Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • yes I have noticed that. And its good! About time. It had a pretty quiet build up, and then when it was released, it got more popular.

    And I think Chloe and Rachel were just very close friends. But I could be wrong.

    So it looks like we will be finding out the exact nature of Chloe and Rachel's relationship sometime in the coming episodes: https://mobi

  • So I just wanted to say .......


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  • I still remember when the first trailer was released and the gameplay demo was shown, many people bashed this game for no apparent reason. Then, Episode 1 came out and here we are;

    all liking the game already.

  • It seems so awesome I will be waiting for a retail version but I really don't know if I will be able to wait without watching everything on youtube...

  • I don't think there is gonna be a retail version.

    Weegee posted: »

    It seems so awesome I will be waiting for a retail version but I really don't know if I will be able to wait without watching everything on youtube...

  • The guy is weird but harmless.

    So I just wanted to say ....... SamuelMasterRace

  • Goes to show you that there are a lot of immature people out there.

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    I still remember when the first trailer was released and the gameplay demo was shown, many people bashed this game for no apparent reason. Then, Episode 1 came out and here we are; all liking the game already.

  • This game is digital only, so, there won't be a retail version.

    Weegee posted: »

    It seems so awesome I will be waiting for a retail version but I really don't know if I will be able to wait without watching everything on youtube...

  • I thought it would be average due to its young characters and stereotypical characters and it is average due to its young characters and stereotypical characters......

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    I still remember when the first trailer was released and the gameplay demo was shown, many people bashed this game for no apparent reason. Then, Episode 1 came out and here we are; all liking the game already.

  • That might be true, stereotypical characters and all. However, the thing that I like about this game is its environment, its atmosphere of the teenage life, the immersion (well not so much but I fell like it) and once again; A-M-A-Z-I-N-G soundtrack. That's what kept me going while playing Episode 1.

    I thought it would be average due to its young characters and stereotypical characters and it is average due to its young characters and stereotypical characters......

  • You sure? I've read somewhere that they were planning to release physical copies so I thought it would be just like Telltale Games, shortly after all episodes are available a retail version is released.

    This game is digital only, so, there won't be a retail version.

  • I think they said they are currently focused on the digital version and if it sells well enough they might give it a retail release. I think that's what they said but don't hold me too it.

    Weegee posted: »

    You sure? I've read somewhere that they were planning to release physical copies so I thought it would be just like Telltale Games, shortly after all episodes are available a retail version is released.

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    Did they say Heavy Rain and walking dead? Definitely might pick this up depending on reviews.

  • Considering this is porn indicated, and that white stuff represents semen, and the guy looks like he had an orgasm. I'm very surprised this is even allowed. It's vexing.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I know right.

  • If I had to guess what's gonna happen in the story next. The creepy janitor Samuel will be attacked/accused of having something to do with the missing girl Rachel and will be innocent of it. But the teacher will turn out to be evil, since everyone seems to love him, including the main character which her opinion of him cannot change.

  • LOL, maybe i'm just getting older, but i just found it inappropriate.

    Considering this is porn indicated, and that white stuff represents semen, and the guy looks like he had an orgasm. I'm very surprised this is even allowed. It's vexing.

  • I saw it, let me just say major cliffhanger. In a way I hate the teaser because now I'm frustrated I don't know what is going to happen to Chloe.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    ikr the preview for the next episode has me on edge...

  • I thought it was excellent when I played it. Some parts were a bit boring and not much happened, but it was a great introduction, and I'm really looking forward.

    Some of the dialogue was kind of cringe-worthy though, I get they were trying to create a high school environment, but I'm in high school and I've never heard someone actually say "awesome sauce" or "hella". For the most part they did a good job of creating a high school drama type thing, but it was too stereotypical at times imo. Anyways, looking forward to the next episode.

  • I have heard some people say awesome sauce but not very often and apparently Hella is used in some parts of Oregon and California and some other places.

    I thought it was excellent when I played it. Some parts were a bit boring and not much happened, but it was a great introduction, and I'm re

  • I live in Portland, supposedly the weirdest part of Oregon. Never heard it :P

    Not that I represent all of Oregon, but you know.

    I have heard some people say awesome sauce but not very often and apparently Hella is used in some parts of Oregon and California and some other places.

  • I don't know I just chalk it up to something that makes Chloe's character unique and different.

    I live in Portland, supposedly the weirdest part of Oregon. Never heard it :P Not that I represent all of Oregon, but you know.

  • One of my favorite lines from the episode that made me laugh for some reason:

    It goes something like this:

    Chloe: Seeing you after all these years feels like....

    Max: Destiny?

    Chloe: Looks Sad

    It made me laugh because I was just imagining Chloe thinking like "don't remind me of that awful game" lol

    ...yeah I know I'm weird

  • I played both Life Is Strange and Grim Fandango just before GoT E2 came out, and it really reminded me how much I miss slow-paced environmental exploration in Telltale's games. I want to be able to walk around, look at things, and talk to people at my leisure. I want the game to react to me and the plot to progress because I've done something, not because a QTE prompt has suddenly appeared. The relentless forward momentum of Telltale's newer games is starting to wear on me.

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    One of my favorite lines from the episode that made me laugh for some reason: It goes something like this: Chloe: Seeing you after all

  • edited February 2015

    It's hard to explain lol I had just watched a video on the game Destiny so for some reason it made me think it and chuckle

  • Yeah I know what ya mean. Destiny is indeed an awful game.

    It's hard to explain lol I had just watched a video on the game Destiny so for some reason it made me think it and chuckle

  • It's not like she's going to die or anything... fuck. We could just rewind if she does.

    noblue22 posted: »

    I saw it, let me just say major cliffhanger. In a way I hate the teaser because now I'm frustrated I don't know what is going to happen to Chloe.

  • If she does die it won't be this early I think.

    noblue22 posted: »

    I saw it, let me just say major cliffhanger. In a way I hate the teaser because now I'm frustrated I don't know what is going to happen to Chloe.

  • It wasn't that bad. It was just a little repetitive with the lack of content.

    Yeah I know what ya mean. Destiny is indeed an awful game.

  • Just found this interesting article:

    What Telltale Could Learn From Life Is Strange

    I know not everyone likes Kotaku but I thought this was rather good (and true).

  • I had to admit, the point-and-click mechanics in Life is Strange are more sleek and minimal. My first playthrough was using keyboard, it felt weird as I had to drag my mouse up/down/left to interact with the characters/environment. But when I first saw the interaction on Max's table during introduction, I was like "well this is kind of different and interesting". After that, I plugged my controller and BAM!, smooth control and playthrough.

    Just found this interesting article: What Telltale Could Learn From Life Is Strange I know not everyone likes Kotaku but I thought this was rather good (and true).

  • I thought it was okay. Man, the writing in this episode was awful for the most part.

  • edited February 2015

    Last night I got to play the first episode, got myself the season pass. It was worth the money. I don't normally like teen drama but I actually found myself liking this one. If I normally don't like teen drama genre yet I like this one in particular, I know it's a special one. The soundtrack was beautiful. The atmosphere was very soothing yet mysterious. The scenery and environment are well done. I took my time and enjoyed the mass exploration that I wasn't given with TWD S2. So many things to do, so many ways to go about. We are given some forms of plot in this: Nathan and the Prescotts, that photography contest Jefferson wants Max to enter, Chloe's Stepdad, the suspicion of Max from the Principle(determinant) and Security Gaurd, Chloe's search for Rachel, Vortex members (mainly Victoria), and that BIG ASS TORNADO coming in 4 days. They gave us quite a bit of plot to start with which I'm interested in turning out. At times the story can get a little bumpy but it managed to step back up shortly after. Keeping as fluid as it can. I'm curious about how Max got her power exactly, and I can't help but notice if she rewinds too far she gets head pains. Not a good sign.

    Yes, there is cliché in the characters, but sometimes cliché is best. The character can be cliché but it's the adventure and how the react to it that's important. We still have a long journey to go, and there's more for the characters to go. And besides life is cliché. We still got the asshole jocks ( I knew of some), the pretty snobby bitches (I was aware of some here too but not a common encounter in my life), that teacher you look up to (my Comm Tech teacher reminds me of Jefferson a little), and the awkward loner type (I know of some) people in school. So this is kinda showing that life in this game isn't all that different from life in reality. Basically it's a satire with some twists. And with many messages like how even though you put up signs to stop bullying, it ain't going to stop it. I'm fond of the characters. Max is like a satire of the internet language, and I love her awkward funny moments. A nerd, kinda like me in school. Chloe is that rebellious punk kid which is actually fun to be with in less stressful times (yup I knew of a few like her). And there's one that I just can't help but make a big smirk: Daniel. He's got my name and my talent. ahahaha Oh, man! And he even wears the same glasses as me! There's more of the cast, and there's more for them to give in the story. And with that cliffhanger, I'm ready for more.

    Yup, I like this game to the T. It's a hella thing. If you like satire teen drama with some twists, this is your game.

  • Basically it's like a novel a teacher would give you to read in English class. At first you hate it but as you delve deeper and further into the story you start to like it.

    Man, the game was boring though. And so many things were cringe worthy, there is definitely an interesting ideal here but too many dumb trop

  • I don't know, it just isn't scratching the sweet spot for me. I found myself bored and uninterested by the narrative and the majority of the characters are really flat I find.

    I found myself wishing I was playing as Chloe instead of Sam or whatever the protagonist's name is.

    Basically it's like a novel a teacher would give you to read in English class. At first you hate it but as you delve deeper and further into the story you start to like it.

  • Look at how much you can do, touch, interact etc! just saying Telltale!! On the other and I think the dialogues from Telltale are much more better.

  • What TTG could learn from LIS

    I have to agree with much of those things.

  • It was fucking horrible. Fuck Activision and fuck Bungie for being stupid enough to collaborate with Activision. I hope that game burns. I hope it drags Activision into the deepest, darkest abyss imaginable.

    It wasn't that bad. It was just a little repetitive with the lack of content.

  • I completely agree. Telltale is becoming too plot oriented.

    thesporkman posted: »

    I played both Life Is Strange and Grim Fandango just before GoT E2 came out, and it really reminded me how much I miss slow-paced environmen

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