but since there are no downvotes... I'm gonna express my opinion
That direct relationship and its converse argument pretty much embodies my stance towards the whole downvote system.
Heh. Thats something I wouldve loved to be apart of. I was just going to make my first post in that forum too, because I read a couple pages back and the first page and saw how you really was like a family. Hope I can join if it ever comes back.
I don't feel guilty about 'bullying' people who are clearly in the wrong and bullies themselves. Also, there's nothing wrong with being like Ben... He's just an innocent, stupid kid who redeemed himself in a way. That wasn't necessarily an insult unless you dropped him from the bell tower.
This is so fucking funny, you're calling people insensitive for bullying someone, yet looking at what you just told me makes me think you're… more no better than them.
Chill the fuck out. I actually read that in Ben's voice because that's who you come across as.
You're a bully just like them, oops!
And by the way, I agree about being civil, but I don't see what they did wrong? I didn't see a single hate comment about Jennifer...
I'd start by getting everyone who harassed Jennifer to fuck off because surely if you're a friendly community, you don't tolerate that kind of hatred? At least get them to personally apologize.
But this isn't just merging threads like about release dates, your merging communities. Communities that may not be comfortable with being p… moreushed involuntairly into whole new communities, that may not like eachother, that may even argue with eachother. That is not fair and will break all of those originally peaceful communities.
I'm pretty sure it came across that way to everyone reading this.
I'm not a bully, you just bullied someone who didn't bully anyone else, so your argument is invalid, you just talked smack back to someone who didn't do anything to Jennifer, congratz.
I don't feel guilty about 'bullying' people who are clearly in the wrong and bullies themselves. Also, there's nothing wrong with being like… more Ben... He's just an innocent, stupid kid who redeemed himself in a way. That wasn't necessarily an insult unless you dropped him from the bell tower.
"she needs to realize that people will hate her in this cruel world, and you can't just leave because someone is giving you shit!"
What the fuck are you on about? What kind of warped sentiment is that? She had every right to leave after that pathetic abuse was hurled at her. She wasn't paid, you know... She was purely a volunteer. She had no reason to deal with it.
Apologize for what I did? I had nothing to do with it!
Still, I'll apologize in the behalf of some other people, but it was her choice, s… morehe left, she needs to realize that people will hate her in this cruel world, and you can't just leave because someone is giving you shit!
So don't tell me to chill out when this whole fucking thing started from zero, I wasn't a part of it whatsoever and I'm only trying to talk about it now.
I wouldn't say it's not fun anymore, but it's much less fun than at the time when I joined (around the relase of A House Divided). It was so much better. Back then there were lots of fun and good threads. And now I still check the forum (almost every day) but the only good thing I find is the Meme and Fun thread and the episode relase informations. I still look at the other threads, but I rarely find any good. It's so bad seeing the forum like this and we can only hope, that everything will go back to normal. Soon.
Yep. Right now, you get tons of hate against Telltale, trolls who try to sexualize Clementine, people who overreact and start to hate in ext… morereme dimensions. It's not fun around here anymore. I just read the "Episode 4 [Serious] [Fun]" (dunno the name exactly) thread and that one is great. It's funny, it has constructive criticism, I love it. I wish it'd be always like that. But apparently people are too busy getting angry over a soundfile or a mod who's just doing her job.
ok its obvious things won't be the same and jennifer will not justify why she did it and nothing will change but i think something needs to be done with her like the other mods and whoever is in charge of the site have a chat with her about why it happened it really can't go un-ignored anyway hopefully things can be like they were before
People are starting to hate you and tension is mounting. I gave clear arguments and pointed out facts.
rest my case and call for your demotion. If anyone had half the ounce of courage and determination I had, they would too. This is clearly abuse of power.
Then YOU decide for selfish reasons to move us ONCE AGAIN after everything the lounge has been through, to a pointless thread that has NOTHING to do with us for NO VALID REASONS.
Its unfair to be punished for YOUR own personal issue.
You went against everyone and your position is now compromised. I'm sorry, but its time for a change. You can't just get away with this.
I'm fucking furious! She just shows up and decides to merge our thread, a thread that wasn't bothering anybody, into another because it's "just general talk"! She had absolutely no fucking right to do this, let alone do it without telling us!
What a nice thing to say, especially considering you don't know shit about me!
My state remains the same: Show me what my friends did tha… moret is so horrible and I'll admit you're right, I didn't see it.
And there's no reason to be hurtful, because if you do, you're no better than those who bullied her.
I'm pretty sure it came across that way to everyone reading this.
I'm not a bully, you just bullied someone who didn't bully anyone else,… more so your argument is invalid, you just talked smack back to someone who didn't do anything to Jennifer, congratz.
I wasn't actually part of the FOTDL (but was in the fan-fic), but most of the people there are nice, and they just got angry (some,not all o… moref them), and yes, they shouldn't have attacked Jennifer, but treating them as a mafiosi family, or like bullies who attack everyone they see, is just unfair.
Underline that "IMO", because, and I'm sorry to let you know, your opinion is wrong.
But still, I won't stop you from thinking that way, keep generalizing us and put tags on us because one person said some nasty shit (which I never even saw btw), it won't change the facts, we're not doing anything wrong, not most of us at least.
...Why would they? It was just a thread merging and nothing more. They generally trust us to do our job.
Unless you are referring to Jennifer leaving and not the thread merging, in which case we have a mod forum that Telltale staff sometimes talk to us on - usually the community manager Puzzlebox, who herself is formerly a volunteer moderator.
An opinion cannot be wrong. Plus, here is it so you know what everybody means:
ok its obvious things won't be the same and jennifer will not justify why she did it and nothing will change but i think something needs to be done with her like the other mods and whoever is in charge of the site have a chat with her about why it happened it really can't go un-ignored anyway hopefully things can be like they were before
rest my case and call for your demotion. If anyone had half the ounce of courage and determination I had, they would too. This is clearly abuse of power.
People are starting to hate you and tension is mounting. I gave clear arguments and pointed out facts
Then YOU decide for selfish reasons to move us ONCE AGAIN after everything the lounge has been through, to a pointless thread that has NOTHING to do with us for NO VALID REASONS.
Its unfair to be punished for YOUR own personal issue.
You went against everyone and your position is now compromised. I'm sorry, but its time for a change. You can't just get away with this.
I'm fucking furious! She just shows up and decides to merge our thread, a thread that wasn't bothering anybody, into another because it's "just general talk"! She had absolutely no fucking right to do this, let alone do it without telling us!
Underline that "IMO", because, and I'm sorry to let you know, your opinion is wrong.
But still, I won't stop you from thinking that way, … morekeep generalizing us and put tags on us because one person said some nasty shit (which I never even saw btw), it won't change the facts, we're not doing anything wrong, not most of us at least.
As has already been said, yes, I get that your forums were moved, but there's absolutely no reason to he so upset about it. Argue civilly. You made a fucking moderator leave the forums. There was no reason to get so angry about it, just explain your concerns civilly.
That job comes with sacrifices, you sometimes sacrifice your damn sanity to keep the people in this community well, that's what I meant.
Warped statement? Nah son, it's all the hard truth, this world is fucking cruel, people will hate her because they can, and nothing will change that, wrong or right, you face it and pull through.
"she needs to realize that people will hate her in this cruel world, and you can't just leave because someone is giving you shit!"
W… morehat the fuck are you on about? What kind of warped sentiment is that? She had every right to leave after that pathetic abuse was hurled at her. She wasn't paid, you know... She was purely a volunteer. She had no reason to deal with it.
Underline that "IMO", because, and I'm sorry to let you know, your opinion is wrong.
But still, I won't stop you from thinking that way, … morekeep generalizing us and put tags on us because one person said some nasty shit (which I never even saw btw), it won't change the facts, we're not doing anything wrong, not most of us at least.
I concur that this place is not much fun anymore. I feel like it's full of people who think they can push the concept of 'the customer is always right' too far and that it's fine to say/do whatever they want to. I see far too much criticism thrown at Telltale and it's often not done in a sensible, calm, respectful way. There's too much over-reaction as well and people tend to think Telltale needs to cater to them. If they don't, then bad or lazy writing! Then there's the fact that many think their opinion = fact. It all leads to a never-ending cycle of complaining/arguing/debating where no progress is ever made, which doesn't make the place fun to be around. And it is slightly ironic that Telltale are accused of being disrespectful when some users should take a look at themselves.
Anyway, I'm just very much jaded with people/society/online communities. Sometimes I think I should just keep to myself and remain offline. I do feel for Jennifer as well as the other mods who need to put up with this sort of stuff.
I do hope this whole mess will lead to things improving though.
Yep. Right now, you get tons of hate against Telltale, trolls who try to sexualize Clementine, people who overreact and start to hate in ext… morereme dimensions. It's not fun around here anymore. I just read the "Episode 4 [Serious] [Fun]" (dunno the name exactly) thread and that one is great. It's funny, it has constructive criticism, I love it. I wish it'd be always like that. But apparently people are too busy getting angry over a soundfile or a mod who's just doing her job.
Go play Sims? You're serious? I accept and love my own family, but come here during my free time. Those guys over at the FOTDL were like my 2nd family. Ever herd of that?
Yeah, accept you're real familly and care and protect them, dont go make a random familly on some forum. Go play Sims or something, but be a man and respect you're own familly
You lost all reason, this is a cruel fucking world, I'm presenting the issues of the present, there's a whole motherfucking nation of terrorists that wants me dead for no reason, and you're calling me a bully?
You're twisting my words, I never forced her to stay, she can go, I'm saying what I think, and it's true, if she wants to stay then you people need to realize that the world won't adapt to you emotional stability, it goes the other way.
Don't educate me on free will, this is the only thing I know about, and I can say that without doubting it.
So please, give me a fucking break, I'm not a bully, this is bullshit.
"she needs to realize that people will hate her in this cruel world, and you can't just leave because someone is giving you shit!"
Those are the words of a bully. Disgusting. She has free will, and she can do what she likes.
I don't know who you are but that word is offensive and your behavior on this thread is out of order very few members were involved don't generalize then the abusive language your choosing against members who weren't even involved is just disgraceful. Calm down and use more mature wording please grow up.
I'm personally disapointed in how everything went down. I mean, Jennifer thought she was helping by merging those threads, and now she has faced so much ridicule that she wants to quit being a mod? She wasn't at fault here, she had no idea how strong the bonds on the FotD thread were and what she did when merging. So should we blame her? No. She was just trying to do her job. Sorry my fellow FotD friends, but that's how I feel about it.
She was not obligated to sacrifice her fucking 'sanity' for us. She was meant to simply moderate. And she did.
And no, as much as you might want it to be... We're not living in the TWD universe. We're on a forum with a shitty community. I'm sure she has better things to do than take shit from children.
That job comes with sacrifices, you sometimes sacrifice your damn sanity to keep the people in this community well, that's what I meant.
… moreWarped statement? Nah son, it's all the hard truth, this world is fucking cruel, people will hate her because they can, and nothing will change that, wrong or right, you face it and pull through.
I concur that this place is not much fun anymore. I feel like it's full of people who think they can push the concept of 'the customer is al… moreways right' too far and that it's fine to say/do whatever they want to. I see far too much criticism thrown at Telltale and it's often not done in a sensible, calm, respectful way. There's too much over-reaction as well and people tend to think Telltale needs to cater to them. If they don't, then bad or lazy writing! Then there's the fact that many think their opinion = fact. It all leads to a never-ending cycle of complaining/arguing/debating where no progress is ever made, which doesn't make the place fun to be around. And it is slightly ironic that Telltale are accused of being disrespectful when some users should take a look at themselves.
Anyway, I'm just very much jaded with people/society/online communities. Sometimes I think I should just keep to myself and remain offline. I do feel for Jennife… [view original content]
I wasn't actually part of the FOTDL (but was in the fan-fic), but most of the people there are nice, and they just got angry (some,not all o… moref them), and yes, they shouldn't have attacked Jennifer, but treating them as a mafiosi family, or like bullies who attack everyone they see, is just unfair.
Tear drop of happiness
I thought it was in Japanese for "Hey".
I don't feel guilty about 'bullying' people who are clearly in the wrong and bullies themselves. Also, there's nothing wrong with being like Ben... He's just an innocent, stupid kid who redeemed himself in a way. That wasn't necessarily an insult unless you dropped him from the bell tower.
What did they say to her? I'm curious.
A variety of vicious statements. Read through the thread for yourself.
Good on you.
Yeah, I know xD
Actually, it's "Hai" in Japanese.
And here's what it looks like: はい
I'm pretty sure it came across that way to everyone reading this.
I'm not a bully, you just bullied someone who didn't bully anyone else, so your argument is invalid, you just talked smack back to someone who didn't do anything to Jennifer, congratz.
What the fuck are you on about? What kind of warped sentiment is that? She had every right to leave after that pathetic abuse was hurled at her. She wasn't paid, you know... She was purely a volunteer. She had no reason to deal with it.
No problem, I will.
I wouldn't say it's not fun anymore, but it's much less fun than at the time when I joined (around the relase of A House Divided). It was so much better. Back then there were lots of fun and good threads. And now I still check the forum (almost every day) but the only good thing I find is the Meme and Fun thread and the episode relase informations. I still look at the other threads, but I rarely find any good. It's so bad seeing the forum like this and we can only hope, that everything will go back to normal. Soon.
I should now this ,I'm in Europe
Those are the words of a bully. Disgusting. She has free will, and she can do what she likes.
Oh. Well, now the Loungers can get new friends
. Still seems ok to me.
I wonder when the Telltale staff are going to respond to all this? :I
Thank you.
Who are the people considered in the infamous Forum of the Dead Lounge?
They have more serious things to attend to, I'm pretty sure.
Mini panic over
I think they're too old for this shit. :P
Underline that "IMO", because, and I'm sorry to let you know, your opinion is wrong.
But still, I won't stop you from thinking that way, keep generalizing us and put tags on us because one person said some nasty shit (which I never even saw btw), it won't change the facts, we're not doing anything wrong, not most of us at least.
...Why would they? It was just a thread merging and nothing more. They generally trust us to do our job.
Unless you are referring to Jennifer leaving and not the thread merging, in which case we have a mod forum that Telltale staff sometimes talk to us on - usually the community manager Puzzlebox, who herself is formerly a volunteer moderator.
An opinion cannot be wrong. Plus, here is it so you know what everybody means:
People are starting to hate you and tension is mounting. I gave clear arguments and pointed out facts
Then YOU decide for selfish reasons to move us ONCE AGAIN after everything the lounge has been through, to a pointless thread that has NOTHING to do with us for NO VALID REASONS.
Its unfair to be punished for YOUR own personal issue.
You went against everyone and your position is now compromised. I'm sorry, but its time for a change. You can't just get away with this.
I'm fucking furious! She just shows up and decides to merge our thread, a thread that wasn't bothering anybody, into another because it's "just general talk"! She had absolutely no fucking right to do this, let alone do it without telling us!
You had no right. NO RIGHT.
Don't try to justify it with bullshit.
And that's just a little part of the hate.
As has already been said, yes, I get that your forums were moved, but there's absolutely no reason to he so upset about it. Argue civilly. You made a fucking moderator leave the forums. There was no reason to get so angry about it, just explain your concerns civilly.
That job comes with sacrifices, you sometimes sacrifice your damn sanity to keep the people in this community well, that's what I meant.
Warped statement? Nah son, it's all the hard truth, this world is fucking cruel, people will hate her because they can, and nothing will change that, wrong or right, you face it and pull through.
Again you're showing some major bully symptoms, friend. At least recognize that everyone has the right to their own opinion.
I concur that this place is not much fun anymore. I feel like it's full of people who think they can push the concept of 'the customer is always right' too far and that it's fine to say/do whatever they want to. I see far too much criticism thrown at Telltale and it's often not done in a sensible, calm, respectful way. There's too much over-reaction as well and people tend to think Telltale needs to cater to them. If they don't, then bad or lazy writing! Then there's the fact that many think their opinion = fact. It all leads to a never-ending cycle of complaining/arguing/debating where no progress is ever made, which doesn't make the place fun to be around. And it is slightly ironic that Telltale are accused of being disrespectful when some users should take a look at themselves.
Anyway, I'm just very much jaded with people/society/online communities. Sometimes I think I should just keep to myself and remain offline. I do feel for Jennifer as well as the other mods who need to put up with this sort of stuff.
I do hope this whole mess will lead to things improving though.
Go play Sims? You're serious? I accept and love my own family, but come here during my free time. Those guys over at the FOTDL were like my 2nd family. Ever herd of that?
The fuck? A BULLY?!
You lost all reason, this is a cruel fucking world, I'm presenting the issues of the present, there's a whole motherfucking nation of terrorists that wants me dead for no reason, and you're calling me a bully?
You're twisting my words, I never forced her to stay, she can go, I'm saying what I think, and it's true, if she wants to stay then you people need to realize that the world won't adapt to you emotional stability, it goes the other way.
Don't educate me on free will, this is the only thing I know about, and I can say that without doubting it.
So please, give me a fucking break, I'm not a bully, this is bullshit.
I don't know who you are but that word is offensive and your behavior on this thread is out of order very few members were involved don't generalize then the abusive language your choosing against members who weren't even involved is just disgraceful. Calm down and use more mature wording please grow up.
I'm personally disapointed in how everything went down. I mean, Jennifer thought she was helping by merging those threads, and now she has faced so much ridicule that she wants to quit being a mod? She wasn't at fault here, she had no idea how strong the bonds on the FotD thread were and what she did when merging. So should we blame her? No. She was just trying to do her job. Sorry my fellow FotD friends, but that's how I feel about it.
She was not obligated to sacrifice her fucking 'sanity' for us. She was meant to simply moderate. And she did.
And no, as much as you might want it to be... We're not living in the TWD universe. We're on a forum with a shitty community. I'm sure she has better things to do than take shit from children.
Great post. Take an upvote. applause
Why did people attacked Jennifer? Was that because she deleted the FOTDL or something?