Episode 2 Release Date Discussion - Release Dates "Starting March 17th", Official Trailer In Thread



  • I'd be psyched if we saw Tiny Tina!

    Dharan posted: »

    Yay, Athena! Tho I hope we could see more characters from BL2, since Pre-Sequel wasn't really my favourite.

  • or waking me up in the middle of night

    Doing what? Monologuing, I presume?

    At least he's not streaming bad pornos nonstop into your head as a joke. Yet.

    No, really? Of course I did. I do have a mind of my own when you're not invading it or waking me up in the middle of night.

  • I went out and rented TPS last week just to pass the time between Telltale episodes. Absolutely loved it, despite its scope being smaller than BL2's. I rarely rent games, but I'm not interested in buying TPS until the Handsome Bundle for PS4 comes out. It'll be nice that I can use cross saves to continue my PS3 playthroughs of BL2/TPS. Hopefully the bundle will include the Baroness for free (like the already-released DLCs will be) :)

    But I'd love to do a second playthrough as Jack the Doppleganger. He wasn't available on the rental copy, naturally. There seriously needs to be more Jack/Jack out there, because the idea is friggin' hot. Or at least Jack/Nisha/Jack.

    Dapnee posted: »

    Withdrawal biting away at you? Might I suggest giving the new class, the baroness, a spin over on the Pre-Sequel. I'm absolutely in love wit

  • There there, bb.

    /holds you

    Huh, really thought we might have a trailer by now. But nope, apparently not. That's fine, I'm totally cool with this. Yes, I'm fine. Honestly. No, I'm not crying, what are you on about? sobs intensify

  • yeah that's my worst nightmare too. ending-wise, I have to say i think twd series had most high quality endings. wolf amongst us had kind of "okay"ending, though i liked the twist at the end. they must be thinking about the ending and figure out other episode plots by now, or it'll be a what we call in our country, "dragon's head and snake's tail" situation.

    Yeah, part of the reason why I'm so anxious to see ep. 2 is because I need reassurance that it's not going to go downhill from here! Episode

  • count me in too and ill bring cool hats. somebody bring firearm and psycho masks.

    puts on shades

  • geez! that's my life moto right there. keep your expectations at very least, and you shall not be dissapointed(that much).
    has been working out fine until now.

    It's not coming out next week. No trailer, no teases, not even a trailer announcement. Don't expect the game before Febuary 17, you won't

  • i purchased both, but in my case i like tftb better. but i care for both.
    my best case scenario is that one comes first and few days later one comes right afer.
    that way i can play one first in full of hope for next coming one ;D

    You should give GoT a chance (if you haven't already). They are, so far, both great games, so I don't mind if any comes out sooner, but I must say I'm more excited about GoT story wise.

  • Yes! That was posted a little while back in this thread and I am actually totally onboard with it/don't think it's crazy at all.

    But take that with a grain of salt, because in that same thread I'm utterly convinced that the captor is at least three other people... >_<

    I definitely think that one has the most foreshadowing etc., and if it did turn out to be Vaughn I'd be tremendously impressed by the clues TT left.

    Alrighty then, you asked for it. I have a sneaking suspicion that the stranger may be Vaughn. Okay hear me out, there are several reasons th

  • Yeah, the ages definitely don't line up, but for a split second there this was my new headcanon.

    Inferring-Something-From-Nothing-Theory #2: What if...Fiona was the (half siren?) daughter of Roland and Lilith? Fiona has a red streak in h

  • Oh, see, with this one you've just hit the nail on the head!

    Theory #3: What if... Vasquez was an artificial human created for the sole purpose of screwing Rhys over and being an asshole to everyone? Mind = BLOWN

  • I think where twau messed up is when they tried to reveal their ending in a clever way, and it ended up just confusing the majority of people who played it, which made it a lot less affective than it could've been. I agree twd season one has the best ending to date of any telltale game.

    gina-0816 posted: »

    yeah that's my worst nightmare too. ending-wise, I have to say i think twd series had most high quality endings. wolf amongst us had kind of

  • Yes, I knew someone would see the light soon!

    Oh, see, with this one you've just hit the nail on the head!

  • Oh cool, I didn't realise anyone else had picked up on this! It could be a possibility definitely! Who else do you think it could be?

    Yes! That was posted a little while back in this thread and I am actually totally onboard with it/don't think it's crazy at all. But take

  • That thread has some of the best Captor theories, but out of them my favourite is Timothy (Jack's body double).

    I'm still not 100% convinced about Moxxi, but the Felix one raised a few interesting questions as well.

    Oh cool, I didn't realise anyone else had picked up on this! It could be a possibility definitely! Who else do you think it could be?

  • Oh man, that's annoying. I also just remembered that inside the caravan there is a poster advertising Dionysus as a holiday destination, the planet that Lilith is originally from. Hm, what does anyone else think the significance of the red hair-streak could be then? Because you can't tell if she has blue fingernails in the photo, and it could just be really poorly chosen nail varnish that she wears in the future also...

    Yeah, the ages definitely don't line up, but for a split second there this was my new headcanon.

  • I dont know about Timothy, wouldn't he be more or less the same height as Rhys? Other than that I would say yeah I could see it being him, maybe not Moxxi but Felix perhaps. Although with the voice-distorting mask, would it also distort Felix's accent from English to American? Hm... There are a lot of things to consider, and TT are definitely being cautious not to reveal too much too soon. We should renew this discussion after the second episode is out.

    That thread has some of the best Captor theories, but out of them my favourite is Timothy (Jack's body double). I'm still not 100% convinced about Moxxi, but the Felix one raised a few interesting questions as well.

  • Accurate user name is accurate.

    63 days and counting.

  • Yep, the Baroness and the upcoming story DLC (which is set in the mind of Claptrap!!!) will both be included for free in the Handsome Collection. :)

    nursethalia posted: »

    I went out and rented TPS last week just to pass the time between Telltale episodes. Absolutely loved it, despite its scope being smaller th

  • Sadly (and boringly) I think both are just stylistic choices.

    Oh man, that's annoying. I also just remembered that inside the caravan there is a poster advertising Dionysus as a holiday destination, the

  • Definitely - hopefully we get a few more clues!

    I dont know about Timothy, wouldn't he be more or less the same height as Rhys? Other than that I would say yeah I could see it being him, m

  • But she has the red streak in her hair in that photo when she's like 8 or 9 years old? I think it's unlikely that she's had it dyed the same way since she was that young, so it looks more like she was born with it.

    Sadly (and boringly) I think both are just stylistic choices.

  • Yeah, I mean a stylistic choice by the designers, not by Fiona herself. Coloured hair seems to be almost a naturally occurring thing in the borderlands universe.

    But she has the red streak in her hair in that photo when she's like 8 or 9 years old? I think it's unlikely that she's had it dyed the same way since she was that young, so it looks more like she was born with it.

  • Oh right haha, fair enough. I guess we'll have to wait and see...

    Yeah, I mean a stylistic choice by the designers, not by Fiona herself. Coloured hair seems to be almost a naturally occurring thing in the borderlands universe.

  • The last game I rented was Skyrim, and that was about a week after it released, for the intent of seeing if I wanted to buy it (and I did). My only issue after playing TPS is that when I go back to BL2 I start trying to do the boost jump while I'm running. The main reason I already have TPS is cause my laptop is game quality and I just plug it straight into my TV to play with a controller.

    I was actually thinking of getting the Collectors edition of the Handsome Jack Collection and found out they only had 5,000 copies of that, so too bad for me, gotta wait for the plain version to come out. I'm mainly getting it because my two brothers like playing co-op and I might get my sister to play along if I can actually get her to play Tales.

    nursethalia posted: »

    I went out and rented TPS last week just to pass the time between Telltale episodes. Absolutely loved it, despite its scope being smaller th

  • Thread came at the worst time, when people start to go crazy and hate the word "SOON".

    Alt text

    Save yourselves if you can!

    Poor mods.

    Alt text

  • I hated wolf amongst us, literally

    Alt text

    electr0de posted: »

    I hated wolf amongst us, literally. But tales from borderlands is just too good. I really wanna play episode 2

  • Um, why is Fiona's dialogue tree the same as Rhy's? Telltale aren't getting lazy are they?

  • I asked the same thing, but remember, it's an early clip of a still unfinished product. Give them time, they will fix it.

    J-Master posted: »

    Um, why is Fiona's dialogue tree the same as Rhy's? Telltale aren't getting lazy are they?

  • Oh man, they are so lazy because they didn't change the fricking dialogue tree style.

    J-Master posted: »

    Um, why is Fiona's dialogue tree the same as Rhy's? Telltale aren't getting lazy are they?

  • Alt text

    still waiting on that teaser.

  • I know right? How come it's taking so long? At the panel they made it sound like it would be out within a week or so but clearly that isn't going to be the case... :'(

    still waiting on that teaser.

  • edited January 2015

    The next Game of Thrones episode is coming out next Tuesday, so don't expect anything for a week or so. Especially don't expect the next episode of Tales before the 10th. We'll only get it then if we're lucky.

    I know right? How come it's taking so long? At the panel they made it sound like it would be out within a week or so but clearly that isn't going to be the case...

  • If it's not from Telltale, Don't trust it.

    I saw somewhere the ep 2 of this game will be out the 10 February.

  • Well nothing has been confirmed by Telltale yet so that's entirely false. However based on predictions since that date is one week after GoT Ep 2 hits it's more probable that that date is more likely than anything.

    I saw somewhere the ep 2 of this game will be out the 10 February.

  • I saw somewhere the ep 2 of this game will be out the 10 February.

  • Calmly refreshing this page every few hours awaiting any news as I plot where to vent all of my frustration towards right now? Me? Nah, couldn't be me. I wouldn't freak out, that wouldn't help.

    :tapping fingers on table with furrowed brows:

  • Alt text

    Calmly refreshing this page every few hours awaiting any news as I plot where to vent all of my frustration towards right now? Me? Nah, couldn't be me. I wouldn't freak out, that wouldn't help. :tapping fingers on table with furrowed brows:

  • I say next week you start refreshing. Probably around Wednesday or Thursday.

    Calmly refreshing this page every few hours awaiting any news as I plot where to vent all of my frustration towards right now? Me? Nah, couldn't be me. I wouldn't freak out, that wouldn't help. :tapping fingers on table with furrowed brows:

  • edited January 2015

    Uh, okay, excuse me for thinking they were going to use Fiona's dialogue tree, like they did in episode 1, I only question it because I want Telltale to keep putting effort into their games.

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    Oh man, they are so lazy because they didn't change the fricking dialogue tree style.

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