The Vent/Help Thread



  • But what if I can make them change for the better?

    Well, just like in Telltale games, movies, and all other media, people do change. In this case it seems like they're changing for the worst, so sometimes you just need to weed out people that make you feel so bad.

  • I still can't just do that. I hate seeing bad things happen to people and know that there was something I could've done.

    You can just drop them, it's easy. Tell them to fuck off and stop talking to you. Lose their numbers, delete them from any social media you

  • Hmm, I dunno, but if this is an ongoing thing, please just think about what I said :p

    Anyway, I trust you'll be able to make the right decisions, and I hope things get better for you. You should also get on steam more often, and message me. You know I'm on most of the time, and I'm always here to talk if you need to ^-^

    Well, I don't like to hold one bad night against someone too much.

  • Yeah, thanks.

    I'll try to get on Steam more just not right now.

    Green613 posted: »

    Hmm, I dunno, but if this is an ongoing thing, please just think about what I said Anyway, I trust you'll be able to make the right deci

  • No matter how much influence you might put forth, they're still ultimately going to do whatever they want. If you have a rational discussion with them and tell them to stop being dicks, and they listen, that's great. The chances seem slim though, so just be prepared to remove negative influences if it comes to that.

    But what if I can make them change for the better?

  • From reading the comments above you seem like their punching bag, and you should stand up to them. But in all honesty, I think you should just drop them, that's what I've done before in my life, multiple times. But I understand if you don't want to do that, but you should do it or at the very least like I said before, stand up to them.

    Again, they're not always rude and I can't just drop them...

  • I guess you're right...I did try to talk down the girl from drugs but even after I told her all the effects...She still told she doesn't care and they're not that bad.

    No matter how much influence you might put forth, they're still ultimately going to do whatever they want. If you have a rational discussion

  • Well nothing particularly bad happened to Friend 1 from the debate, but you two certainly seemed to be at odds. If his religion causes continuous strife between you, that's ultimately his life choice. Conversion isn't easy, and not even entirely necessary. His beliefs might just always differ from yours.

    Friend 2, from the brief information you've given us, doesn't seem interested in help. She seems like no matter what you say to her she's just going to do what she's doing, maybe more just out of spite.

    Friend 3 doesn't seem like he's in any kind of distress, he just seems like someone with a low opinion of you.

    I still can't just do that. I hate seeing bad things happen to people and know that there was something I could've done.

  • Thanks buddy, I don't know what I'll do.

    I do want to see if they really care if I need help.

    From reading the comments above you seem like their punching bag, and you should stand up to them. But in all honesty, I think you should ju

  • She seems like one of those people that will do them more just because she thinks she's spiting someone. Honestly I don't know if any rational discussion can be possible with a person like that. I've known many, and they usually always follow the same path until it ends up biting them in the ass. Then they come crawling back asking for your help. That is called being used, because ultimately no matter how much kindness, compassion, trust, and whatever else you offer, they're going to fall down that same path. It sounds messed up, but some people truly can't be/don't want to be helped.

    I guess you're right...I did try to talk down the girl from drugs but even after I told her all the effects...She still told she doesn't care and they're not that bad.

  • Religion doesn't get between us. I just don't care too much about it.

    She might be doing it out of spite but I think she just wants to be happy and she doesn't care how.


    Well nothing particularly bad happened to Friend 1 from the debate, but you two certainly seemed to be at odds. If his religion causes conti

  • Yeah, I'm going to confront him.

    Out of those three, I'd say the main one you might want to drop would be Friend 3. Don't misunderstand me, I don't want you to not have frie

  • Out of those three, I'd say the main one you might want to drop would be Friend 3. Don't misunderstand me, I don't want you to not have friends, I just don't want you stuck in a cycle of not even knowing if your friends are actually your friends. Friends are supposed to be supportive when it matters. My friends and I talk a ton of shit, but when it comes down to it, if I need one of them they're there for me. I've had to drop other friends in my life who were too negative, and in the end I've been better of for it.

    Religion doesn't get between us. I just don't care too much about it. She might be doing it out of spite but I think she just wants to be happy and she doesn't care how. He...Does.

  • She already said she'll be an alcoholic.

    She seems like one of those people that will do them more just because she thinks she's spiting someone. Honestly I don't know if any ration

  • I would say to try and continue to help her out some more then, but if she gets too nasty with you just forget it. It's a good thing that you want to help people out, a very good thing, but you can't let it ruin your mental state. Do your best, but don't let a person that can't be helped drag you down with them, that won't make you a bad person. Just keep that in mind.

    She already said she'll be an alcoholic.

  • My mental state has always been horrible. I'll keep it in mind. Thank you.

    I would say to try and continue to help her out some more then, but if she gets too nasty with you just forget it. It's a good thing that yo

  • Well then there's no reason to allow it to become much worse. You're welcome.

    My mental state has always been horrible. I'll keep it in mind. Thank you.

  • This Forum is so helpful it's amazing.

    Well then there's no reason to allow it to become much worse. You're welcome.

  • edited May 2015

    Here's a song that I find highly inspirational that I'll leave for you to listen to if you wish. I always looked at it like in the cartoons, with an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. I decided to look it up, and Wiki refers to it as "a duel between the Devil and Mother Gaia," which is basically the same idea. In short, Marco's voice (the bassist) represents the bad, and Floor's voice the good. You might like it or you might not, either way I find it to be thought provoking and inspirational so I'm going to share it.

    This Forum is so helpful it's amazing.

  • Not much of a metal person usually but I like this, interesting...Thanks for the share.

    Here's a song that I find highly inspirational that I'll leave for you to listen to if you wish. I always looked at it like in the cartoons,

  • If you dont like any of them dont be friends with them however if you still wanna try

    1. When you debate stuff with someone just accept it if you have different opinions, if you disagree that much then either dont talk about it or again leave the person.

    2. Even if you disprove then just tell her no thanks, be blunt if you must but no need to lecture her on something she likely knows already.

    3. The last one seems to be the root of your problem, I'm not sure how often you ring you're friends about this but perhaps they just get ticked off after a while, you have no idea what they are going through either and i'm hoping that they initially offer advice but then just dont know what to do after a while so they end up snapping, do you go to therapy about your depression? Friends are good for a chat but they often dont know how to help of course I have no idea how the conversation goes. Point is if they feel you constantly take things too seriously (issue 1 and 2) and act like a downer all the time they might react like that. I'm not saying dont tell your friends when you're bad, do that but when you react aggressively at them when they say something you're acting the same way as them.

    Honestly you say in the second part that you calmed down after texting her so surely she helped right? The first guy (unless you say other wise) didnt dismiss you or get angry about the debate with you. The third guy sounds like he snapped after a while which it also sounds like you did.

    I'm not sure how old you are but either way, again if you're unhappy don't hang out with these people anymore.

    I hate my friends sometimes. I went from one argument to another tonight. First was a friend and me arguing about Gay rights. He was all

  • You can't fix people that don't want help. You can't change someone's political stances, no matter how much you argue and bring up valid points. I'm not saying you did anything wrong, I'm just saying that your(or most anyone's) control over other people is minimal at best. If your friends are bothering you so much that you feel like you need to change them then you might need new friends.

    I hate my friends sometimes. I went from one argument to another tonight. First was a friend and me arguing about Gay rights. He was all

  • Well, I don't feel like I need to change them at all. In fact I just want them to be able to think differently to situations. I want F1 to understand different sexualities and accept them more by bringing up information he could think about. I want F2 to have all the information on what she uses before she recklessly endangers herself. I don't even know what was up friend number 3's ass.

    You can't fix people that don't want help. You can't change someone's political stances, no matter how much you argue and bring up valid po

  • 9/11 is k - IGN

    Jail sucks, I don't recommend. 3/10

  • edited December 2021


    I hate my friends sometimes. I went from one argument to another tonight. First was a friend and me arguing about Gay rights. He was all

  • I do like these people but they do stuff like this...

    1. I just wanted to offer some new pov for him.
    2. I didn't lecture her, I just told her the effects in two sentences. She also didn't know the effects (She sleeps through Health class).
    3. There's a lot here I could talk about. Yes, I do talk about my depression a lot to them because most of the time it's caused by loneliness and from doubts. Talking to my friends makes me realize that I am not alone and I am wanted. At the same time, they talk to me about their problems and I usually know a lot about what they're going through and I help them.

    Actually I calmed down after talking to her about my argument with F1, then we went into the drug thing. As I recall I did say F1 got totally pissed for no reason. I just told F3 to fuck off and I didn't need to hear him telling me everything wrong with me while i'm depressed.

    If you dont like any of them dont be friends with them however if you still wanna try * When you debate stuff with someone just accept

  • One way to see if they care is standing below a barely hanging piano and seeing if they'll push you away or at least say watch out

    Thanks buddy, I don't know what I'll do. I do want to see if they really care if I need help.

  • A little risky but I like your style.

    One way to see if they care is standing below a barely hanging piano and seeing if they'll push you away or at least say watch out

  • edited December 2021


    A little risky but I like your style.

  • I think it was @Lingvort who once said, "if you want to keep friends, don't bring up politics or religion"

    And I think that applied to friend 1.

    For friend 2, someone told me 'don't argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you.' She is being an idiot, and no matter how hard you try you can't win.

    As for friend 3, I dunno what to say. Maybe he has a point, that you try to help people but when you mess up you feel terrible. I don't really know though.

    I hate my friends sometimes. I went from one argument to another tonight. First was a friend and me arguing about Gay rights. He was all

  • Holy shit, I'm flattered, but I don't think I ever said that. At least, I don't remember if I did.

    I think it was @Lingvort who once said, "if you want to keep friends, don't bring up politics or religion" And I think that applied to fr

  • Damnit, it's a mystery then.

    Someone said it though. I know they did.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Holy shit, I'm flattered, but I don't think I ever said that. At least, I don't remember if I did.

  • Thanks.

    The last guy doesn't, he just has a low opinion of me.

    I think it was @Lingvort who once said, "if you want to keep friends, don't bring up politics or religion" And I think that applied to fr

  • I thought I was the only who hated it. I seriously just embarrass myself in front of everyone and I can't even play sports. We have to jump some shit, climb the ladders that I hate because I don't really like heights, teacher always makes me do some stupid shit that I obviously can't do but she says I can. No one gets it that I simply wasn't made to do all that stuff. And I remember how it was much worse when I was a kid, everyone was there having fun and laughed at me when I fell or something else.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Prepare for a rant. I fucking hate PE its so stupid, some dumb people think it promotes physical activity but if you dont like exercising

  • 'You miss 100% of he shots you don't take." -wayne gretzy

    -michael scott

    I think it was @Lingvort who once said, "if you want to keep friends, don't bring up politics or religion" And I think that applied to fr

  • edited May 2015

    I hate how people can be so mean and cruel. When I was a kid, I was really shy and alone all the time. My mother and my whole family would just say things like "Are you ever going to befriend someone?" "Talk more!!" "Stop being so shy" not like I could cure it or I wanted that shit. I still haven't really found a real friend, maybe because I'm too picky or whatever. I've spent too much time being so sad and feeling down, wanting to die just because all of it. It sucks.

    I kind of wish I could just get out of this town which is pretty small and start a new life where people won't remember my stupid mistakes and think like I'm a nerd who is alone 24/7 and only studies. I guess I can't really change their minds in a second. I often think about life. Maybe too often. Everything around me is such a mystery. When you think about it, you can never go back to past, it's just memories that slowly fade away, you only live for this short moment called present. I do believe in God, but I just wonder what will death be like. Where are you going to be? Because everyone must die, sonner or later. Times goes so fast, half of people are unware of it. All I wanna do is have people who love me and care about me (truly) and that I can do the job I enjoy. I don't wanna just my life to pass, praying it's Friday, hating my job. School expects way too much from you. Almost our whole life is about school, college and job. It feels like it's not living but rather surviving like animals, every day.

  • Lots of people throughout history.

    Damnit, it's a mystery then. Someone said it though. I know they did.

  • You can start over by leaving town, for college or a new job or whatever awaits. You will need to be able to socialize, though, or you'll wind up alone wherever you are. It doesn't have to be too deep a friendship. Just smile and be interested in others. You can practice with store clerks and waiters/waitresses. They have to be nice to you. Someone pays them to be.

    Prioritize the things you want in life, and then, you'll have something to look forward to more than just surviving.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I hate how people can be so mean and cruel. When I was a kid, I was really shy and alone all the time. My mother and my whole family would j

  • Today I got hit by a car. Thankfully, nothing major, just some bruises and a slight ache in my right knee. My fault, though - shouldn't have ran across the street like I did.

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