I have the remaining two parts for episode 5 scheduled to go up later today. I find it funny how I made Fiona tell Rhys twice to say away from Sasha. Kinda ruined the nice moment when they were in the Vault. XD
It's great to be back and yes, it couldn't have been better in my view (well except if Rhys and Fiona had declared their love for each other and got hitched!), although I was pretty inconsolable during the final scene with Rhys and Jack
Forgive me if I post another story soon based on the special moment we got but I'm just so happy about it that I can't ignore it. I know diversity is nice buuut... please understand? ;-;
Well, I don't mind! Rhyiona is Rhyiona, SO IT'LL BE AMAZING NO MATTER WHAT!
I actually got a prompt today from an Anon on Tumblr AND IT'S REALLY CUTE! I got another idea from someone else a couple days ago so I need to write around that too.
I must tell all the Rhyiona shippers to spam you with prompts, my good Wolf!
Forgive me if I post another story soon based on the special moment we got but I'm just so happy about it that I can't ignore it. I know diversity is nice buuut... please understand? ;-;
Prompts would be amazing, actually, or I'm gonna end up writing fifty stories about the moment next to the Vault. I mean... 1 down, 49 to go. :P Just not AU because I'd suck at those, haha.
I'm really glad to hear people on tumblr are coming out of hiding and revealing they like this ship!
Well, I don't mind! Rhyiona is Rhyiona, SO IT'LL BE AMAZING NO MATTER WHAT!
I actually got a prompt today from an Anon on Tumblr AND IT'S… more REALLY CUTE! I got another idea from someone else a couple days ago so I need to write around that too.
I must tell all the Rhyiona shippers to spam you with prompts, my good Wolf!
You guys still remember when Fiona looked like this?
Also, is her upper lip swole or is she sticking her tounge out.
EDIT: I think her mouth is actually open, suddenly looks a lot better
Prompts would be amazing, actually, or I'm gonna end up writing fifty stories about the moment next to the Vault. I mean... 1 down, 49 to go… more. :P Just not AU because I'd suck at those, haha.
I'm really glad to hear people on tumblr are coming out of hiding and revealing they like this ship!
People have probably been spreading the word that it's an option in the game so most people are coming out of hiding now that they've got something on their side.
I had a similar idea, just die Fiona and Rhys creates her hologram. And because of this he was going mad.
And dude, I'll wait for this work from you, and I beg your permission to translate!
If Rhys has been honest and told Fiona about HJ. When we return to present day, when Fiona told Rhys about why she was angry at him. The mor… moree I hear it and the facial expression Fiona had, the more it sounds like she is hurt that Rhys didn't told her sooner about having Handsome Jack AI inside his head and being worried about his sanity.
Your Fiona just wanted to make sure her bae sticks around, obviously.
ohstopityou.jpg :P
It's great to be back
and yes, it couldn't have been better in my view (well except if Rhys and Fiona had declared their love for each other and got hitched!), although I was pretty inconsolable during the final scene with Rhys and Jack 
I'm glad as well. I have to give credit to Tales and the peeps who worked on it because I wouldn't have started writing fanfic if it wasn't for them!
You guys also helped as well by supporting me and my work.
It feels so nice to see you say that. :')
No problemo and okay! :SD
Forgive me if I post another story soon based on the special moment we got but I'm just so happy about it that I can't ignore it. I know diversity is nice buuut... please understand? ;-;
Thank you
Well, I don't mind! Rhyiona is Rhyiona, SO IT'LL BE AMAZING NO MATTER WHAT!
I actually got a prompt today from an Anon on Tumblr AND IT'S REALLY CUTE! I got another idea from someone else a couple days ago so I need to write around that too.
I must tell all the Rhyiona shippers to spam you with prompts, my good Wolf!
Prompts would be amazing, actually, or I'm gonna end up writing fifty stories about the moment next to the Vault. I mean... 1 down, 49 to go. :P Just not AU because I'd suck at those, haha.
I'm really glad to hear people on tumblr are coming out of hiding and revealing they like this ship!
I actually like the way she looked in that screenshot.
Although I prefer her in-game.
Episode 5 has shown them all the light of Rhyiona.
People have probably been spreading the word that it's an option in the game so most people are coming out of hiding now that they've got something on their side.
good one
just... please don't go over-the-top with off topic posts again
That's a fun one too, I would be glad to read if you wrote it one day.
This made my day ;__; of course ;__;
yes, do that soldier
Though I hope even if there's a season 2, there'll be a good storyline. If it has a forced, unneeded story, I don't think people're gonna enjoy it.
Drowned in feels ;__;
How are you?
That's the angle I needed to look at the present ;__:
I thank you dearly ;___;
I'm good. Although I'm still trying not to think about Tales... ;__;
Oh, I just made myself sad ;-;
It's in a spoiler warning
@BigBadPaul, awful, isn't it?
We're all sad here ;__;
But'ey! We had some Rhyiona!
tfw bae is being a gentleman
Stares at Fish
Oh no... You didn't...
Not my fault if you learned from your master
Dies from amazingness HUBBIE.
Oh, and Fiona's hubbie too.
pls spoiler tag these or people are going to get angry
Lmao I can't see the picture
Edit: Okay, now I can see the picture ;p
His hand is probably cold but his heart is warm.
Or... something.
Not only his heart ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)
You guys just had to say that Paul is a weirdo behind his back, huh?
I didn't say that.
Eryka why...
But Fish did