Viva La Forum Revolution (Interactive Story)



  • Awesome chapter!

    Forces Divided 2-7 Stuff's going down!... Raging's POV Raging is taken in chains to the throne room of Empress Green. Upon arrival

  • Indeed!

    Stuff's going down!...

  • You're creepy. :P

    Green613 posted: »

    Green smiles devilishly... :]

  • Thanks!

    Next part will be up tonight!

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Awesome chapter!

  • Awesome! :D

    Thanks! Next part will be up tonight!

  • Forces Divided 2-8


    Hello World's POV

    Hello World goes to pick up her sword, she grabs a cloak and some money. She walks to the door and Sagig runs up to her and whispers in her ear.

    Sagig- Be safe, it's dangerous out there...

    She walks out of the room and towards a window to slide out. It was raining which didn't help things and with the nation at war...There will probably be Imperials everywhere... She slides out of the window...

    Tavern Owner's POV

    TO- Yes, I do...You caught me at a great time.

    Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his side, he looks behind him to see the woman dive a knife in his neck. He falls to the ground, bleeding out, he watches as the woman throws her cloak away and walks away. He tries to crawl to the door...

    Saltlick's POV

    Saltlick stands at the door, reading a book and looking around. He sees Golden in the corner resting, Sagig keeping Clemmy alive and himself reading. He starts to hear loud footsteps getting closer and closer. He grabs his axe and whistles to the rest of them.

    Golden- Probably just the owner...

    Saltlick gets suspicious as he smells smoke...Suddenly a woman knocks the door down and runs into the room with a torch. She lit the hallway on fire and throws the torch in the room lighting it on fire. Saltlick charges the woman knocking her on the ground, she slashes at his chest...She barely got him. Golden grabs his sword and swings at her, she repels the attack and knocks Golden back. Sagig grabs a clever off on the bed and slams it on her leg. For the most part it is unharmed except for a little bleeding, she hits Sagig back onto the bed. She uses a hidden crossbow on her wrist and shoots Sagig in the arm. Sagig falls back, clutching his arm in brutal pain as the small but sharp arrow stays inside of his arm. Saltlick swings his large axe at her almost taking her head off. She punches Saltlick in the chest and knocks him back onto the floor. The woman quickly takes a small dagger and jabs in straight into Clemmy's skull and then slowly walks over to Saltlick. She picks up his great axe and drags it along the wooden floor till she reaches him. Saltlick looks around and sees Golden slowly getting up, Sagig laying on the bed and Clemmy dead. The woman raises the axe and then a knife is thrown into her shoulder. She staggers back dropping the axe, Hello World was the one who threw the knife and saved him. Hello World helps Saltlick up and Golden grabs Sagig and they run out. Last minute the mysterious woman shoots Hello World in the leg. She falls and everyone keeps running, the woman walks over to Hello World...You have to help her...

    Rebel Choice

    [Run and save Hello World real fast]

    [Keep running with the rest of the group]

  • Great part =]

    Forces Divided 2-8 Tick...Tick...Tick...Tock... Hello World's POV Hello World goes to pick up her sword, she grabs a cloak and some

  • Holy shit I got 3 likes really fast.

    Green613 posted: »

    Great part =]

  • Amazing Chapter!!!!!!!! [Run and save Hello World real fast] Saltlick is going to die doing it but anyway

    Forces Divided 2-8 Tick...Tick...Tick...Tock... Hello World's POV Hello World goes to pick up her sword, she grabs a cloak and some

  • He might not...This isn't a TWD story...He might live...But we know if he doesn't act then Hello World is 100% dead.

    supersagig posted: »

    Amazing Chapter!!!!!!!! [Run and save Hello World real fast] Saltlick is going to die doing it but anyway

  • edited November 2014

    Hmm... Damn this is a hard choice, if we run back and save her, Hello World might live, but at the same time both her and the one saving her could die. Then the other choice will probably get Hello killed as well, but everyone else would most likely live. So in the long run Hello is dead if we don't do anything. But there's a chance we can save her... Guess I'll try to save her. :P

    [Run and save Hello World real fast]

    Amazing chapter! :D

    Forces Divided 2-8 Tick...Tick...Tick...Tock... Hello World's POV Hello World goes to pick up her sword, she grabs a cloak and some

  • Thanks!

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Hmm... Damn this is a hard choice, if we run back and save her, Hello World might live, but at the same time both her and the one saving her

  • No thank you! I'm really looking forward to seeing how this choice plays out!


  • Raging has blades , BLADES XD

    He might not...This isn't a TWD story...He might live...But we know if he doesn't act then Hello World is 100% dead.

  • Well you will have to wait.

    I plan to have maybe two more chapters out tonight if we're lucky. Then you will either get it tomorrow, Monday or Tuesday.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    No thank you! I'm really looking forward to seeing how this choice plays out!

  • Well, Raging is a Blade.

    A Blade is an organization which will get more backstory as time goes on.

    supersagig posted: »

    Raging has blades , BLADES XD

  • Awesome. :3

    Well you will have to wait. I plan to have maybe two more chapters out tonight if we're lucky. Then you will either get it tomorrow, Monday or Tuesday.

  • Which is your favorite story?

    NoHopeLeft posted: »


  • This one

    Which is your favorite story?

  • Hmm... Probably this one.

    Which is your favorite story?

  • Yay I might survive. :3

    supersagig posted: »

    Amazing Chapter!!!!!!!! [Run and save Hello World real fast] Saltlick is going to die doing it but anyway

  • Like the assasins? :P

    Well, Raging is a Blade. A Blade is an organization which will get more backstory as time goes on.


    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Hmm... Damn this is a hard choice, if we run back and save her, Hello World might live, but at the same time both her and the one saving her

  • 6 likes :P

    Holy shit I got 3 likes really fast.

  • I hate the mights , maybes , probablys and those things

    Might is the key word... :P

  • Not really...

    supersagig posted: »

    Like the assasins? :P

  • Might is the key word... :P


  • Alt text

    Might is the key word... :P

  • You have a 80% chance if Saltlick goes back for you...0% if he doesn't...

  • [Run and save Hello World real fast]

    Forces Divided 2-8 Tick...Tick...Tick...Tock... Hello World's POV Hello World goes to pick up her sword, she grabs a cloak and some

  • Hey, you're back!

    Pipas posted: »

    [Run and save Hello World real fast]

  • [Save Hello]

    Forces Divided 2-8 Tick...Tick...Tick...Tock... Hello World's POV Hello World goes to pick up her sword, she grabs a cloak and some

  • I hate Mights , Maybes , Probablys and that kind of stuff XD

    Might is the key word... :P

  • The only thing i know is that i am safe for now :P

    That's all you get from me. :P

  • That's all you get from me. :P

    supersagig posted: »

    I hate Mights , Maybes , Probablys and that kind of stuff XD

  • [Keep running with the rest of the group]

    Forces Divided 2-8 Tick...Tick...Tick...Tock... Hello World's POV Hello World goes to pick up her sword, she grabs a cloak and some

  • And I just caught up, Great Job :)

  • Thanks!

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    And I just caught up, Great Job

  • That was a really good part, stupid rebels though hope saving Hello World gets more than 1 of them killed >:D

    Forces Divided 2-8 Tick...Tick...Tick...Tock... Hello World's POV Hello World goes to pick up her sword, she grabs a cloak and some

  • If I die, flip them off for me. >:)

    kaleion posted: »

    That was a really good part, stupid rebels though hope saving Hello World gets more than 1 of them killed >:D

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