Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • Oh. I thought that was supposed to a choice of whether you save him or not, but okay.

    He was supposed to get stuck in the slaughterhouse and you could either mercy him or let him get eaten. I'm assuming the bullet went through his eye.

  • Also

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    So @Deltino found some interesting things earlier today: Max scrapped death Javier beta model Javi

  • I wonder what AJ was infected with?

    * Valproate = anticovulsant used for treating epilepsy * Rivaroxaban = blood thinner to treat blood clots * Vancomycin = antibiotic used to treat infections

  • Welcome to your tape.

    That picture.

  • Who is that? Carver?


  • Also Lee took care of Clem as well, so he can be counted as someone who stood up as well.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    This is drawing AJ did after he was separated from Clementine. He's been known to draw scribbles and this is not much different. However if

  • O.o

    Welcome to your tape.

  • Actually, the parkour system of Dying Light is based on Mirror's Edge's. But I know what you meant since the protagonist of Dying Light is played by Roger Craig Smith.

    fallandir posted: »

    So, like, Dying Light?

  • edited May 2017

    I looked up what "Gallows" meant, and I've heard other definitions for it, but apparently it's a structure made for the purpose of executions, usually by hanging,(see the resemblance to the story?) and it also stands as a symbolism of high or powerful justice, so it may be possible that episode 5 is based on making things right after David was almost hanged (from the gallows...)

  • edited May 2017

    It's clearly Maybelle the cow

    yes it's carver
    Auruo posted: »

    Who is that? Carver?

  • No it's clearly a callback to the Janicide

    I looked up what "Gallows" meant, and I've heard other definitions for it, but apparently it's a structure made for the purpose of execution

  • Janicide

    Is that what people call it?

    No it's clearly a callback to the Janicide

  • Spoilers for the latest Walking Dead issue

    So, there was a MASSIVE parallel in the latest issue of twd between Carl and Clem. It almost looks like it was on purpose.
    enter image description here enter image description here

    enter image description here enter image description here

    enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

    1. This scene right here practically confirmed that Clem is going to live forever. I loved this scene and it was damn well powerful.
    2. This scene greatly parallels a scene that just happened in the latest issue of twd.

    enter image description here

  • Nah just what I call it

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Janicide Is that what people call it?

  • enter image description here

    It looks like ones of those weird TLOU screaming zombies

    So @Deltino found some interesting things earlier today: Max scrapped death Javier beta model Javi

  • Why does it "comfirm" that Clem will live forever?

    Spoilers for the latest Walking Dead issue So, there was a MASSIVE parallel in the latest issue of twd between Carl and Clem. It almost l

  • They, the devs, just said Clem is the hope for a better world and made her promise to never lose that light and it's what makes her special. The devs wrote this knowing it to be true. She is too valuable to kill off.

    Why does it "comfirm" that Clem will live forever?

  • enter image description here enter image description here

    • Javy and Clem are already friends
    • They're inside Richmond on their way to find something, "We must be getting close"
    • They're not captured, they have guns, they have the upper hand
    • Walkers are inside and are marked with ANF symbol
    • Cars/things are on fire

    enter image description here

    (End of episode 4/ beginning of episode 5)

    • Javy and Clem are friends
    • Theyre insdie Richmond, they recently found where AJ is, EP5 they will be looking for him
    • Theyre not captured anymore, they have guns
    • Walkers broke in
    • Cars/things are on fire (Kate's car)

    E3 trailer likely took place during episode 5.

    I'm betting Aj's at the Slaugtherhouse/Ranch as I said a couple weeks back.

  • Yeah but didn't Job (I think?) say that the teaser was not gonna happen in the game and was just a first look at the new engine ?

    * Javy and Clem are already friends * They're inside Richmond on their way to find something, "We must be getting close" * They're not cap

  • "Dash Eleven" sounds like a super hero mascot concept for 7/11.

    "He's 7 by day, but by night he's......


    LordSIF posted: »

    **that lowkey sounds sick**

  • Job also said there was a butterfly effect of our 400 day choices in episode 3 of season 2 look how that turned out

    Yeah but didn't Job (I think?) say that the teaser was not gonna happen in the game and was just a first look at the new engine ?

  • Hahahahahahah that was actually funny :D

    Nikolaj-11 posted: »

    "Dash Eleven" sounds like a super hero mascot concept for 7/11. "He's 7 by day, but by night he's...... 11!"

  • Its also to do with cultural,religon and regional identity.
    For an example, the named "Ahmed" is associated with islam of a regional identity from africa to middle east to some parts of asia.

    fallandir posted: »

    Dennis sounds pretty neutral though, I can imagine a Black/Asian/whatever person named Dennis. But yeah, Kirsten does sound... whiteish, Scandinavian-like, similar to Astrid or Gerda.

  • Clickers--except bloodier!

    It looks like ones of those weird TLOU screaming zombies

  • Job said that Javier's brand wasn't going to be in the game, that's about it.

    Yeah but didn't Job (I think?) say that the teaser was not gonna happen in the game and was just a first look at the new engine ?

  • Unused model where Clementine is wearing her shotgun.
    enter image description here

  • Oh damn then that makes me hyped

    Job said that Javier's brand wasn't going to be in the game, that's about it.

  • So technically the events in ANF happened 10 years ago in an alternate universe? That's pretty crazy to think about.

    Let me just copy my comment from a few months ago (the linked thread goes further into details): Why "A New Frontier" should take place f

  • I so hope this moment still happens..

    Job said that Javier's brand wasn't going to be in the game, that's about it.

  • edited May 2017

    Silly question but is Kirkman even remotely interested in what TellTale is writing for The Walking Dead following season 1? More importantly; Is Kirkman interested enough in Clementine as a character to let this happen? I'm just wondering because he has apparently been quoted in saying that he 'doesn't know what the fuss is about' in regards to S1.

    They, the devs, just said Clem is the hope for a better world and made her promise to never lose that light and it's what makes her special. The devs wrote this knowing it to be true. She is too valuable to kill off.

  • edited May 2017

    I think at first (s1/2) he saw that telltale had their own outlook on what was going to happen and Kirkman liked it so he kinda gave them the wheel and let them steer. Said "this is what you can and cant do in this walking dead universe, now go make the game" so I'm not too sure how involved he is with this but I'm sure he's not there over their shoulder watching their every game detail. For certain this is more of a Telltale game than a "Kirman" game though.

    Silly question but is Kirkman even remotely interested in what TellTale is writing for The Walking Dead following season 1? More importantly

  • That's a big ass shotgun

    Unused model where Clementine is wearing her shotgun.

  • edited May 2017

    I'm curious what would happen if TellTale makes Clem a long surviving character like Rick or Carl etc., if it would eventually need to be canonised in the comics/TV show, and or further need of opinions/permission from Kirkman himself, to see if he'll let a character stay alive in the universe that long.

    I think at first (s1/2) he saw that telltale had their own outlook on what was going to happen and Kirkman liked it so he kinda gave them th

  • All im saying is - if they are the type of group that overlook things like this doctor with an addiction while actively raiding peaceful communities and random strangers on their own, not to mention kidnapping children from their caregivers and simultaneously claiming that the child in question is too useless to waste medication on (while they allow their doctor to self medicate freely) - they are fucked at a fundamental level and i want nothing to do with any of them.

    Because he is the ONLY doctor.

  • But they are all aware in the present, would you agree? I mean it was pretty obvious to me the first time i saw him, they all have spent more time in close quarters with Lingard. There don't seem to be any security measures taken whatsoever at the hospital, whether to stop Lingard from stealing meds or anyone else either. They obviously trust this man, he is one of their 'Leaders'.

    So if they all know, and still leave him in charge of these things, ie: medication control, diagnosis of illnesses, etc., they are putting the whole thing, their whole community at risk. At least in my opinion anyways.

    DabigRG posted: »

    They obviously didn't know that at the time--David even admits this. Plus, I was under the impression that Clementine had been with the New

  • Wonder if it would ever be used?

    Unused model where Clementine is wearing her shotgun.

  • edited May 2017

    It looks more like a Clicker...

    It looks like ones of those weird TLOU screaming zombies

  • The screaming ones are Runners, Clickers are the clicking ones.

    The picture looks more like a Clicker than a Runner, though.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Clickers--except bloodier!

  • Oohhh. Hmm...

    This makes me so excited for the finale! Also... What makes Clem look so different in the trailer to the actual game? She looks different, but I can't figure out why...

    * Javy and Clem are already friends * They're inside Richmond on their way to find something, "We must be getting close" * They're not cap

  • YES! After she finds AJ, and they are trying to make it out of Richmond, since it is overrun by walkers...

    I so hope this moment still happens..

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