit slow but the last part was great! I was surprised that Bonnie is now a baddy, what the hell happened with her? She was so happy and convinced to go with Tavia up North and now she's with Carver?? Maybe Tavia found out about her drug addiction and didn't let her come?
Well as for Kenny I knew it was really always going to be him and he's still like he was only acting a bit weird at times, the only disappointment for me was that Nate didn't appear but that's only because he's my favourite character! Hope he comes into it eventually.
Tavia's group probably IS Carvers. I'd be stunned if we don't some much more grey morality next episode. After all, it sounds like Luke's band fought their way out pretty messily and we still don't know their exact reasons for leaving.
Don't forget she's the only member of the 400 Days band who will always go with Tavia no matter what. Given her seeming importance to the story this and next episode I doubt it's a coincidence.
i liked when you have the option to talk about lily to Alvin
God, I was so happy to see Kenny! I squealed with joy, and I chose to hug him. He seems a little different though... And I'm feeling really uncomfortable with the tension that seems to rise and fall between him and Luke because I like them both. I think we might have to choose between them indefinitely soon... Fuck, this has reduced me to swearing. I never swear, haha. And I'm glad I chose not to blackmail Rebecca and save Nick in the first episode; I get along with them well now.
That was freaking intense. I'm hungry now that my adrenaline has calmed down. I'm filled with the anticipation for episode 3!
Dear Telltalegames,
You tore my heart away, chew it, then restored it to its original place... and then you tore it out again!!! That was one crazy-freaky-emotional roller-coaster!!! I think I am still in shock!!! GREAT JOB!! Good thing I kept an apple juice box with me while playing.
Also, WTF BONNIE!?! (that witch! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!). Man, I really hope Luke doesn't ditch us (really liked his character). I feel pretty bad about Matthew (poor dude).
I thought the Episode was GREAT! Easily better than Episode 1 was. I give it a 9/10. It's missing 1 because there weren't enough options to talk to everyone. The only two times you were able to roam around freely and just do stuff, half the characters were off doing something else. There wasn't enough interaction with the ski lodge group OR the cabin group, in my opinion. At least during the hubs.
Also, Kenny's explanation he gives for surviving was terrible. Just "I got lucky"? A handwave if I've ever seen one. I'm glad to have him back, but unless his escape is elaborated on in later Episodes I'm disappointed with it.
I don't get why so many people are posting with spoiler warnings on this thread, the thread is already spoiler warned!
Kenny just walks over later and they get into an argument, then he asks Clem to pass the salt but refers to her as Duck, you then have the option of telling Nick and Luke who Duck was.
That's a lot of complaining for a 9/10! Don't forget to mention what you liked too!
I didn't feel like it was too short at all, about two hours is what I expect and am fine with, but that's incredibly subjective. In my play through I told Walter about the people, and unless i'm going insane Kenny also knew, so I don't know what you mean by the fact we cant mention it... Also, you expect any of the people in that group to actually detain a woman who could just be looking for food for her family? I don't know if we've been playing the same game....but none of them seem like the type to capture what could have been a woman scavenging to feed a family.
Why a big stand off? Did you think that through at all? Where the fuck would they go in the middle of the night? Back into the lodge to get surrounded? The wind mill already made a huge amount of noise, any walkers not drawn in by that wouldn't be drawn in by the guns. Even if they were, they had to deal with the walkers charging their only safe haven. As for clementine, it seems she was trying to help and didn't want to just abandon the people that just saved her life. Even if she wasn't thinking that she was surrounded by flesh eating monsters....you can't blame her for not thinking 100% clearly.
You have a point there, but I didn't save pete in E1. Was there anything to stop the bleeding? I assume they were surrounded by zombies, so why make more noise rile the zombies up? There might be very logical reasons, but I do agree they could have tried, and it was likely so they didn't need to work him into the rest of the story.
If you don't have the patience why play en episodic game as it comes out? Either wait for them all to be out, stop playing, or stop bitching. Games take a long time to make, even short games like this. Tell Tale isn't a huge company, and they have several games being made right now. You knew what you were signing up for from the beginning, and you cant expect Tell Tale to drop everything to focus on one game. To ask them to speed up is simply ridiculous. It is best to let game developers take their time and make the call so that they make the best game they can.
And please don't get me wrong, i'm not fanboying, I have some gripes with the episode too. Even though i'm happier than I expected I would be, i'm mad they brought back Kenny of all people. I liked him for most of season 1, and the fact he survived doesn't surprise me, but I just feel like anyone from season 1(who survived) would be better. The navigation inside the lodge was annoying as all hell. I also don't understand why everyone walked on the wood part of the bridge even though Luke fell through and barely survived it.
Okay, I didn't mean to scream like a bish, well, it was a very masculine scream, but TYSMFM for bringing him back!!!! this dude was my favorite from the ENTIRE series, VERY well written!
What happened to luke? Does kenny explain how he survived? And im glad rebecca is nicer now
Those were literally the ONLY things I didn't like, and the second one is really minor.
But hell, I loved a ton of stuff about the Episode, so here goes. even though I saved Pete and wanted him to live, I thought his final moments were really well done. I felt genuinely bad for him, and even when it was obvious he was going to die I still wanted him to come along. The fight on the bridge was great. Speaking of the bridge, HOLY SHIT, Matthew! And Nick's reaction to it throughout the Episode was realistic and emotional. He got some good character development. Carlos and Rebecca have also, amazingly, become human. Of course, one last thing, the scene where Kenny reappears. It was placed perfectly within the Episode. We had enough time to catch up with him before the shit hit the fan, instead of only meeting him at the VERY end for a cheap cliffhanger leading into Episode 3. There's more, but these are the bigger things I loved.
Hehe, I find myself self agreeing with both your posts! Poor Matthew.
Wait... So Carlos, Nick, and Alvin could have died? OH JESUS. I'm so damn lucky I saved them all..... But Walter.... Walter was my new Chuck and then they kill him 5 minutes later. Kenny so weird now though... I feel bad for him but he still has anger issues... Glad to see him but I saw with Luke
then when he said pass that can Duck I felt like an idiot. I really hated Nick for Matthew but Pete's dying wish was to keep him safe. So I saved him! Hoorah!
I never said that you couldn't tell them about the pursuers at all, even though you only have the option just before the standoff. She only neglected to mention the most important fact... that they were 2-3 miles away. The only reason the people she "told" shrugged it off so casually is because they didn't know this "little detail". Also, what makes your think that Kenny would allow her to leave with no hesitation? He's never shown himself to be anything less than pragmatic (other than in matters concerning his family). I didn't suggest that they kill her, but why would he buy her BS story without even stopping to think that she could be lying? Even more, why would he allow her to make off with so much food?
The standoff, in any realistic situation, would just be a giant waste of ammunition. The windmill didn't make anywhere near as much noise as a group of people spraying bullets everywhere. It was dark, but not pitch black. They could have retreated (not necessarily abandoning the lodge), or at least gone inside the lodge before making an ungodly amount of noise. Of course, it worked out "fine" because the walkers just randomly disappeared to make way for the next plot device.
I don't know what you are talking about abandoning the people... I didn't suggest that she run into the woods the moment she ran out of ammo, but how the hell can you justify her just standing there and waiting to be eaten? Could she have not have moved to the side or something? I already said that she wasn't surrounded, they were only directly in front of her... hardly an inescapable situation. It was just an incredibly contrived moment probably meant to give Carlos a chance to show his worth before his life was put in the player's hands.
I had no problem with the waiting for season 1, because the episodes didn't take 3 months to release... and, other than episode 5, they were at least 2.5 hours long if you didn't rush. I'm not complaining about the episodic format in general, just about the wait required to play an incredibly short episode. Season 1 didn't have the problem to anywhere near this extent. I don't know why you are bashing me for "bitching". I bought the season pass (the only option on PC) with the expectation that the release schedule and episode length would be at least somewhat similar to season 1. Nothing suggested otherwise at my time of purchase. Since this is not the case, am I not allowed to say something about it?
Goddamnit, I chose the line "Nick is... just like the others." I really, REALLY wish I hadn't. I might go back and say he's a good guy, but then I will hate myself for "cheating".
I did kinda expect Kenny to be the ITYWD person though part of me hoped he wouldn't be because I couldn't see anyway of him getting out alive and all the hype about him over the forums was so annoying that I wanted him to stay dead! (I neither like nor dislike Kenny so..) However... it's nice for Clem to come across a familiar face and he seems alot nicer than he was in season 1 so it seems Sarita has been good to him and he may have actually grown on me somewhat!
Bonnie... I was happy to see her. I knew she'd most likely be first of the 400 day characters to show up considering she goes with Tavia regardless... When she said she had a family I was thinking "Since when?" XD DID NOT expect her to be part of Carvers group though! Seems so out of character for her as I played her kind, honest and trustworthy. I'm hoping the preview of her and Clem is genuine though and Bonnie opens up about being tricked/not wanting to work for Carver.
This makes me even more curious to know what happened to the other 400 day characters though xD
I forgave Rebecca too. She seemed alot nicer in this episode. You have to remember she is pregnant so she's going to be hormonal and overly cautious of strangers.
I also sat with Luke because although Clem knows Kenny longer, I feel there's a better connection between her (probably because Kenny was selfish and then so depressed after loosing his wife and son) and Luke. Not only that but I know plenty of people will choose Kenny and I like Luke more anyway so.. :P
Keep it the way it is! Live with your actions! It'll be more rewarding in the end.
I have to agree that the stand off with the walkers was probably the stupidest most illogical thing I have ever seen in The Walking Dead, the episode was still really good. Was confused why clem was just hiding behind a rock shooting walkers when there was tons of places to run, it was just bizarre frankly. Do all of these people hate having ammunition/guns? I can kinda sort of get the justification for not leaving because there was a storm and they had been on the run for a week, I get that.
Seeing Kenny again was insane, I know most people jumped around and stuff but I just sat there slack jawed in awed silence and then of course the hug option because come on what else you going to do. When it came to who to sit with I took a second and realized I really wanted to see what Kenny had become and frankly he might be dead again soon so i wanted to get as much as I could out of him. I always think back to the first season in the motel when everyones sitting around having a nice time. never know when you'll get that chance again. Kenny was always hot tempered but that has clearly gotten way worse since the first season. Also Kenny saying "It was all a dream" cracked me up. Also Kenny needs to shave his beard.
I managed to save everyone except for Walter. In the preview Kenny was pretty pissed off at Clem for giving up but I felt pretty confident a lot of people were about to die if I didn't surrender, glad to see my instincts were correct if everyone elses experiences are evidence of that. That really was going to only end one way really. I just kept thinking eventually they wont have guns pointed at us and the more people we have to attack with, the better.
I'm wondering when the rest of the 400 days cast will show up. Bonnie always goes to the camp no matter what so I wonder how they will work in the other characters that may or may not have gone.
Really? I thought the episode was noticeably longer than All That Remains.
I was happy to see Kenny again. Hugged it out.
And Bonnie an antagonist? Didn't see that one coming to be honest. I always thought she was always the most good-hearted protagonist from 400 Days. Well, in my experience anyway.
Was a great episode. Wondering how it's going to go from here on out. Seems we'll be in captivity.
-I was hoping Pete would make it, since TellTale teased us with the saw. Poor Nick.
-I'm glad Rebecca has softened up. The part where she allows you to feel her stomach is really sweet.
-I almost cried when Kenny was shown. God, I'm so happy he's back. It's good that he has Sarita, but I still can't help being worried about him, y'know?
-The option for who to sit with was honestly the hardest one for me, and even though I felt really bad for Nick, I chose Kenny.
-Bonnie completely took me by surprise. She was one of my favorite 400 Days characters, so I'm pretty disappointed in her.
-My heart wouldn't stop pounding during the hostage scene at the end. Hell, the tension was high for practically the whole episode.
And damn, how many deaths are possible? The only one I got was Walter.