The Walking Dead Forum Awards



  • Night Bro.

    Im Off to Bed, It was a long day. I'll see you around fella.

    Exactly, man. It's at least something to keep us preoccupied while we wait for some news. But like I said we'll chat next time, bro haha. Good talking to you again, Salt.

  • Later, bro. B]

    Alt text

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Night Bro. Im Off to Bed, It was a long day. I'll see you around fella.

  • These threads seem to be pretty common here, i'm going to make another list against my better judgement. Some people seem to have forgotten me while making their own :P. Either that or i'm just not that popular here hehe. I'll limit my list to 5. In no particular.

    SergeantSnookie. Probably the person I get along with the best here, absolute top bloke.

    Markd5847. Another top bloke, very friendly and easy going

    Juice_Box. Awesome person, I suppose it helps that I seem to agree with her on just about everything hehe.

    Clayton_Boylan. He is a cool guy, I have had some interesting conversations with.

    GOUSTTTT. For some reason even though he completely forgot about me :P

    I will chuck some honourable mentions in here as well. Rafoli, SweetPeaClem, Ohyoupokedme, GultyKing, Tobi is a good boy, dirtyslimyhairy, Eddie_Maiden, RIP Vivec, Tyler_Durant. Their are a lot of other users, I just can't remember them off the top of my head.

    Employee. Puzzlbox seems cool.

    Mod. I don't mind Blindsniper.

    Best fanfic. Tyler_Durant.

    That is all I can think of right now, if I spelled someones username wrong sorry about that.

  • edited April 2014

    Hehe sorry my internet connection shat itself at the wrong time.

  • edited April 2014

    This is a triple post.

  • edited April 2014

    This was going to be an edit not a reply but I only got 3 hours of sleep last night so i'm cutting myself some slack.

    AusZombie posted: »

    Hehe sorry my internet connection shat itself at the wrong time.

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned

    Best clown of the forum award is... Markd4547

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Thanks bro Just let Stache win everything only way this competition is fair

  • You. Are. Amazing.

    iHeartTWD posted: »


  • Okay, but we got to make this quick, I've got a meeting in three hours.

    Another popularity contest? Why don't you just get it over with and all bang each other already?

  • Jeg tror, du har fået den rigtige idé! Jeg lavede en anden dum liste. og ja, den eneste grund til jeg er udstationering dette er at få nogle mere brug ud af denne oversætter: P

    I say this every time one of these threads come up, but... The winner is you. Yes, you.

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned

    So many dislikes come at my trolls DISLIKE MY

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned

    So many dislikes at this thread by the fucking shit bird Be- I mean the trolls DISLIKE MY IF YOU DARE.

  • Thank you, it makes me happy when someone remembers my comments XD

    MrLee posted: »

    AWESOMEO For the best reaction... I have never seen so match dislikes for one comment you must be... THE CHOSEN ONE

    edited April 2014

    All types, I take part in about 5 right now, plus I'm writing an original fanfic too in twd universe, I'll post the whole thing when I'm done.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Are they like a 'oh hey i made this fic come read it' kinda thing? Because I wouldn't mind posting something there o.o the only ones i've been able to find are the rp's where people just add stuff on from what somebody else posted.

  • I always laugh when he goes: "OH SNAP WHOS DAT BOOMBOX CHEETOS"

    Best troll is the Boombox cheetos guy!

  • <3

    My favorite users are: Clem_is_Awesome, Viva-la-Lee, Kenny_impersonator, Don't_Look_Back, and SergeantSnookie

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    edited April 2014

    Well you guys are really good friends at this moment

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    edited April 2014

    You are friends again
    Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • Ya see, GOUSTTTT? This is why the ladies like me more than you. I am a wise gentleman. You are a deviant who humps anything sentient.

    Oh, and nice to meet you, ma'am. I'm the offical forum Goose.

    Honey, women want to be listened to. They wanna be held. Hold them tight. Let them know they a woman and show me you a man. Tell her that kn

  • Nobody loves me


    Alt text

    In advance I'm SO sorry if you are not mentioned. Best fan fiction: Harpadarpa, and Clayton_Boylan Best user: Satlick305 (Posts and r

  • Villains 4 life!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Whoever reads this I think your the best user(not doing best bro's I refuse to forget anyone lol) Best Villains Eddie Maiden Guilty

    edited April 2014

    I care.. HIGH FIVE!!

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    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    Seems like no one cares about me... Alright I can make it.

  • YAY

    Zyphon posted: »

    Someone mentioned my fan-fic!

  • Alt text

    Nobody loves me

  • For me, you're the best broski ;)

    Best Broski! Plz

  • Nahh man, don't be like that, we just don't remember you. I'm just kidding don't feel too bad, Nobody remembered me either :)

    Nobody loves me


    AW! You deserve an award!

  • I thought i put best artist on a past comment. well i put it on this one now!

  • make it four.

    Okay, but we got to make this quick, I've got a meeting in three hours.

  • your profile picture is neat!

    I would like to nominate a few people and other things for the forum awards. Best Mod: Blind Sniper for his crowd control skills in banni

  • Your damn right about the best fanfic maker!

    AusZombie posted: »

    These threads seem to be pretty common here, i'm going to make another list against my better judgement. Some people seem to have forgotten

  • that explosion expressed my anger since the trailer hasent come out yet... :(

  • she has a husband since she says that

  • edited April 2014

    Loser award for me.

  • edited April 2014

    Mean me if so be delighted if posted your story on my thread and of course I'll review and thumb it love stories

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    All types, I take part in about 5 right now, plus I'm writing an original fanfic too in twd universe, I'll post the whole thing when I'm done.

  • Hell yeah, fuck awards and wall street!

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