The Vent/Help Thread



  • Ok i got a bunch of mini Rants.

    1. So i am trying to create a bank account in India. I never thought it would be something would be so hard. You wouldn't believe the amount of paper work i have had to sign, resign, send, complete. It was endless. Why am i doing this, you ask? Why didn't you ask your Financial Panther I don't know to be honest. I asked her to do it, but she blew me off because she was busy with something else. I got her to help me with the application finally, but i don't understand all this legality. It is stupid to me.

    I just want this paperwork to be completed, so i can start transferring money over there, to keep it safe.

    1. The state of AMerica, is really bad. I don't know if you realize it, but we are in real trouble. Me personally, no, i have my own income. I'm good. However, I remember when my dad lost his job at Sharon Steel, in the 1970s , it been like that ever since. Corporations are outsourcing all the best jobs to third world countries IE india who will work for substantially less money than America. So here is how i envision the world in ten years, maybe twenty. Instead of needing a Batchelors to make maybe 30k a year, you will need a Masters. Everyone will be broke, and in debt.

    Its not getting better because the politicians are still outsourcing jobs, and letting it happen. I don't understand why we trade with china. We should be trying to rebuild american Industry, because the way things are going, IMO it doesn't look good.

    1. I was waiting for a phone call yesterday , because someone told me they were going to call me, so i was waiting i could be doing many other things,, for at least a few hours, the phone call never came. At That point, i ask myself why do people tell me these things, if they aren't true. Its one of those things that makes me want to punch someone in the eye.
  • As i said some kids already will want to wait no matter what, and some kids will have sex no matter what. Being taught that if you have sex youll die just misinforms teens and then they wont use protection because they dont know any better.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    are you implying that comprehensive sexual education will ruin kids lives or am I mistaken? I am saying that if a child wants to hav

  • Wow, #2rood4me


  • As i said some kids already will want to wait no matter what, and some kids will have sex no matter what. Being taught that if you have sex youll die just misinforms teens and then they wont use protection because they dont know any better.

    IMO a child's brain is not capable of understanding the gravity of sex, you don't get that until you are about my age. Once you see everyone in your life, have that kid, you will understand.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    As i said some kids already will want to wait no matter what, and some kids will have sex no matter what. Being taught that if you have sex youll die just misinforms teens and then they wont use protection because they dont know any better.

  • Too right on point 2. American society is so sideways right now. People my age should be seriously pissed off, yet nobody says or does anything. It's amazing, really.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Ok i got a bunch of mini Rants. * So i am trying to create a bank account in India. I never thought it would be something would be so

  • If you're a U.S. citizen, creating a foreign bank account is incredibly painful. The IRS proceeds with the assumption that you want to hide something from them. Make sure you follow all of their rules, including reporting the accounts when you file taxes.

    If all you want is safety, there are other potential investments that aren't as difficult. Ask a financial adviser who isn't too busy for you.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Ok i got a bunch of mini Rants. * So i am trying to create a bank account in India. I never thought it would be something would be so

  • good

    papai46 posted: »

    Wow, #2rood4me

  • TalimancerTalimancer Banned
    edited May 2015


  • I have no romantic or sexual feelings.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Some do. It really depends. Some Asexuals have romantic but not sexual feelings. Other Asexual dont have romantic or sexual feelings.

  • Oh fuck...This reminds me of this cannibal who before he killed someone used to strangle and suffocate cats on video and upload them to youtube.

  • edited May 2015

    Thanks for the free movie.

  • edited May 2015

    Alt text

    Back to your old tricks again, clown? Doesn't surprise me. Like all trolls you've became way too predictable. All you like to do is humiliate people, and I see some people I once wanted to protect did the same. You guys never cease to disappoint me. Since your the front man for the Skype lounge's trolling send them this message: I'm glad I left the Skype lounge. You've lost your direction, all that place serves now is to be paranoid, bitch about everything, trolling and absolute distrust. The lounge and plenty of the members I loved are gone now, it's no longer the same. I tried to lend you the right path, help you in any way I can for basically a year and you continue to turn the other ear. All I felt as of late is utter disappointment and so much rage that my body is trembling with it. If other members from there agree with me (which I know some feels the same on how it turned out), I suggest they all should leave if they know what's good for them. As for me don't ever expect me to come back, I'm done.

  • Stop spamming or get lost. Idiot.

  • edited May 2015

    Tobi, there's really no reason to be this dramatic. You're acting like a B movie hero: "Back to your old tricks again, clown? Doesn't surprise me". I wouldn't be surprised if you got that line directly off the script of a low budget 70s film.

    I tried to lead you to the right path

    This white knight bs is getting tiring. As much as you like to believe it, you're not the righteous savior you make yourself out to be. You know why? Because this isn't a movie. It's a skype chat. Full of mostly underage kids goofing around. It's really not something you should patronize us for, it doesn't make you look like a hero. I think you know deep down that you take things way out of proportion. And what's up with targeting Talimancer? If dank memes really make you tremble with rage, then I think you should sit back and really wonder if it's worth it. Declaring a personal vendetta against a 15 year-old boy on the internet isn't impressing anyone.

    PS: We watched the Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie listed above last night and it was amazing. I highly recommend it.

    Back to your old tricks again, clown? Doesn't surprise me. Like all trolls you've became way too predictable. All you like to do is humiliat

  • That's rude.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Stop spamming or get lost. Idiot.

  • edited May 2015

    Since there's much drama, I might as well add gifs to make it fully dramatic. Make it a little fun. I grew tired of the lounge's bs. In fact your victim bs is even more tiring. And I've never once thought it was movie, I knew it was all real from the get go. And I've shown who I really am from the start.

    And what's up with targeting Talimancer?

    Actually... I should be the one that's asking: What was up with the targeting Mark like that with that thread? Mocking his mannerisms like that. He's just an example of targeting. That was starting drama, and you're telling me not to be dramatic? More reason why I left.

    Full of mostly underage kids goofing around.

    Not from what I seen as of late.

    I think you know deep down that you take things way out of proportion.

    I'm not the one who's exaggerating. I'm speaking how it is. I think a lot of members needs to stop and look at themselves, realize what they're doing. Realize the damage they're doing.

    Declaring a personal vendetta against a 15 year-old boy on the internet isn't impressing anyone.

    That happened so long ago I no longer care about that. But don't talk to me about age difference. Many treats Papai like garbage for a year now and they hold a grudge against him and no one ever used that argument, considering he's what? 10? 11?

    Tobi, there's really no reason to be this dramatic. You're acting like a B movie hero: "Back to your old tricks again, clown? Doesn't surpri

  • So is hijacking a serious thread to blither about dumb shit.

    That's rude.

  • I'm glad I left the Skype lounge.

    Alt text

    Now Toby, I love you and all, but are you really saying this because it all leads back to Gus and Regan posting memes in a PM you asked not to be used? Like... really?

    The lounge and plenty of the members I loved are gone now

    Well, people do have their own lives.

    Just- your whole post is confusing as fuck. He didn't even do much this time. It's barely anything. Come on, now.

    Back to your old tricks again, clown? Doesn't surprise me. Like all trolls you've became way too predictable. All you like to do is humiliat

  • Please don't take your frustrations out on Tali because you can't appreciate a quality comedy film.

    Since there's much drama, I might as well add gifs to make it fully dramatic. Make it a little fun. I grew tired of the lounge's bs. In fact

  • Many treats Papai like garbage for a year now and they hold a grudge against him and no one ever used that argument, considering he's what? 10? 11?

    Papai's fucking 10?!


    Since there's much drama, I might as well add gifs to make it fully dramatic. Make it a little fun. I grew tired of the lounge's bs. In fact

  • Please help me, he went full psycho.

    Many treats Papai like garbage for a year now and they hold a grudge against him and no one ever used that argument, considering he's what? 10? 11? Papai's fucking 10?! What?!

  • Alt text

    Just forget it.

    Please don't take your frustrations out on Tali because you can't appreciate a quality comedy film.

  • Hail you.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Stop spamming or get lost. Idiot.

  • Why does everyone assume it's because of that? It's not. I'm talking about all the crap I read as of late.

    You can read my reply to Maddi, you'll have more answers.

    I'm glad I left the Skype lounge. Now Toby, I love you and all, but are you really saying this because it all leads back to Gus

  • Dude, you're on your own.

    papai46 posted: »

    Please help me, he went full psycho.

  • Actually... I should be the one that's asking: What was up with the targeting Mark like that with that thread? Mocking his mannerisms like that. He's just an example of targeting. That was starting drama, and you're telling me not to be dramatic?

    You're going to sit there and say that Regan doing that is causing drama?

    Mark out of fucking shit just randomly said "Nice skype thumbs" because Maddi had more thumbs up on her comments on a debate that was not about skype at all. Are you going to say that that's causing drama? No?

    Fucking ouch.

    Since there's much drama, I might as well add gifs to make it fully dramatic. Make it a little fun. I grew tired of the lounge's bs. In fact

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited May 2015

    calm down there naruto

    Back to your old tricks again, clown? Doesn't surprise me. Like all trolls you've became way too predictable. All you like to do is humiliat

  • Papai is the hero Telltale forums never asked for, but perhaps the one most needed.

    papai46 posted: »

    Please help me, he went full psycho.

  • All right Goku, that's enough!

    Since there's much drama, I might as well add gifs to make it fully dramatic. Make it a little fun. I grew tired of the lounge's bs. In fact

  • "Hijacking."

    Fucking hijacking.

    Oh my absolute shit, he hijacked an entire thread just to make a small post about absolute shit!

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    So is hijacking a serious thread to blither about dumb shit.

  • Wait, wat?

    Actually... I should be the one that's asking: What was up with the targeting Mark like that with that thread? Mocking his mannerisms like t

  • Why does everyone assume it's because of that?

    Because this is where things started to originate from. At least from my understanding.

    Why does everyone assume it's because of that? It's not. I'm talking about all the crap I read as of late. You can read my reply to Maddi, you'll have more answers.

  • edited May 2015

    You stealing me jokes m8?

    calm down there naruto

  • What? Confused?

    papai46 posted: »

    Wait, wat?

  • Your maturity is really shining through with this post. You sound like a thirteen year old who just learned how to swear and is trying desperately to be edgy. It's cute, really.

    Last time I checked, this was "The Vent Thread", not "The Spamming and Ridiculous Infighting Thread."

    "Hijacking." Fucking hijacking. Oh my absolute shit, he hijacked an entire thread just to make a small post about absolute shit!

  • Okay ;~;

    Dude, you're on your own.

  • Papai is the hero Telltale forums never asked for

    hero Telltale forums never asked for

    Telltale forums never asked for

    never asked for





    Papai is the hero Telltale forums never asked for, but perhaps the one most needed.

  • no you stole mine

    but ill change it no pissing contests here

    papai46 posted: »

    You stealing me jokes m8?

  • calm down there satan

    (for comedic effect and for Anthony's comic relief)

    calm down there naruto

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