Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Well, I mean... it is Telltale so who knows. :///

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Ugh... I hope you don't mean "Telltale soon."


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Well, I mean... it is Telltale so who knows. //


    Wolfenus54 posted: »


  • Thank god. ;-;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • I'm alright thanks for asking! (゚ー゚)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Hey, buddy, how are you doing?

  • I mean, I bet everyone is in love with Telltale right now but I got there first so HAH

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Thank god. ;-;

  • I often find myself wishing Rhys and Fiona had gotten into a physical fight so we could have an "attack hug" gif of them....

    That would be pretty much amazing.

  • Of course... of course :')

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I mean, I bet everyone is in love with Telltale right now but I got there first so HAH

  • enter image description here

    Welcome to the Rhyiona Family @FionaDeWinters and @Snoogle

  • I guess they couldn't bring themselves to attack their bae. :P

    I often find myself wishing Rhys and Fiona had gotten into a physical fight so we could have an "attack hug" gif of them.... That would be pretty much amazing.

  • But Telltale didn't allow me to cooperate in Jack's plans

    they dissapoint me

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    ps: I still wanna marry Telltale. Goddamn it. When's the wedding gonna happen? x'3

  • I love it because even if you didn't get the "interested in someone else" line, this scene is still so goddamn shippy.

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    my god

  • Oh Rhys' stupid big smile and adorable face there..so perfect! :D

    inb4 Rhys actually meant Vaughn lol.. no but seriously, I'm 100% sure that he means Fiona. That last gif just proves it. :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    10/10 best scene would replay over and over and over fuck yes

  • True love...

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I guess they couldn't bring themselves to attack their bae. :P

  • Yeah of course I'm sad that this game is over but it doesn't feel so bad because the ending was so satisfying. And we are definitely gonna meet Fiona and Rhys again. Maybe in Borderlands 3, maybe in Tales 2...but there's no way that they are gonna just leave that cliffhanger there. No way..

    buntingsir posted: »

    the fact that Rhyiona is confirmed and the finale is so perfect makes me so in love with life, that I don't even care, this game is forever in my heart now

  • Especially considering they're gonna be alone out there. :^)

    Snoogle posted: »

    I love it because even if you didn't get the "interested in someone else" line, this scene is still so goddamn shippy.

  • edited October 2015

    Yes, yes! That final scene in the Vault is just so out of this world, rips you in immediately... so perfect. Really satisfying ending, everything was so good. So good that the happiness that the finale brought throws away all sadness instantly. For me at least c':

    And that subtle cliffhanger, haha. I want to believe in BL 3 and Tales 2.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Yeah of course I'm sad that this game is over but it doesn't feel so bad because the ending was so satisfying. And we are definitely gonna m

  • Oh, I've seen people on tumblr convinced he means Jack.

    yeah, that happened.

    But seriously, though. It's pretty damn obvious what's going on, the fact the option isn't there if you gave Sasha the flower easily confirms it.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh Rhys' stupid big smile and adorable face there..so perfect! inb4 Rhys actually meant Vaughn lol.. no but seriously, I'm 100% sure that he means Fiona. That last gif just proves it.

  • how dare you

    But Telltale didn't allow me to cooperate in Jack's plans they dissapoint me

  • Yes you deserve to be part of the poster :3 I drew you there because you left a good impression on me! (plus your avatar is very memorable lol)

    rhonu posted: »

    AAAAAAAAAAAAH-- i'm just seeing now that AMAZING rhyiona poster by @nohhuhuh (i was in mobile before and the image didn't load) that's the m

  • Oh, I've seen people on tumblr convinced he means Jack.

    okayyyyyyyyyyyy O.O I'm..I'm speechless

    the fact the option isn't there if you gave Sasha the flower easily confirms it.

    Yes, this and the fact that Rhys looks at Fiona with his adorable face after saying that line. (if he meant someone else, he wouldn't have looked at Fiona like that)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh, I've seen people on tumblr convinced he means Jack. yeah, that happened. But seriously, though. It's pretty damn obvious what's going on, the fact the option isn't there if you gave Sasha the flower easily confirms it.

  • aw, i'm very honoured and touched! i know i'm not here now as much as i used to be, sadly... but i haven't forgotten you and i won't, i still consider you my family and no other community has ever made me feel like i'm part of it like this one has. <3

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Yes you deserve to be part of the poster I drew you there because you left a good impression on me! (plus your avatar is very memorable lol)

  • And that subtle cliffhanger, haha. I want to believe in BL 3 and Tales 2.

    Oh yeah. Both could happen :3

    So good that the happiness that the finale brought throws away all sadness instantly. For me at least c':

    I always like to think that being canon doesn't mean that other ships are wrong or unshippable. (I guess this is a word) But being canon helps. A lot. IT REALLY HELPS to bring your spirit up :'D And I'm perfectly fine with the little Rhyiona content we had. At least it was done well. :)

    Yes, yes! That final scene in the Vault is just so out of this world, rips you in immediately... so perfect.

    It really felt like a finale. The end of and adventure.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Yes, yes! That final scene in the Vault is just so out of this world, rips you in immediately... so perfect. Really satisfying ending, every

  • Yeah, I think it's just denial. I've seen people complaining Telltale only offered hetero romance (sasha/fiona). it's just... people are never happy with anything, are they? They seriously expected canon Rhack? what

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh, I've seen people on tumblr convinced he means Jack. okayyyyyyyyyyyy O.O I'm..I'm speechless the fact the option isn't the

  • This is no special moment or anything but I just really wanna say I really really really love everyone here. very much.

    It just feels so great to share a moment we fought so hard for with each other so I guess I'm just really trying to say thank you all for sticking around. :)

  • I'm working on a little something... I'm sure that all of you guys will love it. <3

  • Ayy, can't wait ^-^

    BigBadPaul posted: »

    I'm working on a little something... I'm sure that all of you guys will love it.

  • Yes, that little Rhyiona content was perfect, so subtle, just like I love c': Little sweet hints, more precious that way.

    It really felt like a finale. The end of and adventure.

    I know right?! And for me the whole game just perfectly builts into Rhyiona story, haha. Their interactions and all, just awww... Love and heaven.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    And that subtle cliffhanger, haha. I want to believe in BL 3 and Tales 2. Oh yeah. Both could happen So good that the happine

  • Hug meh brah!!! :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm still giddy. It's already Thursday and I'm still giddy. I just wanna hug everyone. ps: I still wanna marry Telltale. No, you didn't read that. Again.

  • I got a bit sick but other than that I am doing well, thanks for asking :D


    Ayy (゚ヮ゚)♡ Sorry for being afk, you know the spoilers and all but hope you're doin' alright. What's Good? ᵔ_ᵔ

  • Posting this now to inform you all that I will start writing the first chapter of my Crossover fic when I post this comment.

    Be ready >:D

  • enter image description here

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Hug meh brah!!!

  • aw, you're such a sweetie always :3

    We ♡ you too. It's really wonderful how many things we've fought through together.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This is no special moment or anything but I just really wanna say I really really really love everyone here. very much. It just feels so

  • edited October 2015

    Yeah, I think it's just denial. I've seen people complaining Telltale only offered hetero romance (sasha/fiona)

    Well while I do understand that media needs to make homo romances more casual, I wouldn't get angry at TTG just because of that. TTG is a story driven game, they can't possibly romance everyone. That's why I wouldn't be too mad if Rhyiona never happened. This is a TTG not Dragon Age :B

    And hey, at least Janey and Athena are there. That's something right?

    They seriously expected canon Rhack? what

    Yeah like, it's fine if you ship them. You are free to ship whatever you want. But you have to realize that these two characters simply are not able to have a real romance. Rhys and Vaughn could be a canon sip because they actually have a healthy relationship in game. But Rhys and Jack...they just want to kill each other :'D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeah, I think it's just denial. I've seen people complaining Telltale only offered hetero romance (sasha/fiona). it's just... people are never happy with anything, are they? They seriously expected canon Rhack? what

  • The best thing about this is that the whole scene where they're standing by the portal feels like it was just created for all the shippers. To think that scene might not exist without these threads is kinda mind blowing.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This is no special moment or anything but I just really wanna say I really really really love everyone here. very much. It just feels so

  • I just feel like this has been an amazing journey. :) We've all been together here for a while because of a ship we all loved, we've built a community around it that is still getting members despite the season being over and we shared so many things even when we thought everything was lost. It feels very rewarding in both senses!

    buntingsir posted: »

    aw, you're such a sweetie always We ♡ you too. It's really wonderful how many things we've fought through together.

  • Yes, I entirely agree. That's why I'm so happy :D It feels so great and so more rewarding after all this time. And I'm sure there's so much more to come for us, fanfics, fanarts, videos, gifs and edits and so on :3 So wonderful.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I just feel like this has been an amazing journey. We've all been together here for a while because of a ship we all loved, we've built a c

  • That's very true but I mean... Life is Strange just offered the possibility of a same sex relationship on the same day that tftb came out. It's just... a little ironic, I guess?

    Yeah, I don't mention gayperion because I'm aware that could have been a possibility. They didn't give one but it wasn't weird to hope for it. Their relationship was good and healthy. But... Rhack?

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Yeah, I think it's just denial. I've seen people complaining Telltale only offered hetero romance (sasha/fiona) Well while I do unde

  • It's amazing what communities fighting hard for something can achieve.

    Green613 posted: »

    The best thing about this is that the whole scene where they're standing by the portal feels like it was just created for all the shippers. To think that scene might not exist without these threads is kinda mind blowing.

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