Viva La Forum Revolution (Interactive Story)



  • They fear you at the Mistern Fort!

    Green613 posted: »

    I love my loyal citizens though B]

  • Well maybe they'll fear me less after that :p

    They fear you at the Mistern Fort!

  • Maybe... :P

    Green613 posted: »

    Well maybe they'll fear me less after that

  • [Order better food]

    [Lower taxes]

    Great chapter!!

    Forces Divided 2-11 Time to return to our other heros... Awesomeo's POV Awesomeo grabs Mustache and jumps over board as the ship sl

  • [Order better food to be delivered] Food always is the most important thing! I once went 5 days without food it wasn't good and it took me months to fully recover, always choose food.

    [Keep Taxes the same] To be honest in times of war the wisest thing to do would be raising them, however I know how harsh it can be on the people to raise them since it diminishes acquisitive power, where I live taxes got raised 5% and it was quite bad for me, anyway lowering taxes in the middle of a war is foolish.

    [Get up and investigate] I would never not investigate, I'm curious by nature and I have no sense of urgency and therefore I don't really get scared easily, to be honest I'm pretty surprised that I'm not dead in real life because of this.

    Forces Divided 2-11 Time to return to our other heros... Awesomeo's POV Awesomeo grabs Mustache and jumps over board as the ship sl

  • edited December 2014

    Forces Divided 2-12


    Golden's POV

    The surviving members of the mysterious woman's attack ride horses on thier way to RiverPort, the place Lee was going to take. The horses they got from some Imperials they killed, good horses. It was quiet till someone sparked a conversation.

    Saltlick- So...What the hell was that?

    Golden- An assassin?

    Sagig- No...I know assassins and that was more of a merc.

    Hello World- A Merc?

    Golden- Yeah...Green's probably hiring them.

    Hello World- But...She's dead...Right?

    Saltlick- With hope.

    They keep riding towards RiverPort...Upon arriing later they notice the town in flames, a battle raging between the Rebels and Imperials. With hope Lee is in the middle leading it to claim RiverPort. It would only be a hope...

    Saltlick- Let's go!

    Hello World- Hold up, we just need to find Lee.

    Sagig- I don't care what we do.

    Rebel Choice

    [Ride into the middle of battle to find Lee]

    [Ride to the nearest Rebel camp to find Lee]

    Gustav's POV

    Gustav and Imperial Bodyguards ride upon the burning destroyed remains of a tavern.

    Gustav- Search the place! Find the Blade!

    The Bodyguards move rubble and the remains, stubbling upon the dead body of the Inn Keeper.

    Gustav- Green told her to be cautious about this...We hired an idiot.

    The rubble gets moved to find the cloak of Raging. Then all of a sudden a knife was up against Gustav's neck.

    Raging- I'm NOT an idiot...

    Gustav- My mistake then, Blade.

    Raging- You can call me Raging by the way, the Blades were an order not a name.

    Gustav- Yes...Of course, should we head back to Green?

    Raging- Not yet...I haven't completed my mission...

    The Lord's POV

    A man in royal attire walks around his room in a large mansion. He wears Green indictating an Imperial Lord. He walks towards the ledge outside of his room and looks out across the city he rules. A servant walks in bringing tea...

    Servant- Lord EAA, I have the tea you requested.

    EAA- Yes, set it over there.

    The servant walks out and EAA takes a cup of tea and walks to the balcony.

    EAA- So its seems that our great empire is now faced with a revolution. It reminds me of the old days when our beloved queen promised to end a tyrinical reing so she could install a new one. How she and her husband promised to save thousands of lives by taking thousands of lives. And ofcourse how she stopped cruel banishment and replaced it with public executions. I marvel in remembering how she promise to take care of the people back then when shes all but forgoten them now. Together with her local yes man gustav who prefers to let the queen think for him instead of thinking himself. Oh no sir gustav spare this inmensly dangerous former ally who knows almost exactly how i think. Then she goes to have a "private" meeting with the assasin order to kill the man she just spared. Afther all she has to keep up apperances to...... someone. Though i wonder to who.
    And then we have our Glorious Revolutionaries who think the way to stop the queen is by doing the samething she did. Oh my mistake they saved the beloved gustavs life. Yes in their minds it is okay to kill dangerous people but save those who go beyond dangerous. They also trust each others abilities it seems as according to my spies they entrust critical missions to less than a handfull of people and expect them to sucede. Infact i hear they discuss their operations in not so private places. Of course our queen is not worried i hear she even sent valuable men to investigate dissaperances or the like.
    But still i cannot help but marvel at how the rebels want the same thing she wanted. I remember she was like this infact i trully belive that if she were not queen she herself would be the most dedicated to the rebel cause. She claimed to have the best intentions.But then again some of the most evil things have been done with the best intentions.
    In the end it seems i alone see this rebelion for what it truly is........ a second showing of a play already done in witch the actors play the anthesesis of their first role.

    The servant then walks in again...

    Servant- I forgot my watch!

    EAA-...Did you hear any of that?

    Servant- What, the thing about the Revolution?

    EAA- Yes...That...

    Lord EAA slowly walks over and puts the tea on the table then grabs a sharp letter opener on the table and keeps walking over to the servant.

    EAA- Sit down for a while...

  • The Blades?


    Forces Divided 2-12 YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE... Golden's POV The surviving members of the mysterious woman's attack ride horses on t

  • ...... AWESOME :):)::):):):):):):):):):):):):):):))::):))::))::):):)

    Forces Divided 2-12 YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE... Golden's POV The surviving members of the mysterious woman's attack ride horses on t

  • Mods? :O

    They slayed something else though. ;P

  • They slayed something else though. ;P

    The Blades? SKYRIM XD

  • [Run to the nearest Rebel camp to find Lee] Excellent Chapter!!!!!!!

    Forces Divided 2-12 YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE... Golden's POV The surviving members of the mysterious woman's attack ride horses on t

  • This children, is why you don't forget your watch...

    Forces Divided 2-12 YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE... Golden's POV The surviving members of the mysterious woman's attack ride horses on t

  • Can you add me to Rebel Army? :)

  • Sure can, do you want to be male or female?

    Carley123 posted: »

    Can you add me to Rebel Army?

  • male

    Sure can, do you want to be male or female?

  • Okay, your new name shall be Carl!

    Carley123 posted: »


  • [Ride to the nearest Rebel camp to find Lee]

    Forces Divided 2-12 YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE... Golden's POV The surviving members of the mysterious woman's attack ride horses on t

  • Forces Divided 2-13

    Shit's getting real...

    Creeping's POV

    Creeping slowly opened the large wooden door, it proved a harder task than expected. He looked around the large room, lots of skeletons spread around...

    Creeping- Something happened here.

    Creeping then noticed a large vault like door, it was huge, covering the largest wall in the room. He noticed a few cracks and broken parts of it where a type of darkness was seeping through. He slowly walked towards it and then he heard slow clapping, Creeping turned around very fast. He notcied a man in Imperial armor...Like the guards at the outpost...Like the guard who came in with him...But it was not any of them.

    ???- Very good...Very good...

    Creeping- Who are you!

    ???- You may call me Etic, I have many names though.

    Creeping- Why are you here?

    Etic- This used to be my home, this temple, people were fun here...Then one day people came...Lead by Green...Slughtered everyone in here. This vault contains endless power and Green wanted to stop that.

    Creeping- How did you survive?

    Etic- Well...I hid, not proud but I'm alive. The guards outside don't know that lies in here...Infinite power...You andyour rebellion could have it...You just need to open that door...

    Creeping- How can I trust you?

    Etic- You can't....But you can stop the rebellion right now...Just...Open it.

    Rebel Choice

    [Open the Vault]


    Neon's POV

    Neon and Dojo wake up in the morning and walk towards the Guild Hall. They walk towards Flog and Flog looks excited to greet Neon.

    Flog- Oh yes, our young initate!

    Neon- Hello, Grandmaster.

    Flog- Alright, we have an easy one. You have to head towards this tavern in The HomeStead, in there lives a man who is the brother of an Imperial Lord. Lord EAA requests that his brother EAI is killed since he supports the Rebels. EAI is a weak man and you can easily kill him.

    Neon- Why this man?

    Flog- We were tasked with killing him, this is also to confirm you aren't a rebel.

    Neon- Alright...Just give me what I need.

    Flog instrusts Dojo to take Neon to the armory and give her the supplies needed. Dojo does just that and Neon leaves...To kill a Rebel supporter.

    Coming's POV

    Coming- Cut him off!

    X1H2 was already off, Coming runs back up the stairs. He hides behind a wall and sees the Imperial running towards him, he holds out his leg and makes the soldier trip. Coming then holds his sword to the soldier's neck and his leg on his chest. X1H2 soon catchs up.

    Coming- Glad you finally made it.

    X1H2- Yeah...

    Coming faces the soldier.

    Coming- Alright, who are you?

    ???- Please don't kill me, I'm called MaxBear.

    Coming- Why are you here?

    MaxBear- Empress Green instructed us to secure the building.

    Coming- Why...This place is pretty shit.

    MaxBear- So we could close the-

    An arrow flies through the air and soon pierces Coming in his chest. It knocks him off balance...and an Imperial soldier jumps down and runs over.

    ???- MaxBear are you alright!?

    MaxBear- Yes, Quality.

    Coming and X1H2 pulls out thier swords and faces MaxBear and Quality, the two Imperials do the same.

    Quality- Now listen we don't need to fight.

    Rebel Choice

    [Fight them]

    [Discuss things like civilized people]

  • [Refuse]


    [Discuss things like civilized people]

    I don´t want to kill quality.

    Amazing Chapter!!!!!!!!!

    Forces Divided 2-13 Shit's getting real... Creeping's POV Creeping slowly opened the large wooden door, it proved a harder task tha

  • [Refuse] - Nope...That can't be good.

    [Discuss things like civilized people] - If they wish to be civil about it i don't see why we shouldn't do the same.

    Forces Divided 2-13 Shit's getting real... Creeping's POV Creeping slowly opened the large wooden door, it proved a harder task tha

  • Why don't you want to open it. :P

    supersagig posted: »

    [Refuse] DON´T OPEN THE FUCKING VAULT. [Discuss things like civilized people] I don´t want to kill quality. Amazing Chapter!!!!!!!!!

  • Why can't it be good?

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    [Refuse] - Nope...That can't be good. [Discuss things like civilized people] - If they wish to be civil about it i don't see why we shouldn't do the same.

  • Lots of bad things could be in it, and it's kinda scary...

    Why can't it be good?

  • Vault= Borderlands = Giant Monster = Lexi Porter

    Why don't you want to open it. :P

  • I also said the main villain would be introduced in this episode...Who do you think it is?

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Lots of bad things could be in it, and it's kinda scary...

  • I have no idea, but i think someone's going to die. Oh and if your saying what i think your saying, then the main villain is inside the vault...It's a bad idea to open it.

    I also said the main villain would be introduced in this episode...Who do you think it is?

  • Vault= mysterious.

    supersagig posted: »

    Vault= Borderlands = Giant Monster = Lexi Porter

  • Vault= Danger

    Vault= mysterious.

  • Power= Danger

    Vault= Power.

  • -curls into a ball and wraps himself in a blanket-

    Your scaring me. ;~;

    Lots of people will die my friend... Maybe the villain is outside or inside...Or everywhere.

  • Lots of people will die my friend...

    Maybe the villain is outside or inside...Or everywhere.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I have no idea, but i think someone's going to die. Oh and if your saying what i think your saying, then the main villain is inside the vault...It's a bad idea to open it.

  • Vault= Power.

    supersagig posted: »

    Vault= Danger

  • -Curls into a ball and wraps himself in a blanket-

    Your scaring me ;~;

    Lots of people will die my friend... Maybe the villain is outside or inside...Or everywhere.

  • Power = Danger

    Vault= Power.

  • Okay, I finally got the time to read through all. Good story, Golden. I knew you have decent writing skills.

  • Good.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    -Curls into a ball and wraps himself in a blanket- Your scaring me ;~;

  • Fair enough.

    supersagig posted: »

    Power = Danger

  • I only got a decent?


    fallandir posted: »

    Okay, I finally got the time to read through all. Good story, Golden. I knew you have decent writing skills.

  • Magnificent, delicious, enchanting, delightful. I don't know more words to describe this joy of mine, I can't English very vell.

    [clap clap]

    Alt text

    I only got a decent? Well...Thanks!

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