Your Belief VS Zombie Apocalypse



  • Yes there are some people that suffer more than others,cause God has left us here in the earth to our will to see how we develop as human beings but in the end he will make shure that people deserve it will get their "reward"

    Piggs posted: »

    You can't deny that some people suffer more than others. It's not like I don't suffer. But there are people who are worse off than me, who, according to you, will get the same 'ultimate reward' as me.

  • And the people who don't 'deserve it' get what? And what constitutes as people who don't deserve it?

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    Yes there are some people that suffer more than others,cause God has left us here in the earth to our will to see how we develop as human beings but in the end he will make shure that people deserve it will get their "reward"

  • It is. you're right. I don't think I need to answer anyone else then! Just kidding :P

    thanks for the advice angrykurd!

    angrykurd posted: »

    part of being in a debate is to let other answer others, don't feel pressured to answer everyone.

  • I think this is the spirit that I also would try to keep in such a situation. even if it meant distorting my moral concepts for the sake of my survival. I would try at all costs not give up on human beings.

    angrykurd posted: »

    Adapting would be a necessity for survival. But im not sure having a new outlook on humanity would mean losing a part of it. It could go bad and good but i would like to say that i would never lose my solidarity with my fellow humanbeings.

  • Without a doubt. and everyone should have a critical thinking. like you.

    Piggs posted: »

    Do you really believe that you can find "physical" evidence of God's existence? I think this would be a complete waste of time. Since God, i

  • You have my like! ^^

    Some theme I've noticed in this forum is the argument of Science vs. Religion. As a Christian who has accepted Jesus Christ into my heart

  • edited June 2014

    not to be a jerk or anything (just my personal opinion if you disagree than i'm ok with that :D also not meant to offend you in anyway) but do you expect life to be all sunshine and rainbows? i believe there has to be some bad things so we can learn from them and eventually lead up to an age where the bad things now will be easily overcame and society will finally become sunshine and rainbows, but as I've said i think it will take a long time and a ton of awful things to happen before this can be achieved.

    Shadusnox posted: »

    My belief would be confirmed. What do I believe? I believe god exists, I also believe god is a dick. Let's give people free will! And punish

  • Depends on what you believe some say they go to hell and other say they will simply die forever .Also the people that deserve Heaven atleast for me are good people .I know that these may not make sence to you but there are also some things i dont understand from evolution..

    Piggs posted: »

    And the people who don't 'deserve it' get what? And what constitutes as people who don't deserve it?

  • I know what you are talking about i believe in God but i know He won't do everything for me and i have to work if i wanna reach my goals

    Piggs posted: »

    Do you really believe that you can find "physical" evidence of God's existence? I think this would be a complete waste of time. Since God, i

  • I love science! and it is an undeniable need for humanity. but I don't believe that science is the only path available. Science can not go beyond the object, because the very approach creates a limitation.

    A scientist will describe a beautiful flower just like a large chain of molecules, cells, fluids, minerals and etc. .. He will unravel the flower until there was nothing but a unrecognizable and microscopic puzzle.

    As a quick example, would be the same as classifying the Great Wall of China only by stone blocks of limestone, granite or brick. that's just the "material" approach. But the Great Wall of China has a much nobler meaning and symbolizes Perseverance and Persistence.

    JustineWind posted: »

    Very nice comment and I doubt you'll get dislikes, since the majority of people truly believe in god while at the same time doubting his exi

  • 1) why is there a hell?
    As I've said before. in my opinion. Hell is purely a condition of spiritual/personal imbalance. this is not a "place". therefore, no one made ​​hell because it is not something that was built.

    Who made you imperfect?
    Imperfection is also not something tangible. is purely a transitional state of every human-being. nobody made ​​me imperfect, this is a condition of ignorance attributed to every living being evolving.

    Who gave you the drive to do evil?
    Since I am an imperfect person. my inner balance is not perfect, and it leaves me exposed to the lusts and vices of life. makes me corruptible. susceptible to evil. again, no one "gave me" this impulse. this is only a result of my spiritual state.

    2) who put the fruit in the Garden?
    (Be careful not to take things too literally! ^^) In my opnion the forbidden apple is a symbology. and explains that sin will keep you away from Paradise (Perfect Balance), and will condemn you to Hell (imbalance). since Adam and Eve were corrupted by his own weakness and seduced into sin. they were expelled from Paradise (become unbalanced with themselves).

    Despite all. we all have free will. we all have: Choice

    Sarangholic posted: »

    Who made hell? Who made you imperfect? Who gave you the drive to do evil? In short, 1) why is there a hell? and 2) who put the fruit in the Garden?

  • edited June 2014

    It was exactly what I tried to explain. unfortunately the message was not understood correctly!

    Eddie_Maiden: "These same people will also, in general, treat this world, the one we are all perceivably in, as if it has zero value or meaning. When faced with non-believers or personal questions against their faith they will say, just as Clem_Everett did, that life then has no meaning. They say this when irregardless of if there is an afterlife there are always tangible effects of one's actions on Earth. If an organ donor gives an organ that saves another persons life, that person surely isn't going to think, "Geez, it really is a shame that my donor lived a meaningless life. I am completely ungrateful, and why shouldn't I be since life is meaningless?"

    1 - What I talked about the fact that a "finite" life does not have meaning. is connected to my personal questioning about this concept. I see no purpose in this kind of life.

    2 - Your example about the donor is completely misunderstood and inconvenient

    3 - My questioning was never motivated by any kind of "threat" that any person, whether a believer or not. has done to me.

    Eddie_Maiden: "Believing in an afterlife and acting a certain way only because you think you will be rewarded is not true morality; it's like getting a confession from a torture victim."

    You distorted the facts here. I never said that the morality of an afterlife was based on a possible reward that a individual "win" in the end. once more. there was a failure of understanding on your part!

    Well, He did say before that the problem is in us. That some people needs religion. He treats it as a behavior that causes justice and it's completely understandable.

  • Being religious means basically: Devote yourself.

    Not necessarily imply that you are following some belief. but you can call himself "honorable" and "moral one". if "Being religious" bothers you that much! ;)

    Than why be a "religious" person and not just an honorable and moral one? Being religious implies you are following a religion, but to pract

  • Agreed!

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    I know what you are talking about i believe in God but i know He won't do everything for me and i have to work if i wanna reach my goals

  • ?

    CodPatrol posted: »

    Nah, if it that fish stuff was bullshit then maybe I might believe but I couldn't really give a fuck, send me to hell all you want, just shows you like seeing people suffer. And I don't deal with psychopaths. Cannibals and shit.

  • I believe in God and a ZA would never change my faith since I believe God has a plan that we don't understand nor will we ever understand it. For all we know a ZA might be the ultimate test for mankind

  • No I don't expect life to be sunshine and rainbows and if it was I'm sure some people would still complain, but from what I've read of the bible, it does seem as if god goes out of his way to be a jerk to man kind (at least in the Old Testament anyway, in the new one gods more like "meh, I'm going to go out for a bit, try not to kill each other") I don't want god to be a jerk, but why is it that we know someone like superman is the good guy without being told, but we have to be repeatedly told that god is good. Because the bible shows god doing a lot of things that are simply not nice. I'm not asking for all the pain and suffering to be removed from the world, I'm asking god to at least use basic manners and treat people with respect even if they don't believe in him. A non believer is not disposable and should not be made to suffer in order to strengthen the believers bond with you god. That is biest and you are supposed to be fair!!!

    So yea my post has nothing to do with removing all suffering from the world, just a plea for god to be nicer to people like god is supposed to be.

    Green613 posted: »

    not to be a jerk or anything (just my personal opinion if you disagree than i'm ok with that also not meant to offend you in anyway) but do

  • Interesting... I'm not sure I understand 100% what you mean; you say spiritual, are you referring to a soul? or a sort of immenent mental state? In which case, there comes the question, what happens to when you die? From what you're saying, it sounds almost psychological, in the sense of 'a living hell.'

    I didn't mean to take the fruit literally, just what is the source of evil? It's a silly question, but if you phrase it in terms of spiritual balance and imbalance, from where does the possibility to be imbalanced come from? To return to Adam and Eve, when they were in the Garden before they ate the apple, where they slightly unbalanced, and therefore the temptation to sin was able to reach them? If so, were they created in an unbalanced and therefore imperfect condition? Put in less biblical terms, were humans created imperfect, and if so, does that not insinuate God's imperfect benevolence?

    1) why is there a hell? As I've said before. in my opinion. Hell is purely a condition of spiritual/personal imbalance. this is not a "plac

  • no problem man, let the debate flow!

    It is. you're right. I don't think I need to answer anyone else then! Just kidding :P thanks for the advice angrykurd!

  • edited June 2014

    Yes I'm referring to the soul. : )

    The mental state would be the translation of what the soul feels. as a "channel" of the spirit. Awareness comes from there, the brain would just be the "tool" of activity awareness. just like a car is a tool for the driver.

    After death, the veil is removed. and the soul is freed from the chains of material life. our consciousness awakens to true life and we move on with our evolution. we can continue it in the afterlife, or with the need for a new incarnation in the material plane. (This is a simplified and summarized version of what Spiritism doctrine explains about the afterlife and reincarnation.)

    Yes. all living beings are created in the imperfect condition. obviously no one is born knowing everything and all things. and if by chance, a living being were created perfect. this would be a false and brittle condition. as there would be no spiritual merit. would be like a child who is pure by ignorance and not by merit acquired. a child although pure and innocent can still be affected by sin, because he/she was not yet subjected to the tests of life.
    Someone who already attained perfect inner connection and self-understanding, is immune to sin. because he/she already have experience and awareness of the vices of the world and learned through countless lives that they are merely passing distractions. this stage is what Spiritism calls: "Second Childhood".

    This only reinforces the grace of God. for if he has created us perfect would be deluding ourselves and any judgment on his part would be a contradiction.

    Sarangholic posted: »

    Interesting... I'm not sure I understand 100% what you mean; you say spiritual, are you referring to a soul? or a sort of immenent mental st

  • edited June 2014

    Science and Religion don't have to be bitter opposites

    They don't! Science, from a religious standpoint, can be used to explain what God has done for creation. God can work through doctors and medical professionals in order to help someone recover.

    Some theme I've noticed in this forum is the argument of Science vs. Religion. As a Christian who has accepted Jesus Christ into my heart

  • Well, said. But honestly, I would do whatever I have to do to survive in a new world like this. Even if that means not trying to save someone or stealing another ones belongings

    JustineWind posted: »

    Very nice comment and I doubt you'll get dislikes, since the majority of people truly believe in god while at the same time doubting his exi

  • Me too!

    In a post-apocalyptic world. there is a need to sacrifice part of yourself to survive! the important thing is not to lose self-love, and never stop believing in the human heart. however difficult it may be in a situation like this.

    OverDrive posted: »

    Well, said. But honestly, I would do whatever I have to do to survive in a new world like this. Even if that means not trying to save someone or stealing another ones belongings

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