
  • Maybe in *your* little fantasty world everyone loves and cares about each other, but in my world - the real world - people are judgemental dicks who don't give a shit about strangers.

    It just sounds like a question. I don't see why he would say something so rude if he thinks someone is depressed.

  • Giraffe, calm down. I didn't mean to strike a nerve, I'm sorry. It's not even that big of a deal: I was just wondering why you were acting aggressively.

    We shouldn't be talking to each other like this; we're friends.
    Giraffehat posted: »

    Maybe in *your* little fantasty world everyone loves and cares about each other, but in my world - the real world - people are judgemental dicks who don't give a shit about strangers.

  • Aww, you guys are cute. But I was just curious.
    Giraffehat posted: »

    Maybe you should mind your own damn business, eh, buddy?

  • Friends, huh?

    What's my name? When's my birthday? What's my favourite game/movie/music/book/colour/food? What do I look like? What nongaming hobbies do I have? Why was I depressed? And when have you ever proven to be reliable and trustworthy? When have you ever put me and my interests above yourself? We are not friends. You don't even know me. Nothing personal. Just the truth.

    Giraffe, calm down. I didn't mean to strike a nerve, I'm sorry. It's not even that big of a deal: I was just wondering why you were acting aggressively. We shouldn't be talking to each other like this; we're friends.

  • It takes effort to use effort.
    xValkyx posted: »

    You mean more effort than it takes to explain how much effort it would take? :P

  • so much nyk. y der so much nyk.
    BenUseful posted: »

    It takes effort to use effort.

  • Well this page got dark.

    Girraffehat kind of has a point though, although being a bit aggressive about it. I stopped giving a shit about most people when I realized in reality nobody really gives a shit about you, me ehm whatever. I don't tell my "friends" anything anymore because it seems they just use private conversations as a weapon for later to get a few laughs. I don't know how any of those dicks remain close friends, I can barely stand to hang out with them maybe once a month. But hey still gotta have a social life so deal the cards I've been dealt.
  • Fooking hell I can totally relate to that.
    Pell3t posted: »

    Well this page got dark. Girraffehat kind of has a point though, although being a bit aggressive about it. I stopped giving a shit abo

  • Awesome! Here it is...


    Just go to the first page and reply to the very first comment I made, that has the questions. Answer them to make your character, I think I'll need you for Ch.1 actually. So you might show up early. B]
    xValkyx posted: »

    LEE!!! :D hey! Sure i'd love to :3 do i just create a character and you put them into the story? ^^

  • edited May 2014
    You're right, we aren't friends, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you. I've talked with complete strangers over their problems and tried my best to help them through their issues. I care about people who struggle and admit it.

    I would have talked to you more, but there were so many times where I'm not on Steam due to school that I haven't had time just to sit down and chat with you. I would have done it Sunday, but you weren't online.

    In fact, why don't we become friends? Why not, right now, just get to know each other more? I know there were times were we butted heads and stuff, but I want to be able to help you with whatever problems you have.
    Giraffehat posted: »

    Friends, huh? What's my name? When's my birthday? What's my favourite game/movie/music/book/colour/food? What do I look like? What non

  • edited May 2014
    *sigh* I don't need your help, but uh... fine. Let's chat, you conservative son of a bitch. Also, let me make two things clear: I'm *only* doing this for a... mutual friend, and you'd better cool it with the whole Christ shtick.

    You're right, we aren't friends, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you. I've talked with complete strangers over their problems and

  • Because he's a top tier motherfucker(or motherkiller?)
    Talimancer posted: »

    so much nyk. y der so much nyk.

  • You went their. Ooooooh lorde did he go there.
    BenUseful posted: »

    Because he's a top tier motherfucker(or motherkiller?)

  • Whatever you say, but don't expect a complete non-existence of my faith during conversations.

    I'm pretty sure you live in Ireland, correct me if I am wrong. Where do you live in Ireland? What sort of things do you do around there?
    Giraffehat posted: »

    *sigh* I don't need your help, but uh... fine. Let's chat, you conservative son of a bitch. Also, let me make two things clear: I'm *only* doing this for a... mutual friend, and you'd better cool it with the whole Christ shtick.

  • And don't expect a complete non-existence of my jaded cynicism.

    Yeah, I'm Irish. I don't do anything, this place is fucking dull if you don't like sport. I walk around, and try to avoid knackers (which is basically the Irish equivalent of rednecks)

    Whatever you say, but don't expect a complete non-existence of my faith during conversations. I'm pretty sure you live in Ireland, correct me if I am wrong. Where do you live in Ireland? What sort of things do you do around there?

  • Screw social life, I got money!
    Pell3t posted: »

    Well this page got dark. Girraffehat kind of has a point though, although being a bit aggressive about it. I stopped giving a shit abo

  • Why can't you be nicer, like Ohyoupokedme?
    Giraffehat posted: »

    And don't expect a complete non-existence of my jaded cynicism. Yeah, I'm Irish. I don't do anything, this place is fucking dull if you

  • edited May 2014
    Complete distrust of the human species. Don't take my abrasiveness too personally, it merely seemed like you were insulting someone I care about (Azlyn)

    But uh, sorry about that. I just feel protective of my friends. Welcome to the forums. I'm not too bad once you get to know me.
    Syracuse posted: »

    Why can't you be nicer, like Ohyoupokedme?

  • I think its a beginning of a relationboat between these two urbans.
    Wait, is this serious? If it is, I apologize in advance.
    Syracuse posted: »

    Aww, you guys are cute. But I was just curious.

  • I would expect nothing less ;)

    Don't worry, I wont try to convert you. But you know us Christians: always trying to deceive people...

    It's pretty much the same here. I have a food shelf that I volunteer at every other Thursday and I take piano lessons on Mondays.

    So do you listen to music and stuff in your spare time? Books? Games?
    Giraffehat posted: »

    And don't expect a complete non-existence of my jaded cynicism. Yeah, I'm Irish. I don't do anything, this place is fucking dull if you

  • I got money I just don't know how to have fun by myself. And I live in a city too.

    People tell me to go to concerts but seriously most artists today I might like one or two of their songs and feel ridiculous when I buy one of their cd's for just one of those songs. Plus I hate crowds.

    If anybody has any suggestions of fun things you can do solo (that aren't perverted!) im all ears.

    Screw social life, I got money!

  • Friends today count as people you can talk shit to and they not get mad about it. Unfortunately not every body knows when the line has been crossed and if you get mad about it they feed on it and use that as part of the joke. My friends are dicks.
    Talimancer posted: »

    Fooking hell I can totally relate to that.

  • Have you tried instruments? I play the piano.

    I've never heard of one person who says they regret learning to play the piano.
    Pell3t posted: »

    I got money I just don't know how to have fun by myself. And I live in a city too. People tell me to go to concerts but seriously most

  • edited May 2014
    I am lucky to have friends that are slightly different from most real life assholes. We all share almost the same thoughts and we play a lot of games together, but they do exagerate in some jokes.

    But of course, we can't grow up hating humanity, we just gotta adapt and just don't care. I learned to control my hate, but I also know how to express when I'm not satisfied with something.
    Pell3t posted: »

    Well this page got dark. Girraffehat kind of has a point though, although being a bit aggressive about it. I stopped giving a shit abo

  • All my friends in high school were usually band geeks and the band geeks at my school were the cool kids so I avoided that crowd most my life. I tried to learn to play guitar when I was younger but I didn't have the patience to learn how to read music. I took music appreciation class when I was in 8th grade thinking it was going to be like how they portrayed it being in the show Malcolm in the Middle but that teacher turned it into music history and would occasionally try to make us learn how to play several instruments and it turned me off the class. I haven't tried piano but I also don't have any where to put one. I also have trouble to commiting to things especially if I got to dish out big money for it. I'd hate to buy something and have it just sit there.

    Also I'd prefer a hobby that got me out of the house. The piano would be cool to learn though.

    Have you tried instruments? I play the piano. I've never heard of one person who says they regret learning to play the piano.

  • Don't get me wrong I have a lot in common or had a lot in common with my friends. It takes me a really long time to open up to people, I don't even open up to my own family. But when I have I have usually regretted it. I'll tell one friend something in confidence that they wont blab to somebody else but what they do is blab when the whole group is together. They do it to each other as well but for me I just don't do that. Since graduating we barely see each other as much but when we do I don't even bother to tell people how I really am and just go with the vague "nothing much" when they ask what ive been up to or how ive been. It's called an off switch and they just simply don't have one.
    Rafoli posted: »

    I am lucky to have friends that are slightly different from most real life assholes. We all share almost the same thoughts and we play a lot

  • edited May 2014
    I listen to TWD soundtrack on my many walks, and I've been reading fables. My top three games are morrowind, fallout new vegas and, of course, TWD. And, as you know, I make those videos.

    I would expect nothing less ;) Don't worry, I wont try to convert you. But you know us Christians: always trying to deceive people...

  • edited May 2014
    Wow, nice way of asking it, bud. :3

    Umm, well, to be honest, i don't know. I mean, i have no RIGHT to be depressed, yet i am. It's complicated. I'm complicated. I don't think you want me to go through a long-ass comment telling you all how it all goes.
    Syracuse posted: »

    Why is the thread creator so depressed?

  • Okay, so, going through this thread again, i realised stuff is getting kind of weird down here, and it's all because of me. How ironic.

    But, uh, yeah. First, to Giraffehat:

    It's alright, buddy. You can chill, i'm okay. I appreciate your concern.

    To Ohyoupokedme:

    I ship you guys so hard right now, you're so adorable.

    To Syracuse:

    About the original comment. It's kind of complicated. Yeah, i AM depressed. I just am. I don't think that, if i told you why, it would do any good. Okay?

    Is it okay in here now? Any other problems you wish to discuss?
  • I have just puked. I feel like crap.
  • I appreciate your avatar.
    BenUseful posted: »

    I appreciate myself.

  • I am curious. But it's your choice.
    Azlyn posted: »

    Okay, so, going through this thread again, i realised stuff is getting kind of weird down here, and it's all because of me. How ironic.

  • I know you're curious. I think it's in the nature of humans to be curious. But it's in my nature to put on a smile and change the subject, for the sake of this thread. :3
    Syracuse posted: »

    I am curious. But it's your choice.

  • I did it :3

    lol i am so not used to making characters *sat for ages thinking about what to type*

    Awesome! Here it is... www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/comment/1207992#Comment_1207992 Just go to the first page and

  • edited May 2014
    I listen to the soundtrack as well. If I ever went on runs, walker music would be pretty motivating. :)

    I listen to game OST's like StarCraft, Minecraft, TWD, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Dawn of War, Penumbra (Overture, Black Plague, and Requiem), Amnesia, and a few others I didn't mention. However, my favorite music is from Twenty One Pilots. I love me some good lyrics and meaningful things in songs (now days, music is hardly poetry anymore, at least some of the more popular stuff isn't) and Twenty One Pilots gives me that. A lot of their songs are about depression and overcoming.

    BTW, when is the next video going to come out? Not trying to rush you, just wondering if you have an estimated timeframe in mind.
    Giraffehat posted: »

    I listen to TWD soundtrack on my many walks, and I've been reading fables. My top three games are morrowind, fallout new vegas and, of course, TWD. And, as you know, I make those videos.

  • edited May 2014
    OhyouGirrafehat... Hmm...

    How would a goose and a wolf be able to...? Never mind.

    I LOVE the new avatar!
    Azlyn posted: »

    Okay, so, going through this thread again, i realised stuff is getting kind of weird down here, and it's all because of me. How ironic.

  • Being sick sucks. Hope you get better soon!
    Azlyn posted: »

    I have just puked. I feel like crap.

  • Whenever I feel it will satisfy the VA it's dedicated to. He requested it.

    I listen to the soundtrack as well. If I ever went on runs, walker music would be pretty motivating. :) I listen to game OST's like S

  • edited May 2014
    "I ship you guys so hard right now"

    Azlyn? I'm gonna break your fuckin' face.

    (Calm down, it was a joke)
    Azlyn posted: »

    Okay, so, going through this thread again, i realised stuff is getting kind of weird down here, and it's all because of me. How ironic.

  • No, no, no. Try it, see what happens, you aviary bastard.

    (Calm, joke, etc.)
    Giraffehat posted: »

    "I ship you guys so hard right now" Azlyn? I'm gonna break your fuckin' face. (Calm down, it was a joke)

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