Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • The writers/devs say that no one will have magic powers (in BTS), but magic will still exist.

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    So I realize people are completely ignoring the fact that at the end evertime Rachel screamed some strange wind just came. This might be ano

  • edited September 2017

    I'm going to guess that it's Damon Merrick, who is probably that guy we see outside Frank's RV both at the start and at the end of the episode.
    Plus, it did sound more like his voice, rather than Frank's or that t-shirt vendor.

    zeke10 posted: »

    So you guys think that's Damon merrick after Chloe in ep 2?

  • I'm ready for the post-game depression. I've already gotten the post-episode depression, though.

  • literally everyone noticed it

    rachel is the storm confirmed
    Creeper1846 posted: »

    So I realize people are completely ignoring the fact that at the end evertime Rachel screamed some strange wind just came. This might be ano

  • I find myself wondering why people like this game they must be kids

  • Rachel be like
    enter image description here

    literally everyone noticed it rachel is the storm confirmed

  • edited September 2017

    From eyeing one thread over on Reddit, I guess it really shouldn't come as a surprise that the mysterious woman's model has already been ripped from the files. To look at the pics or not to is the question...

  • MichaelBP posted: »

    From eyeing one thread over on Reddit, I guess it really shouldn't come as a surprise that the mysterious woman's model has already been ripped from the files. To look at the pics or not to is the question...

  • Yep, that is the thread. Maybe better to just leave the link to it, for anyone that's very curious about it.

    Clord posted: »

  • Yeah. It was just somewhat harder to google so I decided to post the link.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yep, that is the thread. Maybe better to just leave the link to it, for anyone that's very curious about it.

  • Yep. Gotta day that the tattoos designs are pretty cool imo. Wonder if it's worth speculating about any meaning behind them. Maybe the one om her right arm at least.

    Clord posted: »

    Yeah. It was just somewhat harder to google so I decided to post the link.

  • edited September 2017

    Burn the school? I dunno.

    Thing is, there is tons of stuff I don't really get. Like I wasn't aware that those symbols in the train were actual symbols used by hobos.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yep. Gotta day that the tattoos designs are pretty cool imo. Wonder if it's worth speculating about any meaning behind them. Maybe the one om her right arm at least.

  • Am I the only one who thought it was this guy?

    enter image description here

    Chris R cameo for Episode 2 anyone?

    zeke10 posted: »

    So you guys think that's Damon merrick after Chloe in ep 2?

  • I checked out all the outfits see if there is one with a spike collar.

    I'm wearing a spike collar and customization options really brought up my weird fashion sense.

  • One of the songs Daughter produced for the game is called"Witches" though, but I suppose we'll have to wait and see if it refers to there being actual witches in the game.

    The writers/devs say that no one will have magic powers (in BTS), but magic will still exist.

  • Am I the only one here who really hates Rachel? I dunno if I hate her much more than Chloe but she is a bitch like her and Max.

  • Maybe people like It because of the characters, the story, the hubs, there's a lot of reasons why people like the game, also just because you don't like the game (which Is fine) doesn't give you the right to insult people who do like the game.

    xxplvb posted: »

    I find myself wondering why people like this game they must be kids

  • I can't speak for everyone, but I do find Rachel to be an interesting character, if I'm being honest. Granted, I was disappointed in how she acted towards Chloe after finding her dad with his lady friend under the tree, but at least she did apologize by the end of the episode.

    Now, what is it about Rachel that makes you hate her?

    AronDracula posted: »

    Am I the only one here who really hates Rachel? I dunno if I hate her much more than Chloe but she is a bitch like her and Max.

  • Clord posted: »

    Burn the school? I dunno. Thing is, there is tons of stuff I don't really get. Like I wasn't aware that those symbols in the train were actual symbols used by hobos.

  • She spread fire on the forest. Depression is a terrible excuse for her to do something like that. Smashing things would just make things worse.

  • Flowers = Nature = Universal Spirit, Spiniza's Pantheism? Maybe Panentheism? (I'm just saying weirds shit now) = Power over the the curse of the universe and nature (like altering wheater and time), as well as changing the rules and shaping reality (Reality, according with some philosophers, is subjective. A person could see the sky blue, and someone else could see it red, but since they learned to call their verion of blue [which is red], "blue", they say that they see it blue. Both are right, it's just not the same blue, but it's still blue). Ergo, reality is strictly bound to mind. The mind and consciousness depends on the universe, the universe depends on the mind. Maybe the universe IS out mind? The Universal Spirit? A trasendental (the Raven? Ruth? Max?), Panentheistic entity pulling the strings from outside the scene? An Immanent (Max, Ruth and/or Rachel's minds, the Universal Spirit?) Pantheistic force? The Universe itself? Being nature and the universe itself = mind (universal spirit we all are), it wouldn't be strange that someone would just... reach a level of conciousness where one's mind could shape reality, the universe and nature, like Lucid Dreaming, something we already saw: Chloe realiazes instantly in her second dream that William is not real, ishe knows she's dreaming. That should have instantly given her the ability to control her dream, but she can't. Someone else is controling her dreams. If dreams can be shaped then why not reality? I believe Ruth managed to reach this level of counciousness, while Max and maybe Rachel have it naturally, maybe they didn't even know they had it before. Ruth's flower tatoos represent her control over nature, just like the one with the sun (space, God like abilities), the Butterfly (time control) and the Star (mysticism? everyone loves constelations!)

    (Kinda like Law of Attraction and Wiccan Spells but with fancy words that make it sound believeble i guess. Kinda explains why one of the songs of the soundtrack is called Witches-- the term Wiccans reffer themselves as [even the dudes are called witches], it could work in a similar way as a Wiccan Ritual).

    This is the biggest piece of crap i have ever writen

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yep. Gotta day that the tattoos designs are pretty cool imo. Wonder if it's worth speculating about any meaning behind them. Maybe the one om her right arm at least.

  • edited September 2017

    The first episode was amazing. I was really worried that it wouldn't feel the same, since that's how it always goes with any game expansion. Words can't describe how glad/relieved I am that's not the case. Those moments of reflection and the time spent with Rachel brought back the same emotions I felt in S1 eps 1-2 while bonding with Chloe. I can only hope it continues in the same tone, if not even better.

  • edited September 2017

    I think that since surprise popularity of Life is Strange, Square Enix got way more interested and thus the series was planned to expand. This means that Before the Storm is likely used to establish setting of Life is Strange 2. Let's be honest, Life is Strange franchise is a cash cow now and especially Square Enix likes to get their cut from the profits. These games sell a lot, enough to justify a TV series.

  • It was overall a good episode, I liked the school stuff, not so much the rest because I just never liked Chole, I have to say she is much better in this game, guess she gets more messed up after the game due to Rachel stuff.

  • I’m probably over thinking things (again) but I had another crazy theory that has a 5% chance of being true. I was thinking what if one of the Skeevy guys from the firewalk show or just some other random character we know was the one that killed William obviously not purposely though because there would be no reason for them to.

  • So every single bad thing in the game is Rachel's fault?

    I like that. Fuck Rachel.

    It was overall a good episode, I liked the school stuff, not so much the rest because I just never liked Chole, I have to say she is much better in this game, guess she gets more messed up after the game due to Rachel stuff.

  • there would be no reason for them to.

    Drugs? Beer? Cars? nice combo.

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    I’m probably over thinking things (again) but I had another crazy theory that has a 5% chance of being true. I was thinking what if one of t

  • Yep Rachel is a bitch, burning down nature, making Chole skip lessons, going to shady parties. There can be worse things in life than your daddy having an affair.

    So every single bad thing in the game is Rachel's fault? I like that. Fuck Rachel.

  • Yeah, like your daddy dying. The "I don't want to see him ever again" line made me very angry. Chloe should have said something like "You don't know what you're talking about" or something.

    Yep Rachel is a bitch, burning down nature, making Chole skip lessons, going to shady parties. There can be worse things in life than your daddy having an affair.

  • True.

    there would be no reason for them to. Drugs? Beer? Cars? nice combo.

  • To be honest, Chloe failed to listen and give her space when she asked.

    Yep Rachel is a bitch, burning down nature, making Chole skip lessons, going to shady parties. There can be worse things in life than your daddy having an affair.

  • Chloe's Backtalk mechanic is basically improved version of Insult Swordfighting from Secret of the Monkey Island games.

  • I was skeptical at first, but Before The Storm is better than I expected. While it does lack the vibe of the first game, Deck Nine did good on some things; like the music and making Rachel as mysterious as she was depicted early on. My favorite part of the first episode was when Chloe played the board game with Steph and Mikey. That whole scene was hilarious.

  • [removed]

    xxplvb posted: »

    I find myself wondering why people like this game they must be kids

  • I thought I would never be playing this game so i haven't played season 1 so i just decide to buy before the storm deluxe version I played episode 1 and i loved it it is really insterting to pay attention to i wish there was more action secens tho like telltale games but i am sure will get action in soon the backtalk is fun to use i failed 2 because i pressed the wrong button by accidently even i knew the answer this game also has real life struggles that people face witch makes it you want to connect to the people in this game there is a thing i hate in this game were there a good momments to make a choice but it dosent come up with the choice option also only 2 choice options? the people in this game hardly react to your choices i hope at the end this choices really do matter can not wait for episode 2.

  • Steph was like "uh, dance? ok?"

    I was skeptical at first, but Before The Storm is better than I expected. While it does lack the vibe of the first game, Deck Nine did good

  • There is like, 0 action scenes in the game. The characters always solve things with dialog, blackmail, manipulation and time travel. No QTEs, no physical fights. The characters only hold a gun like, once, and it wasn't even the main character the one to shoot it, she only makes sure everyone can get out of the situation alive. And 2 dialog options are normal here, don't expect much more. The choices don't really matter much, either, but the story is fun to play.

    Uh, if you're interested in this, you could maybe watch a Let's Play on Youtube of the First Game to have an idea. I warn you, Chloe is not even close to be as likeable as she is now. That Rachel bitch was a bad influence in her.

    collboy600 posted: »

    I thought I would never be playing this game so i haven't played season 1 so i just decide to buy before the storm deluxe version I played e

  • Well tbh its good there are no QTE's and action scenes. I freaking hate TTG games with QTE's to insert discs in computer hold the doors to not let zombies in. Its a game about teenage drama mostly with some darker events in the background. If you inject action into it it kinda ruins the theme and doesm't seem realistic.

    There is like, 0 action scenes in the game. The characters always solve things with dialog, blackmail, manipulation and time travel. No QTEs

  • edited September 2017

    accidental doublepost

    There is like, 0 action scenes in the game. The characters always solve things with dialog, blackmail, manipulation and time travel. No QTEs

  • Yeah, you most likely won't see many small teens getting in long fights.

    Well tbh its good there are no QTE's and action scenes. I freaking hate TTG games with QTE's to insert discs in computer hold the doors to n

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