That trailer is so AWESOME! _ I friggin can't wait for Episode 2 to come out now, it looks like it'll be super funny!
Anybody notice Fion… morea's gun looks different? In the episode before it was one barrel, but now it's three and there are different colors lit up on the side of it. I bet it's like that tiny gun now from Men in Black where where it'll just go BOOM when she uses it XD
He really only had one line that wasn't masked/altered in Ep 1, but I watched the trailer for Ep 2 and that's definitely Dameon Clarke.
Is it possible you think his voice sounds different because he spent almost all of BL2 speaking via ECHO? I remember seeing a Youtube video awhile ago where the user uploaded some of HJ's dialogue before it was altered/filtered to sound like it was coming from an ECHO, and several commenters thought it was a different actor.
Is it just me or does Jack sound... Different? In Ep1 he sounded the same as usual, but in that trailer it felt like someone else was voicing him. I hope that isn't the case. Because Dameon Clarke fits him so well.
It's just because Jack is being serious for once in his life. Dameon plays him pretty OTT the majority of the time (because all his lines are so crazy), but when he's serious his voice takes on this hard edge that's genuinely chilling - a prime example is the ECHO he sends in BL2 when he's torturing a certain someone and stabbing them over and over again. O_O
Is it just me or does Jack sound... Different? In Ep1 he sounded the same as usual, but in that trailer it felt like someone else was voicing him. I hope that isn't the case. Because Dameon Clarke fits him so well.
I don't know - they still very much seem to be on the trail of the Gortys Project (that building that rises out of the ground is Gortys related), and then I think we've got Hyperion going after Rhys and Vaughn and August's thugs going after Fiona and Sasha.
I agree. This episode seems to have a more serious tone to it, which is perfectly normal in Borderlands. A good part of comedy, then a good … morepart of more serious stuff. Its something I really loved about Borderlands 2.
Also for some reason I feel like (based of the trailer) this episode looks like it will be taking a step back in story development at least. Maybe just a little bit of development but not a whole lot, similar to Wolf Among Us Ep2
Definitely get what you mean. Just re-watched the Zer0 Sum trailers and they were waaay more light-hearted and zany, but I think it's just the super intense scenes with Jack that have altered the tone in this. I'm sure the actual episode will have just as many laughs as the first, but to be honest I'm really looking forward to some more serious scenes as well!
Does anyone else feel like that trailer was actually quite serious? Like I don't think it felt anywhere near as light-hearted as the Zer0 Su… morem ones did, but I guess it's just the scenes that they decided to show us - I really hope it's still funny and ridiculous like episode one.
Best comedy comes from misery I think. But yeah, it's really important that they balance both comedy and tragedy well. I don't want to play game that only try to make me laugh.
Does anyone else feel like that trailer was actually quite serious? Like I don't think it felt anywhere near as light-hearted as the Zer0 Su… morem ones did, but I guess it's just the scenes that they decided to show us - I really hope it's still funny and ridiculous like episode one.
Aw, shiaaat. My final exams start on the 18th, so I can't play it until at least Thursday afternoon, if I'm reasonable I won't play it until the 24th (as that's my last exam)
Nothing about it's release has actually been confirmed. All they said was something like stay tuned that week for news or something, we don't now if it's coming then or if they'll give us the dates then. So simply put, we don't know.
Job said "the week of the 17th" so it extremely likely that's when it will be released as that time frame was mentioned on two separate occasions during the panel.
Nothing about it's release has actually been confirmed. All they said was something like stay tuned that week for news or something, we don't now if it's coming then or if they'll give us the dates then. So simply put, we don't know.
Ugh I remember when we got a short trailer from Pax on January. They told us that it's comig soo--eh later. Then we had another TFTB Pax panel and we got, you guessed it, awesome trailer but no release date. Maybe we'll get the release date on the 15th or not, I don't really care. All that matters is that they fu**ing release the game next week!!
New official trailer with release dates from March 17th
I'm still slightly confused about the release dates. I think they're definitely hoping for the 17th but are relying on the publishers to get them up in time - with what Job said about getting the episode out the second it's ready it makes me wonder if this will be the first TT game published on a day other than Tuesday (which is certainly better than them holding it hostage until the next available Tuesday).
ETA: Actually, forget all that - the Twitter post was a lot less vague than the Facebook ones - M17 it is!
New official trailer with release dates from March 17th
New official trailer with release dates from March 17th
It sounds like they are waiting on the conformation emails from their partners (Sony, Microsoft, Apple and Android) before they can officially confirm all the dates as they normally want to try and release on all platforms as close together as possible.
I'm still slightly confused about the release dates. I think they're definitely hoping for the 17th but are relying on the publishers to get… more them up in time - with what Job said about getting the episode out the second it's ready it makes me wonder if this will be the first TT game published on a day other than Tuesday (which is certainly better than them holding it hostage until the next available Tuesday).
ETA: Actually, forget all that - the Twitter post was a lot less vague than the Facebook ones - M17 it is!
Also, the trailer is even more glorious in HD!
Just go with it dang it!!!!!! Lol
Ah, next week! Yes, can't wait.
That trailer is awesome. Hype has now increased hugely.
Great. As if I didn't have ENOUGH exciting things distracting me from my work XD
oh great the week i have a project due in nice going telltale hahaha xD
Pls Pipas
Not by a long shot
I imagine she probably managed to pawn enough old Atlas stuff to buy a new one. The hidden, single-bullet model wasn't very practical for survival.
He really only had one line that wasn't masked/altered in Ep 1, but I watched the trailer for Ep 2 and that's definitely Dameon Clarke.
Is it possible you think his voice sounds different because he spent almost all of BL2 speaking via ECHO? I remember seeing a Youtube video awhile ago where the user uploaded some of HJ's dialogue before it was altered/filtered to sound like it was coming from an ECHO, and several commenters thought it was a different actor.
Took them long enough 100th episode or not .
You just won the internet.
It's just because Jack is being serious for once in his life. Dameon plays him pretty OTT the majority of the time (because all his lines are so crazy), but when he's serious his voice takes on this hard edge that's genuinely chilling - a prime example is the ECHO he sends in BL2 when he's torturing a certain someone and stabbing them over and over again. O_O
I don't know - they still very much seem to be on the trail of the Gortys Project (that building that rises out of the ground is Gortys related), and then I think we've got Hyperion going after Rhys and Vaughn and August's thugs going after Fiona and Sasha.
Definitely get what you mean. Just re-watched the Zer0 Sum trailers and they were waaay more light-hearted and zany, but I think it's just the super intense scenes with Jack that have altered the tone in this. I'm sure the actual episode will have just as many laughs as the first, but to be honest I'm really looking forward to some more serious scenes as well!
Best comedy comes from misery I think.
But yeah, it's really important that they balance both comedy and tragedy well. I don't want to play game that only try to make me laugh.
Aw, shiaaat. My final exams start on the 18th, so I can't play it until at least Thursday afternoon, if I'm reasonable I won't play it until the 24th (as that's my last exam)
Sooo...Thursday it is ;P
if only it was that simple
Is Larry from the walking deads voice actor the same as Jacks? They sound really similar.
They are different voice actors, Larry is voiced by Terence McGovern and Handsome Jack is voiced by Dameon Clarke.
So, I was really unhappy because I thought I'm gonna have an exam on Saturday (don't ask) but it will be on Saturday in two weeks
so I'm happy now
Guys, can somebody please give a clear answer. Is the game releasing on the "week of the 17th", or is merely more info coming out then?
I believe it's March 17th.
Telltale tends to complete the game within two months, then polish the hell out of it.
I think they were a bit too thorough, but it'll pay off. Hopefully.
It's an octopus, but yeah. Same, I still need to watch the preview, or whatever video they had for ep 2 for LiS they showed yesterday.
Nothing about it's release has actually been confirmed. All they said was something like stay tuned that week for news or something, we don't now if it's coming then or if they'll give us the dates then. So simply put, we don't know.
Job said "the week of the 17th" so it extremely likely that's when it will be released as that time frame was mentioned on two separate occasions during the panel.
First Mention
Second Mention
During the panel they said to watch the TT twitter, and they couldn't say much else about it (other than their trusted soon).
Ugh I remember when we got a short trailer from Pax on January. They told us that it's comig soo--eh later. Then we had another TFTB Pax panel and we got, you guessed it, awesome trailer but no release date. Maybe we'll get the release date on the 15th or not, I don't really care. All that matters is that they fu**ing release the game next week!!
Im boored... Amuse me minions
New official trailer with release dates from March 17th
Also @Shubbalubbadingdong, pls.
I'm still slightly confused about the release dates. I think they're definitely hoping for the 17th but are relying on the publishers to get them up in time - with what Job said about getting the episode out the second it's ready it makes me wonder if this will be the first TT game published on a day other than Tuesday (which is certainly better than them holding it hostage until the next available Tuesday).
ETA: Actually, forget all that - the Twitter post was a lot less vague than the Facebook ones - M17 it is!
Also, the trailer is even more glorious in HD!
@Shubbalubbadingdong should cry in shame right now
Uh, pardon?
It sounds like they are waiting on the conformation emails from their partners (Sony, Microsoft, Apple and Android) before they can officially confirm all the dates as they normally want to try and release on all platforms as close together as possible.
Can't wait.