Episode 2 Release Date Discussion - Release Dates "Starting March 17th", Official Trailer In Thread



  • I like Handsome Jack too, and loader bot :D

    Don't worry, Kiddo - I'll protect you.

  • It could also be because they're hoping to release the TPS trailer during Gearbox's Community Day at PAX South...

    Only reason game of thrones is getting a trailer first and probably released first is because Telltale probably cares about GOT more

  • Same feelings here...I like GoT but Tales is way better. :)

    Telltale. Y u do this?

  • Troy Baker appears on IGN's Up At Noon, says Voice acting is done and hints at Episode 2 release being "soon"



    EEEE! I can't wait! Please be a good episode!

  • Yes, but I suck and I'm playing as Zer0 who doesn't have the best special ability in the world.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    When was it hard to kill Wilhelm? In the first one or the second? I only have Borderlands 2 and he was really easy to beat, at least to me.

  • Aw :D

    Don't worry, Kiddo - I'll protect you.

  • Yeah, I thought about it but I can't, because I only have internet on my mom's computer (which is in the living-room just next to the TV), and she doesn't me to install games on her computer ;_; So I have to play alone.

    Dapnee posted: »

    You two should consider playing the games again with friends. It's a lot more fun, you get to hear your characters interacting with each oth

  • I love sirens so much. I love her powers and her tattoos, it just looks so cool :3

    Same - I really missed having a siren in TPS!

  • no offence, but isn't that what all people say when is the TOA? Every delievery service, every people we're supposed to meet... "WHEN are you coming?' "soon," And they're still on the way like an hour later! We NEED a exact release date! GOD!

  • The wait is literally killing me... I mean GoT is cool and all, but TFTB was just....


    gina-0816 posted: »

    no offence, but isn't that what all people say when is the TOA? Every delievery service, every people we're supposed to meet... "WHEN are you coming?' "soon," And they're still on the way like an hour later! We NEED a exact release date! GOD!

  • I can't agree more. I bought 'em both too, but TFTB was really... I can't tell since it's only 1 episode, but if it keeps going this way, I think it might be the best TTG game EVER.

    The wait is literally killing me... I mean GoT is cool and all, but TFTB was just.... AWESOMETACULAR.

  • I don't really know why I even like TFTB so much. Because of the humor or because of the interesting story? I can't tell.

    Probably both though

    gina-0816 posted: »

    I can't agree more. I bought 'em both too, but TFTB was really... I can't tell since it's only 1 episode, but if it keeps going this way, I think it might be the best TTG game EVER.

  • Yeah, part of the reason why I'm so anxious to see ep. 2 is because I need reassurance that it's not going to go downhill from here! Episode 1 was SO good, I agree it could end up being TT's masterpiece, so it might be hard for them to keep to the high standard throughout the other four episodes... My worst fear is the other episodes being mediocre and therefore a disappointment after such a strong start. Come on Telltale, assuage my fears and prove me wrong!!!

    gina-0816 posted: »

    I can't agree more. I bought 'em both too, but TFTB was really... I can't tell since it's only 1 episode, but if it keeps going this way, I think it might be the best TTG game EVER.

  • I think I love it because I'm slightly in love with Rhys... :/ (oh dear)
    But seriously, the story seems really interesting and it's such a nice change from the horror of TWD and the darkness of TWAU.
    It just grips you right from the start, and that's hard to do in storytelling. I love all the characters already, they're all so wacky and dynamic, even quite minor characters like August and Yvette. I feel like Fiona could've been given slightly more development, but it is only the first episode, so I'm sure TT will make her more three-dimensional soon.

    Crips posted: »

    I don't really know why I even like TFTB so much. Because of the humor or because of the interesting story? I can't tell. Probably both though

  • I'd imagine the Tales one will come out next week, like it happened with the first episode.

    Game of Thrones Trailer before Tales From The Borderlands?

  • I just started playing TWAU for the first time cause I've been putting that off for way too long. The only thing TWAU has me thinking about is my love of finding things that can help later, but only if I take the time to look for them. Kind of like finding Nakayama's ID drive, I thought it was something you'd been lucky to find, but was later disappointed to find that the game forces you to find it (even if it was necessary to advance the plot).

  • So, with GoT coming on 3rd February, how about a surprise release of TftB this Tuesday? Pretty please?

  • Honestly, I don't give a shit about GoT.
    If TFTB E2 comes early February it's ok, because I really look forward to play Life is Strange on January, 30th. And after the deep and dark story of that, I am happy to be able to fuck shit up on Pandora ^^

  • I like GoT, fantasy medieval style and stuff, but I'm not crazy about GoT so I agree. :P

    Honestly, I don't give a shit about GoT. If TFTB E2 comes early February it's ok, because I really look forward to play Life is Strange on January, 30th. And after the deep and dark story of that, I am happy to be able to fuck shit up on Pandora ^^

  • One can dream...Right? :')

    Pipas posted: »

    So, with GoT coming on 3rd February, how about a surprise release of TftB this Tuesday? Pretty please?

  • I still think we're going to get it beforehand, and the only reason the GoT trailer came first is because they're saving the preview for Pax South in a couple of days. We could still get it on the 27th (and then GoT a week later, just like before).

    Pipas posted: »

    So, with GoT coming on 3rd February, how about a surprise release of TftB this Tuesday? Pretty please?

  • Let's all hope so!

    pls i want handsome jack and rhys and fiona


    I still think we're going to get it beforehand, and the only reason the GoT trailer came first is because they're saving the preview for Pax South in a couple of days. We could still get it on the 27th (and then GoT a week later, just like before).

  • edited January 2015

    I really don't like that they are favouring GOT
    I will play it of course but I'm sooo much more excited about Tales of Borderlands

  • They're not favouring GOT, but GOT has six episodes, so they had to release 2 episodes of GoT at the same time eventually.

    Journey95 posted: »

    I really don't like that they are favouring GOT I will play it of course but I'm sooo much more excited about Tales of Borderlands

  • Two episodes at the same time?????

    I just think they wanted to advertise ahead, and Tales From The Borderlands is till coming out next week.

    Crips posted: »

    They're not favouring GOT, but GOT has six episodes, so they had to release 2 episodes of GoT at the same time eventually.

  • Or that too.

    You know, we never know. But I also think so. Or at least hope so.

    Two episodes at the same time????? I just think they wanted to advertise ahead, and Tales From The Borderlands is till coming out next week.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It won't be released next Thesday or before as there is no episode 2 press key on the Steam database, no press key = no release as press won't be able to review it before release.

    I still think we're going to get it beforehand, and the only reason the GoT trailer came first is because they're saving the preview for Pax South in a couple of days. We could still get it on the 27th (and then GoT a week later, just like before).

  • We're all waiting for it, you know it, I know it, everybody knows it, some damn tease tweet from Job is all it takes.

  • Guess its a matter of opinion then.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Same feelings here...I like GoT but Tales is way better.

  • edited January 2015

    Don't be so harsh dude. A lot of people want to see more Game of Thrones first, so just because Telltale's decisions aren't appealing to you doesn't give you the right to throw the other game to the wind

    Honestly, I don't give a shit about GoT. If TFTB E2 comes early February it's ok, because I really look forward to play Life is Strange on January, 30th. And after the deep and dark story of that, I am happy to be able to fuck shit up on Pandora ^^

  • edited January 2015

    I already commented on this but I'm hoping that people can be more chill about Game of Thrones getting an episode first and vice versa if Tales gets an episode first... its not fair to either one of their fans or the game or Telltale to completely bash it over something as stupid as which one gets an episode release first.

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  • One of the worst bosses for me was Zarpedon in Pre Sequel. I literally died 30 times then rage quit and leveled up twice with some side missions then got a sweet new gun that allowed me to kill her pretty fast.

    Here's a video of a guy who found a sneaky way to kill her but he even tells you how many times he dies and shows you with it speeded up XD


    Crips posted: »

    Ah, I get it. Yeah, some enemies are so frustrating to kill >.> Do you remember Wilhelm? The giant robot that Jack apparently used

  • Don't worry, "soon" they will prove you wrong, "soon." Sorry for the dick joke, but they did do Sam &Max and Monkey island before. So I have full trust that they won't fuck this up. Oh, but if they do, though, we can always start riot, right guys?

    Yeah, part of the reason why I'm so anxious to see ep. 2 is because I need reassurance that it's not going to go downhill from here! Episode

  • Who gives two poops, it from TTG, we know it is going to be good, who needs a press key anyway. No, but just kidding, but maybe they are hiding the press keys as well, till the trailer, one can hope?

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It won't be released next Thesday or before as there is no episode 2 press key on the Steam database, no press key = no release as press won't be able to review it before release.

  • Just use the vibra pulse and its super easy

    One of the worst bosses for me was Zarpedon in Pre Sequel. I literally died 30 times then rage quit and leveled up twice with some side miss

  • I don't find anything particularly harsh about his comment. He's not bashing the game, he just doesn't care to hear about it. For that matter, neither do I.

    Don't be so harsh dude. A lot of people want to see more Game of Thrones first, so just because Telltale's decisions aren't appealing to you doesn't give you the right to throw the other game to the wind

  • Save img as...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Me when Ep 2 is announced

  • yeah me 2. can't really point a finger at... i'd have to say both too.

    Crips posted: »

    I don't really know why I even like TFTB so much. Because of the humor or because of the interesting story? I can't tell. Probably both though

  • Well, there goes that pipe dream...

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    OzzyUK posted: »

    It won't be released next Thesday or before as there is no episode 2 press key on the Steam database, no press key = no release as press won't be able to review it before release.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited January 2015

    Sorry to crush your dreams but i just wanted to show you the facts as you seem new to Telltale releases judging from your join date.

    I have been using the Steam database to track releases since the start of TWD Season 2 and all the episodes have the same pattern with the episode being added to the Steam database fairly early on with daily updates, then the press keys will be added and after that it will be released.

    They also would have released key art and a trailer with release dates by now if it was next Tuesday.

    Well, there goes that pipe dream...

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