Dragon Age Fan Thread



  • Soo, I've finally beaten the game. Took around 130 hours. Still haven't found all mosaic piecesthough, but ehhh... You only get some codex for completing that.

    The final fight was kinda meh, the DA2 Corypheus fight was far better.

    That Solas plot twist came from nowhere. Like... whaaaat? Poor those who romanced him, lol.

    Also, anyone else have "evil" Leliana now? Because I do. :D Just because I let her kill some traitor agent at the beginning of the game. And she ended up on the Sunburst throne! Well, still better pick than Vivienne, heh. Who became the new Divine for you, guys?

  • Ohh, I see now.

    Actually, after finishing DA:I and piecing it all together...I think 'One day the magic will come back, all of it, everyone will be just like they were...' is referring to...two people that are kinda important to the ending. Not DA:I specifically.

  • edited January 2015

    Also, anyone else have "evil" Leliana now? Because I do. :D Just because I let her kill some traitor agent at the beginning of the game. And she ended up on the Sunburst throne! Well, still better pick than Vivienne, heh. Who became the new Divine for you, guys?

    I did my first run, and it was absolutely heartbreaking because my Warden romanced her in my canon, and the letter you get from the Warden if you romanced Leliana actually says 'I beg you, if she is faltering, help her find her way back into the light.' Warden would be pissed. At least she didn't become Divine, then she'd be really pissed.

    Went back and fixed it on my second run, though. Cassandra is Divine in both of them.

  • I just completed Here Lies the Abyss...

    R.I.P Hawke

  • Varric greatly disapproves

  • I just talked to him...I hugged him...Poor guy.

    Pipas posted: »

    Varric greatly disapproves

  • Quick question, do we get to keep playing after we beat the game?

  • Yeah, although you can't interact with companions or do their quests.

    Quick question, do we get to keep playing after we beat the game?

  • Strange...Without spoilers can you explain why?

    Yeah, although you can't interact with companions or do their quests.

  • I haven't played this game yet, mainly because charismas plans and pc problems. When I can I will. I have seen some game play on you youtube. what I've seen I loved. My fav companion is Cole. love this character.

    Alt text


  • Yes, though some features won't be available afterwards.

    Quick question, do we get to keep playing after we beat the game?

  • The quests make sense because some relate to the main story, but I don't see why we can't talk to them (well, you can talk to them, but they only say one sentence, and you can't say anything back.)

    Strange...Without spoilers can you explain why?

  • edited January 2015

    Cole's freaking awesome! He has a badass hat.

    I haven't played this game yet, mainly because charismas plans and pc problems. When I can I will. I have seen some game play on you youtube

  • Are the only features what King says?

    Is the war table still there? Can we travel to all the normal places?

    hayd24 posted: »

    Yes, though some features won't be available afterwards.

  • Is that it?

    The quests make sense because some relate to the main story, but I don't see why we can't talk to them (well, you can talk to them, but they only say one sentence, and you can't say anything back.)

  • edited January 2015

    As far as I know.

    Although I think some war table missions might be removed

    Is that it?

  • I don't think I have gotten that far to know if my Leliana is turning evil or not. How do we prevent Leliana from being 'evil'?

    Also, anyone else have "evil" Leliana now? Because I do. Just because I let her kill some traitor agent at the beginning of the game. And s

  • We still have the war table? Can we still travel everywhere unlocked?

    As far as I know. Although I think some war table missions might be removed

  • Yup.

    We still have the war table? Can we still travel everywhere unlocked?

  • Awesome, thanks for the help.


  • Basically what he said. And you can still travel between the main regions.

    Are the only features what King says? Is the war table still there? Can we travel to all the normal places?

  • Thank you too.

    hayd24 posted: »

    Basically what he said. And you can still travel between the main regions.

  • Alt text

    Alt text

    Agreed love character and his voice. James Norton was fantastic. He is stage and film actor. I look up some of his tv shows, when not doing any accents his voice sounds mostly like Coles but slightly deeper, when he was recording lines for Cole he makes his voice softer. I've heard of some panty banter in game (some was leaked on youtube), Cole speaks really quickly in a breathless way its really interesting.

    His hat is interesting, it looks more like a scarecrow. it covers up a lot of his face so you don't see him talk much

    Cole's freaking awesome! He has a badass hat.

  • James Norton is an awesome actor. I was super excited when I found out he was voicing Cole, he was amazing in Happy Valley.

    Agreed love character and his voice. James Norton was fantastic. He is stage and film actor. I look up some of his tv shows, when not doing

  • He was amazing in Happy Valley I agree.

    He was amazing in Grantchester also.

    James is really good at portraying dark/trouble characters, his work has lot of emotion to it.

    James Norton is an awesome actor. I was super excited when I found out he was voicing Cole, he was amazing in Happy Valley.

  • Hit Iron Bull

    Iron Bull greatly approves

    I was laughing.

  • It's pretty easy to screw up.

    You have to stop her from killing the traitor during one of her first conversations in Haven.

    You have to reassure her that she did the right thing pulling her scouts back when you arrive in Skyhold.

    Then, you have to order her to stay her hand during her personal quest.

    I don't think I have gotten that far to know if my Leliana is turning evil or not. How do we prevent Leliana from being 'evil'?

  • Cole was pretty great.

    I was a bit worried, because he was already a great character in the books and he was getting a writer switch, but they did a great job with him.

    I haven't played this game yet, mainly because charismas plans and pc problems. When I can I will. I have seen some game play on you youtube

  • your talking about dragon age asunder I assume? Yeah I haven't read it but do plan on reading it soon and before I play the game. He only appears in that book right? Asunder is his backstory

    Cole was pretty great. I was a bit worried, because he was already a great character in the books and he was getting a writer switch, but they did a great job with him.

  • I'm actually doing Cole's personal/loyalty mission and...That is some strong shit...I don't know what to do.

    I haven't played this game yet, mainly because charismas plans and pc problems. When I can I will. I have seen some game play on you youtube

  • edited January 2015

    it think I know the mission you are talking about. you have to bind Cole so no blood mages can bind him to a object in the futuret? right? well once you find the amulet - I don't know how to find it, like I said I've never played it. it comes down to the choice if you agree with Solas or Varric. The choice is to make Cole more Spirit or more human.

    the little bit I've seen, I would suggest you make Cole human, but its your game do whatever you want. Just to let you know the choice isn't clear cut. if you choice human it doesn't mean Cole will become a demon, it means he get more empathy. if you choice Spirit he become more like a Ghost.

    I'm actually doing Cole's personal/loyalty mission and...That is some strong shit...I don't know what to do.

  • I already chose on my own and yes that is the mission.

    I made him more human.

  • good choice, are you regret making that choice?

    I already chose on my own and yes that is the mission. I made him more human.

  • No but his new character picture scares the shit out of me.

    good choice, are you regret making that choice?

  • Alt text

    you mean this?

    No but his new character picture scares the shit out of me.

  • Yes, quite a surprise when you're flipping past everyone.

    you mean this?

  • Alt text

    I personally say would his spirit card make me uneasy but everyone is different

    Yes, quite a surprise when you're flipping past everyone.

  • That's even worse.

    I personally say would his spirit card make me uneasy but everyone is different

  • agreed, but he is still a great character

    That's even worse.

  • Everybody is saying Cole is awesome. He is my least favorite companion.

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