ITS OUT! at least on the Aussie PSN store! i found it on the playstation store in my browser by searching in "Tales from the Borderlands" in the search bar! SUCH HYPE!!!! Downloadin' it right now
ITS OUT! at least on the Aussie PSN store! i found it on the playstation store in my browser by searching in "Tales from the Borderlands" in the search bar! SUCH HYPE!!!! Downloadin' it right now
ITS OUT! at least on the Aussie PSN store! i found it on the playstation store in my browser by searching in "Tales from the Borderlands" in the search bar! SUCH HYPE!!!! Downloadin' it right now
ITS OUT! at least on the Aussie PSN store! i found it on the playstation store in my browser by searching in "Tales from the Borderlands" in the search bar! SUCH HYPE!!!! Downloadin' it right now
6 minutes now
Aaand nothing.
The best game trailer EVER! Well done TellTale!
Aaaannnddd not this time again, sorry...
Well, your comment is... billiant :"D
Oh gosh dangit you had me going for a second!!
Guys, you'll post the trailer when it comes out, right? Cuz I don't have Twitter... please?
It probably will be released on YouTube.
Oh okay, thanks
I'll just go and watch trailers to previous episodes to get hyped, I guess that works.
Man! I dont even neeeeeeeeed a trailer!
No trailer, then?
I wonder if this is gonna be like the first Telltale episode since maybe their old puzzle games that doesn't have a trailer
Telltale don't love us anymore, they withhold trailers just to torture us T.T
Vodka, anybody?
This is TERRIBLE, they didn't even write "SOON"
They're losing their touch! The great days of Telltale are at an end! It's all over!
No trailer? Maybe they're sick or something... or maybe they were replaced by aliens!
Wow guys, you're really dramatic XDDD
Still no trailer? I really hope they're planning on releasing one. Come on, Telltale, you gotta advertise the game. It gets overshadowed enough as is.
All those in favor of tweeting Job J Stauffer demanding the Soon and a trailer, say waffle.
What a mess. I guess they even forgot about episode 3 trailer, they must be working on episode 4 trailer already :P
They were working so hard that they didn't remember to make a trailer, lol.
I may be too optimistic, but maybe they didn't make any trailer this time so they can focus on releasing episode 4 faster?
Hopefully they just drop it on on YT and just refresh Twitter with: Oh, hey! Here's EP3's trailer!
"faster" hehe, funny :"D
Naivety is a blessing...
haha, I actually remember that one
Just one more day
23 hours*
Heavy breathing Where... is... our.... TRAILER???!!!
ITS OUT! at least on the Aussie PSN store! i found it on the playstation store in my browser by searching in "Tales from the Borderlands" in the search bar! SUCH HYPE!!!! Downloadin' it right now
You lucky bastard!
Oops, also forgot to add- i found it under "see all" owo; click that and you'll... well, see all! release date for PSN EU?
When they release the trailer people are pissed when they dont release the trailer people are pissed, for christ sake what do you want then?!
You know why It's the time when episode is recorded then released to ytb.
Well, no trailer is better than no episode, amirite?