Episode 2 Release Date Discussion - Release Dates "Starting March 17th", Official Trailer In Thread



  • It's a tease, so yeah it can mean anything.

    himmatsj posted: »

    That would be kinda too close right? Also, Job said might. I'd put my money on 17th now, or 24th if things are bad.

  • edited February 2015

    "Is your name winter? Because you'll be coming soon.""

    "Are you a campfire? Cause you are hot and I want s'more."

    Time for some pick-up lines! If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?

  • I think the next waiting time will be shorter. But I can also be wrong. Mind share some of that ice cream?

    Quiff posted: »

    I feel that now is an appropriate time to start my fast. For when the new episode is released I will once again eat through the pain of having to wait another +4 month for the next episode.

  • Go ahed.

    I think the next waiting time will be shorter. But I can also be wrong. Mind share some of that ice cream?

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    himmatsj posted: »

    You are gullible.

  • edited February 2015

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    You were saying...?

  • edited February 2015

    Dunno about shorter but... I'm a slowpoke and I played e1 like 2 weeks(?) ago, and I. Can't. Wait. I dunno how people been holding up for months.

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    I never waited for games because usually I find out about them when they're already out (from let's players and steam).
    What am I doing with my life god this is so frustrating.

    I think the next waiting time will be shorter. But I can also be wrong. Mind share some of that ice cream?

  • So those multiple updates per day to the Steam Database, are what? A giant ruse to throw us all off Telltales nefarious plan to withhold episodes - AND THEY'VE GOT THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT INVOLVED TOO?!!

    I know Telltale are moving up in the world, but even with the new Lionsgate deal I still don't think they'd have the clout to withhold The Australian Classification board's ruling - especially as it goes against the country's freedom of information laws, meaning it's completely illegal (and, y'know, it's also batshit insane)...

    himmatsj posted: »

    You are gullible.

  • edited February 2015

    After playing the pre-sequel, this is actually kinda sad.

  • A Britishman walks into a bar in the US and asks: "Can I have a beer?". The bartender replies "No you cunt!".

    Guys lets do some bar jokes i'll start us off with one: A guy walks into a bar and sees a sign that reads: Cheese Sandwich: $1.50 Chick

  • Yeah, I wish there was a "we're gonna take you to a therapist" option. Not that he'd go, but I didn't want to kill him, and I wasn't going to let Lilith do it.

    DeityD posted: »

    After playing the pre-sequel, this is actually kinda sad.

  • Don't fight with himmatsj, Jack, it's one fight you don't wanna start, since he's been complaining about the wait from few weeks now and won't look at any argument saying Telltale is not horrible lazy teasing assholes seriously.

    So those multiple updates per day to the Steam Database, are what? A giant ruse to throw us all off Telltales nefarious plan to withhold epi

  • I know that feeling. When he said "first, you're gonna find me a doctor" I was like... yes,cause you need one. Like, seriously... and not because of your face.

    I blame it all on playing the pre-sequel first (well, first was the Tales but) and BL2 after that. I will never be able to see him as people who played BL2 first do.

    nursethalia posted: »

    Yeah, I wish there was a "we're gonna take you to a therapist" option. Not that he'd go, but I didn't want to kill him, and I wasn't going to let Lilith do it.

  • Still no release date?

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    This is getting beyond ridiculous.

  • It's obviously gonna be announced at the Panel on March Eighth.

    I think

    Still no release date? This is getting beyond ridiculous.

  • Yep, I was going to just stick with the gif but couldn't bite my tongue in the end. >_<

    Crips posted: »

    Don't fight with himmatsj, Jack, it's one fight you don't wanna start, since he's been complaining about the wait from few weeks now and won't look at any argument saying Telltale is not horrible lazy teasing assholes seriously.

  • really? I actually popped him before he was done talking. I had no sympathy for that psychopath. I was playing with a friend and even he knew I was going to pop him within seconds. He told me there was a long speech so we played that part again so I could hear it, and it was more narcissistic ramblings that I did not find funny. Sociopaths are made but also when someone becomes that big of a threat to my survival it's time to shut them down. Sorry Jack, ya tried to kill me once and that was enough. He may have needed help but look at all the power he had and what he's even done to his daughter. Inexcusable imo. He was entertaining and that was it.

    DeityD posted: »

    After playing the pre-sequel, this is actually kinda sad.

  • I've just murdered him yesterday, and it felt so wrong... I actually believed him x) Now I'm just a child/hero-murderer bandit scumbag :(

    DeityD posted: »

    After playing the pre-sequel, this is actually kinda sad.

  • yessssss. A friend of mine bought me this game to play with him. I've never heard of this game and all I could think of during the fight sequences is how much the music puts me in the mood to kill some stuff and how fun it was lol. I play fps game every once in a while, but i'm more of an rpg person. I gotta say BL2 made fps games much more enjoyable for someone like me. Also I feel the same about Saint's Row. I freaking love that game and playing with my friend I can't stop laughing at the antics we get ourselves into.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Patience buddies here's some nice music (the 2nd best Bl2 song IMO) :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4FLi1DFYSc

  • edited February 2015

    Sorry Jack, ya tried to kill me once and that was enough.

    "It's hard to hate someone once you understand them".
    When I played pre-sequel he was helping pc all the way. So my first impression was very different from the majority of the players who first played BL2. I also remember when after the moment Lilith and the others betrayed him and tried to kill he just lost it. That was just painful when someone who helped you so many times and tried to do,well, good things mostly got so messed up that he wanted every little scum who might be a threat dead only because he was betrayed and afraid.

    I don't deny anything he's done especially to Angel but I feel sorry for the poor bastard. I only hope Rhys will never be anything like him. One was enough.

    Zoe_Mosaic posted: »

    really? I actually popped him before he was done talking. I had no sympathy for that psychopath. I was playing with a friend and even he kne

  • lol you seem so sure about it :D

    Crips posted: »

    It's obviously gonna be announced at the Panel on March Eighth. I think

  • I thought it was obvious!


    lol you seem so sure about it

  • Now I'm just a child/hero-murderer bandit scumbag :(

    Aren't we all.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    I've just murdered him yesterday, and it felt so wrong... I actually believed him x) Now I'm just a child/hero-murderer bandit scumbag

  • Stahp fighting guys the wait is turning us against each other!

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    Yep, I was going to just stick with the gif but couldn't bite my tongue in the end. >_<

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    Crips posted: »

    I thought it was obvious! somuchsarcasm

  • This is how I get all dem girls

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  • I found it sad even before the pre-sequel tbh xD

    DeityD posted: »

    After playing the pre-sequel, this is actually kinda sad.

  • Considering the pre-sequel came out second, I'm sure it was a way to create sympathy for such an entertaining character. I haven't played much of the pre-sequel so I'll come back with my comments later. But with that reasoning, then would you feel sorry for every sociopath or narcissist in this country who have deliberately hurt people to "protect" themselves? I'm not saying your feelings aren't valid, but it's a reaction I see from people all the time in real life. Oh this military guy in the war beat and raped his wife. We feel so sorry for him. But look at the damage he's caused. What about the victims of this poor soul's rampage? Clearly morality never fit in to their actions and nor has it for any criminal. It doesn't mean they all should be pitied. And not to mention this lunatic had an entire army to back him up soooo yeah. way worse. I remember seeing this film about Hitler's secretary. He was a fun and charming man to those who knew him well. Should we feel bad for him as well? I'm sure some terrible things have befallen him as well. It's usually how it starts

    DeityD posted: »

    Sorry Jack, ya tried to kill me once and that was enough. "It's hard to hate someone once you understand them". When I played pre-s

  • I don't usually play games like this either, because I'm so bad at shooting x) But I really enjoyed Bl2, I love those stupid bandits, they're funny.

    Zoe_Mosaic posted: »

    yessssss. A friend of mine bought me this game to play with him. I've never heard of this game and all I could think of during the fight seq

  • Should we? Probably not. But I'm not going that deep into this, gonna leave those thought for the game cause otherwise it's too much.

    Zoe_Mosaic posted: »

    Considering the pre-sequel came out second, I'm sure it was a way to create sympathy for such an entertaining character. I haven't played mu

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    I found it sad even before the pre-sequel tbh xD

  • Yeah it's like it was made for Borderlands. :D

    This gif is gold XDD

  • Yah I hated that thing. I just saw GrazedRabbit's post and I started thinking about Morso. Why it exists again?

    Also this guy...

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    I'm glad that I never happened to see an episode of this series as a kid, because this fella seriously isn't beautiful to watch. The creator must have been high if they think Morso is something kids should see. No offence.

  • Oh god Ross, I didn't remember how funny his face is.

    Pipas posted: »

    Good for you.

  • Me right now.

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  • It was really obvious.

    I guess.

    Crips posted: »

    I thought it was obvious! somuchsarcasm

  • Your gravatar though

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Me right now.

  • I hate to be pedantic but every time I notice things (false public perceptions regarding psychology) like this it kinda bothers me; the words "psychopath" and "sociopath" are not interchangeable. They mean different things, and Jack is definitely a psychopath rather than a sociopath.

    Zoe_Mosaic posted: »

    really? I actually popped him before he was done talking. I had no sympathy for that psychopath. I was playing with a friend and even he kne

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