Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • To get the Principal's Backtalk section you have to sit on the box on top of the stage.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I must've missed that one. I didn't mean that I did all of them, just that I didn't fail one. The only backtalk I intentionally missed was t

  • H-holy


    Oh god oh god i didn't know it was going to be this good is this how people feel when they loose their virginity?

    I really thought this was going to be shit but

    oooooh god FUCK MAN

    Maybe it was the great new animations, maybe it was that this game put THIS VERSION of Chloe (I¿ll just call her Golden Chloe. The other one is Blue Chloe) right next to Kate in my Favourite LiS Character list, maybe it was the new atmosphere, maybe it was this ability Chloe has

    cuz man this Backtalking shit is awsome! In the original game you only rewound and shit this is far more interactive.

    And i fucking love Golden Chloe! She's a great PC, way better than Max. I always said that the best thing you can do for your character is to have them have an emotional breakdown and not only Chloe had one IN THE VERY FIRST CHAPTER it also made me feel something! When she fell on the floor and hugged herself in fetal position I wanted to get inside the screen and hug her and never let her go ajkhkfjhlskaJFHHÑSKHF am i really getting a fictional crush on Chloe look what this game is doing to me we're only one chapter in and i'm already getting fictional crushes.

    Buuuuuut I didn't came here to talk about how awsome this was, I want to talk about more important shit:

    Rachel Amber is literally a Demigod

    Don't look at me like that, let me explain.

    Many people have been saying that Rachel has Wind Powers and that she caused the storm after all, but I disagree. Well, I don't, I fully agree, but there is more to that.

    Remember the second Dream Secuence? Why did it sound so much like William was telling Chloe to go back to Rachel? Why did she see Rachel at the tree BEFORE she was there, and specially WHY THE FUCK DID SHE SEE HER IN FIRE BACK THEN.


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    Right after that, Chloe wakes up. A FUCKING RAVEN (remember: we saw a raven several times before, there was a totem with a raven, some thing that said that "the raven is to be respected, never trusted") "guies" (remember how that spirit Doe was Rachel's presence guiding Max?) Chloe to the tree were Rachel opens up to her and can we talk about what Rachel meant when she said "My father will punish me with..." With what? A belt? If it's a belt motherfucker i sweat i'll kill you. However, I think it's far worse than abelt. And then RACHEL FUCKING BURNS THE TREE DOWN!!


    (sry i counldn't help it)


    AND CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE SIMILARITY WITH THE ENDING (fire and shit everyone in the town watching it) and THE ENDING OF THE FIRST EPISODE OF THE FIRST SEASON (everybody watching the snow).


    Now, let's calm down.

    I have a very extence theory involving Spiniza's Pantheism philosophy but I'll make it short: basically, Rachel's "spirit" is far more connected to the universe than any normal person's. If you ever read anything about Pantheism you'll understand how the universe can have consciousness. This is a similar thing. Rachel cal alter the reality around her, maybe she doesn't even realize this: she calls Chloe in the nightmare, she tells her about the future with these creepy drawings ad texts saying that Max will visit her when she's dead (Max saw her first in 5 yhears being killed). She sends a Raven (I miss the Forresters) to Chloe to guide her, she sets a tree on fire and CONTROLS FUCKING WIND (rachel created the storm confirmed), and it was heavily implied that it has pararelism with Max's powers. Remember how Max was able to shape reality the way she wanted by playing with time? Yeah.

    And at the end... that woman... Rachel's dad's lover...

    She's watching the fire

    and she's smiling.


    I think she somehow know about Rachel's powers. I think she will be the antagonist or rpotagonist or something of Season 2. I don't know, but I know this bitch will be important.

  • As always, phenomenal tone and atmosphere. They're great at this.

  • Plus this is some interesting shit

  • What Sean Prescott would do if he somehow obtained Rachel's wind power? I think having a bunker is a pretty good clue.

    So what if Sean Prescott and Jefferson worked together? Sean Prescott somehow acquires the wind power and Jefferson goes insane and start to make his "art."

    But I doubt it. Three episodes is pretty short to cram Sean Prescott as a big bad.

  • edited September 2017

    About the Mr. Amber's lover, the woman with the tattoos on both her arms, I definitely think there's a very high chance she'll be the main antagonist of BTS.

    I also think there might be a chance she could be the raven in the dream sequence, and potentially controlling the raven we see in the real world.
    In the 2nd dream sequence, if you noticed, the poster of Shakespeare's "The Tempest", the play in which Rachel and Nathan are meant to play Prospera (Prospero in the original) and Caliban respectively, is different from any you could find previously. There is now a woman dressed up as a crow in between them. From I've researched, this might be a representation of the witch, Sycorax, who is the mother of Caliban and foil to Prospero.

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    Sycorax however had died years before the main events of the original, and was therefore unseen in the original.
    The -corax in her name comes from the greek word "Korax", crow. Other rough translations produce the phrase "the Scythian raven". There is also psychorrhax, "heartbreaker", a play on psychoraggia, "death struggle". Lastly there's Shokereth, a Hebrew word meaning "deceiver".

    If I'm remembering it right the raven is said to be a trickster behind its smile. It's to be respected, but never trusted.
    The Raven in the dream showed Chloe where Rachel would be, as well as foreshadowing the fire she'd start. I wonder though, had the raven not guided Chloe, would she have gone back to the old oak? If Chloe wasn't there, would she still have managed to start that fire? Well, the latter might still have happened anyway.

    The way the woman smiled as she gazed at the fire, to me it seemed as if it's because she knew very well that she'd cause it. Like an "all according to plan" kind of smile. If I had to make a guess, she likely doesn't give a single shit about Mr. Amber and is only using him to manipulate Rachel into using her powers, a deceiver and heartbreaker I suppose.
    What her endgame could be, I don't think we have enough info to speculate much on that yet, but it likely could involve using Rachel and her powers to cause chaos.

    To conclude the comparisons to The Tempest: one of the songs in Before The Storm's OST is called "Witches", and The Tempest presented two powerful sorcerers Sycorax and Prospero (Rachel in this case). If this woman is indeed the Sycorax to Rachel's Prospero, she could be the witch, using magic to effectively use the ravens as cameras and to infiltrate Chloe's dreams and effectively manipulating her through them.

    H-holy Holy HOLY FUCK MAN Oh god oh god i didn't know it was going to be this good is this how people feel when they loose their virgi

  • Apparently this was found in Episode 3 of S1.
    enter image description here

    Looks like Skip's band took off. No wonder he no longer worked at Blackwell 3 years later.

  • it's probably moral stuff. if i saw somebody who acted like a dick regularly getting bullied, i know i'd step in and defend him regardless of how much of a cunt the guy is.

  • Oh. Good eye.

    And good for Skip and his band. ;)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Apparently this was found in Episode 3 of S1. Looks like Skip's band took off. No wonder he no longer worked at Blackwell 3 years later.

  • Now that I have a chance to talk about the episode, did that train near the beginning seriously have the numbers "1337"? Yeesh. Don't remember if that was on the train from the first season as well.

  • Niiiiiice!

    MichaelBP posted: »

    About the Mr. Amber's lover, the woman with the tattoos on both her arms, I definitely think there's a very high chance she'll be the main a

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    I had a lot of fun with the first episode, it was pretty good. After reading the thread, I guess the end of the episode was supposed to be Rachel showing powers? I just thought it was a creative decision. That tree did not deserve it. Glad I read the license plates.

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  • That was literally the first thing I noticed about it.
    I thought "Uhh, really? Is this you guys trying to be hip and cool"

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Now that I have a chance to talk about the episode, did that train near the beginning seriously have the numbers "1337"? Yeesh. Don't remember if that was on the train from the first season as well.

  • I've also seen others theorising that she could be Nathan's mom, though I doubt the Prescott matriarch would have tattoos on her arms. Though, I suppose it's not impossible for her to either have been Sean Prescott's former lover or 1st wife, with him getting full custody of Nathan, and then marrying another woman. If she is his mom, it'd honestly be another link between her and Sycorax.


  • ... why would she be Nathan's mother? Like yeah interesting I guess but where did it come from?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I've also seen others theorising that she could be Nathan's mom, though I doubt the Prescott matriarch would have tattoos on her arms. Thoug

  • Nice details about that raven lady. I'm not familiar with that play whatsoever, so before I thought that she could represent Chloe herself. Now it seems foolish, but I thought it might be so, since Nathan, Rachel and Chloe are so connected. You can either help Nathan or not and be "the one with the power" for now, but ultimately both girls can die at his hands. But yeah, seems so far fetched now.

    Since raven is the deceiver, could it be that leading Chloe back to Rachel somehow sealed Rache's fate to be killed by Jefferson and Nathan? Chaos theory and stuff, one leads to another and boom... It's probably far fetched as well and we might never know the answer, but it's interesting to think about.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    About the Mr. Amber's lover, the woman with the tattoos on both her arms, I definitely think there's a very high chance she'll be the main a

  • Connecting the raven with Sycorax makes some sense, but it's worth noting that Ariel, (Prospero's spirit servant in The Tempest, whom Sycorax imprisoned inside a tree), appears as a dark-winged harpy at one point during the play to terrorise some of the characters. Juliet Watson is listed as playing Ariel in the performance and I think that's who's depicted in the poster. Ariel spends a lot of the play leading the characters places, often in dreamlike states, which fits with the ever-present raven seemingly leading Chloe back to Rachel in the episode.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    About the Mr. Amber's lover, the woman with the tattoos on both her arms, I definitely think there's a very high chance she'll be the main a

  • Did anyone see Taylor Christensen from the original game in 'Before the Storm'? She's referred to, but she's the only character listed in the voice acting credits, that I didn't actually see/hear during the episode.

  • The episode titles "Awake", "Brave New World" and "Hell Is Empty" are all quotes from The Tempest.

  • No idea really tbh. I've just seen others soeculate about that, and while I don't think it's 100% impossible, I just don't see it as being very likely.

    ... why would she be Nathan's mother? Like yeah interesting I guess but where did it come from?

  • Ah, those are some good points actually. I'll be honest that I ignored the connection to Ariel because of that being Juliet's role in the play and her being absent in the posters you find throughout the real world.

    Connecting the raven with Sycorax makes some sense, but it's worth noting that Ariel, (Prospero's spirit servant in The Tempest, whom Sycora

  • I think there's at least potential for the lady to have some form of connection to Chloe, maybe in the form of impact she might have on her life?
    On Reddit I saw one user speculating about it because of how the opening, after the Firewalk show, we had Chloe smoking and later the last scene of the episode was the lady smoking. Maybe a bit too grasping at straws though.
    Another thing had to do with Chloe's tattoo bearing some similarities to the design elements of the lady's tattoos.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Nice details about that raven lady. I'm not familiar with that play whatsoever, so before I thought that she could represent Chloe herself.

  • I wouldn't be surprised if the tattooed woman is an antagonist, and whether that connection to Sycorax ends up relating her to Nathan as Caliban is up in the air. I think it really comes down to whether you view the raven as a malevolent or benevolent force in the game. Ariel is an agent of elemental chaos, but serving the side of 'good' in Prospero. I don't think there's necessarily any relevance to Juliet playing the character specifically.
    It's more about implying the association between Ariel and Prospero, as compared to the raven and Rachel in the game. Despite the makers saying there won't be magic powers in the game, the fact that Rachel seems to happen to know a lot of stuff about Chloe that she wasn't actually there for (Chloe talking to the bouncer, Chloe's altercation with Drew, being able to tell when Chloe's telling the truth or lying) and coincidentally showing up at the right time (saving Chloe at the mill, being there just as Chloe was opening the school door, seeming unsurprised when Chloe found her under the oak tree), makes it almost seem like Rachel's got a raven/Ariel watching over Chloe and reporting back to her 'Odin-style'. And that's not even going into her apparent 'screaming wind' powers, and how that associates with the tornado. I imagine they'll probably keep that all vague and circumstantial in the game though.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Ah, those are some good points actually. I'll be honest that I ignored the connection to Ariel because of that being Juliet's role in the play and her being absent in the posters you find throughout the real world.

  • edited September 2017

    Rachel doesn't live up to others claims around her.

    She intentionally lured Chloe away from the school instead of trying to help Chloe actually graduate.

    I wouldn't be surprised if her success is not because she was genuinely good person.

  • edited September 2017

    I walked all over the Blackwell campus and did not see Taylor anywhere. But, I did see her name listed on the class photo Chloe keeps in her room. So, we might see her in the future.

    Did anyone see Taylor Christensen from the original game in 'Before the Storm'? She's referred to, but she's the only character listed in the voice acting credits, that I didn't actually see/hear during the episode.

  • I always felt like there was somethig off about Rachel. Maybe Chloe put extra effort in school to help Rachel in, idk, emotional stuff? but ended helping herself instead, while it looked like Rachel was the one helping her?

    fuck where is kate when you need her
  • Rachel was definitely a bad influence to Chloe.

    I agree, where Kate at??? Chloe said she knows her

    I always felt like there was somethig off about Rachel. Maybe Chloe put extra effort in school to help Rachel in, idk, emotional stuff? but

  • i love young chloe but i miss kate so fucking much where is she??
    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Rachel was definitely a bad influence to Chloe. I agree, where Kate at??? Chloe said she knows her

  • edited September 2017

    Kate arrived at Blackwell in 2013

    i love young chloe but i miss kate so fucking much where is she??

  • We need Kate!!! How come the game ain't about her??

    i love young chloe but i miss kate so fucking much where is she??

  • Gonna repost here a theory I found over on Reddit that I really liked.

    First of all we need to start off with Native American mythos. The tribe in Arcadia Bay were the Tillamook tribe, a tribe who spoke Salish, the Salishan were mentioned in a sign underneath the totem pole in the area with the arguing couple.

    This sign also mentions The Raven, a bird we see throughout BTS. The sign says as follows: "The raven stands for transformation. It's grinning face betrays its trickster spirit. The raven has many ancient stories among the Salishan and other native peoples. Some say the raven helped create the first man. The raven is to be respected, never trusted".

    The important words here are "It's grinning face betrays it's trickster spirit". In northwest indian tribes mythos the Raven is the trickster but also a transformer.

    In this mythos a transformer is as follows: The name "Transformer" comes from Salishan tribes of the Northwest Coast, where it is a literal translation of the name of a certain type of mythological figure or god (also rendered as "Changer" or "He Who Changes.")

    These Transformer characters are very prominent throughout the Northwest Coast.
    In some tribal traditions, the Transformer figure creates men from animals, animals from men, or both; in all of them, he transforms the landscape and changes monsters into ordinary creatures or inanimate objects.
    In some tribes, the Trickster and Transformer characters have merged together, usually in the character of Coyote or Raven. The raven can also take any form itself. And what have we been seeing flying around everywhere in BTS? A raven.

    Now let's go back to the line "It's grinning face betrays its trickster spirit". The very last scene in episode 1 of BTS we very clearly see the woman who met up with Rachel's father and what is she doing? She's grinning. So from here we can connect this woman to the raven and to being the trickster/transformer.

    So what has she transformed? Well she transformed Rachel into a Doe after death, Chloe into a butterfly after death and a monster into Jefferson (The jefferson theory I'm kind of iffy about though) She also takes control of an actual raven, the one we see throughout BTS, since she is the raven/trickster/transformer it only makes sense.

    The old oak tree also comes into play. This tree is 400-500 years old and was struck by lightning 200 years ago. It's also stated on the plaque that "It's curved, chair-like growth pattern reflects the Native American custom of shaping such trees to mark trails or denote areas of cultural importance".

    We can also view this tree before we even fix the viewfinder and Chloe even makes a comment about the tree being an outcast. The raven woman is also standing underneath it as she waits for Rachel's father. This is also the same tree that Rachel destroys. That's an awful lot of mentions of this tree. But why?

    Two possible things. The Raven wants Rachel to destroy the tree because it points to something significant that the Raven does not want to be found. Or the tree has magical properties which will be unleashed upon destruction transforming people and transforming the land.

    Hmm isn't somebody a transformer? Maybe this released magic is also where Max got her powers. All this being said I don't think Rachel has powers IF the woman is the raven, I think what we saw was just the magic being unleashed because she set it on fire.

    Another possibility is that Rachel herself is the raven/trickster/transformer. We also have evidence for this. Rachel lies a lot and can manipulate people, she's good at reading people so they would be easy to trick for her. She also knows a lot about Chloe.

    If we also look to other cultures the Raven symbolizes quite a few things in common with Rachel.
    In swedish culture the raven symbolizes the ghosts of murdered people and as we know Rachel is murdered.
    In norse mythology odin had two ravens one of which had the ability to use intuition, something we know Rachel is good at, Chloe even calls her a human lie detector.
    In greek mythos appolo used ravens to spy on his lover, we see the raven following Chloe around a lot and there is only one other person the raven watches, Frank. We see this in the closing moments. We know Rachel and Frank had a fling so this is also sus. We also hear a bird like screech come out of rachel when she screams. A lot of signs point to the woman being the raven but we have to remember that the raven is a trickster so it could be tricking us (the players) as well into thinking it's the woman when it's really Rachel. Really it could go either way.

    Where does Chloe come into play? Well the raven wants Chloe and Rachel to connect. It leads Chloe back to Rachel after she wakes up in the junkyard. It's manipulating her dreams and using William to make her vulnerable, as a trick. This is alluded to in Chloe's second dream when Chloe says "You're not real" to William and then the raven shows up right after.

    Dream William is also trying to get Chloe to reconnect with Rachel after their fight. It's almost as if it knows that Rachel needs Chloe. So why does she need Chloe? We could say love, or that she needs a shoulder to cry on. But they didn't know each other, feelings didn't show up until after they connected. Well the destruction of the tree wouldn't have been possible without Chloe. Chloe fixed the viewfinder and provided Rachel with the lighter. Without those two things the trees destruction wouldn't have happened. Ravens can also symbolise prophecy, so if the raven knew that Chloe had to be there then it guided them together.

    So what are the ravens motives? This is what it says about the northwest raven trickster/transformer specifically: He is a revered and benevolent transformer god who helps the people and shapes their world for them, but at the same time, he is also a trickster character and many Raven stories have to do with his frivolous or poorly thought out behavior getting him into trouble.

    We're also told not to trust the Raven. So maybe the Raven was trying to do good by getting Rachel to unleash the magic for some reason but it backfired and causes the storm in LIS if actually used. Or maybe the raven had more sinister intentions. As I said earlier the raven has the ability to turn monsters into any creature, Jefferson was a monster in human form. If the ravens intentions were more sinister it might have simply used Rachel and Chloe to unlock the trees magic and then intended to kill them afterwards so nobody could ever figure it out.

    Transforming a monster aka Jefferson and luring him to Arcadia Bay to distract in order to keep them in and get rid of Rachel and Chloe, give Max her rewind powers knowing full well she'd overuse them and cause the storm to destroy Arcadia Bay. Whatever it's intentions I hope we find out!

  • everyone in this game is gay apparently:

    enter image description here

    Ok so Victoria is being stupid, nothing new or particulary gay here...

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    so she's jealous. suck it bitch

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    Ok her name is Samantha so she's probably gay

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    I know, internalized homophobia sucks

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    sry could you say it again i think they didn't hear u in china

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    (Aaaaand Chloe and Rachel are so gay/bi for each other i don't even need to explain)

    (come to the gay side kate we have cookies)
  • So you guys think that's Damon merrick after Chloe in ep 2?

  • More likely it's the t-shirt selling guy from the Firewalk show. As far as I'm aware of, he's the only guy that Chloe took money from (even though you can choose not to).

    zeke10 posted: »

    So you guys think that's Damon merrick after Chloe in ep 2?

  • Maybe it's Frank? I don't think so, though. Maybe a new antagoist that will show up first in Episode 2?

    zeke10 posted: »

    So you guys think that's Damon merrick after Chloe in ep 2?

  • edited September 2017

    So I realize people are completely ignoring the fact that at the end evertime Rachel screamed some strange wind just came. This might be another indication of her having some sort of powers. Or maybe I’m just overthinking it and it didn’t mean anything. Also her scream sounded like a dying dear or something.

  • Yeah, it's just weird that her voice actor was listed, though.

    I walked all over the Blackwell campus and did not see Taylor anywhere. But, I did see her name listed on the class photo Chloe keeps in her room. So, we might see her in the future.

  • I can't say again how much I loved Awake. After Mass Effect: Andromeda, I was prepared for some terrible fan-fiction, but this was actually amazing.

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