Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • I'm surprised that Chloe has the option to defend Nathan from a bully, even if he didn't appreciate it one bit.

    I saw in a video that a lot of people chose to defend Nathan, I'm really surprised. I know it's a prequel but I can never stand Prescott's shenanigans. I always enjoyed Warren beating the shit out of him.

  • I surprisingly hate Rachel Amber.

  • I've just played LiS BtS and WOW what a great game, I actually enjoyed It more then the main, I wasn't actually going to get the game because of Chloe who I absolutely hated until now, I completely understand were she's coming from now, She really has lost a lot like her father and suppose to be BBF Max, Chloe mother Isn't really helping, Instead of forcing on her relationship with David she should be forcing on helping her daughter move on, no wonder Chloe Is the way she Is, Nobody Is looking out for poor Chloe.

  • edited August 2017

    Just finished BTS Episode 1 and it was pretty alright. About what you'd expect when you think of a Chloe prequel game. Some quick notes:

    • This game did manage to make Chloe sympathetic, though she can still be kindof bitchy. I found myself fighting with Chloe's set character for the dialogue options I wanted rather than the dialogue that they game made me choose from to stay with Chloe's character.

    • Backtalk is pretty interesting if kindof easy. I didn't fail a single backtalk, I think the only round I managed to mess up is when the timer ran out.

    • Frank is still awesome. This game should've been about him, damnit!

    • I can't be the only one who thought of Omid and Christa when I saw this couple right?
      enter image description here

    • Rachel is okay, though I don't think I am as invested in her character as the game wants me to be.

  • edited August 2017

    I just finished playing the first episode of Life is Strange: Before the Storm.

    Playing as Chloe Price is obviously different from Playing as Max Caulfield. For one, no magic rewind powers. So, I actually did have to live with everything I say and do without being able to rewind time and change my decisions. Knowing me, I always try to be as nice as I can throughout most of the time, and Chloe is known for being a bit of a devil most of the time. The way I see it, might as well try to be an angel the best I can. But, still not above making witty smartass comments when tempted.

    I did like how Chloe's journal was about writing letters to Max, which she never sends. Looking through the text messages, seems like Max and Chloe actually did try to stay in touch. But that didn't last long. The Backtalk bit is real interesting. I was successful with each time I got to do it. It pays to be a good listener. (And read the subtitles.) I had seen the preview video that goes on in the Firewalk show and actually tried to go up the stairs after paying Frank for the pot to avoid conflict. But, unfortunately, the plot demands Chloe to accidentally spill the dude's beer on his shirt before going up the stairs. I tried.

    Waking up in Chloe's room and deciding what to wear, I decided to go with the Classic Chloe look (since I pre-ordered it.) I was thinking about wearing the Firewalk shirt I stole- I mean borrowed, from that guy at the Firewalk concert, but that pretty much screams, "Yes, mother, I did go to a live rock show on the other side of town past curfew". Just trying to keep Chloe out of trouble the best I can, even though most of the time it can't be help.

    Chloe certainly knew other people in Blackhell- I mean, Blackwell. People Max never got to meet. Like Eliot (Or as I think of him, Chloe's very own Warren), Steph, Mikey, Samantha and that Blackwell security guard, Skip. Of course, there is Justin, Dana, Hayden and the Queen B herself, Victoria.

    Playing hooky with Rachel was pretty cool. I played along with her "two truths and a lie" game without trying to cheat. The best part for me was actually being to get to know Rachel this way. In the first game, we always hear "Rachel always liked that" or "Rachel wouldn't do this" and other stuff like that.

    After that argument in the junkyard and Rachel left, not much to say except... CHLOE SMASH!! Okay, jokes aside, that was pretty emotional. I think I even saw Chloe's truck somewhere during the whole rage moment she had. But what really hit the nail was when Chloe found William's wrecked car in the middle of the junkyard. That got so sad so quick. Then Chloe has another dream of talking with William.

    By the end of it, Rachel finally tells Chloe the reason she got so upset. That couple they saw making out under the tree; that was her DA Daddy and she is pretty upset with dear ol daddy. When she set the picture of him on fire and tossed it in the trash bin, I was hoping that would be it. But then, she kicks it, causing the tree her dad and that lady he hooked up with were making out underneath earlier to catch on fire, and each time Rachel screams as she cried, the wind just suddenly started blowing around her. A real force of nature, this girl. I also liked the way the episode ended, with the characters looking up when they noticed the wildfire while seeing how they were doing at the time. What worries me is how it showed Mr. Amber's lady smoking while smiling at the fire. Might turn out to be "the big bad" of this game, like how Jefferson was in the first. And the 7-second preview showed someone trying to break into Chloe's room. Maybe taking that money wasn't such a good idea...

    Anyway, this was definitely a first episode, and I am looking forward to the next one. I'll be replaying soon to find the rest of the graffiti marks I missed. As for my choices, I pretty much did more of thinking "what would I do" and less of "what would Chloe do".

    - I ran. I actually wanted to attack the two idiots, but then I thought that it would lead to Chloe getting a bruise or something if she fought.
    - I was kind to Joyce. She's Chloe's mother, I'm not gonna be mean to her.
    - I defended Nathan. Maybe I shouldn't have, considering what he's doing and going to do. I guess the only reason I did was because Samantha asked me to.
    - I told Rachel we are more than friends. It's no secret that how their relationship goes in the future.


    • I took the money. Like Chloe wouldn't actually take it.
    • I purchased pot from Frank. No more loans he says. HA! It's not like Chloe won't own him $3000 in the future. Oh, wait...
    • I read Joyce's self-help book. Seeing as how this was a choice, I suspect I'll be seeing this book again in the next episode.
    • I put the photo of William on the dresser. I actually wonder if Joyce will leave it there.
    • I didn't slip money into Joyce's purse. Already gave it to Frank. Considering how that premiere scene played out, I guess it's good that I didn't.
    • I told Eliot I would go to the play with him. Though, I'm pretty sure I may not keep that promise.
    • I didn't listen to Skip's demo. I just finished my talk with him after talking about Justin. Next time, Skip. Next time.
    • I didn't finish the table top game with Steph and Mikey. I thought it would take too much time and that I might miss out on something. But, like I told them, maybe next time.
    • I sabotaged Victoria's homework. Yeah, I'll take any chance I can get to mess with Victoria. Suck it, Queen Bitch.
    • I told Rachel I believe in love. I mainly said it to appease the teacher and the thespians.
    • I shared earbuds with Rachel. Wanted to keep this friendship train rolling. (Pun intended)
    • I jumped out of the train. Because, fuck it. Chloe's never been one to turn down anything extreme. And I trusted Rachel.
  • edited August 2017

    OMG, I've see the choice of defending Nathan and he still acts like a dick. How can a lot of people defend this piece of shit?

  • Let's see.
    The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
    7 hours (whole season) - $25

    Life is Strange: Before the Storm
    3.5 hours (just Episode 1) - $17

    Plus, as with Life is Strange, you can freely roam certain areas and have full control over the camera, while in telltale games you mostly just walk down narrow corridors with fixed camera angles.

    I wonder if telltale is ever going to step up their game or if they are utterly deadlocked in their "telltale blueprint" until sales numbers collapse. Their games just keep getting shorter and cut down the already limited interactivity more and more. Meanwhile every season has more technical problems than the last even though their engine doesn't seem to evolve at all.

    Life is Strange just highlights how telltale games could be.

  • Probably because Samantha was asking Chloe to help him out.

  • To be honest I can't bring myself to hate him even know I should, I just really feel sorry for him, It's his father fault for pushing him to be a great asshole like him,

  • And he can't stand up to him?

    BigGazMan posted: »

    To be honest I can't bring myself to hate him even know I should, I just really feel sorry for him, It's his father fault for pushing him to be a great asshole like him,

  • He could but he's probably too scared, I would be If I was In the same situation

    AronDracula posted: »

    And he can't stand up to him?

  • So,who made sure to look at the journal during the 2nd dream sequence?

  • This is just... disturbing. Also, Max for some reason has her clothes from S1 too.
    enter image description here

    MichaelBP posted: »

    So,who made sure to look at the journal during the 2nd dream sequence?

  • I didn't think about looking in the journal during the dream segments. And, yes, that is disturbing.

    But, it was only a nightmare. And as I always tell myself, nightmares mean nothing.

  • Besides it being a disturbing picture, it's honestly the fact that Max is wearing the same clothes from S1E1. That, and the freaking butterfly is there too.

    I didn't think about looking in the journal during the dream segments. And, yes, that is disturbing. But, it was only a nightmare. And as I always tell myself, nightmares mean nothing.

  • Maybe if ANF's writers were LIS's writers ;p

    AronDracula posted: »

    I wish that happened.

  • edited August 2017

    Shockingly excellent first episode compared to the dull premiere of season 1. Deck Nine is really giving it all compared to Dontnod so far, although it felt a little too melodramatic at the end, especially with Chloe's dad episodes. The new cast is already excellent as well (I loved playing the Tabletop game with Stef and her friend, and the shy girl is a nice substitute for Kate). Very much looking forward to the rest of the season and whatever Deck Nine does next. Its gonna be hard for dontnod to bring me back in after these guys go off to do their own thing.

    enter image description here

  • Good one

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Maybe if ANF's writers were LIS's writers ;p

  • I think there may be more to her dad episodes here. Maybe, at least based on the 2nd one. Weird things like William becoming David for a second, before the changing back.
    Then there's that raven which was in a lot of places during the episode and the reveal trailer. Or it showing where Rachel would be at, as well as foreshadowing her setting the tree on fire (which I believe trailers or pre-release pics spoiled, but there was no way of Chloe knowing).
    And then a creepy drawing of Max in her S1 get up hanging herself.
    enter image description here

    I guess this is a part of that supernatural layer Deck Nine has talked about?

  • Probably will make sense more to me as the season finishes, but as it stands her break downs involving her father seem a bit too exaggerated at times (specifically near the end), that's not to say they're bad or pointless just haven't garnered the emotion they are wanting me to have.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I think there may be more to her dad episodes here. Maybe, at least based on the 2nd one. Weird things like William becoming David for a sec

  • edited August 2017

    Yeah, I think that the mysterious lady with the tattoos that Mr. Amber is seeing will almost certainly be the true antagonist in this story. Something about how she smiled is like an "all according to plan" kind of smile, but why?

    I think there may be a more or less a 50/50 chance that her identity will be a twist, though that's mostly based on how they're not letting us get a good look of her face.
    The fact her face on the ep 2 + 3 bundle is blank with "no" written 4 times on it, as well as +'s & -'s on it might add fuel to that (assuming it's her).

    enter image description here

  • How did you do the one with Principal Welles? I failed almost immediately.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Just finished BTS Episode 1 and it was pretty alright. About what you'd expect when you think of a Chloe prequel game. Some quick notes:

  • I just finished episode 1 of Before and the Storm and... it's good. Everything up until the last twenty is fine, all well and good but the last twenty minutes or so is absolutely fantastic. Great voice acting by Rhianna DeVries for Chloe especially the final bits. Rachel's screams and the revelation that she has powers sent chills up my spine. Absolutely fantastic scene as well as Chloe smashing up the junkyard.

    Chloe and Rachel's relationship on the train feels nice, awkward and natural. But how they end up meeting doesn't and feels forced though.

    Just like the main game the voice acting is... ehhhhhhhh. Chloe voice actress once again is probably the best one. Her new voice makes her awkward moments feel really natural. Chloe's mom voice actress is great as well. Everyone else, sadly including Rachel, ranges from mediocre to it's fine.

    The hubs are all filled with stuff to interact with and I loved the optional dungeons and dragons game.

    Chloe angst is far more tolerable here than in the main game but Rachel grows fairly unlikable at parts, but by the end it was all good.

    Dialogue is once again a problem. There's still the edgy and cringey dialogue moments and just overall awkward writing at times. But it's an improvement over the original game.

    I'm wondering how they're gonna resolve Rachel having powers and Chloe never mentioning them at all in the original game.

    Overall I'm pretty excited to find out what happens next. Hopefully the next episode delivers.

  • That was incredible. It was so much more immersive than the first game. Can't wait til the next ep.

  • There's also another thing. In it "Max" writes Chloe a text telling her she'll see her again once she (Chloe) is dead. And the next time Max actually sees her again is when Chloe is killed by Nathan.

    I didn't think about looking in the journal during the dream segments. And, yes, that is disturbing. But, it was only a nightmare. And as I always tell myself, nightmares mean nothing.

  • So far I fixed Christa and Omid's relationship and...

    I really miss season 1.

  • is it a tta game?

  • yeah it might be a reference

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Just finished BTS Episode 1 and it was pretty alright. About what you'd expect when you think of a Chloe prequel game. Some quick notes:

  • Nope, the original Life is Strange was developed by Dontnod and published by Square Qnix but this game is made by another company (I dunno its name) but still published by Square Enix.

    is it a tta game?

  • YEAH i see i remember good

    AronDracula posted: »

    Nope, the original Life is Strange was developed by Dontnod and published by Square Qnix but this game is made by another company (I dunno its name) but still published by Square Enix.

  • I honestly don't like Chloe but I'm enjoying the episode so far. Watching it from DashieXP. I didn't even know the episode came out lol

  • Doesn't this tree look like the one burning in the end, or is it just me?
    Gave me the creeps when I saw this in the game. Freaky stuff.

  • edited September 2017

    Did anyone else accidentally say you were only friends to Rachel thinking that was the best option? I thought the something more option meant it was less than a friendship.

  • edited September 2017

    edit: double post, d'oh

  • edited September 2017

    Actually, good point it kinda does look like it. So we have a Max from 3 years in the future hanging from the tree Rachel burns down, while a butterfly flies by (the blue butterfly was also in the journal from the 1st dream sequence). What could this mean? Maybe nothing, but it sure is creepy.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Doesn't this tree look like the one burning in the end, or is it just me? Gave me the creeps when I saw this in the game. Freaky stuff.

  • I found myself fighting with Chloe's set character for the dialogue options I wanted rather than the dialogue that they game made me choose from to stay with Chloe's character.

    I'm a good noodle trapped in Chloe's body!

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Just finished BTS Episode 1 and it was pretty alright. About what you'd expect when you think of a Chloe prequel game. Some quick notes:

  • I must've missed that one. I didn't mean that I did all of them, just that I didn't fail one. The only backtalk I intentionally missed was the one with David since I was trying my best to be on good terms with him (which obviously wouldn't work since Chloe still hates him in LiS)

    How did you do the one with Principal Welles? I failed almost immediately.

  • No David, I'm not a dog you can point to specific location.

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